Ava's POV

People stare as I walk out of the cafeteria with Annabeth in tow. I'm the freaky genius girl- talking to more popular people, like Percy, Thalia and all of them, isn't the status quo. Even my teachers think I'm crazy. I pass every single class with the highest grades in the class, but I have trouble focusing occasionally due to my ADHD. Only one other person knows that I'm a daughter of Minerva, and that person is a loser. My life at school isn't as exciting as my life at camp.

"Ava!" Someone calls my name. I turn to see Dylan waving to me. Then a football player walks by him and shoves Dylan to the ground. You think I'm lying when I said that Dylan's a loser?

I roll my eyes and push through the crowd to get to Dylan. I extend a hand to help him up.

"Thanks, Ava," he says as he adjusts his glasses. Dylan is the son of a minor god. He has grown up not getting much attention, which kind of explains his status at school.

"No problem. Now what do you want?" I ask.

Dylan leans in and starts to whisper. "I can sense that something bad is going to happen. An attack, maybe-"

"An attack?" I jump at Annabeth's voice. I had forgotten that she was standing next to me. I can't let her mortal ears her this kind of thing. She doesn't have a worried look on her face, as I would have thought she'd have like most mortals. Instead, her face shows signs of her analyzing Dylan's words. Here scan mine and Dylan's faces. Dylan doesn't see her reaction. The fact that I notice them is an obvious likeness to my mother, Minerva. Shooting Dylan a pointed look, I force a laugh. "Dylan loves to read. He got me to read this book and now we're obsessed." Annabeth nodded, but I could tell she didn't believe me. I quickly change the subject.

"So, Annabeth, do you like Goode?"

"Yes, it's nice," Annabeth replies. I can tell she is still wary of me. As I open my mouth to talk again, the bell chimes. I grab Annabeth's wrist and start to tug her down the hall. "Come on! The last thing you need on your first day is to be yelled at cranky old Mrs. Redman."

The final bell rings, after what seems like ages of Mr. Evans droning on and on about whatever we're learning about in History. I grab my bag off of the floor and join the crowd out the door and down the hall.

"Hey!" Someone calls behind me and a feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Percy Jackson looking down at me.

"Um, hi?" I respond cautiously. I have never talked to Percy before lunch today, so I'm a little hesitant.

"Ava, right?" He asks. I nod slowly. "Do you know where Annabeth is?"

"Right here, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth walks up next to him. "I've been behind you since you walked out of Bio." I can tell by the way he grins widely at her and she teases him that they really do like each other a lot.

"Aw, cue the romantic music," Thalia jokes, appearing on the other side of Percy. Rachel is next to her, giggling when both Percy and Annabeth blush.

"Just because you two can't date doesn't mean you have to tease them about their PDA," Piper says as she, Jason and Leo walk up next to me.

"Why can't they date?" I ask suddenly. All of their heads whip towards me. Thalia mutters under her breath, "Good going, Pipes." Piper glares at her before turning back to me.

Rachel clears her throat. "Um, our dads' don't want us to date for a while. You know, protective reasons." I nod my head, but something about the uncertainty in her voice tells me that she's lying. These kids must be hiding something, but they're not very good at not showing it. That's how I was when I first found out that my mother was Minerva.

"So...do you guys know where Frank, Hazel and Nico are?" Annabeth quickly covers the mistake.

"Yeah, Donovan gave them some kind of science project," Jason answers. All of them start to walk towards the door in order to leave school. I pause, not sure if I should join them since I've never hung out with them before. But Annabeth turns and motions for me to follow them. "Come on, Ava!"

I nod and start to trail after them.

Little did I know how much this group of teenagers would change my life.

Okay, you can put down your torches and pitchforks and tomatoes and whatever else you're about to chase me with. I'm sorry I haven't updated since October. I've been busy. I'm about to go into high school, so I may or may not be able to update continuously. I'll try, but your ideas help so much. I want to thank Thalia Ginny C for giving me the idea to do Ava's POV. Thanks to all of you who are sticking with me through this. I promise I'll update within the next month.

Reviews are very much appreciated! I'll update again when we get to 30 reviews! Thanks to all of you who are reading this story!
