As we walk back to the office, I start to brainstorm today's events. I can't even fathom where to start this story; do I make the article about the chase and the attempted robbery? Or do I focus on Metropolis' new flying friend in tights. I need to call and figure out how the robbery was started and see if I can gather any more information on who was involved, not that anyone will care about this story, they want to know about, Him.

We finally get back to the planet. Clark and I head our separate ways to our desks and he sits at his desk starting the story from his point. Since he didn't notice our red and blue friend I assume he is going to focus on the details of the robbery. He picks up the phone and starts to gather what information he can while I sit at my desk tapping my pen, unable to think straight. There is so much I want to know about him. I can't get him out of my mind, who is he? Where does he come from? Is he human? What kind of powers does he have? What does the "S" stand for? Is he good or evil? Lois, get a grip! If he was evil he would not have stopped that chase today and he would not have said he was a friend if he had some horrible plot against the city. I need some air to clear my head.

"Clark I'm going to step outside and get some fresh air"

"ok Lois, would you like some company?"

Clark keeping me company? It's a soothing thought but I think right now I just need to be alone to organize my thoughts.

"It's ok Clark I will only be a minute"

I head to the elevator and go up, the only place with fresh air in this city is the roof and its quieter too, I will be able to think.

On the roof of the planet is one of my favorite places. I remember when I first started at the newspaper six years ago as a junior assistant to some hotshot reporter. I was 22 years old learning from the best, Janine Williams. She taught me to be competitive and after a few months I was getting my own stories published. I come up to the roof every time I need to clear my head for a story. The faint sound of the cars below is comforting in the city. I sit down on a bench and recollect the day's events. The car chase and robbery was not too big a deal that happens often in Metropolis and I'm used to it, I have reported the same story a little different about a hundred times in my career. My mind loops back to the man in red and blue. What is it about him that makes him so familiar to me? It's astonishing that he can fly and lift cars into the air, but there is something about him that makes my heart beat a little faster just thinking about him. All my questions about him float around my head and I want answers, I want to know him. I sit for a few minutes longer with my thoughts, it's getting late I should head in and see what Clark came up with for the story, and give my input about our friend. I stand up and head for the door; behind me I hear a soft "ah-hem" and stop, I turn slowly to find my friend in red and blue standing behind me. I look at him and my breath stops. He is even more beautiful up close, every muscle perfectly chiseled and on display in that suit. His cape flows down to the ground and moves with every movement of his glorious body; and the "S" perfectly in the center of his chest add to his powerful physic. He steps closer to me and smiles; he begins to speak and I can hardly pay attention, I can't believe he is standing right in front of me. I compose myself quickly I have to remember I am a reporter and talking to him will be the greatest story of my career! I look into his inhumanly blue eyes and struggle to speak.

"It's you…"

His eyes widen just a little and express a sliver of nervousness.

"You really helped out today, do you mind if I ask you a few questions? After what you did today everyone is going to be talking about you and wanting to know more about you."

His face relaxes,

"What would you like to know? I will answer as best I can."

"First what does the "S" stand for?"

"Well Miss Lane,"

"Please, call me Lois"

"Lois, it is the symbol of my family, a family I didn't know very well but who saved my life"

Saved his life? What does he mean? Who is this guy?

"Where are you from?"

"I was born on a planet called Krypton, it was destroyed when I was a child, I am the last surviving kryptonian, I was found as an infant and raised here on earth I even attended school like any normal kid."

"So you were raised as a human but you're actually from another planet? So that explains a little on how you came to earth. What is your name and why the suit?"

"I wear the suit to stand out and also to mask my identity, if the public knew who I was I would be mobbed, and I'm not a fan of covering my face."

"What do you want people to know you as, the red and blue guy? What kind of other powers do you have other than flying and strength?"

"I have not thought about that, to be honest I didn't think it would matter. I am here to fight for truth and justice, I didn't think about a name; I have a name but to protect my identity I'm not ready to share that with you yet."

He smiles a familiar smile and continues to answer my question

"My powers I see as a gift and I have chosen to use my gift to help in any way that I can. Yes I can fly and I have super strength, I also have super vision and super hearing. Along with my flying I am super-fast. I have other powers but I will leave that a mystery for now Lois."

I hear the faint sound of sirens on the street, and disappointment floods over me I know he has to leave and I know even if I want him to stay he can't. He takes a step towards the ledge and turns his head as if concentrating hard on the sound; He must be using his super hearing. He looks back at me, and his lips part;

"I would like to answer more questions for you but it seams I'm needed"

He starts to lift gradually into the air; God he is so amazing! I step towards him and reach to him not wanting him to go, there is so much more I want to know about him. He pauses mid air waiting for me to speak.

"Wait! Can I ask you one more question?"


"When can I see you again?"

"I will be around"

He smiles that flawless smile, and with a look of amusement he turns and flies after the sirens. I run to the ledge and look out after him all I see is his red cap in the distance for a moment and then he is gone. I stand there in disbelief, is he real or is this whole day a dream? I think about our conversation and everything he told me. There is still so much I don't know about him, and I may never know for example his name or who he wants to be known as. He is so different and super… it hits me! This city needs a hero and we got a super man! I can see tomorrows headline! I run back inside to the elevator and head back to the newsroom. I have to tell Clark who just visited me. I hope he got a good start on the story from this afternoon; it will be a great addition to my SUPERMAN introduction! I hope he doesn't mind the name, I guess if he hates it he can always visit me again. Superman – Metropolis' new Friend, front page material.