The Next Day…

Bloom headed to the abandoned bathroom on the second floor where Hermione said she was mixing the polyjuice potion and was instantly confronted by a ghost who was yelling at Ron for not knowing who she is or was.

"So this is why the bathroom was forbidden" Bloom stated alerting everyone of her presence.

"And who are you?" the ghost questioned as it approached Bloom.

"Bloom and you?" Bloom then asked.

" Moaning Myrtle" Hermione answered as Myrtle continued to glare at Bloom, to which Bloom responded with her own glare as a fire lit in her eyes, Bloom then noticed a spark of fear in the young ghosts eyes as she began to alter her aura to that of a dragon, wizards and witches may not of been able to see it but they could feel the danger and for mythical creatures like ghosts it was simple to see Bloom's aura take on the shape of a dragon and begin to slowly grow.

"I would prefer it if we could became friends and stopped this before it gets out of hand" Bloom then said as her aura continued to grow Myrtle then nodded, completely terrified, Bloom then gave her a kind smile before retracting her aura and manipulated it to take it's original form.

"What are you?" She then asked.

"A fairy, I am the guardian of the dragon fire and heir to the throne of Sparx (No flames on it been Domino as it will be rarely mentioned)" Bloom replied everyone just stared at her for a minute, Bloom had told her friends what she was just not who she was.

"Bloom you never told us you were royalty" Hermione stated.

"I'm still getting used to the idea myself" Bloom replied, it was then a small pixie flew out of Bloom's robes pocket and flew in front of Bloom.

"Oh hi Locket, enjoy your nap?" Bloom asked with a playful grin.

"What I was tired and I can't do anything while you're in classes" Locket replied.

"Uh huh well we were just getting ready to pump Malfoy for information on the heir of slytherin…How is it coming along?" Bloom then asked.

"Should be ready by night fall, I just need Harry and Ron to get a piece of Crab and Goyle" Hermione replied as she continued to stir the potion, Moaning Myrtle then took her leave via her toilet, harry and Ron then left to get the final ingredient "So Bloom who are you going to disguise yourself as?" Hermione then asked.

"I was thinking Snape, after all even with the forms you won't be able to get around school at night without getting into trouble" Bloom replied.

"But what if Malfoy doesn't feel like talking with Snape around?" Hermione then questioned.

"The old shadow trick, a simple spell makes any shadow too dark to see through and another one will allow me to use the shadows as a doorway, a trick Mirta from Alfea taught me last time we snuck out into town" Bloom replied.

Night Fall…

The trio gulped down the vile tasting potion and instantly began to rush to the toilets to be sick Harry, however, stayed at the sink bracing himself for the eruption of his previous meals, Bloom just leant against the tiled wall and watched Harry, she could see the transformation taking affect as he slowly took on Goyle's form. It was then Ron came out of the stall in the form of Crab the two then began to practise disguising their voices and were surprisingly good at it, Bloom then made her to the stall Hermione had ran into.

she then pushed the door open, the creak slightly echoed and there stood looking into the toilet was Hermione, now half cat, if not even more.

"I'm guessing those hairs you had weren't human" Bloom said, trying to keep a strait, Ron and Harry then appeared behind her as did Moaning Myrtle, who just cackled the other two just gawked at her.

"I'll take you to the hospital wing" Bloom sighed before taking Hermione's furry arm and dragging her out of the toilets, telling Ron and Harry to go on ahead without her.

The Hospital Wing…

Bloom and Hermione had been caught by three different teachers, however, they all had just dismissed it full well knowing Bloom spent half the year in the hospital wing and that had been the direction they had been heading.

The room was dark except for several lit candles, most had been blown out, Madame Pomfre who had been changing some of the sheets at the time glanced towards them when she heard them enter the room. "What have you done now Bloom?…Maybe we should have you chip in on staff birthdays considering how much your here" Madame Pomfre sighed.

"Actually I'm sure you'll surprised, shocked even to hear it's not me this time, one of Hermione's potions went wrong" Bloom explained before leading Hermione to a bed, Hermione then sat down on the bed and Madame Pomfre gave her a quick once over before running to different areas of the room, gathering different ingredients, mainly herbs among other things before grinding them into a paste and adding certain liquids to it before heading back to Hermione and had her drink the whole contents and it took all Hermione's will power not to throw it back, she was then tucked into one of the beds.

Madame Pomfre then led Bloom to her usual bed where she sat her down and began to take another look at Bloom's injuries, seeing how much progress she had made in healing them and was glad to see the only wound left was the huge hole in her gut and could see it would still require several months to fully heal so she poured a few drops of a yellow liquid into the wound, Bloom winced from the pain it caused.

"There that should make it less painful when you use a little too much power at once and should aid you in healing it" Madame Pomfre explained.

"Thank you…How's Hermione" Bloom then asked.

"She'll be fine after a few days rest and something tells me I don't want to know why you were making polyjuice potion" Madame Pomfre replied, Bloom blushed slightly from embarrassment. Bloom then took her leave, going at a slightly slower pace than before to make the liquid Madame Pomfre had applied more effective, no point spill it or something after all.

Common Room…

Once Bloom was back in the Gryffindor common she met up with Harry and Ron who relayed to her that Malfoy knew nothing about the chamber of secrets, Bloom then told them that Hermione was going into the hospital wing for a few days, the three of them then headed to bed.

A/N Sorry it took me so long to update, writers block, maybe a while until the next update but only time will tell.