Chapter 1: Baby Steps

Nagisa was playing with Ushio, who was now 9 months old.

Nagisa and Tomoya had been switching days-one day Nagisa would go to work and Tomoya would stay home with Ushio. The next day, Tomoya would go to work and Nagisa would stay home with Ushio. Today, Tomoya was at work, but he would be home very soon.

Nagisa and Tomoya had been trying to encourage Ushio to crawl for about a month now. Every day, whoever stayed home with Ushio would be trying to get her to crawl. But no matter how much they tried, Ushio wouldn't budge.

Nagisa stood in front of Ushio, who was lying on her stomach, sucking her thumb. Nagisa shook one of Ushio's toys to encourage her, "C'mon, Shio-Chan! Come to Mommy!" she said quietly and gently. Ushio just lay there, giving her mother a confused look. Nagisa smiled gently.

The door opened and closed, "I'm home," Tomoya said taking his shoes off and walked into the main room. He walked over to Nagisa and hugged her hello.

"Hi, Tomoya! How was work?" Nagisa asked.

"It was pretty good. How about you?" Tomoya responded.

"Well, we spent all day trying to crawl but nothing worked." Nagisa said, looking over at Ushio.

"Nothing worked, huh?" Tomoya said. He walked over to Ushio and picked her up, "What will we do to get you to crawl, Ushio?" He asked as if she could answer.

Ushio made a gurgling noise, as if responding.

"Really? You don't say?" Tomoya responded, as if he understood her.

Nagisa laughed as Tomoya set Ushio back on the carpet.

"So, why is it so important that Ushio learns to crawl now? Isn't she a few months young?" Tomoya asked Nagisa.

"Well, when I took Ushio to the doctors for a checkup, they said she should start learning how to crawl between seven and ten months of age." Nagisa explained as she went in the kitchen to start dinner.

Tomoya sat next to Ushio and played with her, "She's got another two months to go before she needs to learn to crawl though, right?"

"Yes, but since we've already started to teach her, we might as well continue to encourage her. And it's alright to learn right in the middle of the age category."

"I see."

The next few days went by almost the exact same way. But one night, things went a little different…

"Today, Ushio was really close to crawling, I think." Nagisa said.

"Really? That's great!" Tomoya said. He walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water.

"Shio-" Nagisa started to say and looked at Ushio, who wasn't lying on the ground; she was crawling!

"TOMOYA, LOOK AT USHIO!" Nagisa exclaimed excitedly.

Ushio stopped crawling just as Tomoya stepped foot into the living room.

Tomoya rushed into the living room, "What, what's wrong?!"

Everything was quiet for a second.

"…She was just crawling, Tomoya!"

"Are you sure?" Tomoya asked.

Ushio looked up at Tomoya and Nagisa innocently.

"Yes, I'm positive!"

Tomoya looked at Ushio, "I'm keeping an eye on you!" he turned his back for a minute to grab his glass of water.

Once again, Ushio started crawling as if no one was watching.

"Tomoya, she's crawling, look!" Nagisa exclaimed once again.

Tomoya turned around as quickly as he could. He just saw Ushio lying there.

"Hmm…" he had a mysterious look in his eye.

He walked over to a drawer and grabbed a camera. He set it on the floor and pressed record. "There. That way, when I turn around, it'll catch Ushio crawling. Now let's see if it works." Tomoya turned around.

Ushio started to crawl, again! But this time, towards the camera.

"She's crawling again!"

Tomoya looked around. This time, he actually saw Ushio crawling!

Ushio crawled up to the camera. She grabbed it as if it were a regular old toy.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Tomoya said, picking Ushio up in one hand, the camera in the other.

For the rest of the night, Tomoya and Nagisa kept talking about how proud they were of Ushio(even though Ushio couldn't respond) Nagisa even called Sanae and Akio and told them all about it.

Good thing they got it all on camera!

A/N- So yeah, that's the first chapter! Short, but cute. I got the idea from Full House XD I hope that the next chapter will be longer, but we shall see :D Thanks for reading and please review!