Disclaimer: Nope, Nada is mine :p

Chapter 2:

One Year Later

She awoke in a snap, dark brown orbs wide; plumb soft lips quivering in fear.

Her dream- No- her nightmare had seemed so real. Slightly gasping for breath she sat up in her bed, cold sweat making its way down her back.

It was strange; she'd been having these same images plague her mind for a while now. Maybe close to month, images of a woman she'd never seen before, one with long flowing pink hair and whose face she never could quite fully see, all she ever caught was a fearsome smile directed right at her. An unknown voice echoing her name as if it were an ancient chant.

Well whatever.

Standing she slipped on her white slippers and headed downstairs, making sure to turn on all the lights that she could reach on her way. It wasn't that she was scared of the dark or anything, but she liked to know exactly where she was stepping, that wasn't a crime now was it?

Once she got to her destination; the kitchen's huge silver fridge, she made a grab for some strawberry ice-cream and slammed the freezer shut. After all she could make as much noise as she wanted, nobody was home anyway.

Her parents had taken little Risa out somewhere, probably to a concert tour or something, she hadn't really been paying attention to their conversation at the time as she had had a butt-load of homework to finish which (cough-fucking-cough) included her imouto's as well. She was sure that they would be back by next week though as Risa had her dance lessons.

Sometimes she just wanted to stand up to the pathetic cowards that dared to bring her into this world and order her around as if she were their servant. But she couldn't do that, she wouldn't cause herself any useless problems, this was her last year.

Letting out a blissful sigh she chugged down a spoon-full of the delicious frozen treat. She would have to wait until she turned eighteen to leave and she was almost there, she had to make sure she graduated successfully and left no lose ends then …she... Well she didn't know what she would do after that….Or where she would go; the only thing she knew for certain was that she refused to remain here.

Her parents were still young and healthy and while not exactly millionaires they could be categorized as 'High-class', and Risa, well was Risa; beautiful, cherry, popular and loved by her parents enough to support her until she found herself a suitable husband. That's another thing- Risa's dream was to become some rich handsome guy's housewife and Riku was absolutely positive she would achieve that without any complications.

The thought should bother her, she should feel angry and bitter, but she wasn't.

After everything she could still remember the little sister that would cling to her and hanged on her every word. Despite herself she would always think of Risa as her darling little imouto.

Putting the carton of ice-cream away, she heard a light rapping sound coming from the living room, curious she went and saw it was coming from outside the front door; she debated whether or not she should risk opening it to see what it was?

Ah what the hell!

However, nobody was standing outside- well except for this adorable little kitten that was licking its tiny paws and gazing at her with familiar light green eyes.

"Well little kit are you lost?" crouching down she swooped it into her arms and snuggled it.

"Man! You smell so good for a stray, little fella~".

Stepping back inside with the small creature in her arms she locked the door. Mewling softly the kitten jumped out of her embrace and wandered towards the kitchen. Riku chuckled, "Hungry, are you?" pouring some milk into a bowl she set it down in front of the cat and smiled and soon as it started to rapidly ingest it's meal.

She tried to discreetly take a peek and see if it was female or male, but as if sensing her gaze the small cat screeched slightly and defiantly flicked its tail.

"Sorry, sorry. I was just checking hehe, umm well okay. Let's see little Missy what may I name you?"

After a moment she was reminded of her ice cream, "Strawberry? Nah too long….Cherry?" stroking the feline's silky white fur she hummed "Yeah, cherries are good too, how about that? Cherry~" the kitten just ignored her and continued eating.

"Hahaha, well I like it", while she was running her fingers through its head she felt a slight stub, glancing down she noticed a small purplish-pink scar close to its left eye. "Where did you get this, huh Cherry? A fight maybe, well its ok you're still very cute!"

Cuddling the kitten she saw it had finished its meal, picking it up she cleaned the mess she'd made and turning off the lights she made her way back upstairs.

Back in her room she checked her watch "12:50 a.m."

"Good thing tomorrow's Sunday, huh Cherry?"

She pulled out a small fluffy white backpack that she kept inside her closet and opened it up all the way, stuffing a small blanket inside she gently placed the cat in. "This will be you're bed for the night, now" kissing it's small scar lightly she smiled, "Have a good rest, Cherry~".

Yawning, she herself fell back to bed, happy to have met her little Cherry, but dreading what was to come once her family returned home.