"Daddy, daddy!" the little girl cried, running down the hall toward him.

"Hey!" he said, lifting her up, kissing her. "Did you miss me today?"

"I did!" the little girl said, her brown eyes wide. "Mama missed you too."

"Have you been good for your mama today?"

"Yes sir, I've been so good today!" she said, smiling. "You can ask mama!"

"I'll do that," he said, putting her down. He laughed as she ran down the hallway and into the kitchen.

"Hey baby," Finn said, walking into the room to find her cutting up vegetables at the sink. He bent down, kissing her. "Miss Emma tells me that she's been good today."

"She has," Rachel told him, grinning.

"She said you two missed me today."

Rachel nodded, putting the potato she was peeling down and turning to face him. "She was right about that too," she told him, wrapping her arms around him.

"And what about Finn Jr?" Finn asked, nodding towards Rachel's very pregnant belly. "Did he miss me?"

"Of course," Rachel said. "But we've discussed this Finn Jr. thing."

"It's such a good name, though," Finn said, smiling down at her.

"I love you," Rachel told him. "I love you more now than I ever have. But we are not naming our son Finn Jr. Or Puck!"

"You're breaking my heart," he told her, pretending to pout.

"I can fix that," she said, stretching to kiss him again.

"Kurt and Blaine coming over?" he asked as she pulled away. Rachel nodded. "Good. I got a baseball glove for Max."

Max was Kurt and Blaine's adopted son, and Emma's best friend in the world. It made Rachel happy to think that her little girl would always have a friend like Kurt had been to her and Finn.

Finn went to wash his hands, stopping by a picture hanging in the hallway. It was a picture of him and Rachel that Kurt had taken at the airport; she had her arms wrapped around him and was kissing him as if she'd never see him again. Finn had been worried she wouldn't. They hadn't talked after he'd left her apartment, and he thought she'd made up her mind. When she'd called to him at the airport, he felt like his life had meaning again.

She'd run to him, jumping into his arms, her lips catching his. "I still haven't forgiven you," she said. "But you can't leave without knowing that I love you."

"I love you too," he said, looking down into her eyes.

"Even though we're not together…I thought we could try this friend thing."

Finn nodded. "I can do that."

"And if you want to date, you can. And if I want to date, I will."

Finn nodded again. "Okay. Friends." He kissed her again. "I love you," he told her.

And with that unlikely friendship started, they'd been able to work it out. Though both had been given their freedom, they'd not needed it. Finn had stayed true to Rachel, even though she wasn't really his. Rachel had done the same. And when he was finally out of the Army, they'd decided to stop acting like idiots and call what they had what it was: love.

"Daddy, hurry," Emma called. "They'll be here any minute!"

Finn smiled. He'd done some pretty stupid things in his life, but somehow…well, somehow it had all worked out anyway.