Hello Again!

So, here's the third chapter, as I said, it was pretty much already done, but I'm still proud of myself! I was gonna leave you guys hanging in there a little longer, but then I thought, mmmm better not. Its already been so long since it was published, so here it is, tada!

As always, enjoy! And let me know what you think! Cause I love love love hearing from you guys!

Before she could register what was happening, he'd slipped past her and entered what was her temporary living room. That potion obviously drugged her. There's no way he slipped past her defenses so easily. Although her defenses only consisted of a partially closed door, and the strength of a woman who was just barely getting over her hangover. Still, it was Malfoy.

"So this is where the Golden Girl lives." He spoke as he surveyed her temporary home. "You'd think being the mastermind behind the Order of the Phoenix and the Golden Trio would pay more." If she wasn't still waiting for her headache to completely subside she would have slapped that condescending tone right out of his mouth. Who did he think he was to ridicule her living style?

Sure, this apartment wasn't what she was used to. But she was never the one who fantasized about living in a large, impractical home where there were rooms galore, and enough corridors to put Hogwarts to shame.

Her apartment, if you could call it that, consisted of one bedroom, one bathroom, an open kitchen, and a living room. The paint on these walls could use a more than a few touch ups, but the hardwood floor was sturdy, and only creaked every once in a while, like when she happened to use them. The living room was small. In it was a beige loveseat, an oak coffee table, and a chair. But that was all she needed. Fancy living rooms equipped with three couches, a fire place, a couple of chairs, and various tables were for people who liked to entertain their guests and put on parties. Something she was never too keen on.

The bathroom had a shower, a toilet, and a sink. All functioned adequately, and that was really all anyone needs. Her kitchen had the necessary appliances; a stove, a fridge, a sink, a table, and a microwave. Each of these appliances operated remotely well on a daily bases. And if they didn't, she could just head down the street to the coffee shop, or Sam's bar, and grab a bite to eat.

The walls were bare; she never decorated the walls, or anything else for that matter, because honestly, she hadn't planned on staying here this long. She didn't bring anything decorative with her when she left London, and with the amount of money she had, she didn't want to waste it on something she probably wouldn't take home again. So really, what was the point? A giant waste of time and money as she saw it.

All the while she was assessing her own living space, Malfoy had been making snippy remarks about everything and anything he could critique. Which really, was basically everything in her apartment.

"Do you normally live like a vagrant Granger? Or is this a new style you're trying on?" He smirked as he looked back at her. Shifting his weight from side to side purposely to the floors would creak under the pressure.

"If you don't like it Malfoy, you can leave." She crossed her arms over her chest and mustered up the most irritated glare she could send his way. "No one's forcing you to stay." She huffed.

"I just would have thought that Gryffindor's Princess would be living in some sort of palace by now or something." He said as he gave the room a final once over.

"How did you know where to find me anyway Malfoy?" Why she hadn't thought of this question earlier was beyond her.

"Your address was on your bar tab." He said smirking his notorious Malfoy smirk, obviously outrageously pleased with his cleverness.

"That's a little stalkerish don't you think Malfoy?" She mirrored his smirk. Not quite up to par with his, but she'd work on that later.

"Don't flatter yourself Granger." His smirk fell.

"Why are you here Malfoy?" She was entirely, one hundred percent done with this encounter. It was long past the time for Malfoy's departure.

"I have a proposition for you." He offered.

"Concerning what?" She wanted absolutely nothing more to do with the man standing in her living room.

"What you mentioned last night." Now she was at an utter loss for words.

"Malfoy I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about, and even less patience for dealing with you and your rubbish this morning. I suggest you get to the point." Even as she spoke those words there was a tingling in the back of her mind. This morning when she was painfully probing her mind for any hints as to what had surpassed the previous night, all she found was emptiness. But now, she might actually have been able to retrieve something.

"What are you actually doing here Malfoy?" She hadn't the faintest clue as to why someone of Malfoy's status would waste any of his time wallowing in a rundown bar like this one's.

"I could ask you the same question." He ignored her question. How long have they been sitting here? Passing the time in silence, then filling the air with their jabs and bickering? A long time she'd bet.

"That's none of your business Malfoy." She figured, thanks to the many drivel newspapers back in London, there would be enough rumours on her disappearance circling around to give him some sort of idea as to the reason behind her departure. She refused to comment on the matter.

"Snippy tonight aren't we Granger." Why couldn't he just finish his drink and leave? Like a normal person who could tell they weren't welcome.

"Go to hell Malfoy." Maybe it was the dreary weather that made it impossible for her to tolerate Malfoy tonight. Or maybe, it was Malfoy's sheer existence that made it impossible for her to endure Malfoy and his irksome persona at any given time.

"Already there." He said.

"What's that supposed to mean Malfoy?" She knew exactly what it was supposed to mean. But this is what they did. They quarrelled, and fought, until a nerve was hit, and harsh tones and harsher words were spoken, then they'd dispute some more, until both stormed off seething and cursing the very ground the other walked on.

"Just that your presence is undeniably delightful." He offered what she assumed was his fakest sincere smile possible.

"Yes, because to be in your presence is such a tremendous endowment." She rolled her eyes.

"Glad you agree." He spoke.

Then only silence filled the space between them. They sat like that for Merlin knows how long. Each respectively caught up in their own thoughts. Neither ready to break the silence just yet. Was it better to be defensive or offensive in these kinds of engagements? Have the advantage of surprise, or prepare for attack and never let them get to you? Either way, since their first encounter each had set out their respective roles. Only on the peculiar occasion, when conditions were exceptional, did they alter their preferred stances.

"Seriously Granger, why are you here?" She could continue to argue with him. She could continue being as perverse as a mule. And with anyone else, she probably would. But honestly, Malfoy could be just as stubborn as she, and the idea of talking in circles around the same subject for who know how long was giving her a worse migraine than the alcohol and Malfoy's presence combined.

"No snide remarks Malfoy. I mean it." She glanced at him to see him visibly struggle not to make a comment. That alone might be worth some of this trouble. "There's something that's missing in my life. And I want to find what it is."

"Perhaps a decent hair cut would do the trick." That was a lie. Or at least she thought so. Since Hogwarts her hair had mellowed out significantly. It was as if without the impending danger she faced every day at Hogwarts, she could finally relax, and with that so could her hair.

"Sod off Malfoy." That's what she got for attempting to be civil with Malfoy.

"Honestly Granger, what did you expect?" He had a point. There was no civility amongst them. It was foolish to even attempt it.

Again a moment of silence filled the air. Why was she even still here? But what else would she do? She hadn't had human interaction with anyone in weeks. Aside from the bartenders and waitresses which don't count. And she's seen absolutely no one from her world. As much as she tried to lie to herself, that Malfoy's presence was an absolute hindrance and that she would be better stalking out of the bar, never to see him again, she was slightly relieved that she wasn't completely segregated from the world where she belonged. Even if it was her choice to temporarily abandon it without a second thought.

"What could this place possibly offer you?" Malfoy broke the silence for a second time.

"What?" Hermione asked, not understanding why he hadn't already dropped the topic.

"Why here? What does this place have to offer that you can't find in the back of a neglected alley?" Was Malfoy joking? She couldn't be certain.

"Aye, I 'eard that." Sam muttered from across the bar. Hermione laughed. Typical Malfoy, commenting on the sole appearance of everything around him. He didn't see the beauty in this little bar that she did, the stories the walls told, the strength in the building that held it up after all these years. Most of its beauty seemed to have fleeted a long time ago, but didn't that only add to its splendour? Because it had a past, full of moments of thousands of people, laughter and sorrows, and experience. She should speak up about what she thought of this building, but based on the way Sam examined it every so often, drinking in everything that this building is and everything this building ever was, she'd say he already knew.

Malfoy didn't offer any sort of apology to Sam, as anticipated. Instead he continued pressing the matter at hand, as only Malfoy can do, "How do you expect to find what's missing if all you do is sit in a lowly bar?"

"This isn't all I do for your information Malfoy." She sneered.

"So you say." He seemed inclined to get on every one of her last nerves. "What are you searching for anyway Granger?" He inquired.

"I have no bloody clue." The words of confirmation tasted bitter on her tongue. Of all people to admit to that she was at a loss for what to do next, she had to say it in front of Malfoy.

"So you're just going to what? Do a bunch of things you never got the chance to do and hope something sticks?" He laughed at the idea of wasting time on something that sounds so frivolous.

"Careful Malfoy, you're starting to sound like a muggle." She muttered the last word under her breath, hoping it would only reach the ears that it was intended to.

"That's preposterous Granger, how could I ever sound like that of a lowly muggle?" He too was careful to keep his sentence hushed and away from inquisitive ears. Not that there was anyone else in the bar other than Sam at this point.

"It just sounded like you were going to start talking about this craze that muggles are really into these days that's all." She kept her tone flat, disinterested even. But she could tell by the sideways glance Malfoy gave her that he was at least the slightest bit interested in what she was talking about.

"What kind of craze are you going on about Granger?" His words coated with a patronising tone, as if to downplay his obvious interest in the turn their conversation had taken.

"It's just this dumb thing where muggles create a list of things they want to do in life, and try and complete it before they die." Hermione spoke, twirling the contents in her glass as she feigned interest. "It's supposed to keep life interesting, and ensure that you live your life to the fullest by getting to do everything you've ever dreamed of doing."

She was surprised that instead of making a quick remark about the absurdity of such an obviously muggle idea, Malfoy had actually remained quiet.

She was beginning to worry about the silence that sat between them. What could Malfoy possibly be thinking about? She wondered. She waited a few moments longer, wondering if she was sincerely worried that something might be fatally wrong, or if the alcohol was playing to her Gryffindor nature that begged to help those in need.

"Let's do it." His words hung in the balance, threatening to tip the scale of all that was right in the world. Was he serious? There's no way he was actually serious. They couldn't spend fifteen minutes in each other's company without threatening to hex one another into another dimension, let alone actually attempt to accomplish anything together.

She sat in her stool, jaw hanging as low as it physically could, gaping at him like a very unattractive fish. If Malfoy thought this was a good idea for a joke, he was severely mistaken. This was not funny.

"Are you serious?" She finally summed up the strength to speak again. However her question didn't need a verbal answer. She could see it written all over his face. For once, Malfoy had let himself become readable. And what she saw on his face was no emotion what so ever. No looks of hate or disgust, no anger, not even that smirk that almost never left his features.

She only spotted one sign that there was still life inside the man before her. Looking into his silver eyes there was a glint that had surfaced almost immediately. Even more concerning than the sudden light in his eyes was that she couldn't identify the emotion behind it. He may have let his face show all seriousness, but he'd kept his eyes protected. She couldn't tell what it was he was thinking about, or what he might be planning.

"You're drunk Malfoy." She brushed off the preposterous suggestion.

"Possibly, even so, why not?"

"I could give you a million reasons why not." Her hushed voice raising in volume with each word. He smirked, the left side of his lip tilting upward, challenging her statement.

"First of all," She continued, "We don't like each other. And I mean we really don't like each other. Secondly, why would I want to waste my time with you when I not even my best friends are here accompanying me on this, this thing." By the end of her sentence she was at a loss for words. Wasn't the reason good enough? Why did he want to do this anyway?!

"That was hardly a million reasons Granger."

"Oh sod off Malfoy." She huffed, gathering her things. Upon noticing her preparation for departure Sam slipped Hermione her tab for the night, which she signed and proceeded to place enough muggle change on the counter to cover it, and a decently sized tip.

"Granger-" He started.

"I'm going home now Malfoy." She cut him off, not sparing him a second glance.

"At least think about it Granger!" He called as she neared the door.

She didn't waste her breath on an answer for him. Instead she stepped out into the rain and began making her very clumsy journey home.

"You were serious." She whispered more to herself than to him. Of course she knew he moment he said it, not even Malfoy would joke about something like that. But it felt like a whole new level of shock had just hit her as if she was only just finding out about this. Technically she was. She made a note to only consume higher amounts of alcohol than she could handle around people she was one hundred percent comfortable with.

She watched as he stood in front of her, awaiting her response. "Malfoy I don't know if you got hit on the head or something a few days ago, but there is absolutely no way I am participating in any of this. I want no part in any of this." She made herself clear.

"Granger how long has it been since you left London, a few weeks?" With a nod of confirmation from her he continued. "And what exactly have you accomplished?"

"I have a job." She forced confidence and pride into her voice. She knew there was nothing astonishing about working in a café, but she couldn't let herself back down to Malfoy.

"Granger you had a job in London." He countered.

"Well, now I have a better one." She lied. And he could tell.


"Well, so what Malfoy? Maybe I'll just do it on my own." She huffed.

"You won't." He crossed his arms.

"And why, is it exactly that I won't?" She demanded.

"You need my help Granger." He seemed rather confident in his answer.

"I absolutely most certainly do not!" She yelled. The idea that he thought she would ever need his help was laughable. She'd gone through much worse than whatever this was that she was going through right now, and she'd survived just fine without his help.

"First or all Granger, you're not a risk taker-" He began.

"Who says I want to do anything risky Malfoy." She sneered.

"Everything in life involves a little risk Granger. And you're someone who needs more than a push in the right direction to even attempt anything remotely hazardous." You won't find anything worth searchin' for if you don't take a few risks along the way lass, Sam's advice rang through her mind. So what if Malfoy happened to have hit the nail on the head. The only way she'd go along with whatever he was planning, was if hell froze over at the precise moment she saw flying pigs.

"That's not a bad thing Malfoy. Not everyone needs to be reckless in order to have fun." She was pretty sure he muttered something along the lines of 'some Gryffindor' under his breath. But before she got a chance to hound on him for that comment he was already speaking.

"That's such a Granger thing to say." He said, effectively cutting off any attempt she was about to make at speaking. "Secondly, you don't have enough money for something like this."

"For you information Ferret, I have plenty of money in my vault back in London." At least that was something she could be confident about. She had been rewarded a hefty sum of money from the Ministry, most of which has been untouched since the day she put it in her vault.

"That's all fine and dandy Granger, but are you willing to go back to London and chance being seen by the Daily Prophet? Or worse, Potter and Weasley?" He had a point. If she hadn't thought of those drawbacks earlier she would have returned some time ago to withdraw a little more cash to get by on. As Hermione Granger it wasn't easy to go anywhere in the wizarding world without being spotted. Thus the reason behind her shabby apartment and her job as a waitress at the local café.

"More to the point Granger, I doubt you'd spend your money on something that you haven't spent days contemplating, after thoroughly listing each pro and con on the matter, of course." He was baiting her, and he knew she was easy to bait. Hell, she knew she was easy to bait. But she couldn't just not fight back.

"Oh of course Malfoy." He made it sound like she hadn't the slightest clue how to live and have fun. Well she'd show him. If he thought this was his game, that in some delusional part of his mind that he had the advantage, the upper hand, he was sorely mistaken.

"What's in this for you Malfoy?" She demanded, still not knowing the exact reason behind his willingness to do something like this.

"Just say you'll help me out with something when the time comes." He broke eye contact as he spoke.

"Malfoy, if you think I'd willingly go along with one of your schemes and not know what you're getting out of it, you obviously don't know me as well as you like to think you do." He was delusional. "So you can either tell me right now why you're doing this, and what you're getting out of this, or you will vacate the premises immediately." She'd hex him to Hogwarts if she had to.

"Granger." She didn't ever get her answer. As for the first time in all of her life, she felt a sense of desperation in Malfoy's tone. There was a strain in his voice, as if he was silently pleading with her. If Malfoy was desperate enough to let some of his desperation seep into his voice, then he truly, sincerely needed her to not push for an immediate answer. It was not the first time that she found herself cursing her sympathetic nature, and let the subject drop.

"Okay Malfoy, listen up, and listen good. If whatever it is that you want me to do for you somehow goes against any of my morals, and I mean even the smallest bit, or if it's something that makes me remotely uncomfortable this entire arrangement is off." She studied his body language, hoping to find something that told her what it was he was willing to show even the smallest amounts of vulnerability to keep concealed.

His body was tense. The muscles in his shoulders and forearms unusually pronounced. His jaw clenched, eyes averted. His hair was on the longer side, making it even harder to read his facial features. She hadn't realised how tall he was, till she studied him like this. At a little over six feet he was just on the lanky side. But it was obvious he could handle just about anything that posed a threat.

She watched as he turned his body to face hers, his Malfoy smirk back in place. And nodded in agreement. It was obvious that he knew this was as much as he was going to get from her without telling her the real reason behind his intentions. However, he'd be a fool to let himself think that she'd let this go on for too much longer before he had no other option to confess his reasoning to her, or find someone else to his bidding.

It was decided. She was working with Malfoy, from here on out, to find what life had in store for her. After the quickest exchange the two of them had had in the past twelve hours, Malfoy said he needed to sort a few things out before things progressed any further, and promised to be back within the hour.

"By the way Granger, only lunatics live thirteen floors above ground level in a place with no lift" He said before making his way towards the door. If only he could walk out of her life as effortlessly as he could walk out of her apartment. Only Malfoy, she thought, still chuckling from the bubble of laughter that she was unable to supress due to his final comment.

So! There you go! The third chapter of the bucket list! Long Chapter! Yay!

Short update: Exams for me are in a month (less actually) so I've really got to crack down hard on my school work for a bit. Plus a few other parts of my life are falling behind, but I'm going to try my best to keep writing for you, although as only fair, I'm going to be concentrating mostly on Capella, the winner of my first chapter contest, and all my other stories will be like side projects.

Please check out some of my other stories, if you like some of them let me know, and maybe you'll inspire me to put up a new chapter ASAP ;)

-As always, review, let me know what you think. Thoughts, ideas, wishes, and predictions about what will happen later on (what Malfoy wants from Granger in exchange perhaps,)

-Love you lots, xoxo Dini