Author's Note: I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for my absence, over the last 2 years life sort of caught up to me. There've been a lot of personal issues I've had to deal with and they've made me unsure of my ability to carry on this story in the same manner I had intended, unsure in my ability to be happy writing again, and unsure of my ability to be happy at all. I'm doing a lot better right now, but I can't promise a consistent update either. Please enjoy this chapter, I know where intend to take this we'll just see how easy it is for me to get out on paper. -ValiantNoMore

Disclaimer: No authors were harmed in the making of this chapter, except perhaps poor Mr. Lewis who had to see his characters so butchered in my writing...

The day following this revealing conversation on the deck of the Dawn Treader was full of surprises for the young monarchs, the day began much like any other day, Lucy rose early and after getting herself ready went to wake the boys, Edmund grumbled but somehow managed to drag himself from his bed, Caspian woke slowly but didn't grumble about it as much as Edmund was want to do, and Eustace refused to be coaxed out of bed and up onto the deck preferring to stay below. After they were all up and awake, Edmund Lucy and Caspian dispersed and went their own ways to seek their own amusements for several hours, Edmund sought out Drinian in hopes of challenging the man to another game of chess, while Caspian joined his men in handling anything they might need from him, and Lucy perched herself somewhere on the ship she was sure to find little disturbance and dedicated her time to recording everything she saw and heard while she remained in Narnia. This was where we could have found them when the cry went up that land had been spotted not too far in the distance, the first of the Lone Islands, Felimath, and just beyond that Doorn.

"Caspian! We're nearly there! Oh Caspian isn't it wonderful?" Lucy was practically dancing as she bounced across the deck to hug her friend, before twirling off again excited at the prospect of being on dry land again.

Caspian chuckled as he caught hold of Lucy's wrists trying to hold her still a moment, "Lucy love, it's brilliant! We've been needing to restock on supplies for a while now anyway." He hummed thoughtfully as he tacked on the more rational point of view concerning their good fortune.

Lucy made a face in reply before rushing down the steps to tell Eustace the good news. The teasing grin she threw over her shoulder at him just before she disappeared from view caused a smile to break out across his face.

Turning back to the men now gathering on deck Caspian sought out Drinian intent on quickly planning their course of action in arriving at the Lone Islands and all the possibilities of how they may be received there, pushing thoughts of Lucy's laughing eyes from his mind.

As they neared the island of Felimath it became clear there was nowhere along this coast where the Treader could dock, but Lucy was impatient and longed for Narnian soil, so she suggested a small party take a boat to shore and walk to the opposite shore just for an opportunity to stretch their legs. Several others on board quickly agreed and it was decided that a small party would go ashore, among this company were all three monarchs, Eustace (who was quite sick of being at sea), and Reepicheep. As soon as the boat was lowered into the sea, the Treader continued on her way around the island leaving them behind.

It didn't take them too long to reach shore, and as they set off across the island they made quite a merry party. Lucy and Caspian had forged ahead, laughing uproariously as the joked good naturedly, not far behind them Ed and Reepicheep were holding a conversation of their own, and Eustace, though his spirits were much improved by being on dry land again, trailed behind still grumbling under his breath about this stupid root he tripped over or that ill placed tree that just happened to obstruct his vision.

Lucy had just shoved Caspian off the path before taking off around the bend laughing madly, an "I'll race you!" tossed back haphazardly over her shoulder when her companions heard a startled shriek and a thud that sounded entirely too much like the little queen falling to the ground. "Lucy!" four voices cried out simultaneously as Edmund rushed forward and barely beat Caspian around the bend, coming face to face with a surprising scene. Lucy was sat upon the ground looking up into the face of a rather tall intimidating man who was surrounded by other equally tall and intimidating men. The world seemed to stand still as Edmund moved steadily closer to his sister, eyes never leaving the man before them, when suddenly the man reached down and hoisted Lucy to her feet, brushed the dust from her shoulders and laughed, "Be careful where you step missy, there could be dangerous men about." Then reaching past her he greeted Edmund and Caspian introducing himself as Pub. The men all shook hands and then an invitation was extended to the Narnians to stay and eat and drink with them awhile. Caspian kindly accepted his offer knowing that it would not do him any good to offend anyone without cause.

After the required niceties were taken care of Caspian managed to bring himself closer to Lucy to be assured of her being really alright. She complained several times of his worrying after her when he knew perhaps better than anyone that she could handle herself but as the afternoon wore on Caspian found himself staying quite close to Lucy never straying too far away, and her complaints soon began to lack their passion. As the two sat in the shade talking quietly amongst themselves, they were disrupted by a general outcry from Pub's men as they all drew their weapons and surrounded the five travelers.

"I would say I was sorry to have to do this, but you see, I'm not sorry at all. So be good and quick about placing your weapons on the ground and standing over against that tree while Hatch gets you secured to one another." Pub directed, callously.

"What is the meaning of this? Why are we being treated like this?" Caspian asked subconsciously putting himself between Pub and his companions.

Pub sneered, raising his sword to the young kings throat menacingly, "I don't believe I mentioned asking questions in my directions just now, did I? You'll do as your told and there'll be no stalling, you'll understand the why and wherefore soon enough."

Please review, your feedback keeps me going.