Hey. Sorry for the wait. I apologize for my laziness. But hey, I think that I should give something to my loyal readers. Please enjoy. And, as you always should, review.


Today was a training day, the first of three, so I didn't get much time with Peeta. But I did go down during lunch to talk and sit with both of them.

That's where I was now.

"Lily, what are your skills?" I asked.

"Well, I can hide pretty well, and I'm fairly good with snares and traps. I can make my own using natural resources, but I prefer wire or something," she tells me.

"Good. We can work with that. Peeta?"

"I can lift heavy things, and I'm good at camouflage. I can't do much else," he admitted, "Except that I can bake. But I don't think that will help save my life, unless somebody in the Arena wants a cake."

"Talking strategy?" Haymitch asks. He had arrived just a few seconds ago. I turned around.

"No, we were just talking about the chances of Peeta having to bake a cake in the arena." He pulls out his flask. "Yes, of course we were talking strategy. What else would we be talking about?" I ask.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that D2 is heading over here. He was making eyes at you earlier, Kat," Haymitch pointed out. Sure enough, when I looked over towards the Career Table, D2 was walking towards us.

"If he messes with me, I'll kick his ass," I said, mainly because I want to kick his ass for what he's going to try to do in a few days.

"Good idea, Kitty Kat. Have fun trying to pin him down," Haymitch said, and then promptly sat down on the left side of me. D2 strutted up to us, and sat down next to me, right across from Peeta. Things were going to get ugly.

"Hey, Kat," he said, with a self-superior tone. Dick.

"Hello… What's your name? You just aren't that memorable. And, just a reminder, my name isn't Kat. It's Ms. Everdeen, or Katniss to my friends. And you aren't a friend. So fuck off," I said, trying to get rid of him. He seemed like one of those guys that had a big ego, so I feel like I should deflate it. And I really didn't know his name.

"Well, beautiful, my name is Cato. And I will be plenty memorable by the time I get out of that Arena. So-"

"When you leave that arena, you won't be alive. Because one of my tributes will win. And, don't call me beautiful. My boyfriend is sitting right across from you, so you better watch your mouth, you ass-wipe."

"Well, Kitty Kat, I will win. And your boyfriend will be dead at my hands. Get a little reality check. District 12 only won last year by a stroke of luck. It certainly won't happen again anytime soon." Cato was so self-assured that he couldn't see that the odds were against him.

He got up and walked away.

"Great way to make friends," Lily mumbled. "Say that two of them are going to die. Wonderful, charming person, that one is."

"I think you're right, Lily. But, Katniss also said that he would die. But he's so cocky," Peeta chimed in. "He'll probably last a few days, but something'll happen to him."

"Definitely," Haymitch agreed.

"I don't think any of us will have any sympathy, considering that he wants to be in this," I said. "Anyways, just ignore him. We should start talking about the bloodbath," I began.

And we started planning for many children's demises.


Hi again. I don't seem to be needing to change the chapters very much now. But I'll try to have a new chapter out within a few days. I will feel horrible if I don't so... I'll try my best. Love y'all. Reviews feed my soul. ;)