You know what's a great word? Stupendous. People should really use it more often. Hope you like this chapter!

May, 1999

Dear Ron,

It's been one year today. It's hard to believe it's been so long. We were excused from classes for the day and there was a memorial for everyone who'd lost family. They talked about us too, how we were heros and all that. I know we should be used to it by now after a year of it, but it still feels strange being talked about like that. What do you think?

And how are you managing today? How's your mum? I wish I were there to be with you today, but it's only two month until the end of term and then we'll have plenty of time to be together then. I hope things are well with you, please give my love to your family.




Dear Hermione,

Things around here are... strange. I'm doing alright, mum's holding up, and George is just going on as if today was no different than any other day. Everyone's just trying no to talk about it, I s'pose.

Don't worry love, you're no the only one. Harry and I were just saying the other day how weird this whole 'hero' thing is. Apparently the ministry was going to ask the three of us to give a speech today, but decided to wait until next year, since most people will be mourning today.

Anyway, I miss you so much Hermione. Two more months and you better march your perky little arse off that train faster than I can say, "Accio Hermione." I hope your studies are going well, I know you'll ace your N.E.W.T.s.

Wish you were here
