I don't own anything you recognize. Only original characters are mine as well as the storyline.


"How could you let her leave without her necklace?!" Bo shouted at Nandi who snarled in response.

"It must have fallen off during sex. I didn't find it until after I dressed. Blame me if you wish Bo but that's not what matters now. What matters is finding Kenzi before that son of a bitch can harm her. We need to work together now to get our precious girl back." Nandi said before she took several deep breaths to calm herself down. Her darling girl was missing and she'd be no help to her if she lost control and let the beast out.

"You're right, accidents happen, so do mistakes. What are we going to do?" Bo asked as she stared hard at the woman in front of her.

"We're going to get her back. Jean-Jacques is gathering his hunters. Crispin killed his daughter and he wants blood." Nandi stood up and ran her hands through her hair. "We're useless when it comes to tracking Crispin. He's a gancanagh that means that we can't read him, we can't sense his movements or his lair. Even my other senses are dulled because he's using some sort of charm or glamour to keep himself hidden and free of scrutiny."

"How did it get this far?" Bo asked helplessly and Nandi looked down.

"I'm too trusting. It's my biggest flaw. I lived in South Africa during Apartheid and I grew to love the humans that were so cruelly treated and protested their oppression. This love fostered a dangerous trust in me that began to extend from my beloved humans to Fae who submitted to me. I don't trust you dear, because you haven't chosen a side or submitted but I trusted Crispin. He was a Dark Fae and he fooled me into believing that he submitted utterly. My weakness has harmed Kenzi and that's unforgivable." Nandi whispered the last to herself and Bo walked up to her and took her face in her hands.

"I need you to talk to me, to answer this honestly. No matter how ridiculous it sounds at the moment." Bo requested and Nandi nodded. "Do you love Kenzi? Have you fallen in love with her or is it just lust? I need to know beause we can use this to our advantage."

"Yes, I love her. I know this is far too soon, but I know how I feel and I've only felt it this sharp once before. I swore I'd never allow myself the weakness of love like this again but a beautiful, intelligent, crazy girl broke down all of my defenses and lodged herself in my heart. I love her Bo, truly and surely I do." Nandi confessed and Bo nodded before she pulled the other Fae into her arms.

"We'll find her, we can use our love to guide us to her." She whispered but then pulled away and held Nandi at arms' length. "First I have to call in reinforcements."

"Where the hell am I?" Kenzi asked as she looked around the room she was in. It was dank, dark and the smell of mold was overwhelming. It wasn't a pleasant place to be.

"Oh, my little flower, you're full of surprises. I thought I had you fully entranced. No matter, I'll just inject you with more of my saliva." Crispin told her as he walked out of the shadows and She gave him a look of disdain.

"Saliva? This just gets more disgusting by the second." She said snarkily and his face darkened so she decided to continue and make him angry, knock him off balance. "Why am I here sparky? What happened to your upstairs apartment? Where're the silk sheets and marble floors?"

"Your succubus friend knows of that lair so I had to improvise. One location is as good as another for what I have planned." He explained and Kenzi gave him a wide eyed look brimming with curiosity.

"What do you have planned? If you're going to kill me and the people I love anyway, why don't you tell me?" She asked in a falsely innocent voice.

"In due time pet, now I need you compliant." He moved close and faster than Kenzi could blink he licked her cheek and she flinched.

"Gross! Blech, is that how you got me before?" She asked as she tried to rub her cheek on her shoulder and he looked on, utterly confused.

"This isn't right, you should be begging to lick my boots." He spoke quickly as his eyes darted around.

"I don't know about that but I certainly feel like lodging mine up your ass." She glared at him and he moved closer to her and when he touched her he flinched away like he'd been burnt.

"Simon! That damn bloodmage ruins everything!" He shouted before he turned on his heel and walked into the shadows again while Kenzi smiled.

"Thanks dude." She whispered into the air. She didn't know how the bloodmage was working his mojo but she was damn glad he was.

"I need you to focus Nandi dear. Hold the link between your hand and mine. Feed your love through the link. I need you to concentrate so I can send it on to Kenzi." Simon requested and Nandi nodded, she was feeding her love through the link and her energy into Simon and it was exhausting her. She was weak...too weak but she had to go on, Kenzi needed her to go on.

"What about me?" Bo asked and Simon shook his head.

"Not now Bo, Nandi must make the sacrifice to close the link then you can power it." He told her and Bo's eyes widened.

"Sacrifice?" Bo asked and Nandi looked up at her, her eyes glassy and unfocused.

"My life energy must be drained to close the circuit. Don't worry about me Bo, Simon and I have made this circuit before. I won't leave Kenzi or you." She took a breath and returned her focus to the link, going still as she focused every fiber of her being on the task at hand. Suddenly she gasped and there was a bright flash from where her hand met Simon's then the doors opened and Nandi's lovelies entered the room in an oderly fashion.

"Hurry N'Bushe dear, your link will revive her." Simon announced and N'Bushe began whispering words in Swahili while she pressed the garnet of her ring against Nandi's heart. Bo's eyes widened as the stone glowed and Simon reached his hand up and pressed it against Nandi's forehead. "Your sacrifice was great and now your eye will be open. Revive and find your love my dear. Her heart calls yours. Feel it."

Nandi gasped and tried to sit up but N'Bushe held her tight then stopped her chant and looked at Bo.

"Lucy, Mira, place the stone around the succubus' neck. She needs your energy." N'Bushe commanded and the women did as they were told. First the slid a long, gold, chain over Bo's head then they each placed their stones to it. Bo watched it glow and suddenly felt a rush of energy fill her. Once their stones lost color they moved and another couple moved forward and did the same. Soon Bo felt like she was a balloon ready to burst from the energy that flooded her and she looked over at the other succubus to see that she was regaining consciousness.

"N'Bushe?" Nandi asked in a weak voice and her second in command kissed her forehead before she answered.

"It's me, you'll regain your strength soon my friend." She assured her dearest friend who closed her eyes again before she sat up with N'Bushe's assistance. Bo watched in fascination as the color slowly returned to Nandi's face and she seemed to get stronger. Soon her voice returned.

"Too much...you're giving me too much." Nandi protested weakly and N'Bushe kissed her hair.

"I would give you all if it kept you with us." She said but soon turned her head and looked at the others. "Marco and Jane, she needs you."

A man and a woman stepped forward in perfect sync with one another. Every movement seemed to be synchronized and if it weren't for the sharpness of the man's jawline Bo never would have known which was which. The man, Marco, took Nandi from N'Bushe's arms and cradled her against his chest while he took a necklace from around his neck and pressed it to her chest. His twin, she couldn't be anything else, lifted her shirt and removed a stone that was perched in her bellybutton and did the same. Soon the red light flared, then the stones dulled like all the others. It appeared to be what Nandi needed and she was finally able to sit on her own and her movements became more sure. She smiled at her lovelies then turned to N'Bushe and whispered something in her ear. She nodded before she stood and ushered them out.

"Nandi must regain her strength. Simon will take care of her now." She told them and they filed out, with the exception of Lucy who stood at the doorway, looking frightened and lost.

"I love you Mistress. Please, please be careful." She tearfully pleaded and Nandi rose on unsteady feet and walked to her youngest girl.

"I love you to, my Lucy. Go with the others, I need this time alone with Simon and Bo." She hugged Lucy tight and kissed the top of her head before she gently nudged her out. Once she left and the only ones in the room were Nandi, Bo, Simon and N'Bushe she turned to Bo. "Call your reinforcements. It's time for us to go hunting."

Kenzi glared at her hands as they rested immobilized on the arm of the chair. She tried to move them for the millionth time but they were stuck, like they'd been encased in lucite. The same went for her feet. No matter what she did she was completely frozen. As she looked around the room and noticed numerous tools that could be used for her escape Crispin walked back into the room carrying what looked like a blowtorch and Kenzi felt herself go cold. She didn't want to be flambeed.

"Well, Simon and his little tricks have put a damper on my plans for you my sweet. I was going to slowly gorge you on my poison and my fluids and watch you explode. It seemed fitting for Nandi to find you with your insides out and covered in my essence. Now I can't touch you, nor can I put my essence on you without excruciating pain. That means I must use more pedestrian modes of torture." He lifted the blowtorch and lit it. "No one likes fire."

As he approached Kenzi her mind worked over time as she thought of ways to stop him. She was good at manipulating people to do what she wanted. She had a sob story for every eventuality and she could play people. It's how she became so good at what she did. As the flame came closer she knew what she had to do, and she had to do it fast.

"Wait!" She shouted as she turned her head and pressed it against the wall behind her. "Why are you doing this? If you're going to kill me to hurt Nandi, at least tell me why. I know I'm just a lowly human and you're a big bad Fae but I'm an innocent in this. I don't even like Nandi, it was just sex. You have to admit she's good."

She lied effortlessly and a few seconds later she felt the heat deprt and cracked an eye as she turned her head and looked at him. He was studying her, trying to find a lie. Soon a smile spread on his face and he turned off the blowtorch.

"Truly? You have no love for the whorebeast?" He asked and Kenzi shook her head and used her expressive eyes to her advantage. After silently asking Nandi to forgive her she moved forward to the lie.

"Yeah, it's true. She picked me up in a bar one night and I was too drunk to know what or who I was going home with. I don't even like the ladies, it's all about the man parts with me. When I woke up she started using her mojo on me and used me to find out what was happening. I don't like being used and I like it even less when the user is a loser Dark Fae who has to use her powers to get people in her bed. I mean shit, Fae roofies much?" She asked and Crispin smiled as he walked over to her and loosened the invisible restraints on her hands and feet, not taking them off but allowing movement and blood to circulate.

"This is delicious. Nandi gave her lifeforce to protect you and she's just a toy to you. Oh this will break her more than your death would. In death she'd put you on a pedestal, make you a martyr for her love. Now she has to face the fact that she's just a monster, no one can ever truly love what she is." He clapped his hands gleefully and grinned in a macabre fashion and Kenzi held in a shudder.

"I'm perfectly fine with you wanting to use me as a tool for vengeance, I just want to know why you have such a hard-on for the whorebeast's life." Kenzi requested and Crispin's smile faded and a hard look entered his eyes.

"She killed my son."

"Mistress there are two guests here. They are asking for Miss Bo." Freddy, Nandi's chef, chauffeur and boy Friday said as he poked his head in the door.

"Send them in." Nandi told him and he nodded once before he stepped out and a few seconds later he came in followed y two gentlemen. Bo smiled as sh stood and hugged Dyson.

"I'm so glad you guys are here." She smiled at them before she turned to Nandi who rose.

"How did I know you'd be allied with warriors of the Light?" She asked rhetorically as she moved toward Hale and Dyson. "Hello Brother Wolf, I am honored to have your assistance. Hale...it's been a long time son of Light."

"I may be a Wolf but I'm not your brother." Dyson spoke with conviction and Nandi lifted her hand an touched his face. He sniffed her hand involuntarily and she smiled.

"All shifters are kin my dear." She moved her hand away and walked to Hale who surprised both Dyson and Bo by taking the Dark Fae's hand.

"I was sorry to hear about everything that happened in this house Nandi. You should have gone to Bo earlier and we could've helped." He explained as he squeezed her hand and she squeezed back.

"I know Hale, dear, thank you for coming now. We must rescue Kenzi. Your powers would be of great help." She told him and he nodded.

"I'll see what I can do, you're not the only one here who wants to help Kenzi." He explained and she felt tears in her eyes.

"She has a way of burrowing into your heart rather quickly, doesn't she?" Nandi asked and everyone in the room found themselves nodding. They'd all been bitten by the Kenzi bug.

"What can we do?" Dyson asked and Nandi turned to the Wolf.

"We need trackers and you can track him for us Brother Wolf and Hale, you can break the glamour with your song." She explained and both men nodded.

"I'll find him, but stop calling me Brother Wolf." Dyson told her and she tilted her head in acquiescence.

"As you wish Dyson. Let's go find my love." She told them and started to walk out the door but she sagged and Bo grabbed her. "Thank you, you'll be my strength. All I have now is heart."

"She killed your son? That's cold." Kenzi said as she moved her hands to get some feeling back. "Why?"

"Because she's a monster who doesn't understand real love. All she understands is control and my son challenged her control." He glowered as he looked away then he turned his head to Kenzi. "They're close...and she's weak."

His somber face turned to a grin of grim triumph. and Kenzi tried to calm the rolling in her stomach. She didn't know what to think or what to believe. If Nandi was alive, how could she give her life-force? It was a question that needed to be answered.

"How is she alive if she gave her life-force?" Kenzi asked and Simon continued to look at her.

"It's an old ritual, a bloodmage takes the life-force and love from a Fae to create a powerful spell of protection. Nandi gave of herself, then was revived. I went upstairs and found one of my playmates, she told me everything. Nandi's back from the edge but she's weak, not even running at half power. Killing her will be almost too easy." He looked away for a moment before a thought came to him and quickly turned his head back. "That's what we'll do Kenzi daring, you'll kill the whore. How does that sound?"

"Great..." Kenzi said as her stomach rolled. She had to get out of this, she had to help Nandi, especially now that she knew the sacrifice that was made for her.

Hale whistled as they moved within the false walls of the house, his song eradicating the spell inch by inch and bit by bit. As he did so the smell of the gancanagh became pungent to Dyson, but even more pungent and prevalent was the smell of fear and desperation that held traces of Kenzi. He kept close pace behind Hale while Bo helped Nandi move through the walls, her feet never quite becoming steady. As they neared a branching corner they stopped, The smell was coming from every direction.

"This is an illusion, an old failsafe I put in place to keep people from finding my inner-sanctuary. The bastard defiled it." Nandi said before she wheezed, the power was leaking out of her at an even more intense rate, she knew she'd be worthless when they arrived so she turned to Bo. "I need you to freeze him when the time comes. I can't do it because I'm so weak but you just need to create a channel between the stone in your necklace and your core. Once you do that you'll be able to manipulate him as you wish, your power is great now."

"What about you?" Bo asked and Nandi smiled.

"As soon as I regain some power I'll transform...then I'll tear the flesh from Crispin's bones and feast on his entrails." Nandi said with a growl and Dyson actually smirked in an odd sense of approval. Maybe all shifters really were alike in some ways.

"Which way do we go Nandi?" Bo asked and Nandi whispered something low and suddenly only one path was there and it led to an old, stone staircase.

"There." She whispered and Hale resumed his song while Dyson started to unbutton his shirt. Nandi wasn't the only one itching to tear this Fae limb from limb.

"Showtime Kenzi dear." Crispin whispered as he made a movement and the glamour of the room faded away and she was confronted with a sight that caused her eyes to widen.

"Sweet Jesus..." She whispered as she took in the high-ceilinged wall roughly hewed from the natural cave under the house. The "chair" she'd been sitting on was actually a high throne in the center of the room and the walls were dotted with Garnets of every size and shape, but they all had the same blood red color. Far to her left there was an altar and in the center there were old stains that had to be blood. Kenzi quickly looked away and found her eyes drawn to the sight in front of her, her saviors had entered the room. It was enough to distract her from the altar which, if she was honest with herself, skeeved her out a bit.

"Let her go Crispin. Your problem is with me, not the girl." Nandi said as she drew herself to her full height and took a step from Bo, her movements far steadier than they had been now that she was in her place of power. She'd feared that he'd defiled it but she needn't have. He was weak, far weaker than she was.

"No, dear whore, my "problem" is with you and those you love. This little girl being a prime example. You love too freely and the people you love pay the price. So do the people that love you." His voice turned dark and Nandi felt her canine's sharpening in preparation for the attack.

"Before I eviscerate you with the help of my Brother Wolf tell me, why are you doing this? Why have you killed so many under my protection? Why are you harming the woman I love?" Nandi asked and at her confession Kenzi's eyes widened. Nandi confessed her love to her, it seemed too soon. Their connection couldn't be that strong but in her heart she knew she felt it too. As her eyes caught Nandi's she shared the feelings and Nandi felt some of her power surge forth, her love loved her back.

"Simple darling." Crispin said as he backed up so that he was standing near Kenzi and Nandi cursed. If she changed in the codition she was in she was liable to injure Kenzi and that would kill her. As she debated Crispin smirked as he moved closer still to Kenzi. "I want revenge. You took what was most precious from me, so I've been taking what's most precious to you. Blood for blood and life for life. You said it once to me and it seems fitting to use the principle to punish you."

"Liam O'Dowd..." Nandi whispered as she was chilled to the bone. It was a name she hadn't heard or said in fifty years and she'd hoped that it would never cross her ears or lips again.

"Yes, he was my son and you took him from me. You and your clan of beasts tore him apart and feasted on his flesh while his mother and I watched. Now I have the chance to pay you back for all of the pain and anguish you've left me with when you killed my son without cause." His face darkened and Nandi had tears pouring down her face as she moved toward him, unbuttoning her shirt as she did so.

"Without cause? He. Raped. My. Daughter." She growled as her eyes became black and coarse hair began to sprout on her face and body. "His actions caused her to take her own life and my husband stopped fighting for his. He took EVERYTHING from me!"

She shouted and her body began to contort. His son had been a soulless beast, only interested in fulfilling his desires. He had come into her family's life under the guise of friendship. Crispin had went by the name William O'Dowd and he had sought refuge in the country. He claimed to be in hiding due to forces of Light and her Father had welcomed him with open arms. He'd placed their family with Nandi's and, at first, things were fine William was kind and respectful and his son had the appearance of a well-behaved young man. He gained their trust and wound up gaining the trust of Nandi's twelve year old daughter Helen. Helen had been the light of her parents' lives. As Bongani fought cancer it was Helen who drove him to search for a cure, she gave him the will to go on. To Nandi, Helen had been her darling girl whose very presence filled her life with light. Then, one night, Liam had stole into Helen's room and violated her. The attack had been brutal, all of his cruelty and rage had been taken out on her small body. When Nandi found her the next morning she was already broken. No amount of time, counseling or Fae magic could bring her back. She hung herself on the eve of her thirteenth birthday and Bongani left the world less than a month later. By the time this all happened Liam and his family had fled Johannesburg but had stupidly remained in Africa. Nandi had scoured the continent for them, using every connection she had and promising favors that it would take years to honor. The family was found by a clan of hyena-shifters in Zimbabwe and Nandi was there within hours and Liam was dead that evening. His death brought some peace to Nandi but the hole in her heart and soul would never be filled again.

She stared at Crispin and her animal took over,every veil hiding the truth of his identity parted and she saw him for what he was. Her rage grew and he continued to smirk as he watched her transform into the beast she was. While Kenzi watched the exchange her heart broke for the woman she'd fallen in love with somewhere down the line. She understood why Nandi had killed Crispin's son and didn't even blame her, if she had a daughter and someone raped her she'd want to tear them to shreds too. Crispin moved back and touched the throne Kenzi was bound to. Once he touched it her hands and feet were freed and he took Kenzi's hand, grimacing as the flesh from his hand burnt and peeled and guided her down the steps. When Nandi saw Kenzi so close the transformation stopped and she became herself again. Seeing her return to her vulnerable state caused Crispin to let go of Kenzi's hand.

"Kenzi, are you hurt?" Nandi asked and Kenzi shook her head.

"No, he didn't hurt me." She said then apologized with her eyes. She knew what she had to do in order to get away but she didn't want to.

"Why would I hurt my best weapon of vengeance? Seeing you dead will be sweet, seeing you broken will be bliss. Kenzi tell her what you told me. Tell the woman who sacrificed so much for you the truth." He looked smug and Kenzi inched away while he remained focused on Nandi.

"I don't love you Nandi, it was all a fake. Sex was all it was to me. I hate manipulative bitches and you're the worst I've ever met." She said as she moved further away then she made a move to dash as Nandi slid her shirt from her shoulders and smirked.

"Bo, you know what to do." Nandi said and Bo stood straight and tall while her eyes glowed.

"Kenzi, run." Bo told her friend before she envisioned every muscle and tendon in Crispin's body freezing. She just happened to be a second too late.

"You lying bitch!" He screamed at Kenzi before he moved faster than the blink of an eye and threw her to the right. When she fell her head hit the floor and she was knocked unconscious as a pool of blood started to form.

Nandi saw the blood and every bit of rage, pain and fear bubbled to the surface and the beast took control. In that moment Bo's command to Crispin's body went through. He couldn't move, couldn't cry out. All he could do was feel as a tear rolled down his cheek and Nandi leapt at him in her hyena form. She was joined by Dyson and she did as she promised, she tore the flesh from his bones and feasted on his entrials.

Once Crispin's bones were picked clean and those were eaten Nandi transformed back into her dominant form. She was exhausted, every bit of energy had been spent in her transformation and she felt consciousness slipping. Before the much needed rest claimed her she looked up to see Bo who placed her head in her lap and brushed her heair from her face.

"Kenzi?" She asked and Bo smiled a small smile.

"She's alright. Simon arrived at the end of your feast and healed her. She's better than ever." She said and, as if to prove the point her voice spoke up.

"I'm doing good babe. you can't get rid of me that easily." She smiled down at her lover before she knelt down and transferred Nandi to her lap.

"I love you Kenzi." Nandi whispered and Kenzi leaned down to kiss Nandi's forehead, the only part of her without Crispin's blood.

"I love you too, now rest." Kenzi ordered and Nandi complied, her relief allowing the exhaustion to take over.

As Nandi lost consciousness there was noise from the entrance to the room and Kenzi looked up with Bo to see Evony at the head of a group of men and women holding medieval looking weapons. As they saw the blood on the floor and on Nandi and Dyson Evony petulantly frowned.

"Did we miss all the fun?" She asked and the absurdity of the question caused Bo and Kenzi to laugh and they didn't stop until their sides ached.

Three Weeks Later...

"Can I bring you anything Miss Kenzi?" Fred asked as he stood by Nandi's bed where Kenzi was lounging in her favorite pajamas while Nandi finished setting up the memorial service for the dead.

"Umm...I'll have chocolate chip pancakes and some of that fruit salad Nandi likes." She told him and he nodded.

"Chocolate milk and coffee to drink?" He asked and Kenzi nodded before she bounced on the bed a bit.

"Oh, I want bacon too." She said and Fred smiled, he liked the young woman quite a bit and could see why his mistress was so enamored.

"As you wish Miss Kenzi. Would you like your Xbox and games as well?"He smiled as she shook her head.

"Better not, the memorial service is at one thirty and I need to be there for Nandi." She said and He nodded again.

"Of course, I'll be back with your meal soon." He told her before he left the room.

Once Kenzi was alone she got out her phone and called Bo. She'd left the night before, telling Bo that she'd be back in a couple of hours but things had happened that were beyond her control and she'd ended up in bed with her girlfriend. Well, maybe the things weren't beyond her control but she still ended up in bed and she didn't regret it.

"Hello Kenzi." Bo answered on the first ring. "I see you didn't make it home last night.

"Sorry about that, I was planning on coming home but you know me. I couldn't resist my hot Fae girlfriend." She said and she could practically hear Bo smiling.

"Yeah, I know you. Dyson, Hale and I will be there at one so I expect to see you there." She told her friend and Kenzi smiled as she answered her friend.

"I'll be there by my woman's side. Speaking of which, she just walked through the door. See ya later Bo-Bo." She hung up and Nandi sat on the bed with her.

"Good morning my love." Nandi said softly before she kissed Kenzi gently and Kenzi tried to pull her down on the bed but Nandi fought. "As much as I love you, now is not the time. Gracie's brother is waiting downstairs to discuss his sister and Jean-Jacques' wife Monique has brought some items from Danielle that she wants displayed. So much to do, so little time." She leaned over to kiss Kenzi again. "I just wanted check on you. Make sure you're having a good morning."

"I'm doing fine. Do you need my help? Is there anything I can do to make this easier on you?" Kenzi asked and Nandi shook her head.

"Just relax and get ready when it's time. Having you by my side is what I need." She smiled as she reached out and caressed Kenzi's hair. "I have to go now so enjoy your breakfast."

"Love you." Kenzi called out as Nandi got to the door and Nandi turned around and smiled at her lover.

"Love you too." She grinned and blew a kiss, love shining from her eyes when Kenzi caught it and placed it on her heart,

Once Nandi left Kenzi laid down on the bed and sighed. For the first time in a long time she was content with her life and she had her Fae to thank for it. Smiling wide she rose in the bed and walked to the window to open the curtain and let in the sun. It was a reminder that even with the darkness that had entered her life there was still light and for her it came in the form of the two Fae that she loved more than anything else in the world.


Author's Note: There's the end of "Awake". I had originally intended for it to be a one-shot but I feel in love with the pairing and the story grew for me. Now the story of Kenzi and Nandi will grow some more. I have another story that I've been working on that continues the story of our couple. The setting is going to be AU but with hints of season 2. There will be some events that happen on the show but largely it will be about Nandi and Kenzi growing as a couple and some secrets coming to the light. As I change events I'll let you know but be on the look out for "The Ties that Bind" to appear in the next few days. Thank you all for reading and reviewing. It means so much to me.