A/N: I haven't written in a while. I moved house a few weeks back and it was a long and horrible process and I kind of lost the will to live a bit. I know I've got two WIPs to finish but I haven't been able to find the right frame of mind or inspiration to continue them.

So I took myself off to TWK to see if I could be intrigued enough by any prompt to produce anything worth reading and guess what, I found this. The finished article is, as usual, unbeta-ed and a little bit more rough round the edges than I'd usually like but on the whole, I'm quite pleased with it and the fact that I managed to produce it. Enjoy...

Stiles had been back from college a week when Isaac suggested spending the day the lake. Gradually, over the last few days, all the pack had returned home to Beacon Hills; this was the first day that everyone had been present.

The weather had just started to turn from comfortable to oppressive and the rumbles of agreement that emanated from 90% of the pack totally outweighed the grumbling from the one member who was not so fond of water.

Stiles threw his hand out and gestured vaguely towards the recalcitrant jock.

"Oh, come on Jackson, it's not like you to turn down a chance to preen."

"Alright but if any of you throw me in, you're dead, understand?"

Even with the heavy heat of the mid-morning sun bearing down upon them and making arguments tiresome, it was obvious that Stiles had the measure of Jackson; the tone behind his words was harmless.

Lydia took charge. "OK, then, go grab your stuff, everyone be back here in an hour. Who can stop for drinks on the way?"

Unsurprisingly Stiles volunteered for that task, determined to ensure that the picnic baskets had plenty of tasty treats as well. Erica and Boyd hopped a lift with him and the jeep set off on its circular trip of stop start errands.

A little while later, a small convoy drove slowly up the track that led to the lake deep in the forest. Even though the heat had hit early that year, it was still a bit too soon in the summer break for the small beachfront to have achieved the popularity it enjoyed in the later August weeks. When they pulled in to the clearing used for parking, there were no other cars there.

"Yeah, we've got it to ourselves!" Isaac executed a high leap out of Stiles' passenger seat and the rest of the pack unbent themselves from travel stiffness and joined him on the beach.

It was just shy of mid-day and the sun was approaching its zenith, casting bright rays out and setting the gently lapping water twinkling in its glare.

Stiles cast his towel down on the sand next to Scott's and pushed his sunglasses up on his forehead as he peered at the water.

"I bet it's still cold though", he said to no-one in particular.

"You want to be the first to find out?" questioned Boyd as he passed by with a cold box of sodas.

"Uh, no", stated Stiles and he went back to the jeep to collect his bags of yummy things. Derek was wrestling with something in the incredibly small trunk of the Camaro.

"Whatcha got there Derek?" Curiosity won out and he set the bags on the ground before going over to nose into Derek's car. The something appeared to be a metal contraption that didn't look like it should ever have fitted into the trunk, much less that it was going to come out with any ease.

"Don't just stand there, help!" demanded Derek. Stiles edged his hands round the thing and jostled it free from the lip of the trunk that was holding it back. Derek got his not inconsiderable weight underneath it and lifted it free from its confines.

Stiles stared down at it; head tipped to one side while Derek performed mecha-magic and did something that lifted the thing up onto its legs.

"Oh", said Stiles, realisation dawning, "it's a barbecue, awesome!"

Scott loped over and removed from the back of Allison's car a couple more cool boxes. "Meat", he said knowingly to Stiles.

It seemed that Derek slid easily into the stereotype of outdoor cook. He fiddled with the barbecue, pouring the charcoal bricks into it and tending it intensively with little attention paid to the rest of the pack.

It was too hot to lie in the sun for long, not with the tempting stretch of water waiting for them a few meters away. One by one - all except Jackson - they gave in to its call. Stiles was the last to venture in, still convinced that it would be too cold. He kicked off his flip flops and stood in the shallows, waves lapping at his ankles.

Further out, Isaac, Boyd and Scott tussled waist deep in a game of tag. The girls lay in the water idly watching them.

Scott yelled at him. "C'mon Stiles, it's not cold at all."

Stiles conceded privately that the water was indeed quite nice, thank you, and pulled off his t-shirt, flinging it back towards the towels before running in to join the wolves.

"Treat me nice, boys", he spluttered as Scott tried to dunk him underneath but with uncharacteristic grace he managed to evade Scott's hands and pushed up out of the water to standing again.

"Oh my God, Stiles, you got your..."

"Yes", said Stiles, interrupting Scott, "let's not make a big deal of it, OK?"

Scott's mouth was a big O as he stared down at Stiles. "Did it hurt?"

"No...Yes, I think so; I was a bit drunk at the time."

"Why?" breathed Scott, still fascinated.

"It was just one of those things that seemed like a great idea in the moment but afterwards I started getting a lot of attention. They upped my awesomeness by a factor of about a gazillion so I kept them." Stiles grinned, "Turns out that everybody likes them..." He winked at Scott "...girls and boys", he said meaningfully.

"Oh wow!" exclaimed Lydia, splashing over to see what had Scott so intrigued, "that's hot!"

"See!" retorted Stiles smugly to Scott.

Derek, being far too cool to ever engage in such childish pursuits as water games, had been concentrating on getting the barbecue to the right heat to pay too much attention to the splashing and shouting. Now he had the burgers on the grill, he took a moment to look out at his pack enjoying themselves in the water.

He allowed himself a small smile as he watched his cubs bond in play. It could have been so much worse, he thought, bringing such disparate types together and expecting them all to get on. Happily the magic of the pack had smoothed the edges off and after the couple of years they had been joined as pack; you couldn't even tell they hadn't been together forever.

Something caught his eye, something glinting in the sunshine, something that shouldn't have been there. He lost sight of it while the cubs ducked and dived and then Stiles thrust up out of the water facing towards the beach and reached up with both hands to wipe the water from his forehead up and over the back of his head.

Derek's stomach sunk suddenly in an unexpected rush and he felt a hot flush of arousal blast through him. Was that...? It was...! Oh holy mother of God, Stiles had a small thick gold ring threaded through each nipple.

Derek couldn't pull his eyes away. Stiles had bulked up a little while he'd been away, not to wolfish standards but enough to make a difference and the little gold rings set symmetrically on his chest contrasted beautifully against the light summer tan that sheened his skin.

Within seconds Stiles had turned away to launch an attack on someone else and the mouth-watering vision was lost to Derek.

"Oh, shit!" he said and despite - or perhaps because of - knowing he was so truly fucked, he willed Stiles to turn around again with every ounce of his being.


The urgency of the shout pierced his erotic reverie.

"What?" He fired back, angry at having to relinquish the delicious sensations coursing through him.

"You're burning the food" Lydia yelled at him.

"What?" he said again, confused and looked down to see the edges of the burgers turning black as smoke poured off them.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed and "Ow!" because even wolfen hands were not supposed to pull burning meat from a barbecue when bare.

Stiles ambled out of the water, picked up his towel to take off the worst of the water and crossed over to Derek rubbing his hair.

"Not such a master grill chef now, huh?" He wrinkled his nose at the smell of burnt burger. Derek wasn't looking at his nose though; he was watching a faint trail of water run down Stiles' chest to drip hypnotically from the small bead suspended at the bottom of the nipple ring.

"Up here", Stiles gestured to his eyes. "Yeah, I know, who'd have thought that the cowardly and at all costs, pain-avoiding Stiles Stilinsky would get his nipples pierced but you know what, it's college, dude, you got to try everything once."

Derek shook himself internally out of his stupor. "Whatever, Stiles, you want to deform your body, you go right ahead." He turned away and tried to salvage what remained of the meat.

For the rest of the afternoon Derek tried to distance himself from Stiles and not think about the body jewellery that impaled Stiles' surprisingly shapely chest. He tried but he wasn't very successful. Every time he managed to distract himself and banish his thoughts, a memory of the lightly muscled torso adorned with gold would taunt him again. Even though Stiles had now put his t-shirt back on, Derek could still see the imprint of the rings as they pushed against the soft cotton. It made him want to strip Stiles and lick up his skin to one of his nipples before taking it gently in his mouth, sucking and biting on the ring, pulling softly. He wanted to hear what kinds of noises Stiles would make as he did that.

Although the intensity of his feelings at seeing Stiles' piercings had come as a bit of a shock, he wasn't unduly surprised. There'd been a time a few years ago when he'd almost tried to claim the boy. Something had shifted in their relationship after several months of knowing each other. Derek had realised that Stiles was the one out of all the pack that he went to when he needed an ear, needed to talk through things. Not that that happened often but when it did, it was Stiles he chose to be his confidant.

The closeness had sparked a low curiosity. What would he be like spread out for the taking, would he taste anything like he smelled? Derek dismissed these thoughts because he figured that, one: it was a by-product of having no other form of release but his own hand and two: Stiles was still young and Derek had no indication that any advances from him would be welcome - the scent of teenage arousal notwithstanding. All teenage boys smelled the same, Derek couldn't say if Stiles' scentings were directed at him or not so he ignored them. Once the pack had split up and gone off to college, he barely thought about it at all.

Now, three years later, Stiles was definitely a man and the body that was once boyish and soft had matured into adulthood. He was old enough now, if he wanted to... Derek was glad his swim shorts were loose and baggy; it would have been hell to try and hide the semi he'd been sporting all afternoon in jeans.

"You've been quiet Derek", said Allison questioningly.

"Ha, he's just pissed that his cooking skills aren't as alpha as his fighting skills", retorted Jackson.

"Yes, Derek, you've been very quiet today", said Stiles, a knowing look in his eye.

Derek responded the only way he knew how, with a glare.

Stiles clasped his hands to his chest in mimicry of a damsel in distress. "Oh no, save me from the steely gaze. Pissed off wolf is pissed off."

"It's just too hot is all", muttered Derek, thinking, you don't know the half of it.

He stood up, pulling his towel up with him. "Come on, it'll be dusk soon; we've got to get the cars packed up."

As the sun slowly disappeared behind the distant treeline, the small convoy of two cars and a jeep snaked its way down the forest trail towards the lights of the town.

Although it wasn't that late by the time they'd unpacked the cars and put all the picnic things away, the strong sun and their exertions in the water had served to tire everyone out and rather than hang around at Derek's as would be usual, slowly those members who didn't live in the pack house drifted away home.

Stiles yawned and said goodbye to everyone.

"Tomorrow then...?"

"Tomorrow", was echoed back at him.

After the tail lights on Stiles' jeep had vanished around the bend, Derek turned to Isaac. "I have something to take care of, don't wait up for me."

"Not planning on it", Isaac replied and Derek slipped silently out of the door.

His Dad was on a night shift so Stiles opened the front door onto a darkened house. He didn't bother turning the lights on as he made his way up the stairs. This had been his home for 21 years and he could negotiate any obstacle within it in the pitch black.

Once in his room, he relented slightly and turned on the desk lamp. The heat was still prevalent so he opened his bedroom window wide to try and get some air in, hoping that a small breeze would ease the humidity a little.

Stiles dropped on to his bed once he stripped himself of most of his clothing. He shut his eyes and his mind drifted back to the afternoon. Absently, he reached up a hand and stroked it across his chest, grazing his nipples and their incumbent rings. Derek's reaction to his piercings had been surprising, if he didn't know better, he would have said that they turned him on. Certainly the stares he kept catching from Derek meant something.

Stiles hadn't been lying when he'd said that people liked the piercings. Since he'd got them, he'd turned from the virtually ignored geek boy into an object of desire. Girls wanted to see them and when he submitted to their wishes at parties - like you do when you've had a few beers - they ran their hands across his body in awe. Incredibly, he got almost as much interest from boys as well and the question of whether he was attractive to his own gender was resolved once and for all. Stiles had never had so much booty as he'd gotten in his last year in college.

It had actually managed to almost break him of his long-felt yearning for the stupidly sexy alpha of his pack. All through his late teens he'd emoted lustful thoughts in Derek's direction, knowing that the wolf sense of smell must have been able to pick up his pheromones. Nothing ever happened though and the younger Stiles was incapable of making it happen himself. He's still got it, thought Stiles as he conjured Derek's laser stare from earlier into his mind.

The hand that wasn't idly tugging on his left nipple ring slid into his shorts and he stroked his half hard cock. The memory of Derek's intense looks fuelled his thoughts and he let himself imagine that Derek was there now, watching him play with himself. How turned on he would be as Stiles teased his own flesh into arousal. How much he would want to join Stiles and play with the rings himself. How it would be to have Derek's mouth surrounding them, sucking first gently then harder before drifting lower and using his gorgeous mouth to suck on something else. Stiles shuddered; it was almost like it was real.

"You're utterly beautiful like that, you know?" The quiet voice startled Stiles. "What are you thinking about?"

Stiles' hands fell away from his body as he pushed himself up on his elbows to see a half smiling Derek sitting on his open window. Oh, God, it was real, after all this time. Three years ago he never would have had the confidence to do this but now he stared straight in to Derek's eyes and held a hand out towards him.

"You", he replied, "I'm thinking about you."

Derek lifted his feet over the sill and stalked towards him. "Let me see them, I want to see them", he pleaded.

Stiles pushed up further on his elbows and stuck his chest out, the rings hanging proud from his erect nipples.

Eyes wide, Derek sat down on the bed next to Stiles, he tentatively reached out a hand. "Can I?" he asked.

"Yes", said Stiles, "I think I'll die if you don't", he admitted.

Derek let a forefinger trace round first one then the other of Stiles' areolas, marking the line where the skin of his chest darkened to form the peak of his nipple. Without touching Stiles' actual nipple Derek slid his finger under the weight of the ring, on the bead and lifted it slightly. The sensation of the ring moving in his skin made Stiles hiss out a breath as the feeling travelled through his body and directly down to his cock. Slowly Derek dipped his head and took Stiles' other nipple in his mouth. His tongue circled the peak and he gently lifted the ring to lave across the tautened flesh.

"Jesus, Derek, don't stop", groaned Stiles. Fortunately Derek had no intention of stopping. He pulled at the ring with his teeth and forced another groan out of Stiles.

This: this was exactly what he'd imagined hearing while he'd been lost in his reveries that afternoon. Derek let the ring drop from his lips as he pulled up to look at Stiles. His hand moved slowly across Stiles' skin, feeling the warmth, gauging the muscle underneath. He couldn't have pulled it away even if he had wanted to.

"You have no idea what you did to me today", Derek stated. "I was so horny I couldn't function, just the sight of the rings made me want you so much."

"I know", said Stiles, "I saw you watching me. Isn't this a little out of the blue though?"

"No!" responded Derek firmly. "I wanted you before; I just told myself I couldn't have you."

"And what do you think now?"

"I think I can have you now, if you'll let me."

Stiles answered by leaning up and placing his lips on Derek's. Under the gentle pressure Derek's mouth fell open and Stiles pressed his tongue inside, searching and tasting the flavour of Derek. The soft probing of Stiles' tongue sent Derek over the edge and he gripped Stiles' arms, pushed him flat on the bed and climbed on top of him still kissing him. The kiss turned into something else as Derek took control, it turned into a reflection of the need that both men had buried deep within themselves, each thinking it wouldn't be reciprocated.

Stiles pulled back a little. "Do you want to have me or do you want to take me?"

Derek's eyes shifted at the question, a gleam of red escaping into the barely lit room.

"I want to take you", he answered thickly, "today, tomorrow and the day after and every day after that. I want to make up for all the days I didn't have you when I could have done."

"Oh, God", breathed Stiles as Derek sucked at his neck just below his ear. "Why now?"

Derek pulled away slightly, blowing softly on the wet skin. "Because when I saw your piercings, it all came back so strong, all the need, all the want and I couldn't not do anything about it anymore."

"OK", Stiles said, "remind me to call you an idiot tomorrow but right now, you said something about taking...?"

Derek's eyes flashed again, he insinuated his legs between Stiles' thighs, rocking against his hips, Stiles gasped as he felt the press of Derek's hardness against his own rigid cock. He leant down to kiss Stiles again, rubbing his chest against Stiles', enjoying the friction that the rings made between them.

"This is better than I ever imagined", whispered Derek between nipping at Stiles' lips.

"You'd better believe it wolfman! This could never be less than awesome." Stiles was past the point of disbelief now, fully on board with a programme of hot sexy times.

Derek was laving his throat and neck with wet kisses and all Stiles could do was arch up to just touch as much of Derek as he could. Derek laid a trail of bites and sucking kisses down Stiles' body, past his collarbone while Stiles' hands roamed across Derek's back and down to his firm ass. When he had both cheeks cradled in his palms, he clasped Derek tightly to him, wanting to feel just how turned on he'd apparently made the usually emotionally retarded wolf become.

Derek had reached Stiles' nipples again and darted between them, teasing and sucking, tracing the contours with his tongue. He moved further down, freeing Stiles body from his weight but only enough so that he could pull off Stiles' shorts and then remove his own.

"Wow!" gasped Stiles when he finally saw Derek's thick cock pointing eagerly at him, "You sure are happy to be here."

Derek responded by gripping Stiles' thighs and pulling him up so his ass lay on Derek's knees, legs curling round his back.

"I'm very happy to be here and I'll be even happier if you have some lube and a condom handy."

"Top drawer", muttered Stiles, losing all urge to speak as Derek's hands wound incessantly over his cock and balls, fingers slipping down to tease between his cheeks. Pulling one hand away, Derek managed to reach for the drawer without breaking any contact with Stiles' body. His questing hand circled Stiles' pucker and a finger pressed against the hole. Stiles wondered how it could get any better than this.

Derek squeezed the bottle of lube dripping it down between his fingers, carelessly covering Stiles with the cold slippery fluid. He scooped an escaping dribble up on his forefinger and pushed back against Stiles' fluttering entrance, this time the finger slid in without resistance. Stiles' muscles clutched at him as he pushed it effortlessly all the way in. Stiles groaned and bit his bottom lip between his teeth. This was too much and not enough, all at the same time.

"More", he groaned out.

Derek grinned from his position above, "You want more?"

"Stiles caught his eye, "I want it all", he affirmed.

The last thing Derek wanted to do was deny Stiles so he pushed in another finger and then a third, flexing them slowly inside the moist heat.

Derek leaned down over Stiles. "You're so warm and tight I'm never going to last inside you."

"Don't care, want you now" muttered Stiles obstinately.

"Well, OK then." Derek removed his hand and hurriedly encased his cock with the condom. Holding himself against Stiles, he jerked his hips so the head of his dick breached Stiles.

"Yesss", hissed the writhing figure below him, straining upwards to force Derek more fully inside. Derek caught hold of Stiles ass and smoothly pulled him up and deeply penetrated him in one move.

Derek just had time to wonder at the sight of the spread beauty impaled on his pulsing cock before instinct and need kicked in and he lowered his head to take a golden ring between his teeth. He pulled on it slightly as he thrust into Stiles. Feeling like the world was tumbling around him, Derek timed his pulls on Stiles' nipple and his jabs inside him together.

Stiles was heaving out stuttering cries. "There...God...there...fucking take me, Derek...make me cum."

Derek swore to himself there was never anything he'd ever wanted to hear more than that and he pumped himself in and out of Stiles' open, giving body. He swapped sides and sucked Stiles' other nipple into his mouth, biting round the entirety of it and pushing at the ring with his tongue.

Stiles made a hic-cupping moan and Derek felt him convulse around his cock. Moments later a thick stream of cum erupted from Stiles, having nowhere to go except between their pressed together skin. Derek felt his stomach sliding against Stiles as the aftershocks wracked through his body. Derek gave in, thrust a final time and came hard inside Stiles.

He collapsed half on Stiles releasing his legs to splay wantonly around and let his hand play with the golden ring he'd just been mouthing at. Slowly they caught their breath.

"Fuckarama!" exclaimed Stiles when his words found their way back, "That was something else, that was off the charts."

Derek huffed a quiet laugh and drifted his hand down towards Stiles' softened dick. He ran a finger along the sticky member and then gently held it, rubbing idly with his thumb.

He pushed up to lean his head on a bent arm and looked down at the sated Stiles.

"So..." he said, raising a single eyebrow, "...ever think of getting anything else pierced?"