"Hi Jeanne." A light wind cut between the Frenchman and the gravestone that stood in the ground. Eyes full of sorrow and with a bitter smile, Francis squeezed the hand that was holding a bouquet of roses ever so slightly.

The blond looked up at the multi-colored sky that the white cotton balls that were slowly getting darker up in the air floated about without a care in a world. He blinked back the oncoming tears. The country refused to cry, just yet. Francis looked down and closed his eyes, enjoying the feather touch of the small breeze.

"I know it has been a while," his blue eyes opened again, regret now filling them as he stared down at the stone slab that lay in the ground. "I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner. It's just that things," Francis sighed, looking up at the green-hilled horizon behind the white church. "Have been a little complicated, you know?"

Each second that went by, it seemed harder and harder for Francis to keep composed and not breaking down, sobbing. The blond man kneeled down, now staring at the name on the tomb stone: Jeanne D'Arc. His empty hand went to rest on top of the cold stone as a small and painful smile crossed his lips once more. Blue eyes narrowed and the smile disappeared.

"I'm sorry, Jeanne." His eyes were starting to sting around the rims; he could feel his eyes watering up. "I'm sorry that I couldn't save you," France whispered to the grave, bowing his head as a salty drop streaked down his cheek. The memory of having to watch the blonde burn at the stakeā€¦it hit him like an oncoming train, but the pain had gone away some as the years went by. But he still felt that sickening feeling in his gut and that anger that boiled his blood and the guilt to top it all off.

France leaned back, smiling still as another tear raced down his face. He placed the roses in front of the grave before leaning back and standing up again. "I have to go now, regretfully," he spoke. Another light breeze came through. "I have an engagement with a friend, Iggy. You remember him, right?" The man then bowed his head and let out a low sob as his body trembled with sorrow and anger.

Before he had realized it, nightfall had come; and the stars above were glimmering. It was a shame that he couldn't feel nor see the blonde girl float down from the sky with star dust falling down before her. It was a shame that he couldn't feel her encircle him in a light hug as she smiled sadly against his hunched over back. It was a shame that he couldn't hear her whisper "Je t'aime" to him, even though she heard him say it repeatedly.

Please remember,
Where you are,
My heart is with you.

Sweet dreams,
Sweet dreams mocuer,
Always in my prayers.

I am forever yours,
Je T'Aime,
Je T'Aime tu ju.