AN: Just a short one this evening guys.

Everyone knew there was one rule when it came to best friends, siblings and dating. A sibling's best friend or vice versa was always off-limits. No matter what.

Everyone also knows that rules are made to be broken.

Gwen and Arthur met when they started university; Morgana was in the same flat in the accommodation halls as Gwen and Arthur was frequently dropping in and out of their flat. Gwen and Arthur initially didn't get on until the girls' flat had a movie night and they spent the whole time quoting Dodgeball while the others were trying to watch it. However their friendship was also marked with the occasionally argument until one day during a row over Arthur distracting Gwen from her coursework ended when Arthur walked up to Gwen and kissed her. Luckily the flat was empty at the time otherwise things would have been even more awkward. Everyone knew that a best friend's sibling or a sibling's best friend was completely off limits which is why they decided to try and keep their relationship a secret from everyone, especially Morgana.

One evening they were walking back to their halls after a date to the cinema, Arthur had his arm around Gwen and as they reached Gwen's door, he looked at her with a slight frown.

"What's wrong?" Gwen asked.

"I hate this, the hiding, the sneaking around. I love you and I love being with you and I'm not ashamed to let people know it." Arthur confessed, Gwen was touched. That was the first time he told her he loved her.

"I love you too but I don't want to jeopardise my friendship with Morgana. I can make friends with guys easily but I always struggled to make friends with girls. Morgana's the only real female friend I have and she's my best friend. I don't want to lose that and I don't want her to think I was using her to get to her brother." Gwen admitted.

"I know, she's my sister and I don't want to have a fight with her. She's scary when she's angry." Arthur joked as he hugged Gwen tightly.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." Gwen joked as she reached up and kissed him. As they stood in the corridor kissing, neither of them noticed the door behind them opening or the figure who stood in the doorway with a raised eyebrow and folded arms until she cleared her throat. Arthur and Gwen broke apart and stared at Morgana speechless. After a few moments of silence wherein the three of them stared each other out, Arthur looked at Gwen.
