Bumblebee snuggled up to Prowl, the two were laying on the couch watching a movie with Sari, Bulkhead, and Elita, the three people on the team that were perfectly fine with the two together. Optimus and Ratchet didn't seem to like the idea of the two going out at all, especially since the two were interfacing together, Jazz on the other hand was totally uncomfortable with the two together. Bumblebee didn't blame him, it could be a lot to handle, finding out your best friend is gay and going out with another friend who's the youngest bot on the team. Prowl and him weren't talking though, Bumblebee guessed they got in a fight about something.

The yellow mech yawned, he was starting to get tired, which had been happening a lot lately for some reason, so he layed his head down on Prowl's lap. The cyberninja smiled at the yellow mech and put hes arm around him. The two noticed both Sari and Elita staring at them.

"You two are so cute together!" Elita exclaimed causing both mechs to blush. Bumblebee pouted and got off of Prowl, too embarrassed to snuggle up to the older bot in front of his friends. That was the other problem with everyone knowing the two were together, they either avoided the two like the plague or they wouldn't leave them alone.

"Oh come on Bee, we were just teasing." Sari told the yellow mech, but he still refused to cuddle up to the ninja bot again.

"Thanks a lot guys." Prowl said to the two femmes who just giggled in responce. The cyberninja pulled Bumblebee closer to him, he then put his arm around the younger mech.

"Don't let them bother you." Prowl whispered in Bumblebee's audio receptor.

"It's a little hard when practically every other second they're looking at us." Bumblebee whispered back. Prowl had to admit the yellow mech did have a point. The cyberninja got up from where he was sitting and held his servo to Bumblebee.

"Come on, let's go to my room." Prowl said, he knew that Bumblebee would rather time aone than be out here with the other three. Bumblebee grabbed the older mech's servo and walked away with him leaving the two giggling femmes and a confused Bulkhead behind as they entered Prowl's room.

"What?" Bulkhead asked, unsure what the two femmes were laughing about.

"It's just that we all know what those two left to do." Elita said referring to the two interfacing. It was a fact, no one really trusted the two, after all the times they fooled around together there wasn't much to tell the team otherwise. They were bound to end up interfacing again, once you do it once you can't really stop. Elita knew that for a fact.

"I could've gone my whole life without picturing that..." Bulkhead muttered, he was fine with Bumblebee and Prowl together as long as he didn't think about how far their relationship and intimacy extended.

"Well we don't know if they really will interface, I mean after everything that happened I doubt they'd want to anytime soon." Sari said, she knew her best friend was smarter than that. Everyone on the team knew about the two, so if Bumblebee or Prowl didn't want their heads chewed off by Optimus or Ratchet they wouldn't interface for a while.

Before anyone could say another word Optimus came in the room. He seemed a bit angry and in a rush as he looked around the room for something or someone. The leader of the team must not have found what he was looking for because he came to the group of three for help.

"Have you seen Bumblebee?" Optimus asked a little angry, and probably already knowing the answer to this question. Ever since Bumblebee and Prowl got together they have been spending practically every waking moment together.

"He's in Prowl's room." Elita told the leader.

"Is Prowl in there with him?" Optimus asked awkwardly, the three just nodded. The leader growled in responce obviously not likeing the fact of the two alone together.

"Do you know if their..." Optimus trailed off, not wanting to continue the question because it was too awkward. Elita shrugged her shoulders, none of them knew the answer to that question. Optimus let out a groan as he walked over to Prowl's room to knock on the door, he really hoped he wasn't going to be interrupting something between the two.

"Come in." Optimus heard Prowl say after a couple knocks on the door. Optimus entered the room to see Bumblebee asleep in Prowl's bed and the cyberninja at his desk doing some work.

"Is there something going on?" Prowl asked noticing the worry written on Optimus' faceplate.

"Yes there is and I think Bumblebee might want to hear about this." Optimus told Prowl.

"Ok, I'll wake up Bee and then meet you out in the main room." Prowl told Optimus as he stood up from where he was sitting at his desk. Optimus just nodded in responce and left the room. Prowl went over to Bumblebee and shook him a little.

"Wake up Bee, Optimus needs to talk to everyone." Bumblebee stirred a little before opening his optics.

"Are you serious, I just fell asleep." The yellow mech said groggily as he got out of bed.

"I'm sorry, but it sounded pretty important." Prowl told Bumblebee as the two walked out of the room to meet the rest of the team.

"What's going on?" Bumblebee asked a little grumpily as he still was waking up. Optimus shared a worried glance with the others, Bumblebee guessed Optimus already told them what was wrong.

"Well, one of the bots in the stockades escaped..." Optimus started, scratching the back of his head, he handed Prowl the folder that had all the information about this and when the cyberninja read it he too looked over at Bumblebee worried.

"It's not that big of a problem, all we need to do is get the bot and bring him back to the stockades." Bumblebee said, Prowl shook his head, telling the younger mech that it wasn't that simple.

"What? What's wrong? Who escaped?" Bumblebee asked starting to get worried by the way everyone was acting. At the same tiime everyone answered, an answer that made Bumblebee's spark drop.
