A/N: It has been such a joy writing this story. I thank you all for making it suck a great experience.

Part eight- Epilogue

Stiles put his last things into the box, licking his lips and looking around the apartment. Jenny and her boyfriend, Trent, were watching him. Jenny's hair was wrapped up in what Stiles learned was a "Messy bun." Her hair was naturally a light brown, but was dyed a dark blueish black. Trent wrapped an arm around his girl, leaning over the couch to watch Stiles go.

The trio had met each other freshman year of college. Stiles had literally ran into Trent while trying to find the library. It was the start of a beautiful friendship, and during his third year at college, they got an apartment together.

Jenny came into his life his second semester of his first year. She was in his English class, and was so weird Stiles decided they had to be friends. Her hair had been purple then. Trent and Jenny made a strange pair, Trent was from L.A. His parents were rich and classy. Jenny was from a rough part of the town, growing up on the streets, saving penny and dime for college. But they instantly clicked when they met.

"Do you have to leave?" The girl asked, watching as Stiles grabbed his coat. The twenty-two year old nodded. Over the past couple of years, Trent and Jenny have met all of the pack, the Moores, Amanda and his dad.

"I have to leave now, so I can make it home before dark. Derek will freak if I'm not." Jenny smiled at the sound of Derek worrying, awing in the process. Stiles and Trent rolled their eyes, and Stiles waved goodbye one last time before making his way to his Jeep.

After werewolves, Kitsunes and Kanimas, Stiles was really surprised his jeep survived, but it was still purring beautifully. He slipped into the driver's seat, looking at the boxes in the back, sighing. Allison and Scott were getting married this weekend, and Stiles, being Scott's best friend, was the best man. One of the boxes, a rather large one that was wrapped in shiny silver paper, was sitting in his view. Inside was a picture album filled with photos of the pack, a small bow and arrow key chain, made out of gold and silver, for Allison, and Scott's favorite comic book from Stiles' collection.

He started driving towards home, blinking a few times as memories filled his mind. The day Amanda turned eighteen, her and Reuben got together. It was long awaited, the two had been dancing around their feeling for years. Stiles had drove all the way down for their mating ceremony. Traffic had been worse then he anticipated and he showed up late, right in the middle of the werewolf story.

Aurelia had stopped talking, glared at Stiles, and said, "You like to show up late for mating ceremonies, don't you?" Stiles had smiled sheepishly, shrugged, and scurried off to Derek.

A few members of the Moore pack were wary of a wolf mating with a fox (Even if Reuben didn't have the power to shift) But after seeing what a great couple they made, they quickly got over it. Amanda's parents were the worse, they didn't want to have anything to do with a werewolf pack and were upset to find out Reuben was four years older. In the end, Amanda chose Reuben and the wolves, and eventually her parents accepted them.

Amanda and Taylin continued to have a love hate relationship. They fought and threw insults at each other, but deep down loved and cared about each other. They were like long lost siblings.

Taylin, Stiles had learned from long phone calls with his Dad and Derek, is quite the player. There's something about her blond hair or black eyes that has the teenage boys of Beacon Hills going crazy.

"At least she's not as bad as you," His dad had said, making Stiles sputter.


His dad chuckled. "Yes you. At least she brings home human teenage boys. You brought home a twenty something year old werewolf with a criminal record."

Stiles grinned. "Come on dad, it's his bad boy persona that got me. Besides, you like Derek, y'know, once you learned he wasn't the one who murdered all those people, it was his crazy uncle who was dead but is now alive again."

Needless to say, Taylin had gotten used to her life in the Hale pack. She was excelling in school, played lots of sports, and had adjusted nicely with Derek as her alpha.

Scott followed Allison to a college a few hours outside of Beacon Hills. He made it two years before he flunked out. Allison had graduated a semester before Stiles with a masters degree in Counseling. She's currently working at the high school as a guidance counselor. Scott had gotten down on one knee last year at Christmas. He had told Stiles a couple weeks prior that he wanted to ask.

"You can't tell Derek," He had warned. "The more people that know, the easier it is to get out. I learned that at college."

"At least you learned something," Stiles had joked, making Scott flush.

"I need to make this special." Stiles thought about it, biting his lips, before his eyes lit up.

"Do it at Christmas! Under the tree! With everyone around so she has to say yes!" Scott had panicked after that, fearing she would say no.

But he asked her under the tree anyways with Stiles clicking away with his camera and and no body except Allison surprised because, honestly, when could Stiles ever keep his mouth shut?

She had said yes and now Scott was freaking out again because he was getting married in three days.

Lydia had followed her dreams to L.A. Becoming the fashion designer that Stiles knew she was going to be. She now owns her own little store in Beacon Hills where she designs all the the clothes. Jackson stood by her, and is currently studying to become a lawyer, just like his dad. (He had gotten over the fact that he's adopted.)

Erica never went to college and Boyd attended the local one with a lacrosse scholarship. Stiles had called him a cheater, claiming that wolf powers were not fair. Boyd just shrugged. Erica now works with Lydia, helping to run the shop and getting half of whatever Lydia makes. Erica and Boyd decided they were going to wait to get married, if they ever do.

Danny and Isaac worked out their issues, and though they still fight, are happily engaged. They had both bought rings, but Isaac had been too scared to ask. Danny asked first, and it wasn't anything special, just a simple down on one knee in their apartment. But still, Stiles doesn't care that it wasn't big, it's still one of the most romantic things Stiles had ever heard. Isaac had laughed, nodded up and down repeatedly, and pulled out the ring he had bought for Danny.

Peter... Peter is still Peter. Stiles doesn't know much about him, he keeps to himself, isn't around Stiles much. He still just stands in the corner being creepy.

Aurelia's mate, Derek told Stiles, had died in the fire along with his family. He had been Derek's cousin and was the reason the Moore pack never visited Laura and Derek before the whole Alpha pack incident. Derek had looked a lot like him, and every time Aurelia had seen him she would burst into tears. His name had been Luca and he had loved Aurelia very much. He was willing to die for her and the two were suppose to bring the Hale and Moore pack together in a union that would bond the pack forever. He died a day before their mating ceremony.

The worst part, however, was when Stiles learned that Aurelia had been pregnant. She was only two weeks along, she hadn't even figured it out yet, but when she did two months later. She had been terrified and hurt, but at the same time happy because a part of Luca still lived on.

The child, Nick, had been given to two pack members who couldn't conceive. "As long as I get to see him grow, I'm fine," Aurelia told them. Nick knows that Aurelia is his birth mother, he knows about his father, and he doesn't care. He likes to tell people he has two sets of parents, the ones that would give up everything for him, and the ones that did give up everything for him.

Alistair had found his mate, a human girl, a year ago. He has yet to figure out how he's going to tell her he's a werewolf.

Lavinia gave birth to a baby girl a few months after the alpha attack. They named her Laura, and a few years later her and her mate, Blake, had a baby boy. They named him Luca, and Aurelia cried as she held him. They were currently expecting their third child, Derek had explained that werewolves had a lot of kids.

Elspeth was still looking for her mate. She was a lot like Taylin, a lot of guys liked her, but she couldn't find the right one.

"Maybe you should start looking for a girl," Stiles had suggested. He nearly died of shock when she actually did. He had been joking, nobody ever listened to him, but she had. She's currently in a relationship with a girl she cares deeply about, but can also tell isn't her mate.

As for Derek and Stiles, they were happy as they are. Stiles is moving into the Hale house full time now, and he had made Jenny and Trent promise they would come down to visit.

Stiles pulled into the dirt drive way of Derek- their home. (Stiles is sure he will forever get giddy about calling it that.) The road went through the woods and pulled up right next to the house. The driveway for a most part was empty, except for Derek's Camaro and a silver van. As he slipped out of the car and walked towards it, the Moore pack slipped out.

"Oh," He said, waving at them.

Gwendolyn smiled, hugging him. "Aren't you wondering why we're here?"

Stiles raised an eyebrow. "Because Scott and Allison are getting married on Sunday and they're mating on Saturday and we need a special mater?" Stiles asked, pointing towards Aurelia. She rolled her eyes.

"I told you showing up uninvited when we actually are invited would be a stupid idea," Aurelia said. Gwendolyn glared at her daughter. "Have you been practicing the werewolf language so that I can actually do it right?"

"Forsh bics hien," Stiles said, cocking his head to the side. He frowned when he heard a few snickers.

Aurelia sighed. "You just said 'I sleep with chicken' and if that's the case, you should probably talk to a therapist about that." Stiles frowned, thinking it over in his head, crossing his arms.

"I meant to say that." She shook her head, her long hair flinging around.

"I'm sure you did." Gwendolyn cut in before Aurelia could hurt Stiles' pride any more.

"We're here because, well yes because of Scott and Allison, but also because Derek hasn't asked you to marry him yet, AND, due to recent discovery, we believe a beta pack is running around here. They can be just as dangerous as an alpha pack, because they don't have an alpha to guide them." Stiles let out a frustrated sigh, wondering when his life could ever be normal.

"Well here we go again."

The End.

A/N: So yeah. The end. I left room if I want to do sequel, but I haven't decided. Nick was mentioned in the first chapter, just so you know... hmmm I hope you liked it.