Night Rain

I do not own InuYasha. I do own the characters that were not in the anime and manga. Which are the ones of my own creation and imagination. As well as thanks to all my readers and reviewers that has continued to be patient. I will be updating regularly which is daily like I have been doing before school started again this year.

Chapter 1: Fearful Rain

The sky was blackened by grey clouds as the rain continued to attack the world below. The black sky ruling above them. The shining silver mass could not be seen this night. Serving not to help the splashing legs that dashed through the dark wet ever greens vast out before her. She was running. She ran as fast as she could, not looking back, not even to stop and get the oxygen that her lungs were ever so hungry for.

Branches reached out and swiped at herr legs , trying to grab hold of her. Yet, she would not stop, she kep pushing herself. Not caring about the rain that pounded her down. Nor the puddles that effortlessly tried to drown her.

It was not like she could stop. The raven head girl knew this all to well. There was a demon chasing her. Although, she could not see it, the girl knew it was therre stalking her. Toying with its prey like a lion on a hare. Her long legs continued to carry the rabbit through the darkness that was out before her.

Though, she did not know she was getting to the end of the wick. Her legs and lungs hurt. The vigor that pushed her thus far had abandoned her to be on her own. The rain stricked the bridge that she tried to get across. Only, to slide and crash into a shadow that landed right in front of her. There was no more foot steps behind her. The raven slowly stepped, back before turning and dashing away simply to get her hand caught.

A darkness.

The only thing she was left with was the pitter patter of the rain. The constant reminder of her vicious fear that night.