
"Jane, what are you doing?" Thor asked as he entered the cafeteria of the S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier. Thor had come back to check on Earth when he found Jane at the helicarrier. Right now, Jane was reading a book and eating an apple in her room at her desk.

"I'm reading, Thor," she replied, not tearing her eyes away from the page. Thor frowned. He had just found Jane and she was READING? He sat in the chair across her.

"What are you reading, Lady Jane?" he asked. Jane sighed, folded the corner of the page she was reading, closed her book, and looked at Thor.

"It's called 'Twilight'," she replied. "It's a love story between a human and a vampire." Thor was confused. What were these 'vampires'? Would they hurt other people? Would they hurt Jane?

"What are these...vampires?" Thor asked. Jane smiled at him.

"Vampires are mythical creatures that suck human blood," she told him.

"Then why is she...?" Thor trailed off, eyebrows pulled together. Jane handed him her book.

"Why don't you go read this, sweetie, and then come back and ask questions?" Jane asked him.

"But, Lady Jane was reading this," Thor protested. Jane shoved the book into Thor's hand and literally pushed him out the door.

"I've already read it three times," she replied as she closed the door.

"Lady Jane!" Thor called as he ran into her room. Jane sighed and closed 'New Moon' and looked at Thor. "Yes, Thor?" she asked, crossing her legs and putting a smile on her face.

"This book is very confusing!" Thor boomed, waving the book in the air. "I know that mortals can be petty sometimes, but why are they this dense?" Jane was confused. What did he mean by humans being "that dense"?

"What do you mean by that Thor?" she asked.

"If someone's going to drink your blood, why do you love them? This Bella girl is mad!" he roared. Jane sighed and leaned into her chair as Thor continued his rant.

'This is going to take a while," Jane thought as she took a sip of the coffee she was drinking.