The Smurfacolypse : A Smurfs fanfic

Chapter 1 - the beginning

"All is Smurfy that ends Smurfy"- Papa Smurf

"All is Smurfy that ends Smurfy?" Dreamy says, as he gazes up at the stars. It is almost dawn but Dreamy couldn't sleep a wink, he was far to busy thinking, always thinking, it would seem Dreamy never stopped thinking. As the sky turns a shade of yellow, slowly enlarging until the sun would be up on the horizon, though it is a feint yellow, Dreamy knows it would be a couple hours before the sun fully rose upon the peaceful little Smurf Village. He is staring into the early morning sky as the last few stars are consumed by the ever powerful might of the sun's light wondering just what specifically Papa Smurf meant by his saying.

Perhaps Papa Smurf at the time had meant for the saying to be positive, but today this very second Dreamy wondered if maybe Papa Smurf hadn't meant something more… Sinister. Dreamy remembers learning of a time before the Dawn of Smurf where another civilization of beings had been wiped off the face of the earth, leaving only their skeletons behind and a gruesome tail of panic, death, and extinction. Although they were in no way Smurf let alone even humanoid in the slightest, Dreamy realizes that the existence of Smurfdome can only last so long.

Dreamy himself was one hundred some years old, young for a smurf but still long enough to observe some strange events. It was written long ago that on the 645th year of the smurf a complex ritual known as "The Dance of a Hundred Smurfs" must be performed before the moon rises or else heavy winds will unleash upon the Smurf Village followed by one hundred years of bad luck.

"But what if we can't Smurf a hundred Smurfs in time?… Would we survive the hundred years?" Dreamy thinks to himself, how many Smurfs are present in the village and would be able to perform this ritual? If only Dreamy knew.

Suddenly, Dreamy's daydreaming was disturbed tragically when the section of the roof he was laying on upon his hut collapsed. Dreamy felt a hand of reality pull him from his state of mind, he came to with the horrible sound of boards cracking and busting, Dreamy fell threw his roof and landed miraculously unharmed. Dreamy just sits there dumbfounded by what just happened when his calendar loosens itself from the tack that bounded it to the wall and it plummeted right onto Dreamy's head, knocking his cap off over his eyes. "What the Smurf?!" Dreamy yells, as he straightens his cap and grabs the fallen calendar. Upon seeing the date Dreamy felt a cold sweat starting to form as he froze in fear. Just at that very moment a large creaking noise was heard followed by the clatter of boards once more.

Dreamy looked up to see a large amount of wooden planks with nails sticking out of them plummet towards him. And then the world went black, and the screams of terror seized. The sound of many tiny footsteps flooded the streets as nearly 60 worried, tired, and shocked Smurfs ran with all there Smurf to Dreamy's hut now in shambles and emitting smoke from the fire caused by Dreamy's lantern busting open, unleashing angry and mindless flame upon the ruins of Dreamy's hut, unaware that the house it use to light up is now being destroyed in it's wake. The Smurfs make it to Dreamy's hut and are greeted by the most brutal, horrific sight they had ever seen in their entire Smurf.

"Great Smurf!" Papa Smurf yells, as he pushes his way threw the crowd of frantic Smurfs.

"Every Smurf out of the way! Quickly!" Papa screams as the crowd now separates to let their leader through to the scene. When Papa Smurf comes face to face with the wreak his beady eyes, armed with wisdom and age, became as wide as an owls.

"Dreamy!" Papa Smurf yells in a shaky tone of voice, "are you in there?!" Papa Smurf persists, hoping to receive any kind of answer.

"uh-…ugh…." Dreamy's moans of pain were heard through the rubble as a pile of planks weakly shakes.

"He is trapped in the shambles!" Papa Smurf yells frantically before shouting again: "Some Smurf do something!". It is then a very rattled Hefty Smurf responds:

"Leave it to me Papa Smurf!" and runs into the shambles to retrieve a badly injured and broken Dreamy Smurf. The sight of blood made some Smurfs gasp, some Smurfs scream. Brainy lays unconscious as a response to the scene of gore presented before him as Hefty passes him on his way to Papa Smurf.

"Papa Smurf…. Is-is he?" Hefty fights to hold back tears of compassion for his fellow Smurf. Just then Dreamy hacks a small amount of blood from his mouth followed by a horrifying gasp of air that sounded as though Dreamy had been underwater the entire time.

"Quickly! Get me Doctor! Dreamy needs immediate medical attention!" Papa Smurf ordered. Moments later a Smurf wearing a doctor's coat and rubber gloves arrives on the scene.

"Doctor Smurf!.. As always we are so happy to see you" Smurfette uttered out between sobs.

"Aye.. I just wish it were on better terms Smurfette…" Doctor says casually, as he approaches Hefty and Papa Smurf.

"do you think he will make it Doc?" Hefty asks, Papa Smurf to shocked to say a thing. Doctor Smurf examines the damage with a sorrowful eye.

"Alas Hefty… I am not sure.. I will need to perform an immediate operation, Papa Smurf I ask you lend me a hand in the matter" Doctor says.

"o-of course Doctor… It is the least I can do.. I'll just gather some materials back at my lab and meet you here."

Doctor Smurf sets up a pure blinding white tent around him and Dreamy as he reaches outside the tent for his toolbox and supplies Alchemist arrives with Papa Smurf's supplies and begins preparing a concoction.

"Doctor I Smurfed as fast as I could I will immediately begin to form a possible remedy" Alchemist says as he enters the tent.

"excellent Alchemist I knew I could smurf on you! But where is Papa Smurf?" Doctor says.

"He should be here shortly Doctor! He is currently smurfing through some old medicine books he says this is the worst accident he has ever Smurfed since he was a young Smurf" Alchemist explains.

" Aye I be not surprised by this at all this is in fact the worst I've Smurfed as well.. Nails seem to have pierced nearly every organ in his body save for his heart, lungs, and stomach." Doctor replies.

"Then there is no hope for Dreamy, Doctor?" asks Alchemist.

"Only time will tell provided I can perfom a successful operation" says Doctor.

At that silence became abundant in the tent and Smurfs went about there day normally but with a heavy heart and strong hope that Dreamy will be alright, little did they know that soon they would have their own problems to tend to. It was not everyday that Doctor Smurf had to perform such complex actions for there were very few Smurfs who had to enter his hut with the exception of Clumsy of course who was there every other day for obvious reasons. Doctor Smurf has never been in a situation this dire before. The life of a fellow Smurf rests in his hands.

On the other side of the village from the rude awakening. Smurfs are waking up to Reporter and Harmony shouting and playing the trumpet badly throughout the village as Reporter Smurf shoves the "Daily Smurf" into the tiny blue hands of any that came within range of him.

"I hate the Daily Smurf!" Grouchy shouts, as a copy hits him square in the face.

Jokey comes out of his house laughing and carrying on, "here Reporter! Hyuk hyuk!.. Have a surprise!" he slides the classic yellow gift box with the red ribbon into

Reporter's hands as he starts screaming: "Extra! Extra! Deamy's hut collapses! Village devastated!- why thank you Jokey it is about time a Smurf shows some gratitude to fine news" Reporter says, as he opens the box and a huge bang is heard followed by Jokey bursting out in laughter.

Reporter's face is covered in ash and he stomps off as everyone starts laughing along with Jokey.

"I hate surprises!" Grouchy screams.

Meanwhile in a hut not far from the morning commotion Handy and Architect sit with failure, fear, and guilt heavy on their minds in Handy's Workshop.

"I just don't understand Architect.. I know I Smurfed that hut very carefully based off your instructions.. How could it have just collapsed like that with no warning? It just doesn't make any sense.." Handy says, as he gets a chair for Architect.

"Have you not forgotten Handy?" stated Architect, "I have retired from designing mushroom huts long ago" explained Architect.

"I know but I just wanted to Smurf something original.. Something… Retro if you Smurf" Handy replied.

"I cant believe I am the Smurf telling you this Handy but Smurfdom needs ideas that are new.. And more likely to advance us in technology.. Not my dried up ideas." Architect explained.

"Even so Architect.. I used cedar to Smurf that roof and sanded every plank myself I just don't understand.. That hut should have lasted Dreamy his entire Smurf!" Handy said.

"Well I am sure you Smurfed your best Handy.. But there is no use in sitting here debating.. There is work to be done" Architect says, as he rises from his chair and heads for the door.

"What is that Handy?" Architect asks, as he points to the unfinished item the reader would recognize to be a double barrowed shotgun.

"Oh you mean this?" Handy picks up his invention, "I call it the Burst-fire rabid reliable game dropper.. Or the Smurfgun.. It can fire more ammunition then a bow and arrow and with more power then the crossbow" Handy proudly explained.

"Great Smurf Handy! What in the world would you Smurf such a dangerous thing for?!" Architect screamed with fear in his tiny eyes.

"Shush! Quiet Architect!" Handy said covering Architect's mouth, "this weapon is not made for harming Smurfkind although it very seriously could if intended but I Smurfed this for Hunter Smurf when he returns from todays hunt as a surprise for being so Smurfy to us all and risking his Smurf to go out and find us food that we can eat instead of just berries and such" Handy quickly explained to a cowering Architect.

"Are you out of your Smurf!? Hunter's aim Smurfs! And now your gonna give an even MORE dangerous weapon!?" Architect shouts in fear.

"Listen Architect.. I already ran this through with Papa Smurf and he approves so that's that besides the Smurfgun fires more ammunition in more directions so maybe Hunter will not miss his mark and maybe then we can finally have some meat around here… Hunter would never think to Smurf this within range of the village and it serves well for self-defense" Handy explained.

At that architect furiously exited the hut mumbling: "Handy will Smurf us all someday with his crazy inventions". Handy messed with his pencil he keeps on his ear, arranging it and removing it and repositioning it subconsciously, deep in thought, Handy wonders if maybe he IS the cause of what happened to Dreamy.

Papa Smurf arrives at Doctors tent where for the most part Dreamy lays alive after perhaps the most stressful and unbelievable operation ever performed in this village.

"How is he Doctor?" Papa Smurf asks, as he enters the tent upon receiving Doctors permission.

"Not to Smurfy I am afraid.." Doctor sorrowfully explained.

" He has only a few hours to Smurf.. I Smurfed all I could Papa Smurf.." Doctor wipes a single tear from his face.

"Excuse me Papa Smurf.." Doctor removed his blood soaked gloves and coat and exited the tent with his head down.

Papa Smurf approaches the stretcher and gazes upon his poor, mangled, little Smurf, "oh Dreamy.." Papa Smurfs says, his eyes filled with sorrow. "You've spent your entire Smurf Chasing rainbows.. And still had so much more planned… You brought Smurfberries to our forest.. And though lots of confusion and frustration included.. You taught us all to stick to our dreams.. Why.. I am 543 years old and I never met a Smurf as unique as you.. We will miss you Dreamy.."

Dreamy's good eye opened ever so slightly as he gazed as Papa Smurf, a stream of tears running down it, the other eye was lost.. And was covered with a black patch.

"P-Papa.. S-Smurf?…" Dreamy worded out in a scratchy voice.

"Yes Dreamy?" answered Papa Smurf immediately.

"I….I… *cough* I want to see everysmurf… one l-last time" Dreamy said.

"Of course Dreamy.. I will be right back Alchemist will be here any moment with more medicine.. We will not give up hope until the end Dreamy" at that Papa Smurf exited the tent and knew when he gathered everysmurf together that he would have to explain the Harsh reality that the "Dance of a Hundred Smurfs" is now impossible.. And the village will receive a harsh punishment from a force unknown.

It was raining heavily when Papa Smurf exited the tent, and the clouds were a dark grey, the sounds of thunder roared in the distant sky.

"It sure is Smurfing down hard out here.. I hope everySmurf is alright and out of the weather." Papa Smurf said to himself. Just then, a blinding light shot across the sky, accompanied by a terrible pound of thunder, it did not take Papa Smurf long to realize that the light struck land just outside the Smurfberry Plantation.

"Great Smurf!" Papa Smurf screamed in sudden fear.

"Lightening has never smurfed this close to the village before!"

A familiar voice soon followed. "Papa Smurf! Oh Papa Smurf it's terrible! Just terrible!" Brainy shouted.

"What is it Brainy?" Papa Smurf asked as Smurfette came running up along with Clumsy, Smurfette in tears and wailing loud, tear spilling from her eyes.

"It's Vanity Papa Smurf! He was Smurfed by lightening!" Brainy screamed in panic.

"Great Smurf!" Papa Smurf uttered as he fell to his knees in disbelief.

"Oh poor Vanity! Poor Dreamy! Boo-Hoo!" Smurfette was crying hard and shaking, she fell to her knees and grabbed them, rocking back and forth on the muddy street, not caring that her dress and hair is now coated in mud and rain water.

Greedy appeared, out of breath and panting, a look of pure terror on his face. "Papa Smurf! Its Vanity he's" Greedy broke down and failed to finish his sentence,

"I know Greedy…" Papa Smurf replied, fighting back his grief.

"Gosh Smurfette" Clumsy said, while putting an arm of comfort around Smurfette

"I know Vanity was Smurfed bad buh don worry its not like 'ez dead".

Smurfette threw her arms around Clumsy and cried into his sholder, this gesture left Clumsy shocked but he quickly responded by putting his own arms around he and patting her back. Just then the most horrifying sight seen by Smurf eyes was spotted walking up to the village threw the rain and mud, it was Hefty Smurf, propped over his shoulder was the charred body of Vanity Smurf, in his charred, charcoal colored hand was his beloved mirror, shattered and lost to the world, just like Vanity.

"he's gone Papa…"