I want this epilogue to be absolutely perfect, I owe you all that as this is the first story I've actually committed to and some of my other stories were fairly immature xD but now I'm 17, I can make this a bit more mature xD kinda haha! I've just started a new story, which is going to be a Peeta + Katniss story, because I don't want to do another F + K just yet, not after I have just written a big F + K one xD be sure to check it out! :D

The applause filled my ears as I saw my beautiful girlfriend take a bow. I gave a long whistle with my fingers as I tried to catch her attention, and I saw her eyes fall on me, and a faint blush crawled up her skin. I was so proud of her. She was playing Glinda in the show Wicked for the Spring performances of the year. She'd worked her ass off ever since she was given the role, and the effort was worth it, as people from all districts cheered and clapped. Not only had they cheered for Katniss, they also cheered for my sister, who was hidden under all of the green paint they applied onto her body, as she played Elphaba. Each year Katniss had recieved a better role at each school show they auditioned for, in Glimmer's words. But this year they shared the glory, as both were just as important in the show. The light filled both of their eyes when they found out they would be both main characters, and it brought them closer together.

Over the past 3 years I have known Katniss, we have had our tough times, but most of all we have celebrated. I got employed to work as a teacher within the school, which meant more hours and less time with Katniss, but it was better pay and I enjoyed working there. I still helped the new swimming coach when new students from other districts arrived and needed to learn how to swim, as I knew from experience how tough it was to look after so many people at once.

And me and Katniss? Hopefully by the end of the night I will be 'employed' as a fiancé to Katniss. I felt in the inside pocket of my suit, which I wore to the occasion tonight. Yep. The box was still there. I had chosen quite a simple design, but I wouldn't have anything but the best for my Katniss. She has made me so happy over the past 3 years that I can't possibly let her go. If she has to travel, I'll take time off so I can see her. After her performance as Juliet alongside Cato, both of them got some temporary work in between District One to Four for a month, which meant that when I wanted to see her, I could just hop on the train and be with her in a few hours. But the next year She got a job in District 5 to 8 which lasted a month, and I could only see her on the weekends, which sucked. If she was gone longer, I wouldn't know what to do. I couldn't pack up my job here and go with her.

I knew that last time she got offered for a job pretty much as soon as the show was over. Scouts were scattered all over the audience and in order to get the one they want they have to be quick. Now I was in a race with the scouts. If she got a job far away maybe the fact I proposed would make her want to get a job closer to here. As soon as the curtains closed I climbed over people in the same row as me to get to the stairs, and I headed backstage. I sifted through the crowds of people until I found the dressing room, and I crashed into Katniss.

"Babe! Did you see me? What did you think? Oh God, I want to be back up on stage already!" Katniss screeched, and I is how I knew she loved what she did. As much work as it takes, she never wants to stop acting, singing or dancing. She'd never give up on her dream. Which before today, never made me worry. Until today, where it could risk our relationship again.

"I'm so proud of you." I grinned and gave her a kiss. We parted as soon as a voice called her name. She smiled and headed over to the girl, who beamed.

"I've got a list of people who want to see you and Glimmer." She winked and Katniss looked at me, beaming, before turning back to the girl and following her through the door.

"I'll be a few minutes, babe."

Shit. I groaned as I sat down on the chair on my side. I lost my chance, I looked at the door which she left out of and then I realised my sister would be going with her. Fuck. I pulled out the box and opened it. I imagined her face as she saw the ring, and when I heard a gasp I almost jumped out of my seat, and I shoved the box back in my pocket. Glimmer looked a sight, with her shocked expression and green skin. Her eyes began to water.

"Are you?" She looked away, blinking away the wetness at her eyes. "Is that for Katniss?"

I stood up, grinning, and I nodded, and Glimmer jumped on me for a hug.

"I'm so happy for you both! You need to ask her!"

"Did you get an offer?"


"How long?"

"A few months...here, locally. Districts 1 to 6 actually. Which is great."

I pulled away to look at her excited eyes. "I'm so happy for you."

"Yes, now let's celebrate after you-" She stopped when she saw my Katniss enter the room. She was looking downcast and under the weather. I didn't have to think of what was happening before she spoke.

"I...they want to send me to 7 to 11. Maybe 12 if they don't charge much."

I sighed. Well that's popping the question out of the options. I walked over to her and gave her a hug, and she sniffled.

"I don't want to go."

"I don't want you to go, but it's a good opportunity for you."

She shook her head. "I'm not taking it."

"You have to."

"But...it's a year's contract. There's no point in trying...if I'm going to be away for so long." I knew what she meant. Long term relationships sucked. We experienced this first hand the first time it was further away. But it wasn't for so long...

On the night we celebrated the end of another year, the end of another show, and the end of a wonderful time in the relationship with Katniss. We kept close to each other after a steamy night in my bedroom, and as we woke up, there were no words to say. She was gone by morning, heading with her bags for the train. She didn't want me to wave her off, it would be too much for the both of us. I was heartbroken. No other words could say it. I stayed in bed all afternoon, and by evening I finally made it out of bed in my slacks to get some food. I wore the blazer to smarten up a bit, and also because the ring was still in my pocket. It made me feel closer to her, in some strange way. It felt lonelier with more people around me. Johanna was a comfort, Clove was being too comforting, and the fact that Glimmer was away, even though she was only in 3, it felt like too many people were leaving my life.

"Finnick!" I heard a screech, and I turned, surprised, as I saw Katniss, pulling her suitcase into the canteen, and she smiled at me. "I got a job!"

"What?" I jumped up, but not yet moving. "You had one already."

She shook her head. "I got a call, from a scout, who offered me a job I couldn't refuse. It's still for a year, but in the Capitol." She looked up at me once she stopped walking, and she was smiling. I let out a sigh of relief. The Capitol was much closer, I could still see her every weekend. We could still be together.

"Does this mean we're okay?" I smiled down at her and she nodded, kissing me softly, then again, but much harder. When I pulled away I reached into my pocket and pulled out the box. I opened it in front of her, and her eyes widened, and she gasped.

"Finnick...what is that?" She nervously requested, and I dropped down to one knee. The whole canteen was silent.

"Katniss Everdeen, you...you have made me so happy. These past few years have been the best I could have asked for, and I can't explain how much you mean to me in words...but you keep me sane. You keep me balanced in life. You have shown me how to be the best man I could be." I looked into her eyes, waiting for more emotion to kick in. She looked frozen. "Will you do the honour of being my wife?"

A minute passed, and I was beginning to get worried. "Katniss?"

"Er, yes...yes I will." Life came back into her eyes, and she pulled me up off my knees and gave me a big hug. When I pulled away she kissed me, again and again, and finally let me slip the ring onto her ring finger. Then my lips were otherwise preoccupied, until we heard the cheers evolving from the canteen. I smirked and kissed Katniss's cheek as she blushed, and hit me on the chest.

"I can't believe you did that in front of everyone!" She hid her face in my chest, and I smiled. I couldn't stop now.

"Well minus my sister..." Katniss looked up and gasped.

"She'll be so annoyed she was the last to find out!"

"She knew about it yesterday, she saw me playing with the box."

Katniss smirked up at me. "I guess she'll have to be maid of honour. Good luck to her."

"Would you hate me if I made Peeta or Thresh best man?" I joked, squeezing her to me.

"...Probably." She laughed.

"Well I guess this means we're in a relationship again." I groaned and laughed when Katniss stomped on my foot. "Ouch."

"Don't tease me, baby." Her eyes glistened and she kissed me again.

We were doing A OK, and hopefully it's stay that way. As long as I had Katniss, and she had me, I don't think anything else mattered.

The End! Awh, I might go cry in a corner now.
Did I do the epilogue justice? I was hoping I wouldn't do a really cheesy ending, but I may have slipped a little ;D I so badly wanted to do a comedic or cliffhanger ending but I just went with the classical happily ever after story ending :D

In fact...I have a new story on the way, called heart breaker! This is a Katniss and Peeta story.

'Glimmer's brother, Peeta, has a trail of broken hearts in London, and she certainly doesn't want him ruining her life down in Portsmouth either! But the problem is that the girl Peeta's heart wants for is somewhat taken, but there are plenty more willing fish in Portsmouth's sea. How many more hearts can he break before he finds the perfect girl for him?'

If you fancy a read, go check it out, and maybe share your thoughts? ;)

Please let me know what you think of this story as a whole :D