AN: All righty, so…I've been going through A LOT of real life stuff...well, crap to be honest. I was hoping that I'd be able to write an upbeat story despite my rather sour and down mood as of late. So! Here it goes…

Be kind please. May become a full-fledged story, but for right now I'm thinking just a two-shot. Its fate will depend on amount of reviews received.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Just the idea for the story…

Prologue: The Beginning of the End

"Damn it, Garfield, why did you have to go and do that!? You couldn't just leave well enough alone! You couldn't just leave her alone!" Raven screamed, the control she'd worked so hard to gain over her emotions quickly slipping.

"Raven, nothing happened!" Garfield said defensively. His heart pounded in his chest so hard he'd thought that it was probably audible. His nails bit into his palms despite his gloves and his brows, which were usually turned upwards in his normal charismatic manner, were drawn tightly together. "I promise you nothing happened between Terra and I!"

Raven's eyes narrowed. "I saw her kissing you!"

An exasperated breath left him. "Ok, fine! But she kissed me, Raven, not the other way around. If you would've stuck around and hadn't teleported right back here to Titans Tower you would've seen me throw her off of me for Christ's sake!"

The two titans stood their ground, a scowl on each of their faces, tension rolling off of them in waves. It was a stalemate, even Garfield knew that he wouldn't and couldn't win this battle against his girlfriend. If I can even call her that anymore, he thought.

"Would you rather call Terra your girlfriend, Gar?" Raven spat accusingly and Garfield stumbled back as though physically hit, a hand instinctively moving to cover his chest. Raven shook her head. "You don't have a right to your privacy anymore, Garfield. Not after what I saw. And if I'd been reading your thoughts these past months, I would have been able to keep you from going after her."

He was still now, eyes closed, jaw clenched, his breathing no longer coming in great puffs that fueled his anger but had quickly changed to slow, shallow ones. The pain was indescribable. As though she had reached into his chest and squeezed his heart with all her supernatural might. Raven had never taken to reading his thoughts on purpose before now. She had said that she would only pickup certain tidbits of his thoughts from time to time about they bored her for the most part. "Nothing more than static," she had told him.

"Raven…if you can't honestly believe that Terra means absolutely nothing to me anymore…if you don't know how much you truly mean to..."

"You wouldn't have gone to her if she didn't mean anything to you," Raven interrupted her voice too calm and controlled for his liking. The underlying message held within it made the pain increase and caused him to lean heavily against the back of the Common Room couch.


"No, Gar. This is it. I can't trust you anymore."

"Don't do this," he said and wasn't a tad bit surprised by the desperation within his voice. "You don't know the whole tru…"

"It's over."

Those two words had the impact that a ten ton weight would have upon Gar as he felt himself move to sit down upon the back of the couch only to watch Raven turn away from him, envelop herself in black power, and teleport out of a room which she could have just as easily walked out.

Gar wasn't sure how long he sat there, staring at the spot she'd just been standing, or how long his hand pressed itself over the wounded area just over his heart. He didn't know how long it was until he let the tears and sobs of the loss of his real love wrack his body until his sides hurt.

And his own pain was so great; that he wasn't aware of his friend's watching him on a camera monitor and of the clicking the device made as it focused upon the disheartening scene…or of the sound of Raven's own sobs in her room.

The team disbanded only a few months after the break-up and Gar never saw Raven unless they absolutely had to because of their shared friendship with Victor, Dick, and Kori.

AN: Dun dun dun...

Ok, what'd you guys think of the Prologue?