I thought I try to at least put this as complete and be honest. As we all know, I ain't going to complete this anytime soon and unlike other fanfic writers, it's very hard for me to sit down for one night and pump out a chapter without it being half-assed. I love writing when I get into it, but a lot of the time, I just feel disappointed in myself that whenever I do write, it doesn't turn out the way I expected.

I remember when I started writing about this, I had a fiancée that checked my work. But that relationship went dead and I didn't write this for a while until I got into University and started to write more.

It kinda worked for a while, then it died.

So to put it bluntly: "Growth, Maturity and a Slight Pinch of Ed" is dead. When I started writing this out, I was planning it to be one of those overly-long series like what KiltedEngineer's Bad Girls with Big Hearts. I had a plan where it spanned over four years and created a bunch of characters. But laziness thrown a huge wrench into that and I moved onto other passions like working in radio as a news journalists.

Not only that, but I am trying to focus on writing a book of my own and even that isn't going well. If I prefer, I rather focus on that than trying to pump out a chapter to this.

I'll use this opportunity to reveal the plot points I had in mind, to satisfy everyone's curiosity:

· The first year was really about getting Edd and Marie together and to do that, I wanted to make Marie more sympathetic without trying to fall into the traps. You know, the 'poor, misunderstood soul'.

· The flashback with the Kanker sisters as children, they were better mannered and that was because they had their grandma raising them up mostly. They still had their bad influences from their Ma, but the Kanker sisters weren't bad people. They were just a product of their upbringing.

· Since their grandma died, the mother couldn't afford to live in an apartment and they moved to the trailer park in Peach Creek. Naturally they become more like their mother, but they are still redeemable.

· The entire first year was about trying to redeem Marie and getting her with Edd. Beyond that, I wanted to redeem May where she found her life passion as a baseball player and even become a great one for the school team. Lee had a tragic sort of development, as when her sisters started to find lives of their own, she feels like she had no place.

· I planned on Ralf to actually leave Peach Creek because he realise he struggles to fit in as a foreigner. How he left was that he packs his bags, slings it over his back and leaves without saying a word. A stark contrast to how noisy he usually makes his entrances.

· The third year was meant to have the Peach Creek gang leave to go on a massive journey. Was kinda similar in vain to the Big Picture Movie. Ed left because he was sick and tired of being treat like an idiot and ends up joining a circus. He then became a hostage of sort and it was the Peach Creek gang to save him in some epic setting. Imagined blimps and shit. I wanted it to be extremely ridiculous.

· Marie left Edd not because they fell out, but because Lee left the family and disappeared. This was around the time that I planned on having an Uncle Kanker comes in (who is responsible) and decided to take responsibility of them himself. The reason for Lee leaving was because in the end, despite loving her sisters, she just wanted to be free of responsibility and not trying to pick up after her mum all the time. Not only that, but Lee struggled to make her own life after Marie has Edd and May has baseball.

· Marie moved with May and Uncle Kanker out of the sister, but they both changed a lot and became good people with futures to strive for

· I didn't want Edd to become a crutch for Marie's character development. She still is sarcastic and mean-spirited who would still play a practical joke no matter what, but she's more friendly to other people.

· When Lee did came back, it was around graduation of the Eds. Marie and May caught wind of it and so, not only the Kankers reunited, but the whole of Peach Creek. Even Ralph came back to share in the celebrations and to show that everyone matured and changed for better or for worse.

· Lee apologised to everyone, but explained that she found love of her own and revealed that she is becoming a mother. Le realised how much she done wrong by leaving her sisters and that her first thing as a mother is to set things right, to have as much family around her and appreciate it. To not follow the mistakes of their mother.

· Very, very old idea, I wanted Lee to die because she couldn't bear that her sisters have a life. But I thought that was stupid and just edgy for the sake of it. Plus it makes Lee into a bitch. I abandoned it and wanted to go for the option of giving Lee a huge character arc.

· Also, the ending leaves ambiguity whether Edd and Marie do stay together or don't, as In a "Make your own head canon".

I had more ideas, but these are the pretty big ones. Really, the whole point was to give the Kankers some hope for the future. And hey ho, if Pacifica Northwest from Gravity Falls can get two episodes to make her from an unlikable bitch into a sympathetic character and have a shipping, then so can the Kanker Sisters.

I'll finish it off with this.

I'm sorry this could not be completed and I hope that someone would bring development to the Kanker sisters.

If I end up writing on this section, I will only do one shots from now on. No more series.

Also, watch Gravity Falls. It's an amazing series.

Until then, bye.