Woot, finally new story~! I came up with this fan fiction idea a while ago from playing "Skyrim" with my little brother, a little bit of Spice and Wolf and the title obviously came from the song Swords and Magic. I've been wanting to write a fan fiction like this forever because I LOVE fantasies so I'm looking forward to writing this, Please R&R~
P.S. It may seem confusing for some at first, but it will get explained later on.


"Rin, you have your registration forms?"

"Yes Master, I put in my messenger bag where you told me to."

"What about your spell book?"

"It's in the pouch too, like it always is."

"And you're wearing something nice? I don't want you wearing some rag of clothes on a day like today."

I let out an annoyed sigh from all the constant questions, "Yes, I'm wearing the ivory green dress and my cloak." Master turned from whatever he was fiddling around with on the table and directed his attention to me as his red eyes scanned my new dress.

"Are you sure you wanna wear that? I just think your light blue one is more suitable for-"

"Master Honne!" I snapped to get him to stop, he's been such a busy body this morning. Of course I can't really blame him, I'm supposed to confront the king of our city today and get assigned a partner.

So you can get a better understanding, I'm Rin Kagamine, a wizard apprentice and have been studying the art of wizardry with my master in the city of Evergreen since I was around eleven. Now that I'm the age of fifteen, I'm eligible to prepare to travel along side a warrior that is chosen by the king to understand each others powers by fighting along side one another. The journey can last as long as one year, but to show proof that you and your partner did work together to fight, the wizard is given a scroll to keep on the journey that will automatically keep track of each person and creature you took down together.

Every creature and person is worth a certain amount of points depending on how challenging they were, in the end of the journey you must have a a total of 500 points. If you do not reach the total of 500, you lose your blessing as a warrior and a wizard. Seems a bit pointless and confusing, but if we didn't have something like this, the balance between wizards and warriors would be disrupted like it was many years ago. Plus, if you do go through this journey your skills as a warrior and wizard will be strengthened greatly. The journey isn't exactly required, but it's something most wizards and warriors do anyway. You can also do it at any age, most go before the age of 18 though.

Not just anyone can simply become a wizard or warrior when they please though, you have to be blessed by a priest or priestess and have certain knowledge of the subject beforehand. I started studying wizardry at the young age of six because of my older brother and was blessed to be a wizard at ten. Of course being a wizard and warrior aren't the only things you can choose to be blessed as, there are various things such as a healer, witch, alchemist and so much more. You don't have to be blessed as anything though, most people choose not to be blessed at all. However, you can't be blessed after the age of 13. After the age of 13, you're not considered to be pure enough to be blessed.

"Now, once I'm finished with this spell, we can get to the town square for the executions." Master Honne mumbled engrossed in his spell making.

"We still have to go to the executions?" I whined, my great day suddenly taking a 150 degree turn. Once a month everyone in the city is required to go to the city square and watch the prisoners caught that month be executed to show your pride and loyalty for Evergreen. I always hated it, it made my stomach flip to watch it happen, especially knowing that most of those "prisoners" are really innocent or are being killed for ridiculous reasons.

"Yes, I know you hate it but we have to. I promise right after the executions we will go straight to the king to get your partner." He promised as he put away a few books from the table onto the shelf, but it didn't really help the fact that the table was already a mess with papers, books, and other little things. That's pretty much how our whole house was, but we can clean it up with the blink of an eye using our magic so we never really bother. "Come on Rin, we wouldn't want to be late for the executions."

"I wouldn't dream of it." I muttered under my breath as I followed master Honne out of our small, messy home.

We started down the long stone steps down the hill and towards the city square, we lived right outside the city where most people grew crops, which I don't mind one bit. It's just this huge hill we live on that I hate, and I'm usually the one that delivers stuff for master Honne so it's a real pain going up and down the steps and all around the city.

"Now Rin, don't even think about running off back to the house, you almost got me in trouble last time," Master suddenly ordered me sternly.

"What? Me? A thought like that would never cross my mind master," I purred sarcastically with a smug smile across my lips, but master shot me a glare from the side.

"I mean it, I could get into serious trouble if you pull something like that again. You're lucky I got to you before the Evergreen guards did."

"Yeah, I know." I sighed, master has gotten me out of trouble multiple times though. This city is so strict, I've never gotten used to it because where I grew up it was so lenient, and I refuse to follow some of Evergreens rules because this kingdom is so corrupted. As much as I hate it here though, my master is here and I've dedicated myself to the art of wizardry so here I stay.

As we walked in silence I shifted my gaze up to the sky which looked a bit strange. In our city, there is an invisible barrier powered by a blessed stone to prevent creatures like giants and dragons out, though dragons are very rare. Even though the barrier is invisible, you always see a sort of haze or glow to the sky. But today, it looked crystal clear and the clouds a pearly white.

"Master, does something seem odd about the sky today?" I asked keeping my gaze locked on the sky, making sure I was seeing right.

"Yes, it doesn't have its usual glow."

"Do you think something happened to the barrier?" I asked worriedly, but master looked unfazed as he kept his eyes glued on the sky.

"Well, I had heard a few rumors around the city about the stone used for the barrier growing weaker."

"Don't they have more stones?"

"Yes, but not exactly big enough for a city as big as Evergreen."

"What are they going to do then? They have to have some sort of back up, right?"

"Well just take a look," Master said gesturing over to my side. I looked over and saw various guards and the few warriors we had from Evergreen heading towards the edge of the city grounds.

"Will that really help if something does happen to come?" I asked looking at the warriors and guards warily.

"Probably not, but if something does happen to come they're probably going to ask all the wizards of the city to help along side the warriors."

"But we don't have many wizards in our kingdom, only a few that I know of, including us. Same goes for warriors."

"I know, so let's hope nothing does happen." Master sighed walking up ahead of me. Master is never one to show an emotion such as worrying, but I can tell he is. I took one last look at the clear blue sky before running back to masters side.

When we got to the city square most people of Evergreen were there already, of course the city square was always filled with this many people no matter when you came. Master and I walked down to the edge of the execution pit where there was an area, almost like an arena, that held all the executions. I leaned over on the ledge that had a stone fence around for safety and rested my head in the palms of my hands.

I looked down the eight story high drop into the arena and saw all the prisoners lined up to be executed. I counted about thirty-three people standing in the line, that's usually the amount of people per a month. Some of the people I recognized and I've seen around the city before, but it was kind of hard to tell since most people in the city have the same dark and or dull hair color. That's why I stand out so much in Evergreen, I have a bright honey blond hair color. Even master Honne's silver hair is dull compared to mine.

I shifted my gaze down the line of prisoners, until one caught my eye. There was a boy with the same bright honey blond hair I have, obviously not from around here. I studied his appearance a bit more and noticed how young he looked too, there's no way he could be more than a couple of years older than me at the most.

"Master, what's someone as young-looking as him doing there as a prisoner?" I asked pointing to the young boy, master looked down at the prisoners and raised an eyebrow when he spotted the blonde boy.

"You're right, for him to be that young he must have committed a serious crime, there usually pretty easy-going on younger people." Master said still studying the boy until a feminine voice was heard.

"Oh Dell, it's good to see you," A silver haired womans voice sung out. Her name is Haku Yowane, she's a barmaid at the alehouse master goes to a lot and a close friend that visits often. "You too Rin." she bowed giving me her usual warm smile.

"Good to see you too Ms. Haku," I chirped waving to her, Ms. Haku was kind of like a mother figure to me since I only have master around the house and both my parents lived in a whole other village far away, I don't think I can even really remember which village anymore. It doesn't matter now though, since I'm technically old enough to live on my own at this point.

I looked back over to master to see him distracted talking to Ms. Haku, so I turned my attention to the young, blond boy again. I kept thinking of all the things he could possibly have done to get to the point of being executed. He looked so distressing though, of course you would if you were about to be executed in front of a whole city, but this was a different kind. I wanted to know more about this boy, my curiosity was killing me. Then I thought of the perfect person who could give me that information I wanted; Teto Kasane, one of the few friends I have in Evergreen.

I looked over to master to make sure he was still talking to Ms. Haku, luckily he was too engrossed in his conversation with her to notice me sneak off. I slowly backed away from master and soon started sprinting towards Teto's mothers bakery which was luckily not too far away. I pushed through the large crowd of people getting a few glares and complaints but I tried not to mind them. As I grew close to the Kasane bakery I saw a familiar pair of corkscrew twin tails that belonged to Teto.

"Teto," I called out quietly so I wouldn't disturb anymore people. Teto spun around on her heels and showed off one of her goofy smiles when she saw me.

"Oh Rin, what brings you all the way down here? This isn't usually where you and Mr. Honne come during the executions,"

"I know, I came to get information," I stated with a smirk, she nodded knowing exactly what I meant. Teto's fathers job is to keep track of all the prisoners names, ages, crimes, and everything you need to know. Teto often goes down to his work to deliver goods from her mothers bakery, and while her father isn't looking she takes a peak at the prisoner records, that's how I know how corrupt out system is.

"Which one?" She asked leaning on the ledge of the arena over looking the prisoners as I came over beside her and pointed out the blond boy.

"Oh him? I remember his profile quiet well since he was so unusual looking. His name is Kagamine Len, age fifteen, he's also traveler," She went on giving out other pretty pointless facts about him until in all her rambles on thing stuck out, "I think it said something about him being blessed as a warrior too."

"Really?" I asked suddenly taking more interest in him, and feeling a bit more sympathetic for him, "He could be going on that journey right now and bettering his skills instead of being here."

"What difference does it make?" Teto asked with a dry laugh, "Either way he would have a chance of dying, right? I'll never understand why you chose to be a wizard and go on that stupid journey, seems like too much work." She complained. Teto is a bit lazy and has always questioned why people would want to be blessed and do all that work in the first place. "I don't even see the point of this journey wizards and warriors take anyway. I don't even know the difference between a city guard and a warrior either."

"The journey is to help keep the balance between a wizard and warrior even, we wouldn't want a war like the one we had years ago happen again." I explained to Teto, the main reason we have this journey is to prevent a war like the one that happened hundreds of years ago. Wizards and warriors both have the ability to kill, and the balance between the two once got out of hand, and thousands died. So to have a reminder that our powers are equal, we do this journey. And so that the journey will appeal to more people, your skills are strengthened greatly after completing the journey. And the reason you're blessing as a warrior and a wizard are taken away, is because that means you didn't use your skills as a warrior and wizard equally.

"Well wouldn't it just be easier to not be a wizard or warrior and not have to do any of that?" Teto asked jokingly.

"You're so simple-minded sometimes," I giggled and she gave me a little glare. "Anyway, what did that boy even do?" I asked putting my attention back onto the blonde.

"If I can remember correctly, it was for slaughtering one of the kings pigs," Teto said calmly, but I could feel my blood boil.

"For a reason stupid like that?" I shouted a bit too loudly, forgetting I was out in public and a few people shooting me glares.

"Rin, you need to keep your voice down. You'll get in trouble for bad mouthing the city rules," Teto whispered to me, "slaughtering live stock is a serious crime believe it or not. Especially if it's the kings."

"Again, a really stupid reason. I really can't wait to go on this journey and get out of this city," I grumbled to myself.

"Attention people of Evergreen!" The loud voice of the king echoed though the city square that made all the noise from people stop and go silent, "We will now begin the executions!" The king exclaimed and people started cheering. Another reason I hate Evergreen, the people are blood thirsty animals that take joy in people's misfortune.

"Rin, I'll tell you when you can shut your eyes," Teto whispered over to me. I gave her a faint smile to show my appreciation, but even if I did close my eyes I always heard the sound of the axe chopping, it made me cringe just thinking about it. I saw the first prisoner in line be roughly pushed up the executioner post and I instantly shut my eyes and put my hands to my ears.

"Rin," Teto whispered to me, signaling me for the first execution.

"Way ahead of you," I whispered back quietly and heard the muffled sound of the axe go down and flinched, shortly after I could hear the muffled cheers of people. This went on several more times till Teto nudged me. "What is it Teto?" I asked keeping my eyes closed not wanting to see the scene in front of me.

"That boy is about to go next," She pointed out, I opened one eye a little and I saw the blond boy about to go up which made me feel this pang of sadness and pity for him. The boy started walking up and I couldn't watch, I shut my eyes tight and waited for the noise of the axe to go down. But I didn't hear it, instead I heard a loud rumble and felt the ground shake.

"Teto, did you hear that?" I asked looking up to my dark pink haired friend who shared the same confused look as I did.

"Yeah, It sounded like it came from outside the city," Teto pointed out, when I looked around everyone shared the same confused look, everything just seemed to pause. The loud rumble happened again but this time louder and the ground shook more violently. "Rin, what do you think that is?"

I stared at the shaking ground for a moment to think of what it could be, then I remembered the barrier was down, "Teto, we have to-"


"Rin!" Teto cried grabbing my arm out of fear, there before us was a dragon that had smashed its way into the city square destroying multiple buildings. Everybody in the city square went into chaos with people running away from the large reptilian beast, "Come on, we have to get out of here!" Teto tugged at my arm to get me to run away, but I couldn't just let a dragon destroy everything, I might be able to do something.

"Teto, I want you to run, get out of here right now," I demanded pulling the spell book out of my pouch.

"What?" She asked angrily, "You'll get yourself killed!"

"You'll get killed if you stay here, I can handle myself, now go!" I barked back looking her straight in the eye, she was hesitant but she eventually nodded unsurely and ran off. I turned and saw the giant beast not very far away from me and fear instantly took over, what am I thinking? This is the first time I've ever even seen a dragon! I panicked trying to decide which spell to even use ruffling pages around, I almost forgot there was a dragon of all things right before me.

"Hey kid, look out!" One of the guards shouted to me, I looked up and the large reptile was charging forward. I panicked and started backing away quickly which resulted in me tripping backward over my cloak. I sat right back up and rubbed the back of my head that hit the ground to release some of the pain, but when I put my attention back to the dragon I saw the horrid scene of the reptile crashing into where Master Honne was.

"Master Honne!" I screeched in fear and panic, I quickly jumped to my feet and sprinted toward the arena that was now just rubble. I didn't know if he had even ran away or chose to fight, I just had to be sure he was okay and he wasn't dead.

I slid down the rubble and into the pit, right when I hit solid ground I started pushing broken pieces of stone around looking for any sign of him. It was a bit challenging though because there was so much smoke coming from the fire that dragon was causing, it was making this small task near to impossible for me. I kept turning through rocks and rubble but I couldn't find one sign of any life.

I kept searing until I heard a muffled voice call my name.

"Master Honne?" I questioned hoping for a response and scanning my surrounding area. I stated turning over rocks again quickly from where I thought I heard the voice and I soon saw the familiar silver hair and pushed the rocks out of the way quickly to revile master Honne barely alive.

"Finally you found me, you took long enough." He joked giving a weak laugh.

"Master, you look horrible we have to get you out of here-"

"No, I don't think I'll make it so don't waste your energy. Just go on."

"Don't say things like that you stubborn old man!"

"Rin, you're the one being stubborn! If you don't get out of here soon the smoke will fill your lungs and kill you!" He shouted angrily but I stayed put, he gave me a stern stare for a minute but then let out a frustrated sigh signaling he gave up. "Fine, stay behind with me if you want. But if you do happen to make it out alive I want you to take something with you on your journey. I wasn't planning on giving it to you, but I also wasn't planning on ending up like this."

I stared at him a bit sceptically but finally asked, "What is it?"

"It's in my pocket, but I don't think you can get it from here so you'll have to cut it open." He gestured towards my pouch and I quickly understood what he meant and pulled out my dagger, stabbing the thick fabric. I searched the large pocket found a small, golden charm that was in a simple sphere shape. I scanned the small charm and turned to master Honne giving him a questionable look. "Since us wizards only have limited magic power per every time we us it, in case of an emergency that charm will give you extra magic. Use it wisely because it doesn't have much."

"I will," I assured, quickly stuffing the charm back into my pouch. I was about to attempt to get Master Honne up and get him out of the pit, but I saw his eyes look past me and widen with horror. I quickly turned around and saw the flames behind me getting larger as the dragon made its way towards us. The thick smoke was filling my lungs quickly causing me to cough hysterically and I could feel my vision start to blur. I could feel my head start to go light, about to pass out before I felt an arm wrap around me and lift me off the ground and a flash of honey blond before my vision went completely black.




Where am I? I suddenly thought to myself once my scenes started to slowly return. I could smell fresh air, but it was different from the usual air you got in the city, this one was a lot cleaner. I wanted to see where I had ended up, because where ever it was it definitely wasn't in the city. But if I wasn't, where could I have ended up? Last I remember I was in the pit with master and the thick smoke from the fire was consuming me. But now that I think about it, I remember the feeling of being lifted off the ground.

Curious to see where I was, I struggled to open my eyes. But when I finally did get them open, I found myself squinting from the bright sunlight. Was it always this bright? I started to slowly see my surroundings and noticed that I was surrounded by trees and laying on lush grass. Was I in a forest? How did I even get here? Am I dreaming?

"Hey you're up," I sort of burly voice announced, I didn't jump in surprise though. My body felt strangely heavy, like I was made out of lead. I somehow managed to mustered up the strength to turn my head over to the voice to at least see who was talking, and to my surprise it was the boy from earlier who was supposed to be executed, now just lounging on a piece of dead wood fiddling with a sword. I wanted to ask him a thousand things but the words wouldn't- no, couldn't come out.

"You know," The boy suddenly started "If I hadn't gotten you out of there you probably would've died."

"...Why did you save me then anyway?" I asked with the little energy I had and my voice sounding deathly hoarse.

"Well I saw you in trouble, so I saved you. Simple enough, right?" He questioned like it was simple logic putting his weapon back into an old, battered looking sheath. "Well if you're okay, I should be going. I left a bit of water for you if you need it, well. Nice meeting you." He said flatly lifting himself off the mossy wood and hoisting the leather strap of his sheath over his shoulder.

"You're leaving already?" I asked, my voice also returning to its normal pitch.

"Yeah, I can't waste anytime. I'm on a very important journey. So if you won't be needing anything else I'll be going now."

"W-wait, I don't even know where I am! And I don't know who you are either!" The last part was a lie, but I needed to get him to stay, or how else am I going to get back to Evergreen?

"Well we're obviously in the middle of the forest." He dryly pointed out. Oh great, he's one of those people...

"...That's not what I meant. I meant how far away from Evergreen are we?"I huffed, crossing my arms annoyed. And I actually felt sorry for this guy!

"Heh, well just take a look over the trees," He pointed past me where a thicket of trees were, but over them was thick, black smoke that tainted the blue skies, "Your little city is probably practically destroyed by now, along with the people in it-"

"Don't say things like that!" I cried not wanting to believe him. Even though he's probably right, a dragon is a very rare creature that can kill hundreds of people in just a short amount of time. It's so rare, that it's hard to believe a dragon of all things got in.

"Look, I don't have time to deal with you. If I were you, I'd go to the next closest village. Now that you know what to do, goodbye."

"N-no wait!" I panicked latching my hand onto the sleeve of his shirt.

"What now?!"

"Can I travel with you?" I blurted out, not really even knowing what I was saying myself. He looked pretty confused himself and wasn't talking. Guess I'll have to play it out now. "I-I'm Rin Kagamine, just turned 15 a-and have been learning wizardry since I was young, so can I please travel with you?" I, again, blurted out quickly, but the awkward silence still hung over us. Why doesn't he say something?

"Uhm, what does you being a wizard have to do with you traveling with me?" Jeez, why am I such an idiot?! He doesn't even know that I know his name, let alone pretty much everything else about him!

"U-uhm. I just thought you should know, that's all. I-I also heard that you were a warrior a-and that you're around the same age as me and all and I thought maybe we could do that j-journey together... that's all." After my rambling the awkward silence soon returned and I had nothing else to say, why am I such an idiot?

"Why would I go on that journey with you? And what makes you think I want to go on this journey in the first place?"

"W-well where are you going?"

"...Why do you need to know that?"

"J-just answer!" He raised an eyebrow sceptically but then looked down at the ground in deep thought for a moment.

"I guess you could say I'm going a little bit of everywhere, that is until what I find what I'm looking for." Looking for? I wonder what he's looking for.

"Which means you're probably going to be traveling far and for a long time, right?" I posed excitedly as I was about to give another good reason to travel along side him, I wasn't excited it was him, but it's hard to find a warrior in a small village, and going back to Evergreen isn't much of an option.

"Most likely, yes. What are you getting to?"

"It'll be pretty hard and lonely to travel all by yourself for that long, which is another reason I should come with you! Plus, I can help you find whatever you're looking for, and you being my partner is help enough for me, it's like a deal!"

"For one thing, what makes you think you're the type of company I want around? And second, I saved you just a little bit ago, I think you would just make it harder for me." Sadly, I guess he had a good point about that stuff. "But, maybe someone like you wouldn't be all that bad to have around. Plus you would probably die within the first few moments without me." He thought, he's actually reconsidering? "And I guess it might benefit us both in a way if we traveled with each other. And having a wizard wouldn't be all that bad to have around. Actually it might help out a bit."

"So...? Is it a deal?" I urged, he sat in thought a bit longer thinking up all the pros and cons, but soon let out a frustrated sigh.

"I guess... It's a deal. But you better not get in the way!" He angrily spat out the last part, but all that mattered was that I had a partner and could actually start the journey!

"Thank you so much, I promise I'll try my best~!" I chirped overly joyed.

"Yeah, yeah. I guess we'll see how you do." He muttered, but I tried to ignore it. I swear if anything, I'll make sure I come back to Evergreen in a year with the journey complete and make master Honne proud!

I've had this story in my folder since July, and I'm just now finishing it and publishing it. What with between not having a computer to write with for almost two months and my mom restricting me from the computer almost all summer, it was pretty hard to get this done! I'll try and update as I can with thsi story, please R&R~

P.S. I hope spelling was okay in this, it's over 5,000 words so it's hard to tell if I missed anything! haha

Love, Setsuro-chan~