Totally random drabble, explanation at the end. But for now…

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: the Last Airbender, or its characters. Otherwise it probably never would have stopped.

Everyone (meaning Aang, Katara, Sokka, Suki, Toph, Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, and of course Appa and Momo) was at the beach house on Ember Island, enjoying a small vacation from their duties. They were lying on their backs in the courtyard, looking at the stars. Everything was peaceful until Aang broke the silence.

"What's everyone's favorite beauty product?" he asked.

"Where is this coming from?" Katara asked, propping up on one elbow to look at her boyfriend.

The Avatar shrugged. "I dunno. Just trying to break the silence I guess."

"Well I don't go anywhere without my waterproof mascara," Katara replied with a grin, flopping onto her back again.

"What about you Toph?" Aang asked.

"Unless you count a healthy layer of dirt as makeup, I don't wear any," said earthbender grunted. "How 'bout you Twinkletoes?" The bald monk thought for a moment.

"I guess my razor. You know, to keep myself bald. Sokka?" Aang turned towards the Water Tribe warrior.

"My warrior face paint," Sokka said without hesitation. "What about you Suki?" he asked, reaching out to take his girlfriend's hand.

"Same as you. How about you, Zuko?" the Kyoshi warrior said, turning towards the young Fire Lord.

"I don't use anything," Zuko replied, turning away.

"You sure about that? Because I'm pretty sure you use conditioner for that mane of hair you have," Sokka joked.

"He does," Mai drawled, betraying her boyfriend.

"Well what about you?" Zuko blustered, turning red. "Everyone knows you use foundation to stay so pale! Ow!" he cried a moment later, Mai having poked him with a dart.

"I use lip gloss!" Ty Lee volunteered. "Pink strawberry is my favorite color!" There was a silence for a while.

"Well this has been strangely informative," Sokka commented.

Totally random! But here's why I thought of this late at night: I was thinking about what kind of bender I would be, decided on water, looked at myself in the mirror, saw the marks under my eyes from where I tried to scrub off waterproof mascara, thought of ATLA, thought of Katara, all of the thought connected, and this popped out while I was blow drying my hair.