a/n: IM SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE, never my intention!
first it was my writers block and then my crazy life and half way through...BAM another writers block! After finally finishing the chapter Something about it I didn't like so I changed almost all of it AGAIN! then re read it like a million times and still felt like something was missing. finally when I reached a satisfying draft I sent it to an awesome person who read it and gave me their input. thanks to that you guys got an update, so I would like to take the time and thank animefan1809, you are a BLESSING!

allrighty back to the story!

~~I do not own Naruto~~


Sasuke turned to see Hinata standing by the tree he was sitting under, hiding from the afternoon sun. Looking up and drinking in the sight of that which is Hinata he noticed how perfectly she glowed with the sunlight.

"Sasuke? Has Itachi-san arrived?" She asked timidly.

He smirked and nodded. "Not yet, but any minute now he should be. We received a messenger hawk from him about an hour ago. "

"I see….." Hinata laced her fingers together nervously and her brows twisted almost as if she was in pain.

Sasuke stood up quickly and walked the two steps it took to reach her until he slightly towered over her from his height. "Hinata, what is it?"

Hinata had mustered all her courage for this moment. This exact moment to prove to him her strength. She almost kicked herself for being too timid at such a crucial time, stuttering like a fool. But she couldn't help it. Though she's slowly falling into the whirlpool called love, the fact is she still didn't know Sasuke. He could react any way. Pushing her nervousness aside, Hinata opened her mouth.

"About the meeting…I-I wish to go with you and Itachi-san."

Sasuke stood silent for a moment staring her down, pensive on what she requested. Hinata held his eyes, determined not to show any weakness. But that exact strong gaze she directed to him, made it that much harder for sasuke. He slowly placed his hands on her shoulders and gave them a reassuring squeeze.

"Hinata, you have to stay here. We can't risk being caught with you." Her eyes widened a bit. She wasn't necessarily shocked, she predetermined that the answer would most likely be that: a flat out no. But she had hope that maybe somewhere he could see that she indeed was valuable and asset to the team. That she could help because she was stronger and more than ready. Whether it be a small duty or a tremendous burden; it didn't matter. Hinata wanted to be a part of it, the help, not the hindrance. Earlier in the day Hinata had pondered on what to do, when she realized how could she help if she knew nothing, which is why she wanted to go. To listen and to aid. She bit her lower lip, angry, but angry at herself. The feeling of being useless surged her body causing her to tremble slightly underneath Sasuke's hands.

Sasuke smiled. It wasn't hard to read Hinata, it was rather easy for him. He could see the frustration in her movements. The disappointed yet understanding in her eyes. She was an open book he gladly read. Shifting his hand and lifting her chin so they can meet eyes he spoke, hoping to soothe her just a little.

"Your part, for now, is here. To train, to become even stronger because when we fight alongside each other I need to know that I don't have to babysit you." Hinata looked at him and pouted like a child, chuckling softly soon after at the remark.

"If anything, you would need to keep up with me when we're out there." Was her response. Sasuke laughed at her retort. She smiled brightly then closed her eyes relishing in Sasuke's touch as she nuzzled her face into his palm. They stood still in each others presence for what seemed like eternity, until Sasuke heard the guards shout. Hinata turned and faced the commotion. She looked quizzically at the uchiha servants running around like chickens, squawking and flapping their arms around.

"I think Itachi has arrived." Answered Sasuke.

Hinata turned to face him. "You should go greet him." sasuke nodded, "I'll go fetch Hanabi for dinner, it'll be nice for the four of us to dine together." Sasuke watched her walk into the estate and when her figure disappeared into the shadows of the home, he moved to greet Itachi at the gate.

Once he felt that familiar chakra, Sasuke turned and faced Itachi with a smirk. "Took you long enough, I thought you were dead by now." He announced, startling a few of the servants who stood beside him.

"If I remember correctly, Sasuke, this isn't the first time that thought has crossed your mind." Itachi responded with a smirk.

"How was your mission nii-san?"


Sasuke narrowed his eyes at his brother. 'What the fuck is that suppose to mean?' but soon just brushed it off. He knew Itachi would unravel those two words onto a full report for him later in the evening. But for now, he would have to just accept 'unexpected' as it is: vague.

"How has the training progressed with Hinata-sama?" asked Itachi, interested in what has unfolded between him and the lovely Hyuga.

"Very…eventful." Sasuke smirked, satisfied he one up'ed his brother with his vague response.

"Well Sasuke, I guess we both have had our share of troubles this week. None the less, I need to regain my strength, did you kill the chef while I was gone? Or did he prepare a meal for us tonight?" Itachi teased.

"About that…..Itachi, tonight we will have some guests during dinner…"

"Guests?" He asked.

"Guests." Sasuke deadpanned.

It was midnight and the Uchiha brothers have barely crossed the city limits, heading towards the meeting spot with naruto. Itachi finally broke the silence and spoke his first words since dinner.

"I told you not to get too close Sasuke."

"It just happened."

"Is that what you told father when you killed a guard?"

"Itachi….they were going to rape her, you expect me to stand by and do nothing as they attack her?"

"You didn't need to kill the guard."

"I couldn't control myself…..my body, it just moved on its own."


"Itachi, its better this way."

Itachi just sighed and gave in. In reality he probably wouldn't of reacted any different if he witnessed what Hinata explained, even though meek Hinata didn't describe everything in detail. The way she fidgeted and stuttered, the way Hanabi began to tear from resurfacing feelings of frustration because she couldn't help her sister, that was enough to want to set the entire squadron of guards on fire. A black endless hell that would melt their skin slowly until it left their bones in ashes. So yes, now that he re analyzes the situation, Sasuke did indeed do right, he maybe even held back.

"Hinata and Hanabi are safe within our home. You can't deny that."

Itachi chuckled a bit remembering another aspect of the dinner he remembered. Something dear sweet Hinata couldn't hide but made oh so obvious. "Thats true Sasuke, but Hinata, she's not safe from you." He teased.

Sasuke stared at his brother before giving in. "What do you mean?"

Itachi sighed. Seriously Sasuke could be such a child sometimes. "Just don't get Hinata pregnant."


Itachi shook his head. "I don't like repeating myself Sasuke, but I'll do it just this once since its a serious matter. Don't. Get. Hinata-san. Pregnant. Could you imagine me having to deal with not only you, but a miniature version of you. For kami sake, a man could only take so much torture."

"Itachi, h-how did you know..that..me and Hina-"

"Sasuke you of all people should know, Hinata is like an open door when it comes to things. Let alone her ever present blush was evidence enough of your…special training." Itachi chuckled as he saw Sasuke's cheeks tint a slight pink. But soon frowned at what may come in the future. "Sasuke when all this is over do you expect father to welcome Hinata with a smile and a hug?"

Sasuke stayed silent for a while until he finally responded, looking Itachi square in the eyes. "I'll protect her."

"You'll protect who!?" Called out the blonde, jumping down from a tree in front of the brothers, unbeknownst to him of the seriousness of the conversation.

Sasuke smirked. "It's been a while, idiot." And extended his arm to claspe forearms with Naruto.

"No way teme! Ya' missed me!?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"Tch, like a thorn on my side."

"And what's a rose withouts it's thorns?…Weak! See you need me teme, you just haven't realized it yet." Naruto smiled brightly at his triumphant response.

"Ahem…" An old man with long silver hair appeared behind Naruto. "Seems like Naruto really is friends with you Uchiha."

"What!? You were still doubting us old man!? After all we been through?" Exclaimed Naruto.

"Well it's just a precaution Naruto, but don't worry kid I'm truly convinced now!" Jiraiya smiled at the boy and patted the top of his head.

Sasuke stared at the duo. "Who is this guy?"

"O ho ho thank you for asking!" Suddenly background music begins to play and Jiraiya moves to the left with one foot off the ground beginning his epic introduction. "I AM Myouboku Mountain's Monk of the frog spirits! ALSO KNOWN as the FROG HERMIT!" Everyone sweat dropped when Sakura flowers were released in the air as a finishing touch to his introduction.*

"Aaah come on ero sennin! Are you really gonna do that every time someone asks who you are!?"

"Wha-Wha Naruto! I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Not happening pervert. Anyways, Sasuke good news! We did it, Vulpes is with us!" Naruto jumped and fisted the air, giving everyone a cheeky smile.

"Wait naruto. We are still missing a guest." Itachi voiced out before he continued.

"Who?" Naruto asked curiously.


"Yūjin?" asked Sasuke.

"Yes. Let me explain."

-flash back!-

It was morning and the sun entered Itachi's room quietly. He began to pack his basics into a scroll and as he reached for it on the desk he noticed a small envelope placed neatly next to it. The word Yūjin was written on it with a seal from the land of sound. At first Itachi thought it was a simple note maybe from one of his comrades or god forbid anther love note from some crazy fan girl, but as he opened it Itachi realized it was a secret message.

Madara has eyes even in the trees.
If you follow the jinchuuriki,
he will know.
Underneath the scroll is a paper with a seal.
Add your blood and create a clone.
Attach the paper seal and even the gods will be fooled.
I will appear when you return at midnight where you meet the jinchuuriki.
You are not alone.
Burn this message.


Itachi didn't know what to think, he just stared at the note. He wondered at first if maybe Sasuke had spoken to someone, but then again Sasuke trusted almost no one, so he quickly dismissed the idea. Then he wondered maybe if it was a trap. He looked curiously at the paper sealed, studying carefully all of the symbols and markings. Activating his sharingan to double check for traps or faulty lines. Surprisingly the seal was indeed legitimate. He created a clone and with the paper he stamped his blood and attached it to the clone with a kunai as a final test. It absorbed and with his sharingan he saw as the clone chakra transformed into his identical chakra imprint. He stared at the clone as it stared back with the same stoic gaze.

'It appears we do have more friends.'

Itachi smirked at the thought. He was curious to know who this Yūjin was, but he decided it was best to wait. This person is being cautious and so should he. Giving his clone the orders Itachi sent him off, after that it only took minutes to finally arrive to Naruto, thankfully undetected.

-end of flash back!-

"So this Yūjin character knows everything and is going to help us?" Asked Naruto bewildered.

"Helped us naruto. Yūjin is the reason I was able to be two places at once, without being discovered." Itachi said this with a small smirk.

"I have an idea who this Yūjin might be…" Sasuke mentally sighed at the thought of Aiko, the perverted nurse.

"Oh?…Who then Sasuke?" Curiosity filled Itachi, maybe something happened that his sibling forgot to mention earlier.

"Come on Sasuke-kun! Do you really have to look so sad when you think of me?" Aiko cheerly popped her head out of a nearby tree.

Sasuke sighed. It was as he feared. "Aiko... so your Yūjin?"

"I wish! She's gorgeous! Hahaha! But no silly I'm not Yūjin." Aiko smiled from ear to ear at just the thought of her sweet little Yūjin.

"Wait you know Yūjin? And who are you?…Did you just say 'she'?" Naruto questioned. Jiraiya just stared at the lovely blonde, a little dumbstruck from the beauty and the situation unfolding before his very eyes.

"I'm sorry for being late." A blue haired woman with brown eyes followed behind Aiko. She was beautiful and had a delicate paper flower placed on her right ear, and a small blush on her cheeks. What was most shocking was she wore the akatsuki cloak. The Uchiha brothers quickly recognized who it was: Konan.

"Aiko please, stop embarrassing me. We just met them and your already at it." Konan pleaded with the blonde.

"Awww sorry hunny! You know I just love to make you blush! But I'll keep the PDA to a minimum, promise!" Aiko placed a tender kiss on Konan forehead and hugged her softly. Konan just blushed more deeply.

Everyone stared wide eyed but two in particular, Naruto and Jiraiya, dropped from nose bleeds at the idea of these two beautiful women together…in private.

Unfazed from the display of public affection, Itachi was quick to question Konan. " Konan you are Yujin?"

"Yes, I am Itachi-san."

"why are you helping us? You clearly wear the cloak of our enemy." Itachi dead panned.

Konan inhaled and exhaled before she began. "I understand your suspicions but I assure you we are fighting alongside one another. Nagato, myself and another named Yahiko actually began the Akatsuki long before Madara became leader. We created the Akatsuki to fight for the innocent victims of war. We were a rebellion group but Yahiko mostly referred to us as peace keepers."

Sasuke scoffed. "Peace keepers? Are you serious? Akatsuki members hold as much blood on their hands than any tailed beast."

"Your right and yes, I am serious. The akatsuki, as I said, did not start that way at all." Konan remained emotionless, she didn't expect anyone to believe her but she continued on in hopes that they could at least listen. She wanted this war done. She wanted the meaningless fights to end, for peace to cover the land and to live happily with Aiko.

"When Madara came to us and claimed he knew of a way to veil the entire wold in peace Yahiko dismissed the idea immediately, not trusting his slick words. But after Yahiko's death Nagato was so desperate for happiness he easily fell into the web of hate that Madara spun. I too at first followed Madara, but it wasn't until some time after I realized his path for peace was wrong. Nagato and I argued continuously about abandoning the Akatsuki but he would hear none of it. Stating that 'by leaving the Akatsuki we were dishonoring Yahiko's life.' Honestly, I only stayed to watch over Nagato….but now that he is gone, there's nothing holding me back and I wish to end Madara's tyranny."

"Well get in line sister! 'Cause I think teme and Itachi want first dibs." Naruto smiled kindly at the girl.

Konan smirked and looked towards Itachi. "I had sent a note to the Hyuga's and warned them of your plight, in hopes that it would stump Madara. When I arrived at the compound the next day and saw the aftermath, I followed your trail until you separated from the Jinchuuriki. Since then I have set up a type of chakra barrier in this areas in which Zetsu cannot enter. The barrier disguises itself as a lake so he would never think to look here for your group."

"Is Zetsu Madara's eyes in which you spoke of?" Itachi remembered the note Konan had left for him.

"Yes, Zetsu…he's different…to be honest I don't even think he's human. He Morphs into the plants and the earth itself, he can be anywhere and everywhere at the same time and it is difficult to cloak yourself. But with my chakra seal, the one you used on your clone, I am able to disguise chakra and manipulate it the same way he can, even nature chakra. It took me years but I assure you it's perfected. This area too is protected and you may speak here freely. Also I've placed the same barrier upon the shrine in witch Naruto stays, but unfortunately since Naruto visited the town, Madara knows he is here somewhere…."

"Shit Naruto, way to fuck it up." Sasuke spat.

"How was I suppose to know that Madara had some fucking plant alien trailing me the whole time!?"


"Both of you, this is no time for bickering." Itachi turned to Konan. "Is there any other information you can give us?"

Konan perked up. "Yes, Aiko and I have been trying to retrieve information about Madara's jutsu, I think we've figured out a way to stop him." Everyone look towards the small woman surprised and Aiko smiled proudly at her lover. "Isn't she the best!" And began a fit of giggles.

Jiraiya had a small blush but decided to set aside his new ideas of icha icha paradise and about time he spoke, feeling a bit pushed aside since the two lovelies have arrived. "Well then kids I guess all thats left is to wait till we retrieve Tsunade and then we can begin with the plans."

"All right! lets get going Ero-sennin!" Naruto readied himself to leap away to their destination.

"Wait! What are you talking about? Who the fuck is Tsunade?" Sasuke asked impatiently. Did they forget that he in fact still hasn't been briefed in what happened?

"I agree with Sasuke-san. I too would like to know what the strategy is, so that I may help with what I can." Konan voiced out.

"My apologies Konan-san, Sasuke. Naruto here gets a little excited and forgets things but I'll explain what transpired in Konoha.

"Thanks for filling us in." Sasuke glared daggers at Itachi, he never really liked being left out, especially during critical times.

"Itachi I think Sasuke here is a little jealous that we bonded while he was left behind." Naruto added as a matter of factly.

"I'm not jealous, I just need to know so I can tell Hinata, she's worried and i would like to give her peace of mind."

"I hope she's not pregnant Sasuke, you know those IUD's take a while to take affect!" Shouted Aiko. Naruto immediately turned to Sasuke when he heard Aiko and pointed an accusing finger towards him in shock.

"T-T-Teme! You didn't! How could you!? Hinata is so innocent you seamen demon! Oh my Kami! Her teammates are going to kill us if they find out." Naruto started sweating and crawled into a fetal position at just the thought of what would happen when shit hits the fan and the cats out of the bag, more like Kiba out of a bag.

Fuming from the unwanted attention Sasuke walked up to Naruto and grabbed him by the collar "Naruto shut up! It's not like I forced her you idiot!"

"Wait! What are you saying!? Are you calling her easy!? Thats even worse teme!"

"ENOUGH" Everyone turned to Itachi, surprised at hearing his voice so noticeably louder. "Your bickering is tiring. MUST we go through this EVERY time? Can't either of you behave properly? Sasuke, Naruto lets leave this conversation for another day, there is still much to talk about and very little time before the guards notice we are not at the estate. So with your permission, I would like to continue. I'm sure konan and Aiko would like to hear as well."

Sasuke and Naruto looked down, embarrassed of the fresh lecture they both just received. Itachi sighed and continued on with what happened during the mission.

"Naruto and I arrived at the meeting spot-"

"More like crashed the meeting! We were almost killed! Hahaha….oh! Sorry Itachi. Please continue, I'll stay quiet now."

"Thank you, now, where was I? oh yes, we arrived at the meeting spot…"

-In Konoha-

"This is bad Shikamaru!" Ino yelled. "Sakura and the Kyuubi are missing and the entire Hyuga compound was destroyed! Half of our members were from the Hyuga branch families!"

"Look just 'cause our numbers are dwindling, doesn't mean we can't win! We shouldn't give up." Yelled Kurenai.

Akamaru jumped from the trees and into the middle of the group, Kiba fell a few seconds after him. His face was stressed, pain evident in his eyes. Akamaru walked up to Kurenai and licked her face.

"Kiba did you find anything about Sakura?" Ino asked. Kiba grimaced and looked up to Shikamaru, not able to look Ino in the eye. "Yea…I found her grave." Gasps were heard all around the group. Ino began to tremble uncontrollably and before she collapsed from tears, Shino grabbed her shoulders to keep her steady.

Shikamaru closed his eyes. 'Shit our pieces are already being knocked off and we haven't even began the attack.' Just then Asuma had finally arrived and called for Shikamaru. "Shika, have you told the team of-" Asuma was interrupted before he could finish.

"No, I haven't had a chance."

"Of what? Tell us Shika!" Konohamaru shouted angrily. If Shikamaru knew something beneficial he should tell the entire team immediately, right?

"Hold it little guy, your lucky Asuma vouched for you to join, but your becoming more troublesome than your worth." Konohamaru pouted and crossed his arms in defeat.

Shikamaru sighed and began with the news Asuma was referring to. "We're having a visitor. He sent a letter to the Hokage thinking it was still Hiruzen the third Hokage. Luckily Danzo didn't look into it, because he's not particularly fond of this shinobi and gave it to Asuma sensei. Asuma responded to the letter and asked him to join us tonight."

"Who is it?" Yamato asked quickly, but before Shikamaru could answer, two men fell from the canopy of trees and onto the middle of the meeting.

"Hey-ya guys!" Everyone immediately went into battle formation, weapons were drawn and jutsu's were ready to be activated. Itachi stilled and kept his eyes closed while Naruto waved his hands in the air frantically in a defensive matter.

"Woah woah woah! Wait my name is Naruto, I'm the jinchuriki!" Everyone stood quiet, a little skeptical about it since not many ever met the jinchuriki of Konoha.

"Prove it!" yelled out Konohamaru not afraid of this skinny blonde.

"He doesn't need to." Responded Sai when he walked out of the shadows of the forest.

"S-Sai! what are you saying?." Ino countered.

"I'm saying who could forget such an ugly face. His name is Naruto Uzumaki the kyuubi retainer" Sai smiled kindly at Naruto.

"Who you calling ugly, chicken legs!?"

Sai tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Or maybe its not him?" And smiled happily towards Naruto again.

"Oh! Hahaha Sai your such a kidder! Yea its true I had the ugliest mug in ROOT! Hahaha"

"Yes you are correct Naruto." Sai said with indifference and walked to stand next to Yamato. Naruto frowned but didn't retort back.

Iruka fell from a branch finally arriving to his surprise, Naruto and a stranger were in the middle of vulpes. "Naruto! Why are you here? Do you now how dangerous it is for you to have come back? Danzo is stopping at nothing to find you!" Iruka sensei was frantic.

"Iruka! You recognize the boy too?" Kurenai asked.

"Yea Kurenai, Danzo assigned me to him to train him the basics when he was younger, after that Kakashi would see him every now and then to sharpen his skills."

"I see. Naruto right? Whose the guy standing next to you? He looks like he's sleep walking." Shikamaru was staring at the guy trying to figure out who he is. Maybe a new ally?

Naruto looked at Itachi and elbowed him in the stomach. Itachi snapped his eyes open and glared at the blonde sending shivers down his spine. Not even Sasuke had so much power in his glare. "Sheesh don't be mad at me, introduce yourself!"

Itachi looked around at all the members and wondered if saying his name would be the last words out of his mouth. Regardless its better to just say it than try to hide it.

"Hello everyone…my name is Uchiha, Itachi."

"What!?" Ino.

"An Uchiha!?" Kurenai and Asuma

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" Kiba.

"Do you have a death wish?" Konohamaru.

'This is becoming more and more stressful by the second' Thought Shikamaru.

"Naruto is he your prisoner?" Iruka asked curiously.

"Uuhhh actually…" Naruto scratched the back of his head momentarily trying to find the right words to explain. "….we're both here to help." Everyone remained silent, maybe from shock Itachi thought, but Naruto continued anyways. "I know what you guys are thinking, he's an Uchiha lets just slice his throat and feed him to the dogs. But this guy is different, we're really here to help." Itachi just stared at Naruto incredulously, couldn't he pick a better words?

Shikamaru stared at Itachi and felt a little uneasy. He thought maybe the uchiha was manipulating Naruto with his sharingan, but his eyes were still normal. Or maybe Naruto fell into the enemies hand and backstabbing Konoha, but that didn't seem right either. He met naruto before when they were younger, only for a moment, but that memory has always been etched onto his mind. The kid was vibrant and annoyingly positive. His main focus always Konoha and its protection, regardless of how he was treated. His attitude gained a lot of respect from Shikamaru. Itachi decided to speak again breaking Shikamaru from his thoughts.

"Hinata-sama and Hanabi-chan are still alive." Team eight stiffened but were eager to hear more. They thought she had died in the compound explosion. "They are at our village, everyone is under the impression that they are prisoners but my brother and I are protecting them. We want this war to end but in order to do so we must fight along side one another. That is why I'm here."

"You expect us to believe your bullshit." Ino spat coldly.

"No, but I do hope you will believe Naruto." itachi deadpanned.

"Naruto how did you escape and what happened to Sakura?" Iruka asked. Naruto's lips thinned as he frowned, remembering those last moments with his beloved.

"Sakura was hurt badly at the battle in the Hyuga compound…Itachi's younger brother Sasuke took her to me so we could be together before she…." Naruto's eyes fell not being able to finish. Iruka understood and nodded for him to continue. "After Sasuke helped me escape, we met with Itachi and Hinata; they offered me refuge in the land of Sound after that…..Look I know its hard to believe, we don't blame you but these guys are for real. They want peace just as much as we do and if we team together we can actually make it happen!"

"…Naruto, the kyuubi do you have it under control?" Shikamaru asked plainly.

"Actually, Itachi helped me remove the seal that made my chakra erratic, I have more control over it now than I've ever had." Everyone remained motionless until Shikamaru finally broke the silence.

"Well I've heard enough, its troublesome but I believe you Naruto."

"What? Shikamaru are you serious?" Ino couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Yea, if this guy is really Itachi Uchiha, he would have probably killed us all off by now, I've read about him. He's one of the strongest Uchiha in his entire clan, his brother just as strong. I've also thought that maybe he was controlling Naruto with Sharingan but I haven't sensed him flare up any chakra or even activate it. Plus if Hinata and Hanabi are alive, we would need someone from the inside to rescue them. Most of our members are gone, so at this point we need all the help we can get." Shikamaru stared down the team waiting for someone to retort, but no one did, they all just carried worried looks on their faces.

A rustling sound distracted everyone. Yamato called out. "Whose there!?"

"Oh ho ho ho! Be not weary my friends! I am the mighty Jiraiya. I come from Myouboku Mountains. I am Monk of the frog spirits! Also known as the great Frog Hermit!" Jiraiya the gallant entered the scene in the most weirdest dance with sakura flowers flowing all about. When his introduction was finished Jiraiya looked around and noticed everyone shared a huge sweat drop except Asuma. He just stood there chucking lightly.

"I'ts good to see you still have style Jiraiya." Asuma walked over to the older man and shook his hand.

"Well an author as great as me should always enter the scene as if he's ready to write autographs."

"Author?" naruto asked.

"Why yes! I am the great and valiant author of Icha Icha Paradise." Jiraiya smiled and gave Naruto a thumbs up.

Naruto jumped and pointed his finger at the man. "What!? Your the pervert who writes those books!?"

"I'm no pervert kid! I'm an all mighty sennin!"

"Sennin my ass! More like Ero-sennin!"

"What did you just say!?"

"Fuck why did I get out of bed today?…All right everyone quiet down!" Shikamaru successfully received everyones attention. "First let me introduce you guys to old man over there, he's one of three of Konoha's legendary sennin. One of the strongest ninja alive and he's here to help. He's the one that sent the letter. Now with him, Naruto and the Uchiha we may just have a chance to turn this war around. "

"How do you suppose we do that pineapple head?" Jiraiya asked innocently knowing that the nick name probably irked the kid, but thats what he gets for calling the valiant Jiraiya old.

"The name is Shikamaru old man and that I have figured out already." Shikamaru smirked at the astonished look Jiraiya gave him.

"Well before you start, I think some introductions would be useful and a quick explanation as to why an Uchiha is here." Jiraiya eyed Itachi carefully waiting to see if the boy would attack at any moment, but Itachi turned to the hermit and bowed respectfully. "my name is Uchiha Itachi and I wish for this war to end, that is why I'm here." Jiraiya was a little baffled but then a pretty blonde stole his attention.

"My name is Yamanaka Ino." She winked at the old man which earned her a creepy smile. She instantly crossed her arms over her chest regretting her wink introduction. Thank god Kiba took his eyes from her when she heard him scream out his name.

"The name is Inuzuka Kiba and that there is my right hand man Akamaru." The white wolf-like dog sat up and barked. "Oh and the quiet one next to Ino, thats Aburame Shino"

Choji rolled up from his nap spot next to a tree behind shikamaru. " Akimichi, Choji!" After his introduction he rolled over again and fell asleep. Shikamaru peeled an eye open and glared at Choji, jealous that he couldn't be the one taking the nap.

"Well Jiraiya you know me but this here is Yuhi Kurenai and my nephew Sarutobi Konohamaru." Asuma proudly showed off his family.

"My name is Yamato, this is Sai." Sai smiled and waved at the man.

"Well that just leaves you loud mouth."

"Heh the best for last! My name is Uzumaki Naruto!" Naruto gave a professional smile and a thumb way up.

"…Eh Uzumaki?"

Naruto stared at the man waiting for him to continue, it seemed like he had more to say but was cut off by Shikamaru.

"Oi Jiraiya, in the letter we received from you, it stated that there was something important you wanted to share. What is it that about?"

"Almost forgot! Well, this won't be easy to swallow kids but theres a bigger picture to all of this than what you all think. It's the Akatsuki. Before the third passed he had sent me on a mission of keeping tabs on them. Uchiha I'm sure you may be familiar with the group, since your clan is working closely with them but I doubt you know what their true intentions are."

"I've always wondered what their agenda was, what is it that you found?"

"They're after the Jinchuuriki's and I'm not talking about just golden boy over here so they can destroy Konoha." Jiraiya points a thumb in Naruto's direction.

"Hey, fuck you ero-sennin!"

"Calm down kid, let me finish. They've already captured six of them, all thats left is the Kazekage, the eight tails and the kid. I believe their extracting the demons from the human vessel and containing them. Every time I follow their trail the body of the jinchurriki was left dead and empty. That tobi guy he's-"

"Madara." Corrected Itachi.

"What?" Asked Jiraiya.

"His actual name is Madara. Well, he claims to be Uchiha Madara the very man that fought the first hokage. But i have my doubts that that's his true identity. He may be using it to pull our clan into his plans."

"If what your saying is true then it is what I fear. In my travels I've inquired more information on the background of the tailed beasts and their past. They all spawned from one tailed beast. The Ten Tails. History entails that if all the tailed beast are gathered and returned to the stone body, it will resurrect that monster. Said beast is stronger than all the tailed beast put together. Once he's resurrected, you can kiss Konoha and every single shinobi village goodbye. Other than the sage of six paths and the First hokage, madara might be the only one able to control the ten tailed beast."

"Well that changes things." Shikamaru interrupted.

"Wait not all of us are sennin and fucking geniuses here! Explain it so we can all understand it." Ino pointed out.

"Well, we know for a fact your not genius Ino." Sai added

"Fuck you Sai!"

"Your body isn't as attractive as I would like it to be, but you will surly do to help pass the time. I have some spare time during the week, when would be best for you? " Ino just stood frozen with her eyes bulging out in shock.

"Settle down. This isn't a time for bickering. Sai just stop before she kills you and Ino pay attention will you?." Shikamaru exhaled once again before he continued. "What I'm trying to say is, if Jiraiya is right and the information Itachi is giving us is correct too, then that means we have a whole another world of problems other than this civil war. It involves all the other hidden villages too, maybe the entire planet. All of the five great nations had a Jinchuriki with the exception of some having two. If Tobi, or Madara as Itachi says, already took six of them then he's planning something globally with that kind of power. No way in hell does he have tunnel vision on just Konoha. Actually I've been wondering why they haven't taken us out. With the manpower we have compared to them, were just a small bug in the palm of their hands. My money is that Konoha is just the first step."

"Thats exactly what I was thinking kid, the next best step is to call a Kage meeting. We have to inform the other villages in order for them to prepare in case we fall." Added Jiraiya.

"Danzo will never agree to it, neither wil the other Kages. They don't trust him." Yamato said this sullenly. "Plus if we go to tell him he'll want to know details and if he realizes were part of Vulpes he'll have us all extracted."

"Well i can solve that. I could defeat Danzo, as to not rise any suspicions from his men that Konoha shinobi planned a coup d'etat."

"No, Itachi, since your close to Akatsuki I have a different role I want you to play. I'm going to need you to infiltrate the group and find out more information on their main goal. You're the only one that can join with no risen suspicions." Shikamaru stated.

Itachi turned to the young boy and nodded, impressed at young shinobi's ability to strategize so quickly. "I understand."

"Now as for Danzo, Jiraiya thats were you come in. I need you to convince the elders to have him impeached and you take the spot as Konohas rightful Hokage. With that hopefully we can raise moral and ultimately call upon the kage meeting as you said to warn the other countries of Madara's plans. Hopefully Itachi will be able to get more facts as a double spy and we can convince the nations to be on guard and maybe even fight alongside each other."

"One problem pineapple….I can't be your Hokage." Everyone turned to Jiraiya confused as to why he's even turning down the honor. "Now before you guys go and start yelling there is a reason and that busty-blonde-of-a-reason is Tsunade Princess of Konoha. She is the only one that can effectively call in a Kage meeting."

"Who is she?" asked Ino.

"She's my comrade and old friend, Konoha's very own Sennin of Slugs." He smiled at the thought of that spunky girl he grew up with.

"Okay then, where is she?"

"Well thats what I'm going to find out. She's usually in the same cities gambling away money she doesn't even have and drinking herself stupid so it won't be that hard to track her."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. You want a gambling drunk to be Konoha's next Hokage? You must be old AND senile to think that a woman with those attributes is even a candidate for Hokage." Ino pointed out.

"Well thats not fair." Defended Naruto. "You guys are willing to put an old pervert as Hokage who writes dirty books and yet judge a woman with normal tendencies people have after their mid life crisis."

"Kid I know your trying to help but…..shut up." Jiraiya held a hand on his forehead trying to calm himself from beating the blonde loud mouth idiot.

Itachi chuckled lightly and Naruto stared him down like a traitor. Itachi just smile and shrugged his shoulders; everyone stared at the duo, still a little shocked from the friendly act they were displaying. Asuma then decided to add his two cents.

"Jiraiya is right. My father had actually entrusted the village for Tsunade after he passed, but danzo found a loop hole and convinced the elders to place him into the position. Lady Tsunade besides her habits, is probably the best candidate."

"Fine then. Lets wrap this up. Oi! Choji wake up and pay attention." Shikamaru waited until everyone focused before he began. "Now we've all been waiting patiently for an opportunity to arise and stop this pointless war. With the information we have now, this battle might escalade into something bigger than just Konoha. We have to focus. Our first step it to get our village back and set things right. Vulpes, our mission is to assist Jiraiya and lady Tsunade when the time comes to confront Danzo and the elders. It may turn into fight, knowing how Danzo doesn't bow down so easily so prepare yourself. Itachi, we need you to find more information on Akastuki. That way, if and when Tsunade is ready we have a reliable report to present to the Kage's. Naruto I know you have found refuge in the Land of Sound but your too close to the enemy; stick with Ero-sennin, train and become stronger. We need you to have complete control of the Kyuubi or else you will be too much of a liability to our group. Vulpes, in the mean time while we wait for Tsunade's arrival, we have to gain more comrades. Find people, even civilians, that are willing to join our cause in impeaching Danzo. The more people that agree with us the better." Shikamaru exhaled. "Im not going to lie to any of you, this won't be easy, in fact its only the beginning and were relying on a lot of if's and maybe's, but thats all we got. Konoha is our home, this is why we will risk everything to get it back and protect it, this is the way we ninja were raised. And this my friends, this is our will of fire."

The entire group nodded in approval. "Itachi is there any way we can communicate effectively with out any fear of someone intercepting our scrolls?" It's the only thing shikamaru couldn't come up with and hoped that the next genius in the group could have figured it out.

"Actually," Jiraiya interrupted, "I have a method." He smiled cheekily and crouched down onto the ground, bit on his thumb with the blood trickling down the appendage quickly after. A few signs and a puff of smoke later a handful of small toads appeared before Jiraya. "All right guys. These are my messenger toads. They can travel at unimaginable speeds and through portals, reducing the risk of interception from enemy units. Uchiha…" Itachi walked up to Jiraiya. "This one here is Tako." He dropped a blue toad onto Itachi's shoulder. They stared at each other until Tako jumped up and landed on top Itachi's head.

"Master Jiraiya I accept this slave you have given me." The toad said proudly.

"Slave?" Itachi repeated looking up at the toad on his head.

"Slave, do you have a name?" The toad asked not bothering to look at him. Itachi grabbed Tako from his head and stared him down. "My name is Itachi and I am not your slave but your comrade, so I suggest you keep from referring my self as such."

Tako unaffected glared at him. "I suggest you unhand me or else I'll shove flies into your nose with my tongue." Itachi looked at him incredulously and then at Jiraiya.

"Itachi he's done it before, I think its best you leave him be." Tako untangled himself from Itachi's hold and jumped back on top of his head.

"Well since I don't like your name OR your attitude, I guess slave-chan will suit you nicely" Tako smirked proud of his ingenuity.

"So be it." Itachi sighed in defeat.

"Shikamaru this red one here is Teko." the toad jumped lazily towards him.

"Nice to meet you, I would prefer if you keep the messages to a minimum, I don't like to run and i expect proper brakes and time allowed for naps." Shikamaru looked at Teko and smirked. 'Perfect he speaks my language.' he thought as the toad jumped onto his shoulder and fell immediately to sleep.

"Now this beauty here is Toko." Said green toad jumped onto jiraya shoulder and blew naruto a kiss.

"With these guys we will be able communicate properly." Jiraiya smiled at the group.

"Jiraiya-san, may I ask if I can have another to leave with my brother and Hinata. That way if anything was to happen in our village they can contact us."

"Of course, Tuko." The quiet purple toad leaped onto Itachis's shoulder and glared at Tako for claiming the throne that which is placed on top of Itachi's head.

"Good. We all know our roles if anything happens relay your report as fast as possible. It is important that we stay one step ahead at all times or else we fall to the mercy of their hands." Shikamaru turned to walk away. "Everyone, get home safe."

As the team dispersed two in particular stayed behind with the travelers.

"Aburame-san and Inuzuka-san, I'm guessing you want more information on Hinata-sama?" Both of them nodded, a little surprised at Itachi.

"She and Hanabi-chan are safe, can assure you that."

"Uchiha, if you don't mind can you clarify by what you mean safe? The truth please."

Itachi stayed silent for a moment before responding to Shino knowing that they probably won't take the information very well.

"Right now, they are within the Uchiha cell's, our father is having Hinata train with my younger brother so her chakra levels can par with his. They're planning a joining of chakra by an ancient seal said to produce the Rinnegan eyes. Before you counter please let me continue." Kiba resisted a bit but a wave by Shino kept him quiet. "My brother and I are too fond of the girls to let this happen, I can assure you that if we cannot manage to end this war before anything can happen, we will figure out a way to deliver them to you safely."

"Well why can't you do that now!?" Kiba shouted.

"Kiba. Though they may have befriended us, do you really expect them to give up everything? I'm assuming that right now it is too early to reveal that they have in fact joined the rebellion. if they were to be caught they will not only risk the lives of Hinata-chan and Hanabi-chan but that of the mission as well. Shikamaru has already assigned him his responsibilities. You also forget, Hinata is strong, she will be able to withstand her situation a little longer, theres no need for rushing when there is so much at risk."

"But… I can't stand the fact that she's rotting in a prison."

"You give Hinata-chan too little credit. She is most likely making the best of the situation and tolerating it. Something you clearly need to from her."

"Yo' dog breath don't sweat it, Sasuke has the hots for her! So trust me, he won't let anything happen to Hinata-chan at all!"


Itachi almost face palmed himself. Maybe Sasuke does have a valid point in calling Naruto an idiot.

"What the fuck does that mean!? I swear to fucking god-" Shino head locked Kiba and wrapped a hand around his mouth trying to muffle his profanity's, hoping to stop the rampage in which Kiba can most certainly cause. Itachi then walked up to Naruto and glared daggers all the way to his soul.

"Naruto, as Jiraiya-sama so eloquently put it…Shut. Up." Then itachi turned to Shino and gave him a nod before he whisked Kiba away making sure the Inuzuka wouldn't kill them.

"What!? What did I do!? Aren't i right!?"

"Kid I swear, we might need to get you a muzzle to keep that trap of yours shut." Jiraiya added.

"Agreed." Said Itachi, closing his eyes and thinking of a way to create a jutsu specifically for shutting loud mouths forcefully.

-Back in Sound-

"You're such an idiot Naruto." Sasuke was fuming.

"Hey it's the truth! You like her, so you'll protect her! What was I suppose to say?"

"NOTHING." Everyone answered.

"Sheesh. Fuck you guys." Naruto walked away and sat down near a tree giving them his back and sulking.

"Back to the matter at hand." Itachi then pulled out the purple frog from his satchel. "This is Tuko, Sasuke, your messenger toad." A bit grossed out, Sasuke grimaced as the toad jumped on his shoulder.

"Itachi-san so this Shikamaru character has assigned you to retrieve more information on Akastuki?" Konan asked.

"Yes, that is correct. Now that your here, Konan, do you know anything more about what it is Madara is planning?"

"It is as Jiraya-sama has stated. They are gathering the Jinchuriki's in hope of summoning the ten tailed beast."

"Were gonna have to let Vulpes know that the threat is in fact real." Itachi directed at Jiraiya. "Konan do you know who their next target is?"

"Yes, it is Gaara of the sand. The Kazekage."

"Wait What!?" naruto stood up and faced the group. "Now way! That bastard did it! Woo hoo!"

"What are you saying Naruto?"

"Gaara was a crazy bastard, during the chunnin exams we were appointed to fight one another. It was a Jinchuriki match. it took a bit of a beating but the kid came around, in the end he decided to change his goal of mass destruction to Kazekage!" Itachi then interrupted Naruto.

"Konan, I have a favor."

"You want me to get you into the Akatsuki, am I correct?"

"Yes." All the attention immediately shifted towards Itachi. "Naruto knows the Kazekage and it seems that they have faith within each other. If i join the Akatsuki and sent to retrieve him, Naruto can join me in hopes to have more allies. We can inform them of Akatsuki plans."

"Hm. but by joining you will have to relive yourself as heir of the Uchiha clan. Will you be all right with that?"

"Nii-san, father will-"

"Sasuke I have faith that you will lead our clan to glory, and besides I'm not really one for politics. My work is best in the shadows. I'll deal with father, but if you do not wish to become heir, then I'll figu-"

"No, if you think it's the best way, I'll follow Itachi."

"Well then, I'll send a report to Shikamaru about Konan and the verified information." Itachi turns to Naruto and Jiraiya. "I guess this is where we say our farewells, until we meet again."

Naruto smiled and nodded his head. Sasuke walked up to the blonde and stuck out his hand as in to shake it, but before naruto could catch it, Sasuke trusted his fist into the blondes stomach.

"Keep your thoughts about me and Hinata to yourself idiot and take care of yourself. Your no good to us dead."

Naruto held his stomach and nodded. "Ditto t-teme."

The group dispatched and as Sasuke ran back to the compound with his brother, something inside of him stirred. A feeling he hasn't felt in a while. So strange it was, but none the less he welcomed it. The feeling of hope. The feeling, of looking forward to the future, a future with her. After this war was done he imagined his life, lounging about a day in peace with Hinata at his side. Somewhere green and full of life. A modest home for them with just enough room for each other, that way she would only be at arms length from him.

His day dreaming halted once they arrived to their home and the brothers bid each other goodnight. It was almost automatic, but instead of going to his room Sasuke found himself outside of some one else. Slowly he slid the door open and walked in. He noticed the big lump of blankets in which Hinata would be underneath. Moving around the bed, Sasuke sat adjacent to Hinata and removed the blanket slowly.

Hinata stirred and reached for the blanket almost instantaneously, but Sasuke would move it in a different direction when she was close to reaching it, teasing the sleeping girl. He saw her brows furrow angrily and couldn't help but chuckle at her.

Hinata immediately recognizing the laugh woke up and jumped him, making them both fall to the ground. She burrowed her head deep into his chest almost as if she wanted to be apart of his body literally.

"I take it you missed me."

She nodded in his chest without looking up. Sasuke sat up and brought her with him, lifted her face and planted a chaste kiss on awaiting lips. Hinata frowned, unsatisfied, but he pointed his head in the direction to Hanabi's bed silently telling her 'more would wake her up.'

Hinata smiled devilishly, "Hanabi met the chamber maids daughter today, she's sleeping over in their room."

It took all but three seconds for Sasuke to lift Hinata off the ground and plop her back into the bed, kissing any showing skin thirstily. Hinata slipped out of her night gown and helped Sasuke remove his clothes. They had each other that night as if they were starved from each others bodies for years. Hungrily kissing and biting until the skin was marked and bruised. They've never felt more whole than when they accepted each other fully, so when Sasuke plunged into her depths, something in him snapped; he wanted more and his pace became erratic. Hinata felt as she would brake in half, but held on tightly regardless, never wanting him to stop. The whole room became hot and sweat began to make them glisten and shine. Hinata came with Sasuke right after one final thrust that reached the impossible within her. They stayed connected for a while after, basking in each others breaths and recovering from ecstasy.

After a few moments Sasuke lifted himself from her and smiled, earning a soft and sincere blush form the Hyuga. Sasuke reluctantly got out of bed and began to change, wishing he could stay the night but it would be to risky. Hinata understood this, and only smiled and got up herself to walk him to the door. Before walking out he turned and kissed her forehead and held her for a few more seconds, when he tried to turn back she held on and looked up at him trying to talk but the words escaping her mouth.

"Hinata…" Finally gathering the courage Hinata began to speak.

"Sasuke, I-I I lov-"

"I know." He interrupted.

"I'm Scared to think that we won't be able to st-"

"We will Hinata."

"But how could you be so sure?"

"Because you give me hope."

hope you guys liked it, I don't know when I'll update again but I promise Im not abandoning this fanfic! :D
ps did I mention how sorry I am for the late update? .