Chapter Title: OMAKE - Will You…?

Hey guys, I got bored and everything even though right now I'm supposed to be practising for my flute exam tomorrow… I couldn't be bothered.

Well I decided that I would do an omake just cuz I can.

Summary: 3 years after Shizuo and Izaya got together, right on their 3rd anniversary of getting together, something very… interesting happened. Today is the 31st of December, 3 years after the pair started over again.

Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara or the characters in any way

Izaya ran, he ran through the snow to that apartment, the apartment of his love, Shizuo. Why was he running? Was he scared? Was he being chased?


He was just very excited. After all, today was their 3rd anniversary after getting together. Shizuo had told the raven to go to his place at 5:30pm today to show him something special, and Izaya absolutely couldn't wait.

The soft snow crunched under his warm and fluffy boots, they matched his fluffy jacket and he absolutely loved them, Shizuo had given them to him last year for his birthday and after that, well stuff happened that night. Now the raven could see the lights of Shizuo's apartment and he ran faster through the snow, some of the soft pieces of ice falling onto his red face, melting and leaving small drops of water to fall down his face and to the ground.

Finally after what felt like hours instead of a few minutes, Izaya arrived at the blonde's front door. He walked up to the wooden rectangle to knock but before he could it was swung open and a dashing Shizuo stood there in a clean and crisp suit. He was wearing a baby pink dress shirt with a light yellow tie, a black vest and his normal black pants.

'This looks interesting, not the normal stuff huh…'

The blonde smiled brightly at Izaya before gesturing for him to come in. As soon as he closed the door behind the raven he pulled Izaya into a bear hug from behind, his arms tightly around Izaya's waist and his chin resting on top of his soft hair.

"You look wonderful as always." The blonde rubbed his nose into the dark hair. "And you smell nice too." Shizuo chuckled as he said so.

If Izaya's face could get any redder than he already was then now would definitely be the time, but since it couldn't he just looked down at the carpet, even though they were alone he was still totally and utterly embarrassed by what the blonde had said.

"W-well, I think you look nice too, it's a nice change to see you in a pink dress shirt instead of a white one." Izaya tried to bide time to think of a comeback to Shizuo's comment, he would not loose. "I-I" The raven really couldn't think of anything that witty that could counter the blonde's words so he just gave up. "I… what are we going to do today?"

"Changing the subject will not work, I win for once, fair and square. Anyway today… it's a secret." Shizuo let go of Izaya's waist even though he just wanted to hug him and kiss him and… do other things for the whole night, he had to make tonight work.

"O-ok, then wher-" Before Izaya could finish his question a hand came around his face, covering his eyes while another lightly pushed him along by the small of his back. The raven walked forward until he was guided to sit on something soft and poofy.

'The couch?'

It was pitch black, he couldn't see anything at all and… and it was completely silent, but the hand was still there.



Izaya waited for several moments before the hand was taken away, the brightness of the room blinded him for a few seconds but as he blinked away the whiteness and his eyes began to focus on the man in front of him, only then did he notice what he was holding.

"Oh my God." The raven's mouth was slightly open at the sight of what he was seeing.

The earlier said blonde was kneeling in front of him, one hand gently holding his while his head was bent over to kiss it and… in the other hand was

A ring…

The ring had a platinum band and was indented with a large emerald that was very clear; it shone brighter than the platinum. On one side of the emerald Izaya's name was engraved in neat running-writing while on the other side was Shizuo's was done in the same fashion and, the emerald was in the shape of a heart.

Small tears of joy and happiness rose from Izaya's chest and they poured down his face like mini waterfalls. The raven practically jumped off the seat and hugged Shizuo, knocking the blonde down to the floor.

"Woah woah, wait for a sec, I haven't asked you yet." Shizuo sat back up with Izaya in his lap, giving the smaller man a little wink and a kiss on his forehead before getting up from the floor and moving back to his other position, kneeling down on the floor with one of Izaya's hands in his own.

"Hehem, Orihara Izaya, will you love me forever, like how I love you? Will you be mine just as I will be yours? Will you marry me?" Shizuo looked at Izaya, saw his cheeks become redder, saw tears caress those pale and flawless cheeks and he saw those beautiful, clear and radiant crimson eyes of his. The things that he used to hate such a long time ago, he had now come to love, he loved looking at those eyes of his, they held so much emotion, they held so much love.

"Of course I will, dummy." Izaya pouted a bit before putting his smile back on and pounding on top of Shizuo once more.

Somehow Shizuo had kept the ring from rolling away and when he had the raven safely seated in his lap, he squeezed Izaya's left hand before raising it up, kissing it, then sliding the ring into place on the fourth finger. The blonde lifted up the pale hand one last time to kiss the fingertips of them before hugging Izaya tightly.

"So, what else are we gonna do?" Shizuo heard the raven ask, the smirk could be heard from his tone.

"Well, what do you want to do?" The blonde kept Izaya in his lap, rocking backwards and forwards while placing light kisses on his ears, his neck and his hair.

"How about we…" The raven slid his arms around the blonde's waist, pulling him in closer before reaching up to get Shizuo's face down to his level and kissing him passionately. "How about we go out and have dinner?" Izaya cocked his head to one side, an innocent look on his face and all Shizuo could do was stare. "What? Were you thinking of something different?"

Shizuo chuckled before nipping at Izaya's ear lobe and standing up, dragging the raven with him.

"Well then, I guess we'll continue this tonight. But for now, I guess we should eat."

The two left the apartment, side by side, hand in hand, and totally and utterly in love.

Yep, that was omake… 1 AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAA MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH maybe I'll make more, who knows? Only the future can tell.

Well that took some time since in between I kinda listened to some random Vocaloid songs and read a few murder things like OMG you people who are actually reading this should go to creepypasta and type in 'kagome kagome' and 'the alice killings' I swear those two are the creepiest things I've ever heard of. Well looks like I got my music exam back and since I don't really have anyone to talk to, I'll talk to you Mary, that's right, I know you're out there, reading this fanfiction, I just know it.

That was kinda a PewDiePie reference… well anyways.

Bibi for now, and before I forget, don't forget about the editor random thingy thingy, I think the application is in either chapter 9 or 10, once of them I can't remember… so yeah. I've already got a few and well… well all I really want to know is if there are any guys out there who read yaoi-ish things. Well, if you do and you're a guy then review.


Somebody help me before I go crazy… please…


~ Mercy ~