Again, I suck with the updating, sorry...and I know this is super super short...but I go back and forth between writing this and my other fic...and the other one has gotten more time in recent weeks...sorry! I know I suck...

Thanks to HD, velizara95, SSAmolloy7,CatCrimMindsFan-CMCrazies, Kayden444 and my guest for reviewing. I appreciate it :D

Will was still pacing nervously in front of the apartment building. He had heard Morgan, Emily, and Reid clear Kesler's whole apartment, so where was she? He didn't have time to hide her anywhere! She was in that building!

Three police officers leading a man out of the building brought him out of his thoughts. There was Kesler, in the flesh; while in the meantime, his wife was still MIA. Just looking at the guy made his blood boil.

Apparently the idiot officers weren't holding onto him tight enough, because the guy bolted. There was no way in hell that Will was going to let Kesler run free. Will intercepted him with a huge tackle before he got ten steps away from the building door. He had Kesler pinned to the ground, trying to decide what to do with him.

Kesler didn't seem too fazed. All of a sudden, it looked like a spark went off in his head, "William! How nice of you to finally join us! Pity you couldn't have gotten here sooner. You probably could have saved her…"

All he wanted was for Kesler to endure as much pain as possible. He was punching anything he could: his head, arms, chest, nose, anything that he could reach. He wanted Kesler to feel the pain that he had. He wanted him to FEEL it when Will had watched his wife beaten to a pulp while he stood by, helpless.

Hands were grabbing at Will, pulling him back. He tried to resist and continue the punishment, but he heard Derek Morgan's voice in his ear, along with seeing his hands pushing him away from Kesler, "Hey, focus, Will! Look at me."

Will glared into Morgan's eyes, his arms shaking. All he wanted to do was punch the lights out of the man lying on the ground not far from the two of them.

"She's asking for you, man. Pull it together."

Will stopped breathing for a second, "You found her? She's alive?"

He nodded, "I'll show you, just calm down a little."

Will closed his eyes and took a deep breath before looking back up at Morgan. Derek nodded and motioned towards the building. Will was too focused on seeing his wife to notice Morgan looking back at Kesler with a grimace on his face. If he would have turned around, he would have witnessed paramedics trying to revive a terribly beaten man and a medic shaking his head after checking for a pulse.

They arrived at the apartment minutes later. Will started to go for the door that everyone was crowded around, but Morgan stopped him. Will almost shoved him back but stopped at the look on his face.

"She's in bad shape. She needs someone to be strong for her, not hysterical." He handed Will a rag and gestured towards his hands. Will was a little surprised to see them soaked in blood, but washed them off in the kitchen sink regardless.

Will nodded at Morgan and continued into the room. The FBI agents surrounding the door parted when they saw who was walking up.

He saw Agents Hotchner, Prentiss, and Reid attending to his wife. Or, at least, what part of his wife was left. He saw a shattered woman lying on the floor, covered in blood. Hotchner was cradling her head up off the ground, Prentiss was trying to stop the bleeding in her leg, and Reid was just holding her hand, speaking softly to her. Will just stood frozen in the doorway.

Hotch looked up when he noticed the agents in the doorway move, "Detective! Come over here, she's been asking for you." Will jumped out of his frozen stance and knelt next to him in the small room. Hotch made to get up, "Here, you take her head, I'm going to go see what's taking the paramedics so long."

Will nodded and gently cradled JJ's head in his hands. She grimaced a little at the change in movement, but Will tried to comfort her, "Hey, Jay. It's me."

Her eyes had been half closed, but they flashed open at the sound of Will's voice. She raised the hand that had been holding Reid's and tried to touch his face. JJ's hand was trembling and she barely made it halfway.

"JJ it's ok. It's really me," He held her head in one hand and grasped her hand with the other. He barely heard her whisper his name before she cringed again.

Will looked down her body to see Emily trying to put pressure on JJ's leg. She was apologizing the entire time, "I'm sorry Jayje…I have to do this…I know it hurts…I'm so sorry…You've lost too much blood…" Tears were sliding down the woman's usually-stoic face as she wrapped a cloth around the gunshot wound. Her hands and clothes were covered in JJ's blood.

Reid tried to straighten her other arm out because it was bent at an odd angle. Will motioned to stop him, remembering the snapping noise from the video, but he did it anyway, "She needs to straighten it out and she might not let the medics do it. Broken arms don't hurt much after the fact anyway and she's got a lot more on her mind right now."

Will looked back down at his wife. She was staring up at him trying to stay awake. He could tell she was fading fast.

He brushed some hair out of her face with his thumb and bent down to kiss her forehead, "Stay strong babe. Henry's waitin' for you to come home. Stay strong for him and for me. We both love you."

JJ's eyes brightened a tad when he mentioned their son, "Henry," she managed to say. Then her eyes widened and she looked scared, "Where is he?" JJ tried to get up.

Will held her down, "Sshhh, honey, he's fine. Penelope has him. They're probably sittin' around playin' with the new toys she just got him." He knew for a fact that Garcia was anxiously waiting by a phone for someone to call her with news, but JJ didn't need to know that.

She relaxed, sighing deeply. JJ moaned as her lungs expanded, her ribs protesting the movement. She coughed a few times after that, tears appearing in her eyes from the pain.

All Will saw was the blood on his hands that she had just coughed up. He turned to Reid who had been watching him. Reid quickly jumped up and ran out of the room.

Spencer met Hotch and Derek outside the small closet. There were several police officers trying to clear the room of debris, but they hadn't managed to make a big dent.

"She just coughed up blood," Spencer rattled off to his boss and fellow agent.

Morgan started pacing, "The medics were too busy patching up Kesler to come up here right away. Now they can't come in because this room is a mess. The gurney won't fit."

Reid frowned, "Kesler was fine. Why are they wasting time on him?"

Hotch was staring in the direction of the closet, "He was fine until he met Will."

Spencer's eyebrows shot up, "He's still alive after that?"

Morgan shook his head, clearly disappointed in the outcome, "Barely. I wanted to let Will finish him off, but the other cops wouldn't let him."

Hotch was resigned, "It's better this way. He doesn't have that under his skin." He was thinking back to when he murdered Foyet with his bare hands. Aaron felt no regret for his actions, but he sometimes couldn't block out what had happened. It had been years but he could still conjure up the rage and hatred he had felt towards that one human being. He knew exactly what Will had gone through.

"Well how long until the paramedics get up here? She's not looking too great," Spencer asked worriedly.

Derek pointed out the apartment door, "They're in the elevator, but they're not going to be able to get in here until a path is cleared. We tried helping but they have to move everything carefully so as not to ruin the 'evidence'." He rolled his eyes, "I already yelled at someone about there being a woman's life on the line but no one seems to care."

"She's not that bad," Derek and Spencer both gave Hotch a questioning look. He explained himself, "Emily has stopped most of the bleeding. That's what would have killed her. Sure, pain might make her pass out, but as long as the bleeding is suppressed she should be fine." He tried to convince himself as well as the other two men. Hotch wasn't as sure of her condition as he let on.

Spencer still looked concerned as he walked back into the closet to update Will. He agreed with Hotch's statement that JJ would make it, but that still didn't make watching her be in so much pain any easier.

Will looked up at him when he knelt down, "So?"

"They should be out in the hallway by now, but the other room has to be cleared before the paramedics can come in with the gurney. The local police are taking their time, apparently."

JJ squeezed Will's hand and his attention turned back to her.

She said three short words, but it took most of her energy, "Get. Me. Out."

Will looked down at Emily. She had heard, too. She tied the cloth that was staunching the blood flow from JJ's leg and backed up. Reid went around to her other side and held JJ's broken arm. Then, Will scooped his wife up in his arms. He was standing and was about to put her back down because she was cringing so much, but she shook her head and kept telling him to go.

Will picked his way through the debris and made his way out to the hallway, JJ gripping his shirt tightly with her good arm. She was trying to control her breathing so the pain in her ribs wouldn't be too extreme.

They made it out to the hallway right as the paramedics were coming out of the elevator. There were two medics along with the gurney and both of them looked shocked at the sight of Will carrying his bruised and battered wife.

"You shouldn't have picked her up…" One started.

"You may have just made her injuries ten times worse…" The other cut finished.

Will gently laid JJ down on the gurney while the two medics got to work. JJ had told him to get her out of there, so he did. He would do anything for that woman.

Again, sorry about the long update time...I don't know when I'm going to update again because I have to go back up to college on Sunday and this semester is going to be hell :/ sorry but hope everyone had a good holiday and a happy new year! here's to 2013!