Okay folks here is the second story in the Aaron and Lily saga. So sorry it took so long. I had to think this one through a little bit.

Prologue: Searching

Somewhere in the South China Sea

He had searched everywhere but he knew it was only a matter of time. He had caught their sent not long after they had left the states and he had watched them as they made their detour through Manila. He had been biding his time until they had become comfortable with their surroundings, until they had let their guard down. However that had not happened because people who thought they were in charge got impatient and had sent someone else after them instead, someone who would have killed them. He didn't want them dead, not yet anyway. They were too important to his cause, his life mission if you will.

They had gotten away once and he wouldn't let that happen again so he had gone back to where they had been. Found the room they had stayed in and then the trail had grown cold which lead him to believe they had fled by boat. So he started searching each island one by one asking questions, making threats. He needed them and when he got what he needed well then he would take care of the problem once and for all. The woman would be easy. She didn't look like one who would put of much of a fight for very long. Oh she would fight him but he would win, he always won. The man on the other hand could very easily kill him if he lost focus even for a moment. He wasn't a violent man by nature but he knew how to clean up a mess and this one was a mess. Granted it hadn't been his mess but he was glad to be cleaning it up. He just has to be patent, patient and quiet. That's how it was done, not going full throttle like some. The burocrate in charge thought that they could control him. He laughed to himself, they didn't control anything. They had lost control of not one, not two but three different projects and they still got the upper hand. He would show them that he had the upper hand; he would prove that he could not be controlled. No matter what they had done to him he was capable of so much worse. His time to act was coming. He turned and looked out to the sea, he found it tranquilizing and mesmerizing. The perfect place to get lost. He would search every one of the small islands no matter how long. He would get what he needed and then he would make sure that they were lost out here for good. This was his time and there were certain people who would be very sorry that they had created him. He was after all the perfect assassin.

Let's see were this leads me shell we… More to come….