What You Wish For

I've been pretty quiet in the fanfiction world for a while. I kind of lost my urge for writing and couldn't get back into it. However, just recently, I've developed a bit of a thing for Law and Order SVU and this story just kind of happened. I promise that my Bones and True Blood fics will be updated/finished and new ones started soon. But this story is what's really on my mind at the moment and I want to get it all out. A word of warning. THIS IS ELLIOT/OLIVIA/FIN. If you have an issue with that then don't read it. E/O/F! and it is definitely NC-17. I don't own them. I just play with them from time to time.

Summary: Olivia wants nothing more than to have a child of her own. After a particularly stressful case, someone offers to help her have one. But what happens when she takes a leap of faith only to find out the man she has been dreaming about for years finally feels for her too? Is it too late? And what about her new relationship?

Please read and review. I am only just starting to write for SVU and any feedback is always appreciated. Again – it is Olivia, Fin and Elliot. Give it a go. You may be surprised.

It was late summer in New York.

Not that the weather was important but it seemed like things always happened when the days turned from hot to cool. When people could feel the loom of winter over them; the long days growing shorter, the summer breeze picking up an icy chill. It hadn't made a difference to the work load of the Manhattan Special Victims Unit and the 1-6 was only just starting to wind down for the day.

Detective Olivia Benson was bent over her desk, finishing off her D-5s. There was always a sense of accomplishment by filling in those pain in the ass forms. It meant that another case was done, another criminal on trial. It made the shit they saw every day worth it. Made seeing the dark underbelly of human nature day in and day out somehow less threatening. This had been a particularly stressful case and Olivia was glad that the squad had finally closed it. She ran her hand over the back of her neck in an attempt to massage out the knots. She needed a hot bath and an early night. Although, she doubted that that would actually happen. Olivia didn't exactly have the best track record for taking care of herself.

From across their desks, her partner watched her. His blue eyes raked over his partner and he breathed deep, willing himself to say something, anything. Kathy had filed for divorce and he had finally signed the papers. It seemed surreal that he was getting divorced from the woman he had been with for 20 years. But he knew that the last few had been on rocky ground. The last 7 had been on rocky ground if he was honest to himself. Ever since he'd met Olivia. But Elliot was a loyal man and had never once dishonoured his wife. And now he was not liable for his actions. Not that that did him any good. He was aware that the divorce had made him prickly. The Gitano case had almost cost him Olivia and they were still on tenterhooks. He was trying to control his temper; watch what he said to her; desperate not to make the same mistakes again. But it was a healing wound and it would take time for Olivia to forgive him the harsh words he had said to cover the depth of his concern for her. He hadn't been angry at Olivia for getting cut by Gitano. He was angry with himself because he had cared too much and it had almost lost them the case.

He was about to ask Olivia if they would do take-out like they often did after a case when Fin perched himself on the edge of Olivia's desk.

"Hey baby girl, you doin' alright?" His brown eyes sought hers and he gave her a gentle smile.

"Yeah Fin, all good. Glad we closed this one though." She smiled back, looking up from the papers. Fin nodded, still watching her with concern.

"You got plans?" His voice was casual, but Elliot could sense something there. What was Fin playing at? He tried to pretend that he wasn't listening in; as if that were possible when Olivia's desk was directly in front of his.

Olivia looked at Fin with mild surprise. It wasn't that they weren't friends, or that they hadn't spent time together outside of the precinct but it was usually with the squad. She was curious what Fin had on his mind.

"None that I know of," she said with a wry smile. Her eyes flickered momentarily to Elliot; an unconscious, automatic response. She had been hoping that he would ask her if she wanted a ride home. Maybe they could even have dinner. Talk a bit. Repair some of the damage to their relationship. But Elliot had made no move and here was someone who wanted to keep her company.

Fin was nodding again. He really was a man of few words. She gave him a perplexed smile.

"Grab your stuff. I know a place." Fin stood, waiting for her. Olivia chuckled at his brusque manner.

"Alright. Let me finish this and I'm good to go." She stacked the files on her desk, grabbed her coat and stood. "Night El," she smiled. Elliot looked up from his paperwork, trying to keep a neutral expression.

"Yeah, night Liv. See you tomorrow."

Watching her walk out the precinct doors with Fin at her side, Elliot tried to quell the growing jealousy that was burning low in his gut.