Part 2:

Me: Here is part 2. In this part, Kagome has 2 children.

Inu: Ooooo can you name her Saphira? Please…Please…Please!

Kat and Kag: Nooooooooooo! I hate that name!


Kag: Fine but if we have a boy, his name will be…. Inutaisho!

Inu: You must really hate me!

Kag: You must hate me too if that girl's name is Saphira

Me:Here is my story.

"You are going to fight me. I am a black belt in Karate and Ti Kwon Do!" Kagome said sourly.

"That will beat claws, a sword and years of training to be a full demon", Inuyasha snarled sarcastically through his teeth.

He pulled out his claws and sword. He swung the sword around. He struck the ground. It split the ground right in between Kagome legs. Then Kagome jumped up in the air and she landed on the floor after the crack was gone. She was only up there for 30 seconds. She did a jump kick and did a flip. She nailed him right in the place where the sun doesn't shine. Inuyasha keeled over.

"That's right! I made you SIT and…" Kagome stopped in the middle of her mockery tone sentence when she saw Inuyasha rise up in the air and then he was slammed into the ground.

"What was that", said Kagome.

"I have no cl… wait a second", Inuyasha said.

"Wait a second what!" Kagome said.

"A long time ago some wacky crazy witch lady put this necklace on me", Inuyasha stopped and pointed to the necklace around his neck. "She said some crazy saying about a girl who says sit and I fall on the ground. I guess you are the girl. I am going to make sure that never happens again."

"And how are you going to do that!"

"Like this!"

Inuyasha lunged forward. Kagome lunged out of the way. She jumped up and did another flip. This time, her hospital gown fell down a little. Inuyasha saw her underpants.

"Agggh! My eyes!"

Inuyasha was traumatized. So was Kagome. She quickly pushed her hospital gown down.

"Why don't I go change into more appropriate fighting clothes."

"Be my guest. Please tell me how to get that disgusting memory out of my head will ya?"

"Shut up!"

Kagome ran to her room. She searched and searched for clothes to wear. She finally found a long sleeve, blue shirt and dark wash, worn out jeans.

I remember these. Why my parents couldn't get me something new, we'll never know!

She ran back to Inuyasha. He was curled up in a ball in the corner

"Think about cute puppies." Inuyasha just kept saying that over and over again

I wonder how I can get him to realize I am here? Oh yeah! Does it work in my head? SIT BOY!

Inuyasha didn't fly up. Kagome screamed,


Inuyasha went up in the air and came down on the ground, hard. Then he went up again and did the same thing.

"How did you do that with out saying it for a second time?"

"I don't know!" Kagome knew why.

I said it in my mind! Delayed reaction I guess. I am okay with that. I am going to do it again for fun! SIT BOY!

Two seconds later, Inuyasha kisses the ground. Inuyasha stands up and rushes to Kagome.

"We need to know each others names. My name is Kagome. What is yours?"

Kagome holds her hand out. Inuyasha said,

"My name's Inuyasha."

Inuyasha looks at her hand then he sniffs it.

"You are supposed to shake it."


Inuyasha shakes her hand. Kagome grabs his hand and flips him.

"I love that trick."

"Well I hate that trick then"

Inuyasha got up and swung a punch. Kagome grabbed his arm and flipped him yet again.

"Why do you keep doing that?" Inuyasha asked.

"Sorry! It's the only defense I use. It is just my reflects."

"Well stop it!"

"I have a different way but you're not going to like it."

"Oh well."

Kagome went up to him and flicked him in the head. He flicked her back. He tried to flick her again. She grabbed his arm, flipped him and yelled,

"Sit boy!"

Inuyasha kisses the ground again. Kagome rushes over to him and takes his sword. Inuyasha got up, ran after her screaming,

"You give that bac… sorry I will back off."

Kagome had his sword held up to his chest. Inuyasha was slowly backing up with his hands in the air.

"I wonder what this can do." Kagome asked herself.

"No don't do it! Inuyasha said nervously.

Kagome swung the sword around and stuck it in the hospital floor. Unlike before, this time it shone and pretty much exploded. Inuyasha jumped out of the way. Kagome squealed, dropped the sword and jumped out of the way. Inuyasha picked up the sword.

"Don't do that ever again. The sword only works for me. Not you. Not anyone else," Inuyasha told Kagome.


Inuyasha throws a punch at Kagome, who wasn't paying any attention. Inuyasha got her right in the nose.

"Owww. You hit a girl!"

Inuyasha had punched her in the nose and her nose started to bleed. Kagome ran to her room crying.

"Kagome…wait up!"

Kagome didn't stop. Inuyasha ran after her. When they were in her room, Inuyasha sat down on the bed with Kagome.

"I am really sorry I made your nose bleed."

*sniffle* "Can I make yours bleed?"


They had a long conversation about nose bleeds which led to childhood memories.

"And then, my dad pulled out his sword and so did my brother. They fought for awhile. Then they got tired, so my dad and brother put their swords away. Then they shook hands and my dad then smacked my brother across the face," Inuyasha said while telling Kagome a childhood memory.

"Hahaha! That's so funny!" Kagome laughed. Then they sat in silence for 5 minutes. Then they looked at each other, started to lean in toward each other. Then they kissed! They keep kissing for a while. Then they broke apart.

20 years later:

Inuyasha and Kagome were married with a 3 year old named Saphira [Inuyasha came up with it. He wanted that name. (See authors notes)] Kagome is 8 months pregnant with her first son, who they are going to name Inutaisho.

"Mommy, when Inutaisho going out your belly?" Saphira asked Kagome.

"Not for at least another 2 weeks." Kagome said.

Inuyasha came over and asked,

"How are my favorite girls doing?"

Inuyasha picks up Saphira and throws her in the air while she giggles.

"Well, I am going to the doctor's to check on Inutaisho. You stay here with Saphira."


So Kagome gets in the car and heads to the doctor's. Halfway there, Kagome started to feel pain in her stomach. She pulls into the hospital that is where her doctor is. She gets out her phone and calls Inuyasha.

"Hey. This is Kagome. I am walking into the hospital now. I think that I might be going into… ohh crap my water just broke. I am going into labor! BRING SAPHIRA HERE NOW! YOU COME HERE TOO!"

She rushes in and tells the doctor.

1 Hour Later:

"I think him cute," Saphira said to her mom.

"Yes he is cute," Kagome said.

Inuyasha was speechless because Inutaisho was there and not in Kagome.

20 Years Later:

Saphira goes to collage at Harvard so does Inutaisho. The whole family lives happily ever after.

Kat: Jae (Me ) is not here right now so I am finishing it up. Hope you liked the story. Bye