"What are you saying? Can you even hear yourself?" Elena yelled at Klaus. Today was basically a day of yelling for Elena, she woke from her long slumber to yelling at Klaus and now it was night fall and she was yelling, once again. Once she found out Damon was taken by Stefan she ran to the bordering house along with Jared but could not enter and neither could he, someone had signed the deed to the house. After that she had yelled for Stefan to show his face, to man up and talk directly towards her, as Elena yelled threats at him for an hour the best response was a scream from Damon which drove her with rage. She was pumped with energy from sleeping so long and now she was flushed with more by draining the blood of humans.

"I'm saying that forgot him and let's move on, I've heard of a killer witch in Chicago that has a soft spot for darkness" Klaus said packing his bag again. Elena couldn't believe what he was saying, neither could Jared who stood by the door frame watching the pair bicker. Klaus packed his final bag and Elena sat on his bed in front of him.

"Can you hear yourself? Your telling me to forgot someone I love and go to Chicago to find some stupid witch" Elena said in pure anger as she pushed the bag and it hit off the wall, Klaus looked down at the ground as anger started to rise in him too. Elena rised her eyebrow in astonishment, 'how could he not feel this way' was the only thing that circled her mind

"The witch isn't stupid, now pack your bag and get out into that car or else I will drag you" Klaus said and Elena shook her head. She was not going and even Klaus knew how stubborn she was. Elena stood up and looked him in the eye and forcefully spoke

" We are getting Damon out of there before anything else happens" Elena said readying to rip his throat out. Klaus shook his head and started to laugh in her face about her request which drove Elena crazy. She slapped him across his face which he was surprised by and he's laugh filled face turned to anger and rage as grabbed her hair and dragging her head towards the ground

"You will not disobey me. Now get in to that car" Klaus said as Elena whimpered and muttered a no. What happened next to Elena was unexpected, at first she could feel claws digging into her artery but that left when his body was forced against the wall. Elena looked up to see Jared holding Klaus against the wall and his hand in his chest, Elena's eyes widened in fear and happiness as Jared had finally stood up to Klaus

"Run. Elena, Run" He yelled and she shook her head in agreement and dragged herself of the floor. She could still hear them growling at one another and bodies being slammed against the wall. She hurried down the stairs and Riley stood by the door, smirking at the stressed in Elena.

"Think your heading out hybrid?" He snickered and Elena growled trying to walk pass him but he blocked her way. Elena pushed him forwards and his started saying Latin words and stretching his hand out towards her. She started to feel the pang in her head and she groaned and searched for all the energy she held earlier and jumped on Riley. She daggered her venom fangs into his neck to taste the copper blood and then snapped his neck, the taste was terrible and she couldn't stand it so she killed him and dashed out the door to hear a terrified scream.

Elena felt human for the first time since she died. She was running in the woods as it started to rain and kept her mind on one thing, Damon. Half way through the woods Elena started to laugh, for a strange reason she felt like she should be staring in a horror film, running from a serial killer as it rained and she got drenched. She got to the back door of the Salvatore's home when she could hear a familiar voice, Caroline. Elena fell back against the wall and remembered the time she had helped save Stefan from the tomb vampires and started to take deep breaths.

"Stefan, just stop this. Please." Caroline begged and Elena heard the sound of someone slapping another and then a whining. Elena ran to the barn and looked around for wooden sticks they would have been cut up to start a fire. She quickly picked up a stake like stick and ran towards the house before she felt arms wrap around her and her heart beat faster than possible. A hand covered her mouth stopping her from screaming and she bit down on the skin around her mouth and drew blood but the hand didn't pull away, it just applied more pressure to her mouth.

Tyler knocked on the door to Klaus's place and nobody answered, so he invited himself in. Blood was soaked on the floor and he avoided steeping on it. He looked around the rooms to see them empty or a few dead witches with their limbs not attached to their body which he could tell someone had lost their temper. He called out for anybody that was there but no response and that's when he decided to take his way upstairs to see if anyone was there alive. He entered Jared's room and noticed it hadn't changed much since he moved back to his mother's house. Tyler strode into the bathroom to see it clean as always and towards the master bedroom that belonged to Klaus. Blood covered the wooden floor and the smell was all over the room, clothes on the floor, furniture broken up into pieces and the room screamed of a fight which had taken place. He walked into a few more spare rooms until he reached the last door in the hall ways, Elena's room. The white door was shut and when Tyler pushed the door forwards it wouldn't budge, as if something was blocking it. He pushed harder and harder until he got it open. The room was the perfect scene for a horror film as blood soaked the room from top to bottom. The furniture was painted a sickly red as well as every other inch of the room, Tyler looked behind the door to see Jared's ripped up body in pieces and then he looked up to see his head hanging from the lamp shade.

Wow, Elena lost someone who is close to her once again and now Damon is in the risk of danger… once again!

Will Klaus help Elena save Damon or will he grab the girl and hit the road? Who is slapping who in the Salvatore house? What will come to Klaus's master plan now that a few witches are dead? Will Tyler help out and who owns the Salvatore house! All will be revealed by chapter 20!

Playlist ;

Come away to the water - Maroon 5

The Reason – the Hoobstank (or something like that)

Video tape - radio head.