Authors Note: Hi! I am MikochiUchiha and this is the first story that I have ever written! This is a SasuNaru Yaoi. Please comment and review! No Flames Please! There might be spoilers if you arent up to date with the anime/manga Naruto!

I am also posting pictures of the characters, link is on my profile!

Rated: T

Disclaimer: Naruto the show is not mine! It belongs to Misashi Kishimoto, along with Naruto, Sasuke and the Naruto characters I will put in! But Mikochi and Minago are my own creations! DO NOT STEAL THEM!

Warnings: Yaoi and Mpreg!

THE STORY BEGINS! (ok not the real story, just explaining the characters, and whats been going on!)



The 4th Great Ninja war has ended Uzumaki Naruto is the 7th Hokage. He now understands why Tsunade was so cranky, with all the paperwork he had to do. After the 4th Great Ninja War, she happily resigned her position of Hokage, recommending Naruto, who GLADLY accepted the job.

He also kept his second promise of bringing Sasuke back, and they are now happily married with two kids that are fraternal twins, a girl and a boy, named Uchiha Mikochi and Uchiha Minago, with Naruto as their "mother" and Sasuke the father.


Uchiha Minago was the boy, he was named after Naruto's father, Minato, because they looked almost EXACTLY alike. He had spiky, blond hair like Naruto, but his hair was longer, and he had two neck-length bangs that framed each side of his face, like Minato, but he had a red streak on his right bang. He also had the tan skin of Naruto, but he got his onyx eyes from Sasuke, along with his aloof personality. He was also very protective of the ones he loved, especially his younger sister, Mikochi. His outfit varies throughout the story but he always wears the Uchiha-Uzumaki Symbol.

Uchiha Mikochi was named after Sasuke's mother, Mikoto, because of the her sweet nature, and how she loved animals.(2) She looked like Sasuke if he had a Sexy no Justu. She had long, black, spiky, waist-length hair that had white tips, that she usually wore in two ponytails, and she had chin-length bangs, and some bangs that hang above her eyes. She had pale skin, and got Naruto's trait of "whiskers" on her cheeks. She had also gotten Naruto's azure eyes, and his personality, but unlike Naruto, she was never had trouble with the Academy, she was always at the top of her class, with her only rival her brother. His outfit varies throughout the story but he always wears the Uchiha-Uzumaki Symbol(1).

They were both prodigies, and they were known as the "Shindo(4)" Twins. And they each had their own HUGE fan club.


They also had pets. They had a black cat with red eyes, he has a small band around his wrist, that has the Leaf Village symbol on it, his name is Nekomata. Also a longhaired chihuahua who looked a lot like a fox, he had a reddish-orange coat, a white mouth area and chest, and black paws and tail tip, he had a blue Leaf Village collar, his name is Inubi(5). They are very good friends(6), even though Inubi is very loud and annoying(7), and Nekomata is calm and independent(8). They are ninja animals, that are used in some of the missions that team 5 go on, trained by the Shindo Twins themselves.(9)


There are a few new characters along with many old ones. See what funny, sad, actiony things lay ahead.. in the story Naruto Arashi!


(1) In this story, I mixed the Uchiha and the Uzumaki symbol. The link to it is on my profile

(2) I am not sure if Mikoto likes animals in the anime, but she does in this fic...

(3) The link to Mikochi is on my profile.

(4) According to Google Translate, Shindo is prodigy in Japanese.

(5) The name Nekomata comes from the Naruto Shippuden episode #189, Sasuke's Paw Encyclopedia. Inu means dog in japanese, bi means tails or tailed beasts i think; Ex: Kyuubi, Hachibi, so i named him Inubi. So Dog Tails, Or dog tail beast...


(7) NO OFFENSE TO CHIHUAHUAS! I HAVE TWO AND I KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE HOW LOUD THEY CAN BE! I thought a chihuahua would be perfect to duplicate Naruto's personality!

(8) Nekomata will be calm and independent like a lot of cats. This mirrors Sasuke's personality!

(9) I think i might write a small story about them, so look out for it!

Authors Note(s):

~The mysterious "hair" markings that the twins share will be explained, but for now, I will tell you that they are from the Kyuubi.

~The reason Naruto can even get pregnant will be explained! But for now, I will tell you it has to do with Orochimaru and the Kyuubi!

~Mikochi and Minago are very close, so they don't really care about having friends, and they think they only need each other, but they accept a few people..

~Thank You so Much for reading! Please comment! Please Review!