Stiles hefted his body out of the dumpster with little effort. His head ached, but that was slowly fading as his healing kicked in. He hadn't had his suppressant in a couple of hours and he didn't have any of the fruit or leaves on his person to ingest. "Crap. This is what my life has dwindled down to." Stiles shook his head. "I am going to kill Derek."

He landed on the ground, his feet spread as he crouched, and his back facing the dumpster. He brought his hands up to his face grimacing at his predicament. He knew Derek was aware of his status even though no one else was; knew that Derek was just in the long run trying to create a family for him. That was what the alpha's first instinct is once they find a supplices alpha to join with. If there wasn't already an established pack, then the dominans alpha was to create one to draw the supplices out. Derek was doing a shitty job.

Growling Stiles stood straight, back rigid. "Derek Hale so help me . . ." Stiles headed for the ice rink. Derek would be there, along with the rest of the new pack.

It took only five minutes at a run for Stiles to get to his destination. He could smell them, all of them. His eyes glowed an eerie violet in response to the anger and frustration wafting towards him.

They were all there, Erica and Isaac down for the count, Boyd getting down from his ice machine and Derek standing over Scott, arm raised as if to claw him in half. Stiles flew across the ice in only seconds grabbing the alpha's wrist as it came down.

"Wrong move," Stiles was having a hard time controlling his inner wolf, he bared his teeth.

"Stiles," Derek growled out, "Move."

"Do you know where I just came from Derek?" Stiles didn't pause, didn't give him time to respond, "A dumpster. Some bitch hit me over the head with a car part; from my own car!" Stiles grit his teeth together. "Do you want to tell me why I got hit with a car part Derek, or do I get to guess?" Derek pulled away to turn his head sharply towards Erica who seemed to cower under his unrelenting gaze. "Then," Stiles brought Derek's attention back around, "I come here and find you beating on my pup. He isn't yours Derek, not yet, and the way you're going, not ever."

Derek growled and stepped away from the pair.

"Stiles?" Scott questioned from behind him as he rose to his feet.

"Not now Scott, I have a few things needed to be discussed with this oaf." Stiles commented harshly.

"Stiles," Derek warned.

"No, you don't get to Stiles me. I get to Derek you, fucking deal." Stiles turned to Scott looking him over, "Are you okay."

Scott caught sight of Stiles' glowing irises. "I – what? Yes?" Scott stumbled over his words. "When?"

"A while ago, I have been taking a suppressant to keep a low profile and to hide from Peter. I will explain later." Scott nodded dumbly. Good old Scott, always the puppy. Turning toward the big bulky boy next to the group he asked, "And you? Are you all right?"

Boyd nodded, not one for unnecessary words.

"Stiles," Derek's voice was level, calmer. "I was trying to bring it all together."

Stiles took a breath, sighing. "Yes I am aware." Stiles hovered over Scott once more, noticing how he curled in on himself. He needed to be seen by a doctor. "You are doing a shitty job. You don't know how to command your pups." Stiles made an exaggerated gesture with his hands. "You want me to come in and just take over that part of the job; and to top it off you turned one of mine," at Derek's confused look he clued him in on his meaning, "Jackson, Derek really. He was mine and now I have to deal with a mess you made. I will not spend my life cleaning up messes." Scott made a sound behind him, "Shut up Scott."

Scott snorted again, he was confused by the whole situation and a little angry that Stiles had kept something this big from him. Scott watched as Stiles stood stiffly straight as Erica and Isaac huddled over closer to them.

"What in the world is going on?" Erica demanded.

Stiles turned purple eyes to her. "Lesson one, pack ranking. Omegas bottom of food chain, eyes mostly gold but can be blue. They are werewolves kicked out of their packs. Then there are betas, broke up into a hierarchy that they themselves fight over. They follow the alpha. They have blue and gold eyes. Then there are the alphas. There are two kinds, the dominans or dominant alpha; they are what is most common. They have red eyes and tend to go mad if they are not meant for the alpha position. Then there is the supplices or submissive alpha. They are only submissive in bed to their chosen alpha though. They have the ability to bare children for the pack whether they are male or female. Males are more apt to adopt more pups rather than taking on betas though. I think it has to do with the fact that when you have a male submissive they have only ever been with dominant male alphas and are only ever turned. As a turned werewolf, it is still ingrained in me that it isn't possible for me to bear children so yeah. Lesson adjourned."

"Wait Stiles, what color eyes do the submissive alpha have?" Scott asked, clutching his stomach.

Stiles turned back to Scott his purple eyes blazing. "Purple Scott."

"…No," Scott cringed, "That means you and Derek… No!"

"Yeah Scotty." Stiles nodded his head solemnly.

"Fuck," Scott swore.

"Took the word right after my mouth."

"Seriously though Stiles," Scott whined.

"Shut up Scott, Momma's got to talk to Daddy alright." Scott gagged.

"Momma?" Isaac asked.

Stiles looked at the boy that cringed away from him. Stiles shot forward and captured him in a hug, not even aware of what came over him. The fruit had been suppressing most of his instincts so when one hit him he had a hard time suppressing them on his own. "Shh, shh baby boy." Isaac's shaking at the new changes began to taper off, relaxing in Stiles' arms. "Yeah, when you have a dominant and submissive alpha in a pack, the betas become pups looking to their alphas as parents. That's why Derek chose you all to be in his pack. You don't have strong parental figures and he knew that you needed them."

Stiles looked up to see Erica as she let out a whine. His arm shot out and pulled her into the hug. "Shh, shh."

He glanced up to lock eyes with Derek, who looked entirely too smug.

"Derek, we need to discuss this." Stiles' voice was soft. "Scott buddy I need you to take these three home, and have Isaac stay with you. Derek and I will be at Derek's new digs."

Stiles ushered the four betas out of the ice rink before sending them on their way. He turned to Derek who stood by his Camaro. "You know, you will be paying for the repairs for my jeep." Derek snorted before getting into the car and leaving Stiles to get in on the passenger side. Once in the car Derek took off with Stiles.

This is what Derek had been waiting for.