W.I.T.C.H Wedding 2 The Unlocked Memory

Chapter 1

Magic or Matter

Yes it has been a while, but W.I.T.C.H Wedding's sequal is back on dudes and dudettes! Well actually it never was off I've just been preoccupied with other things, I'm back in school, going places, ect. Point is I'm gonna make the time to work and complete this story. Don't know how its gonna go down but I usually just go with the flow you know? So without further ado here's the sequal to W.I.T.C.H Wedding...

~Meridian/Phobos' Castle~

Phobos had entered his room where Will was waiting for him.

She then ran up and greeted him with a hug.

"So, did you get what you needed taken care of?" She asked Phobos.

"Yes my love all's taken care of for now. Which means I can stay and spend sometime with you." He replied.

"Great, so what shall we do now? Is there anything else I should remember or are we gonna go somewhere?" Will asked him curiously.

"Well tell me what it is you would like to do and we shall do it." Phobos replied.

"I don't know, that's why I asked you."

"Well I suppose we could sit and talk and try and regain some more of your memories?"

"Okay, I'm kind of curious about my past like do I have a family? Why did you pick me to be your bride? Did I use to work for you? Please tell me, I'm very curious to learn and know everything."

"Patience Will, patience...I promise you everything will be explained, but you can't rush these things understood?"

"Yeah I guess, b-but I really wanna remember again."

"I know you do but please give it time. You're bound to regain your memories in due time."

"*Sigh.* Being patient really sucks..."

Phobos just chuckled at this before getting up and walking to a bookcase. He told Will that he had a little something that he wanted to show her. Saying that it might be of use to her with recovering her memories. Little did Will know was that this certain book that Phobos was getting was going to do more then just help her with her memories.

This book (much like the book with all of the secrets Phobos kept 4 Elyon) could put false information of the owners choice into his or her victims minds. It's kind of like hypnosis but in a movie film kind of way. See when open, the book sends out films of new memories into the person's mind making them their own.

Sounds interesting no?

Anyway, Phobos took out the book and brought it back with him to Will.

"Here we are, this book's very special and should help you regain all of your memories Will." Phobos told her as he sat besides her.

"How? I mean it's only a book so..." Will pointed out.

"Ah but this is no ordinary book Will." Phobos began.

"You see this book is a very special book. It holds everyone in Meridian's history from birth to where they are now. Sort of like a tracker of sorts I suppose, but it's magical meaning that it recored all of the data without any trouble."

"So it jut has a mind of its own and can easily tell me what I want to know?" Will asked sounding interested and hopeful.

"More then just tell you Will, it can give you back your memories just like that. Everything from when you were born, how you grew up, who your parent's were, if you worked for me and why I choose you to be my bride will all come back to you." Phobos explained.

"Well then open it, open it! I can't wait any longer please!" Will cried out with excitement as she jumped on the couch unable to control herself.

"Of course, anything for you Will." Phobos replied with an evil smirk on his face as he opened up the book.

Now opened, te book glowed a beautiful golden sun color all around it making Will hypnotized by its beauty.

"Wow..." She said not taking her eyes off of the book.

Then without warning magical stripes of golden film zoned out of the book and right into Will's head.

"Aaaahhhh!" She cried out as her eye pupils grew wider and her mind flashed of memories.

~Memory Flashbacks~

A baby girl with red hair and redish orange eyes is born in a cottage in the village in Meridian. So small, fragil and innocent as she let's out a cry meaning she's healthy and doing well. She's wrapped in a in a soft pink quilted blanket and in her mother's arms.

"Oh she's a blessing in disguise my love. She's simply perfect!"

"Yes my darling Eileen, she's a gift from heaven. She must have a name that's perfect like her."

"But what will we name her? There are one to many names that can't even compare to her beauty?"

"Hm...then perhaps something simple will do her just fine as a name?"

"Yes that sounds like a good idea."

The two thought and talked it over with each other until they came to a final conclusion.

"So it's agreed then, we shall call her Will."

"Yes, Will's a lovely name for our new baby."

Happy and satisfied, both parent's snuggled their new bundle of joy as the morning sun rose up from out their window and over the horizon.

~12 Years Later~

As the years went by Will began to grow into a beautiful young woman. From crawling and walking to dancing and running. She was very helpful around the house with the cleaning, sweeping, dusting, brushing, setting and cleaning the table and doing things for her parent's. She was a very good listener and wasn't afraid to speak her mind.

She never spoke out of turn and never disobayed an order. She was loved by her parent's and friendly to all of the people in the village. On sunny days she fetched fresh water and food from the village. On rainy days she would read a book and watch the rain drop slide down her window.

Then one day, tragety struck when the Guardians arrived.

Terror and distruction was brought to the village and kingdom because of them. Each one of the guardians had a certain power to call their own and use for their own distruction and advantages.





These were the elements used for the distruction of Meridian and all who inhabit it. They don't care about what they're doing with their powers, if houses and building get destroied or if anybody get's hurt along the way. The only thing the guardian's care about are spreading fear and hatred whereever they go. Their powers were far to great and strong to fight off. Not even the guards could stand up to them.

The Guardian of Water, Irma brought out terrible rain storms upon the land. Flooding and drowning plant and animal life due to the fast and owerful forces of the water she sends out. Sometimes, she would even suck up the water from the lakes and rivers to make everyone suffer.

The Guardian of Fire, Taranee brought out firey flames of pain and heat all over the land. The fire would start off small and seem harmless, but then it grows quickly and spreads out creating a trail of fire that burns anything and anyone in its path. Sometimes, the flames would come to life and terrify the villagers.

The Guardian of Earth, Cornelia brought out the other side of nature. Giant roots shot out of the ground in the blink of an eye, trees would come to life and attack anything that stood in its path and she had the ability to make it all come together to make an unstopable force. In other words, u can't stop the unstopable.

The Guardian of Air, Hay Lyn brought out strong winds that could keep you up against the wall and unable to move. She could suck up the air and make it hard to breathe and almost suffocate. Twisters would come to life and tear up the place as it zoomed off at full speed.

Each guardian was worse then the last one.

Making it more and more difficult to take down just one of them.

Phobos has been doing everything in his power to take down these witches of evil; but their powers grow strong everyday and even his greatest warriors can't defeat them. Those girls were just to much for him which was driving him insane.

To make matters even worse, a rebel army lead by a ruthless commander, Caleb. He lead an army of tyrant outlaws with him to try and take over the castle. At first they were no even match for Phobos and his guards, but then they teamed up with the guardians making them a stronger force then before. It was because of these people that Will's parent's died and she was brought into the custody of one of Phobos' servants in the castle.

There she stayed and worked in the castle for two long years. During which time she got aquainted with the servants and Phobos though mostly Phobos on the count of she was his favorite clumsy little servant who always made him laugh. She first met Phobos when she was brought in due to injuries from the chaos the guardians threw at the village. Phobos had a healer fix Will right up while staying by her side all through the night during recovery.

As time went by the two grew closer and closer together. There was just something about Phobos that really seemed to click for Will whenever she saw or was around him. Like she just had to be there with him at all times. Call it crazy but Will called it love. 3

More time flew by and their relationship from what began as a tiny little seed was growing up into this amazing wild flower. They shared meals together, long strolls around the castle grounds, reading books and sharing secrets for long hours each day. It was a magical thing for whenever Will was having a hard day or needed a shoulder to cry on, Phobos was there for her. Soon he decided to take their relationship to the next level of their lives and purpose marriage to Will.

Of course Will accepted his purposal without hesitation making Phobos the happiest man alive. It took months of planning and preperation to set up the wedding, but on the day of the ceremony, the guardians and rebel's attacked and stormed the castle. People were running and screaming, guards were fighting off against the rebels and guardians and during all of the chaos, Will and Phobos got seperated.

"Phobos! Phobos!"


The two were soon seperated from one another during the battle rage. The rebels were attacking from everywhere and the guardians were trying to bring the whole place down. Frightened, Will ran as fast as she could to get away and to safety, but in all the crazy chaos, she tripped and hit her head hard onto the ground knocking her unconcious.

Thus explains what happened...

~Memories Over~

Once the memories were done flowing into Will's mind, she blinked a few times before coming back to her sences. What happened may have been shocking, but it was all true, or so Phobos wanted Will to know.

"Wow...I-I can't believe all of my memories were locked up in that book an-and all of that happened to me." Will said trying to gather her thoughts together.

"I know it's a little difficult to take in all at once, but you did want the answers to all of your questions." Phobos told her.

"I-I know b-but its just kind of crazy...all of that history and information now all within my head. Brr...*Shivers.* those guardians and rebels don't seem like the kind of people I want to get stuck with. I can't believe they've constantly tried to overthrone you an-and...my parent's...*Sad.*" Will explained crying a little bit.

"Shh...shh...I know it's hard to believe and I know what they did was a terrible curse, but your parent's wouldn't have wanted you to be alone or sad about their sudden fate." Phobos explained as he took Will's chin and made her look at him.

"No matter what happens always know that they are a part of you in your heart, and so am I."

Though she was still upset, Phobos' word comforted her and brought a smile to her face. With a sniffle and the wipping away of tears, she hugged him and urried her face into his chest. Phobos returned the hug and a smirk of victory. He had now won over Will's trust and she believed everything that had gone into her mind. With that she would be his to control now...and forever.

Okay so tell me and be honest...

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