"So, tell me again why you're hiding from Shizuo?" Kadota asked Izaya, who busied himself in the brunet's last class for the day. They were in Japanese Lit and the teacher had let them do a little independent study which let the raven sit backwards in his chair to face the taller boy.

"...I'm not hiding from him, per se, just avoiding him for the time being, ne?" Izaya grinned up at Kadota as he swung his legs back and forth merrily. Kadota sighed as he sat down his pencil knowing that with Izaya here he wouldn't get much work done anyways. He didn't know what to make of the two's relationship but as long as they were charging properly, and they weren't trying to kill each other, he was happy. Of course he'd be much happier if they could just get along.

"Do I even want to know why?"

"Hmm~ Only 'cause it's Dotachin, I'll tell you." The mischievous smile on Izaya's lips should have tipped Kadota off but free information from the smaller boy was rare but not entirely inexistent. "You see, it's all Shizu-chan's fault. He complained that he was going to burst and then he pushed himself on me and made us charge. Then he had the gall to ask what it felt like..." Izaya looked expectantly at the brunet with a serious composure that threw Kadota off. "Ne, what does charging feel like between Dotachin and Shinra?"

"Ah, well...it's nice, I guess. I mean it feels best when I charge with Kishitani than with others. When I charge with others it feels kinda sickening and not right – sometimes it leaves a bad taste too – but when it's with Kishitani I feel like I have a bounce in my step and the strength to keep moving forward." Kadota paused in his explanation to let a fond expression show on his features. "But it would make sense since he was put as my partner. I mean, if you were to choose who the best would be, it would be your partner...ugh, you made me say something really embarrassing."

"Ain't it? Hahaha~" Izaya's laughing did not deterred the brunet as he laid his head in his open palm to gaze questioning at the raven.

"So, you told Shizuo he was the best?"

"...," Izaya's sat up stock still, a look of pure shock flashing over his expression before he replaced it with an apathetic mask. "Feh, of course not~ I wouldn't say something as embarrassing as what you would have said..."

"But you did say something."

Izaya could feel the heat pool in his cheeks as he looked away from his friend and instead trained his eyes on the hard wood floor. Kadota gave a smile at the boy which only succeeded in making Izaya's face feel hotter with humiliation.

"Ahh, shut up! He probably didn't even figure it out with his small protozoa brain anyways." Izaya cried out as he hid his face in his hands and hunched over the desk to hide himself further from the smirking brunet. At that moment both boys heard the faint vibration of Kadota's cell from inside his desk.

"Huh. It's from Shinra...I told him not to text me during class," Kadota reprimanded the other brunet. He allowed Izaya to read the text with him.


I found something interesting from Shizuo-kun. Apparently he and Izaya charged and Izaya said something offhandedly that Shizuo didn't quite get or understood. Well, it's ok, because I enlightened him on it and now he's pretty flustered (lol)

Anyways, have you seen Izaya?


Both teens gave a good stare at the communication device before Kadota typed up a quick reply. Afterwards he pocketed it in case it got the same treatment as some of the girl's cell phones Izaya sometimes got a hold of.

"I'll kill him," Izaya hissed under his breath, his face anew in red.

Meanwhile in a small town far away from Tokyo, Ikebukuro.


"Oh, Mikado~! Let's-go-play~!"

The raven blue eyed boy smiled at his brunet partner and let the other drag him to the playground. Since they lived in small town, getting out of the dorms to have fun wasn't that hard. Mikado had wanted to get at least a permit so that if they were caught they had an excuse to ride on, but his impatient friend insisted to leave immediately.

But Mikado didn't hate that about Kida, in fact, he found himself more than once loving getting lost in the other's pace.

"Wait for me, Masaomi!"

"Mmmph...Shizu-chan! Stop it!" Izaya was currently trying to push the taller teen off him. Shizuo had been chasing Izaya for stealing his shoes and throwing them in the school's pool and now they found themselves up on the roof. It was the middle of sixth period and—with that being the last period for the day—the blond teen didn't really care that he was missing English. He instead decided that since he and Izaya were already skipping their last class, and that they were both tired from their chase, they might as well charge until school was over.

Both of the teens had agreed that they would only charge once a week; Kadota and Shinra had made them promise in doing so. This agreement has lasted for some weeks and made their brunet friends relieved that they were at least charging and no longer straining themselves. But recently it seems as if Shizuo was a little too keen when it came to charging.

"We just charged yesterday! Didn't we agree to only charge once a week?" Izaya growled against the other's mouth. Shizuo only ignored the raven's complaints and pressed their lips more tightly and feel the pleasant thrum of power leaving him and going into Izaya. "You stupid protozoan..."

"Shut up. Yeah, I know we said once a week and I ain't breaking that! 'Cause yesterday was Saturday and now it's Sunday so it's a whole new week, you got it?" Shizuo snorted and locked his lips back with Izaya's, who began protesting and struggled vainly underneath him.

The school bells brought the two out of their little activity as Shizuo finally got off Izaya. The raven haired Receiver glared at his partner and sat up rubbing at his mouth to wipe away the saliva from their sloppy make out. With a bitter voice, Izaya said to Shizuo, "I think you're being too comfortable with charging."

"Huh? What are you babbling about now?" Shizuo asked before putting a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it. Izaya wrinkled his nose in distaste at his partner, not liking at all that Shizuo had taken up on such a hobby. He blamed Tanaka Tom. Those cancerous sticks better not interfere with Shizuo's and his charging sessions. Speaking of charging...

"To put it simply, you're enjoying our charging way too much. Ever heard of 'restraint'?" The raven sighed and shook his head. "What happened to the days where you dreaded the thought of even being within even a mile of my existence, regardless our need to charge?"

Shizuo's brow twitched in reaction to Izaya's words but he didn't feel the need to say anything. Somewhere inside him he hoped that they didn't go back to those days. Because...charging felt great; even if it was with a shitty person like Izaya. No...ironically it's only great if it's with Izaya for Shizuo.

"Sooner or later—but I do hope this does not happen—you'll be asking to charge even more and more. It sounds dreadfully disgusting," Izaya droned on as he rolled onto his stomach. Silence was the only thing to greet him as Shizuo calmly continued to get his fix. Peacefully. Izaya's eyes narrowed slightly before he trilled cheerfully, "Ne, how about I propose a challenge?"

"Hah?" Shizuo quirked a brow at the smaller teen before shrugging it off. The fact that he reacted at all indicated there was some level of interest though, and that was all Izaya needed.

"Let's go without charging for 2 weeks and a half this time." Too bad Shizuo had his back towards Izaya as he missed the mischievous smirk on his face. The short silence was soon broken by the blond, being curious on what the stakes were.


Well that was easy~! Chuckling slightly, Izaya continued his inquisition, "If Shizu-chan is the one who caves in first—like last time ahaha—then we can only charge when I want to." Izaya shook his forefinger in a tsking motion before becoming all grins and waiting for Shizuo's answer or comeback.

"...And if you are the one to lose it?" Turning to face Izaya, Shizuo had an unreadable expression on his face that only made Izaya frown. The raven haired teen shrugged his shoulders and gave the other a smug look.

"As if that would happen~ But I don't see why I can't humor you some. If I lose then we can charge whenever you want, hm?"

Shizuo huffed as he considered the challenge the flea was offering to him. It seemed pretty legit and he really wanted to redeem himself after giving in the last time. Granted, the other time wasn't really a challenge but it still made him feel ashamed and pissed to no ends.

"Fine. Let's just get this fucking over with," he grunted before standing up and slipping his cigarette in a special pouch to save for later; when he's not on school grounds. He started for the roof's door but stopped to turn and give Izaya a determined grimace. "I'm going to win this one, Flea."

"People can dream, ne Shizu-chan?"

"So—" Kadota looked at his fellow classmate and friend with concern eyes as they spent the free time of their period doing nothing but having this conversation. "This thing...that's going on between you and Izaya is nothing to worry about? How long has it been already?"

"Hn, it should be already a week." And Shizuo was feeling fine. It must have been that extra boost of power he mooched off of Izaya before they even started this challenge. He was way confident that he wouldn't be the one to show that desperation to charge this time around. "But yeah, it's nothing to worry about. We decided on this."

Kadota ran a hand through his brown locks before letting out a sigh. He sometimes wondered if Shizuo and Izaya purposely do this to get him, and Shinra, worked up. But then he reminds himself that he shouldn't worry that much, yet he still does. "Just...don't overdo it ok? You said it's for 2 and half weeks, isn't that pushing it far from your week and a half that you almost collapsed from?"

"Well, I'm feeling good so far. Dunno about Izaya, not like I care, I hope he's dying right now." There were no emotions in Shizuo's voice as he said this though. Ever since the whole start of this thing, they didn't talk all that much since that might evolve into a fight sooner or later. And that took some power which could lead to either of their downfalls.

"Don't say that. If Izaya dies then who will be able to receive your power?" Kadota will never understand why Shizuo and Izaya keep saying for the other to die when in retrospect they're basically saying that they also want to die. Or live a desperate life. Either option seemed suicidal.

"..." Shizuo had nothing to say to that and maybe it was better that way. He didn't even want to think about it. What mattered right now was that he was going to win this challenge and wipe his previous shame away. Eyes narrowed in determination, Shziuo growled under his breath, loud enough for the brunet to hear his words, "I'm going to win, Kadota."

Despite his friend's recklessness—not to mention dumb stubbornness—and the dangers that the situation holds, Kadota couldn't help but admire Shizuo a little. Not to mention that Ikebukuro hasn't seen one of his and Izaya's fights for a week. That would have been considered a miracle. Kadota allowed himself a small chuckle, "I'm sure you will do your best."

The blond cracked a grin before playfully slugging his friend in the shoulder, thanking him for the support.

The day went on smoothly and uneventfully.

Shinra always thought that Kadota had nice lips. This was not weird of him to think about at all since he was the tall brunet's partner after all.

The bespectacled teen sighed into the kiss as he felt himself be relieved of the daily build up of power inside him. He heard Kadota grunt softly, a signal for him to stop and that the other had enough. "Just a little more..." Shinra whispered before pressing his lips just a little more firmly on the other brunet's. He could feel Kadota flinch and squirm a little but he didn't reject the power that Shinra was still slowly pouring into him. It wasn't long till Shinra was feeling at a balanced point and pulled away. "Fwah~! That felt great."

Kadota's face was flushed and his eyes were slightly glazed and cloudy. "You...You give me a bit much..." he mumbled while wiping his mouth with his thumb.

"Ah really? Sorry about that~ I didn't notice." And he felt fine.

"Uwah, Shinra and Dotachin are having a moment~ Sorry for the intrusion," trilled Izaya as he left the scene snickering. Albeit to the raven's teasing words, the two couldn't help but not miss the look of want—or envy?—that was in Izaya's rust colored eyes.

Mikado looked at his piece of paper with a look of dread. For an elementary school kid he was having way too adult and mature thoughts. Their assignment was to write about what you want to be, or what you dream to be, when you get older. All these thoughts and complications began to come up inside the poor boy's head that it was starting to hurt. He didn't know what the future held or what he could be doing. He didn't have any special skills or interests, or so he thinks. So what could he possibly write about?

"Yo~ Mikado-chan~!" Just hearing the voice of his best friend and partner calmed Mikado down and put a small smile on his face. "Whoa, you look like you're freaking out dude. Calm down, silly! It's not such a serious assignment."

"Easy for you to say, Masaomi. You're brave and social. You're always so confident that you know what you're doing that you get by easily in fast paced situations." Mikado's face was downcast as he was still smiling and carrying on his voice in a cheerful tone. Sometimes he was envious of his Supplier partner. But what rivaled his envious feelings was great admiration. He respected and looked up to the brunet more than how he wished he had even an ounce of Kida's personality. "I can't be like that."

"What are you talking about? Mikado is Mikado and I like the way you are! Whatever you choose to do should be you and I'm sure it'll be great." Kida puffed out his chest and had his hands on his hips. Such simple words made Mikado's blue eyes widen while his breath hitched in his throat. He was speechless for a few seconds before he recovered and he let out a nervous, embarrassed chuckle.

"Mou, what are you saying Masaomi?" As Mikado laughed at his friend Masaomi was flailing and griping about what he said. He really couldn't ever hate Kida, is what Mikado thought, even if they weren't partners or friends. "What did you write about then?"

"Me?" There was pause in the brunet boy as he allowed there to be a dramatic silence. "I put wanting to go to Ikebukuro with Mi~ Ka~ Do~!" This made said boy speechless once again before voicing his shock with an exaggerated: 'Ehhhh?!' Kida just smiled and rested his hands behind his head. "It's 'cause...I really want to go to that great city. And I want to be with Mikado—not just 'cause of us being partners though. You're my best friend, man!—so I thought: 'What a nice goal and dream, huh?' Or something like that. It's not much but I really hope it happens one day or something. Sorry for deciding something silly like that though. It's just a dream—"

"We'll go!" Those sincere spoken words made Kida stop midsentence and give his partner a surprised look. Mikado's eyes were shinning in determination and his face was set in seriousness. To Kida, it was a rare expression and he found it endearing and a little cool. Not long after Mikado's outburst, the boy became flustered and reverted back to a more withdrawn state. "I-I mean, not now, later in the future, when we're older you know, but not like too old, maybe after middle school, and..."

Mikado had gotten lost in the other's pace yet again. There was something about how the other talked about his dream that made Mikado want to have it as his own as well. Plus...it didn't sound bad and he kind of wanted it too, after hearing it.

"Thanks Mikado." Kida gave the other boy one of those smiles that he only reserved for Mikado. No one has ever made him feel so happy, so cherished, like Mikado has, even by little things like this. But then again, it was the little things that count right? Feeling like he got praised, Mikado grinned back at his brunet Supplier partner and didn't even notice the sweat starting to drip down his face. Kida blinked and slapped his hand on his own forehead. He just remembered the other reason why he came to find his partner. "You didn't come up during lunch to charge! Plus here you are getting excited on low power. Shame on you Ryuugamine-san."

"Ah, that's right. Sorry about that. I had to finish up a test..."

Kida let out a sigh before smiling a little at his friend. "It's fine...just don't do it too often ok?" He'd get worried. He caressed the raven's cheek before leaning in to connect their mouths in a kiss. Mikado could feel his eyes close as he leaned into his partner's touch, feeling secure.

"This is the most docile I have ever seen you two around each other!" exasperated Shinra as he cupped his face in shock. Shizuo and Izaya could only roll their eyes.

"Shh, Shinra you're too loud! Shut up!" hissed Shizuo, who went back to scratching his head while glaring at his text book and trying to solve the problems written inside it. As hard as he was trying to concentrate and study, he was getting nowhere and it wasn't helping that the place smelled like Flea. "Fucking shitty math..."

"The only reason why Shizu-chan's not being such a monster is because we're in a library," Izaya stated matter of factually, waving his forefinger back and forth. Although after he was done speaking he was being hissed at by the blond for the same reason as Shinra. Since this was a library it should be quiet, is what the blond was insisting.

"Oh so that's why~!" whispered Shinra as he placed his fist in his open palm. "Now that I think about it...you and Shizuo never fought in the library except that one time where that one librarian got super mad and lectured you guys for a whole hour and a half."

"Yup~" Izaya confirmed while popping the 'p', placing his book down to give his friend a pained look. "It was horrible and I didn't even do anything wrong. I didn't see why I had to sit in here with that brute," Izaya jabbed his thumb in Shizuo's general direction, "for such a long time. I seriously thought I was going to get killed any second Shizu-chan got the chance."

Both Izaya and Shinra heard a snapping sound before their eyes traveled to the broken pencil that was snapped by the hands of a mildly pissed off Heiwajima Shizuo. Mild, as in, Shizuo only giving the two death glares while grinding his teeth and snarling under his breath. It was a much tamed reaction compared to his usual when things involved Izaya.

'Definitely the library effect...' thought Izaya as he smirked at the blond and moved to get up. That or...he was trying to not build up too much power. Izaya decided it was either one. "Now, now, Shizu-chan. Calm down, you're making this too easy for me. We haven't even made the second week mark yet and you're already losing it." He laughed at the blond before gently bopping his bespectacled friend on the head with his own text book that he had brought. "I'm going on ahead; it looks like I'm...a distraction for someone here. See ya."

With the raven gone, Shizuo heaved in a breath and continued to silently glare at his math textbook once again. Handing the taller teen another pencil, Shinra couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, the two could—and maybe will after this whole ordeal—get along better.

Anri looked over her shoulder just as some girls turned their heads away. Sometimes she would hear the rumors and gossip that would occasionally be brought up about her. Either it was about her quiet and withdrawn personality or her charging and partner ability, the latter being a more current issue. She didn't quite understand why she was able to do what she can—it's not like she chose to be this way—she was just born with it. They didn't understand. No one even tried to look at it the way she did or even thought that not even she knew what was wrong. Was it even wrong in the first place? Who decided that...

"Anri-chan!" A cheerful voice broke through the hallways of the elementary school as Mika ran up to the black haired girl and glomped her arm. "I was looking for you everywhere! Mami-chan and the others want to go out to eat ice cream. So let's go~" This girl was the sole reason why people didn't bother to bring up Anri's personality anymore. With Mika she appeared to be social and have a group of friends. She wasn't alone and she seemed happy. Mika was a good foil and vice versa. Anri knew, that Mika knew that she knew, that Mika always took her everywhere because she was pretty and looked good at her side.

"Mn, let's go then," replied Anri, softly.

"Ah, before that," Mika giggled before leaning up to kiss and receive a little needed power from her Supplier partner. "There we go~ Much better. Now let's be on our way~!" she cheered, licking her lips from the charge. Anri couldn't help but smile a little.

Shizuo leaned onto the fence that lined the school's roof and ran a hand through his bleached blond locks. Today marked his and Izaya's second week of not charging and he was starting to feel a little sluggish. His vision was going here and there and he apparently started to doze off during most of his classes today. Great. He wasn't even in the mood for a smoke which meant he was in real deep shit.

"Gah!" Shizuo woke up with a start as he felt something cold touch his cheek. A soda can was mocking him as he refocused his vision and he recovered from the initial shock. He was only in for a bigger shock when he saw that the hand offering the offending beverage belonged to none other than Izaya. "...Flea?"

"Yeah, it's me." He knew how weird this seemed but the stupid vending machine decided to give him a free soda along with the coffee he had wanted to get. It seems that the vending machine population hated him as much as its usual yielder. Without his usual cheerful mask he pushed the soda once more in the blond's face. "Your buddy, the vending machine, seems to want me to give you this. Be grateful."

Shizuo took the can and scrunched up his nose at the raven. "'M not but was that supposed to mean that you didn't get me this on purpose?" Izaya had been sipping at his coffee before he sputtered a bit and shot Shizuo a look.

"What makes you think that I would spend a yen on you? Of course it was by accident! Accident! What would it benefit me if I start giving you gifts and shit now?"

"Well for one, maybe I wouldn't think that you're such an asshole?" Shizuo spat back while trying to control his grip on his newly acquired can of soda. He didn't want to waste something he had just got for free, despite it being given to him by Izaya. "And another thing, how do I know that you didn't poison it or anything?"

"Hah! As if you'd ever believe I wasn't anything you've already deemed me as." Shizuo 'tch'ed for that was true. "And I know you're an idiot Shizu-chan but that can is unopened so how could I possibly slip in poison? On another note, poison probably wouldn't even work on you unless it was an elephant sized dosage. And even then it's way undetermined."

"Yeah well—"

"Shh." Izaya clapped a hand over Shizuo's mouth. He had heard something strange while he and Shizuo were bantering. The only thing he could determine was that they weren't alone at one point in the time they were talking but that wasn't the case at the moment. 'They must have fled...' thought Izaya before his hand was shoved away. There was pain in his forehead for Shizuo slammed his together with Izaya's and their noses were just nearly brushing. "Ow...what the hell?"

"That's my line! What the hell did you think you were doing?" the blond growled while grinding his forehead against Izaya's. The smaller teen could feel the other's veins popping and pumping fast with blood that boiled hot with rage and irritation. Izaya didn't see no reason into telling the blond that they were either being watched or that one of them had a potential stalker.

"Nothing, I just didn't want to hear your voice."

"Oh? Is that so?" Even with the rage filling in his nerves and systems, Shizuo couldn't stop his eyes from flickering down to those full lips that were not even inches away from his. The need was there and it dulled the anger and pulled the monster back in. "..."

Awkwardly, they pulled away from each other with Shizuo facing the fence and Izaya heading to the exit of the roof. Hearing the click of the door, Shizuo opened the soda can and took a nice long swig, to cool his head. Shizuo left the rim of the can to keep in contact with his lips before bringing his finger to trace his them almost unconsciously.

Izaya stood inside and behind the roof's door with a glare trained at the ceiling. He resisted the urge to rub his lips in discomfort for he could still feel Shizuo's warm breath reaching them. With a grimace he descended the stairs.

At the foot of the stairs a figure was hiding in the shadows.

Mii: Sooooooo I'm not dead! I'm sorry for not posting for a while! I'll try to get back...

But anyways this leaves off on a very creepy cliffhanger omg sorry maybe you'll have some luck on the kinkmeme :3 Actually you'll have a lot of luck 'cause the arc thingy is finished there so go thither.