I'm Gonna Love You Through It

AU: This is a Leyton story… One of sadness and angst and maybe happiness at the end. It's based on a song I heard on the radio today. Lucas and Peyton are married with 3 children. They live in Tree Hill all the characters are the same. Sawyer and Jamie are the same age in this story and Jude and Davis are the same age as Peyton and Lucas' second daughter Ellie. Nathan and Haley are married and only have Jamie. Haley's a teacher and Nathan's in the NBA. Peyton and Brooke are stay at home moms while Lucas is a high school teacher and coach and Julian is a film maker. Everything else will come out in the story… I hope… Please read to see what's going to happen.

Chapter 1

"Come on, you guys" Peyton yells from the bottom of the stairs "You're going to miss the bus"

Three blonde haired children come running down the stairs. Two little girls trailed by a little boy.

"Mama" the little boy says "I want to go to school too"

Peyton laughs at him "Baby, you can't just yet but soon you will." She says "Sawyer, remember that your dad is picking you two up this afternoon and Ellie tell your teacher we will make 5 dozen cookies for the bake sale next week"

"Thanks, mama" Ellie says hugging her tightly.

Peyton hugs her daughter back and then hugs her other daughter.

"I love you, mama" Sawyer says smiling at her

"I love you too" Ellie says

"I love you both" Peyton says handing them their lunches

The two kids run out the door and to the end of the driveway. Peyton stands in the window and watches them until the bus picks them up. They don't want her waiting at the bus stop with them but she couldn't turn her back until they were on the bus. She just didn't want anything to happen to her babies.

She and Lucas had been high school sweethearts. They dated all through high school and got married the summer after graduation. They had their first daughter, Sawyer Brooke Scott, before their one year anniversary. She looked just like her mother. She had curly blonde hair and the greenest eyes they'd ever seen. Sawyer had just turned 8 and was in the 3rd grade. She loved art and music. She wasn't much into reading, math or science but loved art class and free time when she could draw. She was her mother through and through.

Then two years later they had another baby girl, Elizabeth Anna Scott. She was Lucas all the way. She was into books and basketball and looked like him with her straight blonde hair and blue eyes. She was a daddy's girl. Ellie is six and she is in the first grade.

Three years later Emery Lucas Scott was born. He is 3 years old and a perfect blend between his mother and his father. He has curly blonde hair and blue eyes. He likes to draw sometimes but play basketball at other times. He was a mama's boy and followed her everywhere. It made Lucas laugh.

Peyton walks into the kitchen with her little shadow behind her.

"what would you like to do today?" Peyton asks Emery as she clears away the breakfast dishes

"Can we go to the park?"

"Sure" Peyton says

"Can we call Aunt Brooke and see Jackie can go with us?"

"Sure" Peyton says smiling at the little boy "How about I pack a picnic lunch too?"

"Really?" The little boy says with a smile on his face

"Really" Peyton says smiling "Go get ready and I'll call Aunt Brooke"

Emery runs up the stairs and Peyton picks up her phone. She dials a number and waits.

"Hello" a voice says on the other side of the phone

"Brooke, it's Peyton" She says wondering why Brooke didn't look at the call id

"Oh hey Peyton. Sorry I was in the bathroom and Jackie had my phone and wouldn't bring it to me"

Peyton starts laughing

"It's not funny"

"I'm sorry" Peyton says "Emery and I are heading to the park and were wondering if you and Jackie wanted to join us"

"Sure!" Brooke says excitedly "I'd love to get out of this house today"

"Ok, how about we pick you up in 15. I'm packing a picnic right now"

"We'll be ready" Brooke says hanging up

Emery walks into the kitchen "I'm ready, mama" he says smiling at her

"Great baby let's go" Peyton says grabbing the picnic basket and walking out of the house. She straps Emery into the car and heads for Brooke's. She pulls in the driveway and a very pregnant Brooke comes walking out of the house with Jackie in tow. Peyton jumps out and grabs the little girl from her mother.

"Hey Aunt Peyt" The little girl says hugging and kissing her

"Hey baby" Peyton says hugging the little girl back "How are you feeling?" she asks Brooke

"Like shit" Brooke says "And Julian is in LA so if my water breaks I'm on my own"

"No, you're not" Peyton says strapping the little girl in a car seat "I already told you I'd go to the hospital with you"

"And what am I supposed to do with Jude, Davis and Jackie"

"I'm sure Lucas with keep them or Haley"

"Yea like Haley can keep them with her kids and Lucas with your kids"

"It will be fine" Peyton says "Chill out"

Brooke sighs "I'm just scared." She says "Julian's movie is taking a lot longer than I expected and we already have three kids and one more on the way and I'm tired. Peyton I am so tired. How do you do it every day and not get so tired?"

"I'm tired too, Brooke" Peyton says "I should be at home doing laundry and putting something together for dinner or making the 5 dozen cookies I signed up to make for the bake sale but I'll do all of that after my kids are in bed and while Lucas writing. Being a stay at home mom is really hard. I don't know how Haley does it with working"

"She has a nanny and a housekeeper" Brooke sighs "That's what happens when you're married to an NBA star. She's the only one of us who should be a stay at home mom. Plus she only had Jamie"

"I know" Peyton says "But I chose to stay at home with my kids and I love every minute of it."

"Oh me too" Brooke says "I'm just stressed because Julian's gone and what about this bake sale? Jude and Davis didn't say anything about it"

"The first grade is having a bake sale next week"

"Oh man" she sighs "I guess I have to bake something"

Peyton starts laughing

"What's funny about that?" Brooke hisses

"Um, the last time you baked something you had to stay at my house for 2 days until the smoke cleared"

"I can bake" Brooke says "I fell asleep that day"

Peyton laughs

"Peyt, stop laughing at me"

Peyton smiles at her "I can bake extra cookies for you"

"Yea like you need that stress"

"I'm not stressed, B" Peyton says pulling into the park "I don't mind. I stay up while Lucas writes any way and he's on a roll right now so I'm up pretty much all night"

"How do you do it?"

"I don't know" Peyton replies "I just do. Don't worry I'll make one kind of Ellie, one for Jude, and one for Davis. Everything will be fine"

"Thanks, P" Brooke says getting out of the car

Emery and Jackie take off running towards the sandbox and Peyton and Brooke sit on the bench.

"They're going to get married" Brooke says smiling at them "They are so close"

"They are close" Peyton says "Emery loves her so much. He wants to play with her every day"

"Jackie's the same way"

"Which one of my boys is Miss Ellie going to marry?"

"Neither" Peyton says "She's going to the WNBA and not having kids. She was mad when Lucas told her that girls couldn't play in the NBA because she wanted to be just like her Uncle Nathan"

"That's Ellie!" Brooke smiles rubbing her belly

"You ok?"

"I'm just uncomfortable and the baby is pushing on my ribs and I just hurt"

"Why don't you go home and take a nap?" Peyton offers "I can handle the kids for a while"

"how will you get home?"

"We'll walk"

Brooke sighs "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive" Peyton replies "And you and the kids will have dinner with us tonight"


"It's no problem" Peyton says with a smiles

Brooke hugs her "You're the best"

Peyton just hugs her back and then Brooke gets up and leaves. Jackie runs over to Peyton.

"Where'd my mommy go?"

"She went home to take a nap"

"That's good" Jackie says smiling "She's in a bad mood today"

"She's just tried because she's going to have a baby soon"

"I know" Jackie says "That's all we talk about is that baby. I miss daddy. When is he going to be home?"

"I don't know sweetie"

"Are we coming over to your house tonight?" Jackie asks "I like coming to your house"

"You can come over to my house any time" Peyton says hugging the little girl "Now go ahead and play with Emery and we'll eat in a little while"

"Ok, thanks Aunt Peyton" Jackie says hugging Peyton again

Jackie runs away and Peyton watches them. She feels her phone buzz in her pocket and she pulls it out.

Hope you're having a great day, baby. I miss you. See you at dinner tonight. Love ya.

Peyton smiles at the text from her husband. She loved that he texted her every day on his lunch.

Love you too baby. At the park with Emery and Jackie. Brooke's having a hard day. They'll be over for dinner. See you tonight.

Peyton watches as the two kids play and after a few more minutes Emery comes running over to her.

"Mama, we're hungry" he says and Peyton smiles at him

"Ok, let's find a place where we can spread out our blanket and eat" Peyton replies getting up and grabbing the picnic blanket.

The two kids take off running and find a perfect spot under a tree. Peyton follows them over there and spreads out the blanket. The two kids sit down and Peyton gets out their lunches.

"I love how you cut the sandwiches into different shapes, Aunt Peyton. That's so cool"

"I'm glad you like them" Peyton says

"Mama cuts my toast like that too" Emery says "She's the best because she always does nice things for me"

Peyton smiles at him "That's because you're my baby and I love you"

"You do nice things for my sissies too"

"That's because I love them too"

"You're nice to me too" Jackie says

"Guess what I love you too"

The kids smile and eat their lunch. Peyton looks at her watch.

"When we get down eating we should head home"

"Ok mama" Emery says

"Can I stay with you?" Jackie asks

"Yes, you are going to stay until dinner"


The three finish and Peyton picks up the lunch stuff. Then she holds the two kids hands and they walk towards Peyton and Lucas' house that wasn't that far away. They enter the house and the kids take off running. Peyton puts everything away and then she starts on dinner.

"Mama, can we lay in your bed and watch a movie?"

"Sure baby" Peyton says walking out of the kitchen and towards her bedroom. She puts a movie on for the two kids knowing they're going to fall asleep.

She goes back into the kitchen and is making lasagna, salad and garlic bread. Once that's done she goes and does laundry, cleans up the kids rooms, changes the sheets on the bed and all the other house work she does. She has a system. Every day of the week she has a routine and she does something different.

She prides herself on keeping her house tidy and her husband and children happy. She could have had a career and been something more than a house wife but this was the life she chose and she enjoyed it. She loved her family and she'd do anything for them.

Before she knew it the front door was opening and screaming children were running in.

"Mom, where are you?" Sawyer yells from the kitchen

Peyton walks in from the laundry room "What's up, kiddo?" She says pulling out the tray of fruit and veggies she had cut up for the kids for an after school snack.

"My painting won" Sawyer yells "It won the school competition and is going to the county competition next"

"Really?" Peyton says smiling "I told you it was good"

"I know" Sawyer says hugging her mom "Thank you for your support!" she says taking some cheese and grapes off the tray. I have a science test tomorrow will you help me study?"

"Of course" Peyton says "We'll study after dinner. Do you have any other homework?"

"Yes, some math and I have to read my book too"

"Ok" Peyton says "well you can have a half hour before you start your homework"

"Thanks mom" Sawyer says hugging her mom again and running to her room. She never spent her time between school and homework watching TV she always spent it drawing.

"Mama" Ellie says sitting at the countertop bar

"What's wrong baby" Peyton says walking over to her younger daughter who looked said

"I got yelled at today"

"Oh no" Peyton says "What happened?"

"I was talking during the story and the teacher maybe me change my card"

Peyton sighs "Ellie" she says looking at her "You know you're supposed to be quiet when the teacher is talking."

"I know mama but Billy said that the Bobcats are a bad team and I told him that he was wrong and we were arguing about it. The Bobcats and the best NBA time because Uncle Nate is the point guard. Billy's wrong, mama and I had to tell him he was"

"I understand that, sweetie but you can't do that when the teacher is talking. You know better than that."

Ellie sighs "I'm sorry mama" she says looking down at the counter "Am I in trouble?"

"No" Peyton sighs "This is your warning though. If it happens again you'll be in trouble"

"Ok" Ellie says "can I go watch TV?"

"Do you have any homework?"

"Just practice my spelling words and read with you or daddy"

"Then you can watch TV for a little while"

"Thanks" Ellie says taking some snack off the tray and heading into the living room.

Lucas walks in carrying the mail "Hey babe" he says walking over and kissing Peyton on the mouth and grabbing her ass a little.

"Lucas" she says turning red "How was your day?"

"Long" Lucas sighs "My English class is full of little shits and I'm having a hard time with them."

"Work your magic baby like you always do and everything will fall into place"

"Thanks" Lucas says smiling

"How was practice?"

"That was good. The team is looking really great"

"That's great!" Peyton says smiling at him "I can't wait for the first game Friday night"

"Me either" Lucas says kissing her again "Did Ellie tell you about her day?"

"Yes" Peyton says "And how do you get mad at her for defending her family?"

"That's what I thought but I told her it would be up to you if she would get punishment"

"I let her off with a warning"

"Good wife"

"Thanks" Peyton says smiling "Did Sawyer tell you her good news?"

"Yes" Lucas says "I'm so proud of her"

"Me too"

"How was your day?" Lucas asks getting a bottle of water and sitting down and the counter eating the snack Peyton laid out for the kids

"It was good" Peyton says "Did some house work, took Emery and Jackie to the park and made dinner. We had a good time"

"How's Brooke?"

"Tired and in some pain and really stressed out"

"I hope Julian comes home soon"

"Me too" Peyton sighs "Me too"

She walks over and kisses Lucas. Lucas kisses her back hard.

"Mom" Sawyer says walking into the kitchen

Lucas and Peyton pulls away from each other.

"What's up honey?" Peyton says as Lucas gets up

"I wanted to show you what I'm working on"

"Great" Peyton says taking the sketch pad from Sawyer "Wow!" she says looking at the sketch. It was of Ellie playing basketball. It looked just like her it was perfect.

"You like it?" Sawyer says

"I love it, baby. You did a great job"

"Thanks mama" she says hugging her "I have some more too but they're not done yet. I will show you when I'm done"

"Sounds great!" Peyton says "Why don't you go and get your math and I'll help you before Aunt Brooke and the kids get here"

"Thanks" Sawyer says running and grabbing her book.

Peyton and Sawyer sit and the counter and Peyton helps her daughter when she needs it. Lucas is outside playing with Ellie, Emery and Jackie who had woke up from their nap.

"Do you want to go out and play?" Peyton says "We can finish this after dinner"

"No" Sawyer says "I like being in here when it's quiet and being with you"

Peyton smiles at her and gives her a hug. "Want to help me set the table?"

"Sure" Sawyer says smiling

Peyton and Sawyer talk while they set the table. Peyton tries to spend a little time each day with each of her children alone. Emery was easy because he was home all day long but she found herself spending a lot of time at night with Sawyer. She hoped Ellie didn't feel bad but she liked to be outside with her daddy.

"Mama" Emery calls from the door

"Yes, baby" Peyton says

"Aunt Brooke is here"

"Great!" Peyton says

Everyone comes in and Peyton pulls dinner out of the oven.

"Everyone wash up and we'll eat"

The kids walk into the bathroom and wash their hands. Lucas washes his hands in the kitchen sink. The kids sit up at the counter and the kitchen table. Peyton dishes out lasagna, salad and bread to everyone. Then she gets everyone a drink and she finally sits down and starts eating her own dinner.

"This is great" Brooke says "Thanks for inviting us to dinner"

"You're welcome" Peyton says

"Are you ready for Friday?" Brooke asks Lucas

"We are" Lucas says "You coming?"

"I don't know" Brooke replies "It will depend on how I'm feeling"

"Sounds good"

Lucas' cell phone rings and he looks at it. Peyton looks at him

"Not during dinner, Luke" she says smiling at him "House rule!"

Lucas puts the phone back in his pocket. Peyton had one rule that dinner time was for talking. If it was an emergency they could call their house and leave a message to pick up. Everyone knew this was Peyton's rule and most people didn't call.

"Daddy" Ellie says from the counter

"What baby girl?"

"After dinner can we go to the Rivercourt and play basketball?"

"If it's ok with your mama"

"Mama?" Ellie asks

"When are you going to study your spelling words and read?"

"I can study my words on the way and you always read to me before I go to bed"

Peyton smiles "Then you can go but only for an hour because you have to take a shower and study your words one time with me so I can make sure you practice"

"Thanks mama!" Ellie says jumping down and hugging her

Everyone continues to talk and eat. They finish and Lucas takes the kids to the Rivercourt while Peyton cleans up. She then works with Sawyer on her science and reads her a chapter in her book. Sawyer wasn't into the Rivercourt so she stayed with Peyton. She was a mama's girl but wouldn't admit it.

When everyone returned Brooke loaded her crew up and headed home. Peyton practiced Ellie's spelling word with her and then gave her a shower. While Peyton was reading to Ellie Sawyer took a shower and got ready for bed. Peyton tucked both girls in and then gave Emery a quick bath and put him to bed.

Once all the kids were in bed she went downstairs and unloaded the dishwasher. She put everything away and swept the floor. Lucas was in the den working so she heads in there to check on him.

"Do you need anything?" Peyton asks

"Is there any coffee?" he asks smiling

Peyton smiles back "I'll put some on and then I'm going to go soak in the bathtub"

"Thanks babe" Lucas says smiling at him

She walks into the kitchen and makes coffee. She takes a cup to Lucas and her own cup up to their bathroom. She lights some candles, turns on some music and fills the bathtub with hot water and bubbles. She sinks into the tub and is relaxing.

As she's laying in the bathtub she looks at the little reminder handing from the closet door. It told her that it was time for her self breast exam. She raises her hand over her head. Her hand stops when she feels a lump that she hadn't felt before. She sits up and runs her hand again over the same spot and concludes that there is definitely a lump. She finishes and finds three more lumps in the same breast. She sighs as panic runs over her. She would have to call the doctor in the morning. Her mind assumes the worst. She didn't have time to be sick… She had too much to be responsible for she just couldn't be sick.