Hi. Well. This is awkward. *Ahem*

Aside from awkward greetings...

This idea actually came to me while I was playing Sims and trying to make Jill and then realized there are many different versions of her. And then it hit me. What if clothing gave people their personality? BAM! GOOD IDEA! LET'S MAKE A STORY OUT OF THIS! And thus I created the three different Jill's (with different personalities) and made little snippets out of it. I tried to make it not confusing between the Jill's as possible, but sorry if I couldn't make it clear enough.

Sorry if this first chapter is bad. I needed some kind of intro to get the three of them into one place and this is what came to mind. I swear the other parts are better. Then again, maybe not. This is my first attempt at writing humour which I'm not very successful at so sorry if you want to burn this fic.

PS. I, personally, do not believe that RE5 Jill was the same as the previous Jill's. She just seemed too different to me to be the same character. That doesn't mean you can't believe that. Opinions people!


It was a rather nice day. Yes, rather nice indeed for anyone who was out and about enjoying it. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and people were taking the chance to not eat each other's faces off. Always a plus.

Today had a reason for being especially nice, aside from the lack of cannibalistic behaviour. Today was the day she was finally going to meet her two other roommates. She didn't really know much about them, aside from the fact that they agreed to rent along with her. The tenant asked for three renters, no smoking, no pets, yadda, yadda. This was the best opportunity for a change in scenery.

Jill checked the small piece of paper, making sure this was indeed the right address, which in fact, it was. With suitcase in hand, she marched up to the front door and knocked. One of the renters had come in a couple days early, so they should've been inside waiting.

Several seconds of nothing, followed by the sound of footsteps advancing in a particularly angry fashion told her that there was, indeed, someone here. The door swung open, revealing an irritated blonde dressed in a skin-tight battlesuit that left little to the imagination. "I swear to God, if you're here to arrest me, I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG… YET."

Jill just stared, eyes as wide as dinner plates, and sounding more like the undead, "Uh… uhh…"

The blond woman watched and quirked an eyebrow. "I guess you're not the po-po. Disregard that last statement."

The blond woman face changed suddenly, adopting a scowl and getting angrier for some reason, as her eyes shifted to something behind Jill and rolled in displeasure. "So, you're one of the new tenants. It seems Thing 2 just arrived as well."

Jill turned, looking in the suggested direction. A brunette with a hairstyle much like her own stepped from the cab dressed in a tube top and mini skirt. She waved in their direction, grabbing seven seemingly useless suitcases and making her way over.

Being the ditz she was, she overestimated how much she could carry as her heel caught on the edge of the pavement causing her to fling the bags in all directions and her face to meet the pavement.

Jill winced at the sight, the blond breaking into a chuckle. "Yeah, that's usually what happens when you wear hooker heels."

The newcomer lifted her reddened face, giving them an angry glare. "These are NOT hooker heels! They're easy to maneuver in and quite comfortable!"

"Yep. Hooker heels," the blond noted nonchalantly as she looked over her fingernails in an unamused fashion.

Jill watched the fuming newcomer pull herself from the ground and collect her bags. The blond women scoffed, causing Jill to turn and watch as she retreated into the house, leaving the door open for the other two to follow.

Jill gave one last look back at the newcomer, deciding against her helpful nature for once, and followed the blond into the house.

The newcomer looked up, realizing she was left to fend for herself. "Hey, guys! Wait up!"

With her hands full once more, she attempted to hurry towards the door with shaky legs, only for the entire load to fall on top of her.

After much effort of getting the bags inside, the three women were finally seated around the small dining room table about to discuss the plan of action. Whatever that was.

"Alright," the blond woman leaned back into her seat. "First things first. There's only one bathroom and it's on this floor. The bedrooms are upstairs. I don't know what the dude was smoking when he built this house, but that's the way it's gotta be. I've already chosen my room so the other two are up to you."

The woman with the hooker heels threw both of her hands up excitably. "I call the next awesome room!"

The other two women gave her a strange look, before ignoring the statement completely. Jill, logical as she was, quirked a brow at the blond woman. "Shouldn't the first thing have been introductions or something? We are going to be living in this place together so that kind of seems important."

Again, hooker heel's spoke up. "I'm Jill! Nice to meet you!"

Jill looked towards the newly introduced Jill, cracking a smile at the coincidence. "My name's Jill, too. What a coincidence."

The blond woman leaned back, grumbling to herself. "You've got to be kidding me."

Both Jill's looked towards her, the one with the heels speaking up. "Hey. This'll be easier for you. Less names to remember."

The logical Jill watched more closely. That didn't seem to be what was bothering her…

"Don't tell me...?"

The blond woman looked towards her, nodding with a less than impressed face. "Yep."

The logical Jill sniffed in amusement. "Now THAT is a coincidence."

The Jill with the heels looked helplessly between the two, not understanding what was going on. "Huh? I don't get it."

The blond woman only rolled her eyes, annoyed like a parent at a child that won't stop asking questions.

The logical Jill looked towards the obviously less informed Jill. "Her name is Jill as well."

Hooker heel Jill's eyes widened in understanding before a huge smile spread across her face. "That's so cool! I've never had a household with so many Jill's in one place!"

"Neither have I," the logical Jill said, amused and amazed by this entire set-up. Being the most logical out of them all, she picked out the obvious flaw to this situation, "If we're all Jill, then how will we know the difference between who we're talking about?"

The blond Jill smiled evilly, finally seeming to lighten up (if that's what you call it). "Let's use verbs! You can be Logical Jill because you seem the sanest out of the three of us," she turned towards the other Jill with the wicked smile. "You can be Slutty Jill because of those hooker heels you're wearing. And I'll be Evil Jill."

"Why do I have to be Slutty Jill?" said woman whined. "I want a cool verb name!"

"If a zombie apocalypse were to break out right this second, would you take a moment to change clothes or continue in what you're wearing?" Evil Jill inquired, leaning forward to look more menacing.

"What kind of question is that?" Slutty Jill looked appalled and offended. "Of course I would wear this! It's easy to wear and already looks good. No need to get a different outfit together."

Evil Jill leaned back, crossing her arms as Logical Jill face-palmed and shook her head. "Case in point."

"Let's hope no zombie apocalypses break out then, okay?" Slutty Jill offered to the other two members, sheepishly.

"Agreed. Now let's get the other rooms settled out," Logical Jill input, picking herself from the table. The other two followed suit, with nothing better to do at the moment.

This was either going to be the best or the worst thing ever. Maybe their landlord was a cunning individual who had planned this out from the start. Maybe she was sitting there scheming right now of all the different ways she could mess with the three Jill's. Maybe she was laughing maniacally knowing about the shit-show she was causing… or maybe it was just paranoia…