Chapter One: Origins

"The beginning of the Nuclear Age might have accelerated the mutation process; individuals with extraordinary powers may already walk among us" Charles concluded. He glanced at the room that was filled with a bunch of government types in suits.

The room was tense, everyone was on edge. Elizabeth could feel the skepticism of those around her. Little did this group of Uncle Sam's monkeys know that three gifted people were in their presence right here and now.

"They think we're are a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists." thought Elizabeth to her brother. Their psychic bond was most useful for communicating in hostile territory less useful when Lizzie sought to pull practical jokes of some kind on her way to serius brother which is why all future pranks had been left to Raven.

"Time for a demonstration" Charles replied to Elizabeth fluidly. His sister's inability to think on one thing for a period of time was often enough to give him a headache. Her thoughts often were twice as fast as her words which already gave him whiplash.

"Mac Taggert, you really think this crack pot scientist, is going to make me believe in sparkling dames and vanishing men." The CIA agent snorted "You just bought yourself a one way ticket back to the typing pool. This meeting is over."

Moira rose as if to defend her actions. She has seen the actions of Shaw and his ilk, and Charles and his sisters seemed to be the only ones with the knowledge to help her in her fight.

"Sit down Agent Mac Taggert. I'm afraid we haven't been completely honest with you" Elizabeth said using her telepathy to calm the room a little. "Your turn Charles. Explain fast, we don't want to end up in prison; now do we?" thinking to her brother. The pair mentally communicated flawlessly.

"I wouldn't expect you to believe me when all you could think about was what kind of pie the kitchen is serving today. It's pecan actually" said Charles

"Nice trick. I saw a similiar one at a magic show, next are you going to ask me a number or predict my future?" retorted the Agent.

"I could ask you about your son, William, Colonel Stryker, who you were thinking about, that's very nice, but I prefer to ask about the Jupiter missiles that the United States is cure toy placing in Turkey." stated Charles smirk plainly on his face

" You, brought a spy in here." pointing at Moira

"I would never" replied Moira

"Raven, Elizabeth, a little help please." thought Charles.

Raven changed into an exact replica of Colonel Stryker, while Elizabeth telekinetically levitated the chairs of the agents.

"How's that for a magic trick, boys" smugly Elizabeth taunted, "And you're son William is such a lovely boy." Elizabeth had a keen appreciation for skepticism as much as the next person due to her having several doctorates in the field of science, more specifically in biochemistry, genetics and microbiology. She looked at the men around her, several seemed angry, but most looked like they were going to pee their pants.

"Best one I've ever seen" said one of the men in the back. Maybe Charles's grand plan to expose themselves as mutants to the government wasn't a total failure that was going to lead them to extinction after all.

"Maybe, we won't we won't get thrown in jail, Lizzie" Charles said, glaring at his sister.

"Our first Ally" she smiled