As you guys might have imagined this story takes place when Stefan is in Ripper mode and before Elena or Bonnie's mom is turned into a Vampire. Mainly because I stopped watching the show; I didn't like how they were treating Bonnie, I don't like how the writers are writing the series so I'm as always going with MY version of TVD.

All mouths were agape and staring at Elijah as an air of shock and disbelief filled the room. Elijah stared back at them rather calmly waiting for a reply; it was no surprise to him that Damon was the first to speak out.

Damon rolled his eyes. "Klaus taking over the world? What is this DC comics?" Damon scanned the room pretending to search for something. "Okay Elijah, where is Aston Kutcher, because I swear we are getting punked right now."

Elena who was standing next to Damon pushed against him as a warning. Damon responded and quickly ended his teasing.

Elijah took in a breath before speaking. It wasn't the response he was looking for much to his chagrin.

"It's no joke Damon, this is serious…my brother it planning something horrid and I need your help to stop him."

"Wait! How do you even know anything about this?" Caroline interjected.

"Yeah where exactly did you get this info?" Matt added.

"From me." A voice claimed from nowhere.

All eyes immediately shot up towards the direction of the voice. In the corner of the room stood Stefan who was sipping on what looked to be whiskey. His eyes screamed annoyance, but his demeanor was calm and collected. To everyone there he probably looked like a brooding jackass, but he didn't care. Approval from the Scooby gang was the last thing on his mind.

"I'm sorry what?" Elena asked hoping that she heard wrong.

"Son of a bitch…" Damon growled. "You set us up didn't you?" Damon was now face to face with Stefan staring into his eyes with deep scowl on his face. No one saw when Damon made his way across the room save for Elijah and Caroline.

Damon fists tightened, he was ready to strike Stefan in the face but decided against it for the moment. He wanted to know hear his side of the story before he punched his lights out.

"Still getting worked up Damon? Is it possible you are just trying to please Elena again? If so please spare us the crap and let me continue." Stefan said as he stepped away from Damon.

For once Damon was left speechless as Stefan began to explain his part of the story.

"Yes….this whole thing was a setup." Stefan began.

"You bastard!" Caroline screamed as she sat up from the couch ready to pounce on Stefan. Elijah grabbed her before she had the chance.

"Calm down and listen." Elijah whispered into her ear.

Stefan winked at Caroline who was seeing shades of red, purple and blue. All of which she imagined covering Stefan from head to toe.

"Why Stefan?" Elena asked in a shaky voice as she let her tears fall.

Stefan continued. "This isn't about just Mystic Falls anymore, I don't know why or how, but Klaus has come up with this alternate universe in his head which leads him to believe he can conquer the planet. Cliché I know, but it's true." Stefan inhaled a breath and paused for a moment.

"Yes, this is still about him wanting hybrids and yes he still needs Elena to do that, but I'm afraid that he has found out another secret that can help him get what he wants…something to do with Bonnie."

"Which is what exactly?" Matt said with a trembling tone.

Stefan looked to Matt and then to Elijah who was now sitting next to Caroline and Matt on the couch. Elijah nodded his head.

"I think my brother knows a little bit of this story pretty well since he was close to Emily and her bloodline." Stefan replied as he looked towards his brother who was keeping his distant from him in the opposite corner of the room.

"Klaus and Elijah's mom was the Original witch; which means she was the first Original vampire and witch, but as we all should know witches go farther back before Klaus and Elijah's family…as far back as Egyptian times. I've found out where the Bennett line began, and apparently according to Klaus it began in Egypt. Egyptians were huge practitioners of magic and it is said they received their gifts from their many Gods. Whether it is true or not we still haven't figured it out; but I was told that the first Bennett witch was 'the first witch' as in the first witch that was able to pass a legacy of power down her bloodline."

Everyone concentrated hard on Stefan's words. Damon closed his eyes as realization began to dawn upon him.

"B-but I still don't understand why Klaus would want Bonnie." Elena said trying to hold her tears back.

"I'm gonna get their babe if you would just shut your mouth and listen." Stefan replied in an annoyed tone of voice.

Elena's eyes got big at Stefan's rebuttal. But she did as she was told and continued to listen silently.

"The Bennett line was a mistake. It should have never been created, but somehow it was by a queen named Nefertiti-"

"No freakin way!" Caroline shouted out, obviously the first one to put the puzzle pieces together. "Bonnie is related to the Nefertiti? As in the queen of the Nile? That is bad ass!"

The group broke out in a big sigh again overwhelmed with Caroline's tenacity.

Caroline looked at everyone's faces as her sudden out burst was clearly unexpected. "I was only trying to lighten the mood." Caroline admitted as she reclined back into silence.

"It won't be so bad ass once my brother brings her back from the dead." Elijah informed rather somberly.

"Say what?" Caroline replied abruptly.

"Woah woah woah hold on!" Damon said as he waved his hands in the air. "Time-out…bring her back? How the hell could he ever manage that?"

"It's because Bonnie is Nefertiti's reincarnation." Elijah blurted out suddenly and nonchalantly. "Of course…we do not know if she even realizes it yet."

If Damon's didn't already know that his heart had no heartbeat he would have swore it just skipped a beat. His realization just came to light. "Shit." Damon cursed aloud as he remembered Emily's words.

Protect my bloodline Damon and in exchanged I'll help you get your Katherine back…but remember the females must be protected at any cost… watch them, less you wish for your eternal life come to an abrupt end.

Those words had no meaning to him until now. Stefan and Elijah's words finally confirmed what he was thinking since this whole thing began.

Elena looked at Damon puzzled. "What's wrong Damon?"

Damon ran a hand slowly down his face. "I just remembered what Emily said to me a long time ago…Protect my bloodline and in exchanged I'll help you get your Katherine back…but remember the females must be protected at any cost… watch them, less you wish for your eternal life come to an abrupt end...I think this is what she meant. She wanted me to protect her children because she already knew about her bloodline and probably knew that something like this could happen, but it's only a guess…"

Damon looked to Stefan who was gazing at him with a victory smirk. "And to finally answer your question brother I am worried for Bonnie because I do care for her…. after all she saved my life many times…and…I did help to bring her into this world."

"Huh?" Elena said with a look of bewilderment.

"I am so confused right now." Caroline added.

Damon looked at everyone's faces before he began. "I didn't remember it lately for some reason up until now, but it started eighteen years ago…I was already protecting Emily's bloodline from afar as she and I promised I would. One day I decided to visit Mystic Falls so that I could over see Abby's birth-"

"Bonnie's mom?" Matt said.

Damon nodded his head. "Yeah…For years I made sure to keep track of Emily's main bloodline with her words still ringing in my head from time to time. Somewhere deep down I always felt as though she was warning me about something, but I wasn't completely sure. So I decided to pay Abby a visit, but when I got to Mystic Falls she was being attacked by a bunch of rogue vampires in the woods…" Damon rubbed his temple in remembrance before going on.

"I saved her. She was in pretty bad shape so I gave her some of my blood…then out of nowhere she went into labor. I would've rushed her to the hospital but it was too late. She was unconscious and going into labor…she should've died that day, but by some miracle she lived. I had to deliver her baby right in the middle of nowhere. Sure, I did ponder the idea of leaving her in the forest, but like I said at the moment I remembered Emily's promise and her words to me so I delivered Abby Bennett's child and when the child was born I took her straight to the Mystic Falls hospital and left her there."

Elena's eyes widened to the size of saucers, and Damon couldn't decipher whether it was a good or bad thing.

"Now you know the true story of how Bonnie was born." Damon ended.

"So why have you treated Bonnie like an errand girl until now Damon?" Stefan asked in sly curiosity.

"Because…" Damon shouted sharply. "I didn't remember who Bonnie was until I saw her mother Abby and made the connection. After the day Bonnie was born I stopped trying so hard on keeping tabs on her family…"

"In other words you were losing hope." Stefan said as a matter of fact.

"Damon…why didn't you tell us?" Elena said in a hurt tone.

Damon held up a finger to Elena to stop her. "Elena don't even." He said without so much as eye to eye contact.

Everyone was silent for a minute as they tried to absorb all that was said.

Elijah got up from the couch and placed his hands in his pockets. "Well now, we still do not know what my brother's true intentions are with Bonnie, but it might have something to do with her bloodline."

Damon crossed his arms as his gazed transfixed on his ripper brother and his enemy. "How do we know we can trust either of you? Stefan is in ripper mode right now he is suppose to obeying Klaus's demands not spilling the beans all over this cheap carpet."

"Hey." Elena said as she responded to Damon's insult.

"So…"Damon breathed out as he walked closer to his brother until the were once again face to face. ""Why would Klaus allow you to tell us this information?"

Stefan took a step closer to Damon his eyes beaming with amusement.

"Because brother dear…he gave me permission."

"He told me to tell you that if you asked why he told me to tell all of you…to tell you…" Stefan pointed a finger into Damon's chest."That the answer is very simple…none of you will be able to make it out alive by the end of it all anyway."

A crooked grin painted itself on Stefan's face at those words.

"C'est la vie."

Now you know why Damon was acting so protective and concerned for Bonnie and I am so happy to share it with you! Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the next chapter I might begin writing it sooner than later. Give me another day or so for the next chapter. If would please give feedback I would surely love it!