This is my first ever story, and I hope you like it!

It is about a girl called Melanie, that has this amazing opportunity to tour with R5. However she finds it impossible not to fall for one member of the group... Everything goes well, until one event that leads to more problems. Melanie wants to be sure that her primary school friends and idols, R5 will not leave her in this situation. And most importantly, she wants to know what will Ross do, when he will find out about what the problem is... HOPE YOU LIKE IT

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(Ross POV)
Wow the crowd is amazing! They look so excited. Sadly this is the end… The last show and the last song, I was thinking.
'Are you having fun?' I asked.
The crowd screamed. Wow. They are loud…
'Thats sounds like a yes! Okay, we have one more song for you! Are you ready?' Riker shouted.
The crowd screamed again.
'Sing with us!' I said as we started to play 'Its all about the girl'.

High heels, got a taste for fashion
Converse and a fatal attraction
She's got that something I'm looking for
Oh, oh

Maybe she lives in the city
She may be smart and she may be pretty
She's got that something I'm looking for

Whoever she is, she is out of this world
It's all about the girl that I'll meet
On the bus or on the street
It's all about the girl in my mind
That I'll meet one day, it's a matter of time
Oh oh oh oh oh oh HEY
Oh oh oh oh oh
It's all about the girl
One day I'll find

Brown eyes, they're full of emotion
I don't know what sets it in motion
She'll have that something I'm looking for
Oh, oh

I'll search in every direction
Until I make the connection
She'll have that something I'm looking for

Whoever she is, she is out of this world
It's all about the girl that I'll meet
On the bus or on the street
It's all about the girl in my mind
That I'll meet one day, it's a matter of time
Oh oh oh oh oh oh HEY
Oh oh oh oh oh
It's all about the girl
One day I'll find

She'll say she knows me
I think that's true
You are the answer that I always knew
And when I hold her
And when we kiss
There ain't no question it comes down to this

It's all about the girl that I'll meet
On the bus or on the street
It's all about the girl in my mind
That I'll meet one day

It's all about the girl that I'll meet
On the bus or on the street
It's all about the girl in my mind
That I'll meet one day, it's a matter of time

Oh oh oh oh oh oh HEY
Oh oh oh oh oh
It's all about the girl
One day I'll find that girl

By this time we were all very tired, but excited. The shows are awesome.
'Thank You! We love you guys!' Rocky screamed.
'Unfortunetaly like I said that was our last song. Thank you everybody!' Riker said into the microphone.
'You guys are awesome!' I decided to say. The crowd was screaming. 'See you next time'
We all waved and ran behind the stage. I always wonder what the fans do after the shows. What do they think… I always
wish we had more time to sing at least one more song. Though singing, playing, and dancing at the same time is tiring.
But they do a lot for us, so we own them to go out there, and have time for them. Without out fans, we would not have
what we have now. Thats why we love doing this. Not only its so much fun, it is also doing something for others. And we know
they like it. Sometimes we stay after shows and sign autographs too.
'So are we going out there or not? I need to call Melanie and ask her when we are meeting her.' Rydel said
'Wait… are we meeting her today?' I asked. I haven't seen Melanie in so long. I wonder if she is our fan as well as Rydel's
best friend from primary school.
'Well it depends… Probably tomorrow or maybe in few days. I want us to have some time together before our next tour. Its
summer so I invited her to spend it with us…' Rydel explained. What? We are spending whole 3 weeks with her before
our next tour? I wonder if she still remembers me. We used to 'go out' when we were little. It was actually quite pathetic.
But she obviously remembers Rydel. I bet they have been talking about this for ages. Why didn't I know? I was thinking.
'Alright…' I said, after a long pause. 'Am I the only one who didn't know this?'
'Yes. Probably.' Riker replied.
'You didn't know?' Rydel asked. She looked quite suprised.
'No. But it doesnt matter. I don't mind or anything.' I lied. I did mind slightly. I haven't seen her in ages. I barely knew her.
What if she changed? Maybe she wont like us anymore. We used to be friends. It will be quite akward.. All of us on one bus…. I
'Because you knew that she is touring with us, right? We are going to be singing both her and our songs. Our next tour which is
in about three weeks is going to be with her. I told you. Don't you remember?' Rydel said, starting to get annoyied.
'I forgot it was this tour… I thought we were going with her next year…' I replied cofused.
'Never mind. Lets go and sign few autographs, if there is still anyone out there.' Ratlif said. Then we went to see that most
people were still there… They knew we would say bye propelly. Rynald grabbed the microphonbe and said-
'Please calm down and listen. R5 will sign autographs for everyone that wants them to. But you need to form a line. No pushing or
it will get too dangerous' As he said that everyone started pushing torwards the stage. The guards had to stop them. I decided
to speak to them-
'Hey! Stop right now. Usually we don't do this but we wanted to since this is out last show untill next month. So
don't push or it will get too dangerous and the guards will have to stop you, and there will be no signing. Please calm down.'
Then everyone stoped. It was awesome, I couldn't believe that they listened to me.
'Form a line. A line means no more that three people next to eachother. You will get your turn, I promise.' Rydel said.
Wow it worked. They listened to us. But this will be a long night. There are so many of them. This will take at least four hours.
But its worth it. It means a lot to them.

Mealanie's POV
Wow they are amazing! Rydel really didn't know that I am here already. I thought to myself. I wanted to be at the back of the
line, so it would be a suprise. R5 I am coming! As I was thinking that I looked over at Ross. OMG apart from Rydel, I always
thought different about him that other boys. Its funny how I met them the first time…

We met at my primary school, when I was 6 years old. She was 8. It was ten years ago. We were not in the same
class and I actually met Ross first. Its because he was 6 too, only he was like nearly 7 at the time. I remember when he came to
our class. We had music on that day, and gosh, he liked to show off. Rydel was nicer… We become friends straight away.
I remember when she came up to me at break time, when I was playing with Judy and Eryka. She said
'Hey Im Rydel and Im new. Can we play together?' I was actually suprised that she came up to me when I was two years younger.
'Sure. Im Melanie. Nice to meet you. Im six. How old are you?, You look older than me.' I said.
'Im eight. Can we play famillies? I can be your mum. I love younger children!.' She said, I was like.. Im not that young,
although I was, but children are like this when they are six. Rydel was a good friend. Unlike Ross, she was polite and never
showed off. He was annoying me straight away. But soon, as we turned 10 (and nearly 11 because there is half a year between us),
things changed and I realised that the reason why I thought I hated him was because I was actually admiring him. We did go out
but it was very childish. We were little children then. When his music career started, we kind off stopped seeing eachother.
I still talked to Rydel over the phone, as they moved, but this is the first I'm seeing her propely since four years. I did
go to their shows few times, but it wasn't the same as being together during summer time and their tour.

I am meeting them today. In like few hours. I can't believe it. What if they wont like me? And another thing came up to my mind.
Ross and i went out. We were little, there was no kisses but we went out. Im sure he doesn't even remember, maybe doesn't
even care, so I need to act like I don't either. But I do, because all girls would. All girls who know who Ross Lynch is would.
OMG He is looking in my direction… His eyes OMG.. I am very nervous…. I was daydreaming and I didnt't realise how close
I was now… OMG one hour already went and I really forgot about the time. i need to stop staring at him and stop thinking like
this. And stop thinking OMG..This is not helping… I kept nervously thinking..

Ross' POV
I look over and I saw a familiar face. She had green eyes, warm smile and wavy brown hair. I must have seen her before
somewhere, but I dont know where… Maybe she was at a meet and greet event? I remember that smile… She is looking at me…
I must look away now, or she will get her hopes up, that something will happen. I won't see her ever again anyway. And actually
Im curius to see her again. I want to… somehow…

Rydel's POV
'Ross!' I said. A girl was asking him to sign a poster and he didn't even see. Daydreaming…
'Yes?' He asked. I gave him the look and showed him the poster.
'Alright sorry… I was daydreaming..' He said, and signed the poster. Seriously what was he staring at?
'Ross, what where you starring at?' I asked..
'Oh nothing.' He replied. Yes, nothing. That obviously means something. I look up and see.. OMG!

There are only like 50 people left!

Ross' POV
Rydel nearly got me there. Hang on, where is that girl? I don't think she is standing in the cue anymore….. Where did she go?
I thought.

I signed like millions of autographs and hugged like thousants of girls.. Not that I mind…
There were only few people left. I couldn't believe it. It only took us five hours! I continued to do the same thing over and
over again. Then I looked up and saw a tall man.
'For.. my friend..' he said.
'Okay, whats her name? Or his?' I said
'Jack.' He replied. Seriously people act silly sometimes. He could just say that he likes R5. I mean guys can like R5.
As soon as I finished, I heard Rydel scream.
'Melanie!' I looked up and saw the girl. She was Melanie. And she probably thought I was staring at her because I knew her.
And I didn't even recognise her… So thats why she seemed familliar..
But she looks different.. Good different. I was wondering in my head.
'Hi Rydel! Riker, Ratlif, Rynald, Rocky. And Ross.' She said and smiled.
Everyone replied hi and her and Rydel were hugging like crazy. I stood up too and said hi. She looked into my eyes and
smiled. I smiled too. Maybe it wont be that bad after all…

Melanie's POV
When Rydel saw me she looked so happy I decided that this was a good idea. And I was last so we didn't have to hurry up.
I was so happy. I hugged Rydel and said hi to everyone. I looked to the side and saw Ross. He smiled at me. I smiled too. We used
to be good friends after all. I walked over to him and he gave me his hand. I took it and I blushed as we touched.
Hopefully it wasn't obvious, because I felt burining hot inside. Everyone said hi and they got their stuff and walked to my
brother's car, where I had my stuff in.
'Melanie, you didn't say that you would be here!' Rydel said.
'I wanted it to be a suprise.' I said.
'Get yout stuff ready, so you can move in with us.' She said straight away. It was a relief that she asked me to. I woudn't want
to ask them that question. Maybe they didn't want me to join them.. I started to worry.
'So Melanie are you staying with us for the three weeks of break and then during the tour?' Ross asked.
'Yes.. if it's alright with you guys..' I said, quickly adding the second bit. I didn't exacly know what they thought of Rydel's
'We don't mind at all, right? It will be fun.' Riker said quickly. I smiled. It feels good to be accepted.
'Right' They all said. Ross smiled at me. I smiled back. I thought we are going to get close again. As friends.
'What time is it?' he said. I looked at my watch and said that it was eleven.
'Okay guys lets go to our bus. We need to figure out where who is sleeping, our destinations for this summer and we need
to learn Melanie's songs, and decide what we are singing and who. But we have three weeks for that so no worries.'
'Okay lets hurry. Lets take your bags and go to our bus.' Rocky said. I walked over to my brother Mark, asked for the bags and
quickly hugged him goodbye. Then I walked over to R5, and smiled as boys offered to take my bags. They all hurried to the bus,
as me and Rydel walked behind them.
'I can't wait this will be so fun!' Rydel said. I smiled.
'I know, I can't wait too… Where am I going to sleep?'I asked. I wasn't actually sure if there will be space for me.
'You know in our bus there are bunk beds on either sides of the bus. there are six spaced there. Me, you, Ross, Riker, Rocky and
Ratlif will sleep there. There are also two sofas. We have Rynald and our guard Lewis that is also the driver. Riker is actually
meant to be the adult looking after us cos hes the oldest (although we dont really need looking after especially I am 18 already),
but we need a driver for the bus and a guard in case of an emergency. We sometimes drive but its hard. This bus is too big'
She said.
Wow I wonder how big their bus is. I looked to the left. Wow it was massive. Biggest it could get. As I walked inside,
I saw a drivers cabin on my left. In front of me there was a 'kitchen' where we can cook. It had a table that can be used for
the cooking or eating, as there were two high chairs next to it. I walked in futher and now the drivers cabin was behind me.
As I said, on my left there was a kitchen, and the table. Next to the table there was a triple, corner sofa. On my right there
was a wardrobe and a TV. There was a coffe table in front of the sofa. Along with the TV, I saw another sofa and many shelfs,
with few books, movies and cds.. There were few windows on the sides of the bus. At the end there were the bunk beds. It was
an amazing bus. It also had little space with stairs..I didn't realise there were stairs.. How did it all fit? I went upstairs
and there was a bathroom, space with instruments and a kind of mini recording studio.. It was all wonderful.
'Wow your bus is amazing' I said.
'Glad you like it, cuz you are going to spend here quite a lot of time.' Ross said, smiling.

The song is called Its All About The Girl and its by R5