Sam walked down the familiar path feeling the protests in his shoulder at the heavy bag that hung there. The sun was warm against his face and he squinted slightly as his eyes roamed back and forth checking out the familiar scene from a whole new perspective. He saw couples and groups of friends stretched out on the grass next to the path soaking up the last remnants of summer break before the hectic cycle of college life hit them like a car wreck. He had to admit when he first arrived here he thought it would be easier than it had turned out to be. He had always done well in school, hell well enough to earn him this scholarship, without even really trying. But college was a whole new ball game. He actually had to cram and study. It took some time to get used to that actually. For the first several weeks he arrived here last year he was almost panicking, sure that his scholarship had been some sort of sick joke. He felt like he hadn't belonged here. It was only when he realised that everyone else seemed to be under the same strain that he had settled into college life. This wasn't high school after all; this was a prestigious prep school that set people back small fortunes for the 'privilege' of attending. Sam felt a pang of guilt at his cynicism. His mother was a career waitress and his father had been a line worker at a plastics factory. He should feel privileged to be here, after all the tuition was probably more than his parents could have managed to save in their entire lives.

Sam's eyes flashed across the large banner that was hanging above the entrance to the main hall. He chuckled as he read the words ' Hatford welcomes all new future alumni! '. He remembered first seeing that banner and feeling so cocky and full of self assurance. Now he thought that it would have been more appropriate if the banner had read ' Welcome to the giant Dick! If you are a pussy get lost now or you are gonna get fucked! 'Sam laughed at his own wit and adjusted the heavy bag on his shoulder just as it was knocked to the ground by a young and obviously nervous freshman.

"Oh God man I am really sorry." The guy looked petrified and he immediately dropped his bag and started to pick up the items that had fallen out of Sam's. The kid never looked up at Sam as he rambled on nervously. "I was just checking out my map and I guess I wasn't payin attention. This place is kinda confusing, didn't look that big in the brochure. I'm really sorry man, if I wrecked something I will be more than happy to pay for it. I-"

"Don't worry about it, really." Sam was almost amused enough to let the kid ramble but he just couldn't help feeling sorry for him. He was obviously freaked out that he had pissed someone off the second he got here who may be someone who would make his life hell. Sam could name a few guys on campus who were like that, but they never bothered him. Sam had a feeling that they were going to eat this guy alive no matter what he did. "First year huh?"

The young man seemed obviously relieved at Sam's friendly question. "That obvious?" He answered with a crinkle of his nose.

Sam just let out a non threatening laugh and bent down to help the kid stuff his books into his bag. "Fraid so, this place just seems to have that affect on people." Sam stuffed the last book back into his bag and stood up hefting the large duffel with him and hoisted it over his shoulder. The young freshman did the same with his own bag and then looked at Sam awkwardly, like he didn't know what to do. Yup, eaten alive Sam thought sadly. He stuck out his hand "Name's Sam." The kid's face lit up so bright Sam almost laughed.

"Johnny!" He threw back with more enthusiasm than was necessary as he vigorously pumped Sam's hand up and down.

"Well Johnny" Sam started as he slowly pried his hand away "I'll see you around." He didn't miss the happy look on Johnny's face as he turned around. Poor guy. Sam could tell from his slight accent that Johnny was from the mid west. Kid was probably from some small farm community judging from the way he gaped at the buildings with a sense of awe. Sam hoped that the kid wouldn't be one of the far too many that left after several weeks unable to take the pressure. He made a mental note to find Johnny from time to time and see how he was getting along. Sam stopped for a moment and scanned the grounds. There were freshman everywhere scurrying around almost as frantically as Johnny. God, was I that much of a fucking dork when I got here? Sam asked himself. He already knew the answer. Then his eyes fell upon something that seemed out of place.

Just up the path in the center of the square that led to other walkways stood a man. He just stood there, small pack resting easily on his shoulder. He was looking at the main hall and Sam noted a small smile appear as he read the banner. The man's head casually turned from one building to another as he carefully surveyed his surroundings, totally uncaring of the looks and comments that were thrown at him from hurrying students. This guy was a freshman. It seemed kind of odd to Sam because he was obviously a few years older than the usual freshman herd, but Sam was sure he had never seen him before. He definitely would have remembered seeing this guy before. Where the hell did that thought come from?

The man in question stood casually in the middle of the square taking in the sights. He had short dirty blonde hair that was sticking up in several directions so it appeared that he just got out of bed. He wore ripped jeans and work boots that had apparently seen a lot of work along with a black almost military style jacket over a form fitting t-shirt that had some logo that Sam couldn't quite make out. The collar of the man's jacket stood up around his neck and Sam couldn't help thinking of an image of James Dean. Sam had to admit the man was very attractive. Ok, once again, where the fuck did that come from? Whoever this man was he definitely did not act like any freshman Sam had ever seen. Or any senior for that matter. This guy was obviously confident of himself, but not in that all too familiar superior attitude way that was common among the school's senior residents. Sam felt an uncharacteristic urge to get to know this strangely compelling man. Then he noticed that he was apparently staring because the stranger's eyes were now locked on him. God! You idiot! He probably thinks you are gay!

If the man in the square was offended by his staring it didn't show. In fact nothing showed, Sam noticed with a slight chill. He had always been very good at reading people and knowing just how they felt, it was a gift his mother used to say. But this guy...nothing. Sam was about to go apologise for himself when he noticed the crowd of rushing students dispersing to the edges of the square, an unmistakable hurry in their step. He saw a large figure making a b-line for the man in the middle of the square. Sam groaned audibly.

Chip Parker was the stereotypical campus dick. Hell, even his name was cliché, Chip? What the fuck were his parents thinking? They were thinking about prestige more than likely. Chip's parents were the wealthiest people on the eastern seaboard and the largest contributors to Hatford, giving Chip a ' get out of jail anytime ' pass. A pass that Chip used often. Everyone on campus knew about Chip, they spoke his name in that same tone that young children would use when they talk about the boogeyman. He was captain of the football team - of course- and dated Dharla the head cheerleader - of course - and he loved to sling around his superior size and attitude like a travelling preacher loved to quote the bible. Chip was obviously not pleased at the devil may care attitude of the freshman who stood in the square. There was only room for one alpha male and Chip intended to show this guy who that was.

If the older man noticed he didn't seem to care. Sam noted that his expression never changed even though he was positive that the guy had seen Chip coming, not to mention the milling crowd that now started to form around the edges of the square now that the populace was sure that Chip's legendary anger was not directed at still stood casually looking at Sam.

"Asshole!" Chip yelled out only several feet from his prey, who then turned casually to the larger man.

"I'm sure you are." The crowd mutually gasped at the reply.

Chip stopped in his tracks and for one brief second looked confused. People didn't talk to him this way. Ever. Sam doubted if anyone had ever stood up to Chip in his entire life. He was glad that the bastard was so focussed on this new guy that he didn't hear him laughing.

Chip composed himself quickly. "You have no idea who you fuckin with boy!" Chip was right up in his face almost nose to nose. The spiky haired blonde seemed unphased, even when he lifted his chin up to the man's face, clearly revealing his substantially smaller size. Sam suppressed another laugh at Chip's pitiful attempt to appear all tough and 'gangsta'.

"That's who you arefuckingwith." The smaller man seemed completely at ease." How the fuck did you get into college" Chip was shaking with rage.

"I'm gonna tear you a new asshole!" Chip screamed as spittle flew from his lips. Cheers and woops could be heard in the crowd from Chip's cronies. Sam was silently cheering for the other side. As much as he hated the idea of how this was going turn out he was thrilled to see someone finally stand up to this prick.

The shorter man casually brought up a hand and wiped away the spit that had been strewn in his face, never taking his eyes off his adversary. Sam had a sudden feeling that this may not turn out like he figured at all. There was just something about this guy. When the offending spittle was taken care of the stranger grinned, he actually fucking grinned! "Thanks for the offer but the one I have is just fine. Now if you'll excuse me I do have important things to do." He casually turned away from Chip as if he was just going to walk away.

This guy's balls are bigger than Chip's ego!

The larger man lunged and Sam winced, he didn't want to see this but he just couldn't look away. His wince turned to gaping shock when the young blonde dropped his backpack and swung around with catlike speed and grace. He ducked the clumsy blow and shifted, catching the big man's overstretched arm. With one fluid motion he grabbed the jocks wrist, twisted around and kicked the back of his knee, sending the larger man to the ground. He then cranked the arm up his would be attacker's back, holding his hand twisted to the side. Chip made to get up, but stopped after a quick flick of his wrist.

Holy shit! Chip Parker on his knees, humiliated in front of half the school! This was so poetic Sam wanted to scream it out, he knew better though. Chip was gonna be some pissed about this. He had no doubt that his usual taunting and beatings were going to skyrocket in frequency after this, but Sam felt that most people would agree that the price was worth it just to see that fucking bastard get some of his own medicine.

"What the hell is going on here!" An older balding man in an expensive suit forced his way through the crowd. He stopped in front of the two fighting men and crossed his arms, glaring at them intently.

The new guy didn't miss a beat. His face softened into an apologetic smile "I was just showin uhh.." He looked at the name embroidered in red on the big man's football jacket "..Chip here some wrestling moves. Isn't that right Chip." He emphasised the name with an almost unnoticed flick of the wrist.

"Yeah that's right" Chip agreed, almost breathlessly. At that his arm was released and a hand was offered to help him up. Chip flung the hand away angrily and got up to his feet. The new guy just shrugged and turned his attention to the man in the suit.

"Sorry if we caused a scene, Chip here is really good. Must have looked like we were fightin huh." This guy is smooth Sam thought to himself.

"Indeed" the older man replied, obviously not convinced. "If memory serves me, moves like that are illegal in wrestling." He eyed the new face, daring him to disagree

"Guess things are different than where I'm from."

"And just where would that be young man?"

Every eye was on him. The mysterious new kid who just took down the biggest dick on campus without batting an eye. You could hear a pin drop Sam thought. He could see from the faces in the crowd that he was not the only one who was interested in where this guy came from, hell, interested in him. And what exactly do you mean by that? Said a nagging little voice that Sam chose to ignore.

"A long way from here apparently." There was a contagious grin on his face. It should have struck Sam as the same self righteous cocky grin that every college jock wore, but somehow it was different.

"Apparently so." the balding man said as he shook his head and smiled back.

Sam had never seen Mr. Montghomery smile. This guy, whoever he was, could charm a blowjob out of a nun. Nice analogy. Said an inner voice. "Shut up." Sam was startled that he had spoken the words out loud. He looked around finally satisfied that no one had heard him. He noticed the crowd starting to disperse and knew that he should get going too. All thoughts of talking to the curious stranger faded. No, he would be the center of attention for quite some time, Sam didn't have a chance. At what exactly?

Sam tried very hard to ignore that thought as he made his way to his dorm room.

Sam unpacked his bag and organized his things with intense focus. He tried to concentrate on the tasks at hand instead of thinking about the scene from earlier. He failed miserably. With an audible sigh he shoved the top drawer of his dresser closed and flopped himself down on his bed. What the hell is going on with you?

It was a good question. No matter how hard he tried Sam just couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious freshman. The attractive mysterious freshman. The incredibly cool and alluring attractive fresh-

What the fuck!

Sam wasn't gay. The thought of seeing another man in a sexual way had never even crossed his mind. He had no problem with it, to each their own, but he had never felt that way.

And you don't feel that way now! This is just an outlet, yeah, some fucked up way of dealing with-

"Hey." came a voice from the door.

Must be the new roommate, God I hope this one doesn't snore cause...Then he saw him. Something fluttered inside, much to Sam's dismay.

"Did I disturb you?" The man looked around the room in a comical fashion, as if looking for someone or something that he may have interrupted.

"No, uh,.. just tired."

" Uh-huh" With that he threw his small bag on the vacant bed. "Name's Dean " he offered as he began to unpack his minimal belongings with amazing efficiency. His effects consisted of two pairs of jeans, several t-shirts, two long sleeve checked shirts, some underwear and socks and a small leather bag that no doubt held his toiletries. There were no books. No pictures or trinkets. No personalised effects of any kind.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Dean shoved all his clothes in the top drawer of his dresser and then turned and leaned against it, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He tilted his head. "So, you got a name or do I get to pick one?"


"Sam... Sam Conners. Sorry, I was just a bit shocked. I haven't seen you before, thought you were a freshman. Freshmen don't stay in these buildings." You're rambling like an idiot!

"It's not my first year of college." Dean shrugged as if that was explanation enough. Sam knew full well that very few students were admitted mid way through. Whoever this guy was his family must have some major pull.

"Oh," Sam stated lamely. He had to find out more about Dean. He didn't know why. Part of him didn't want to know why. "So what school did you go to?"

"West Point." Dean answered casually.

West Point? That was the most respected and highly coveted military school in the country! Half the wealthy parents in America would cream themselves at the thought of their child being accepted into such a prestigious place. What the fuck is he doing here? This place had a great reputation sure, but West Point! How could he say it with such casual regard to what it implied? Just who the fuck is this guy?

" Uh Nice school." Sam knew how stupid and forced it had sounded.

"Look Sam, why don't you just come out and say what's on your mind. I hate this pussy-footin around the issue bullshit." At first Sam thought he had pissed Dean off. But Dean had spoken in such a casual way, as if he had told him he preferred Coke over Pepsi. Sam realised that there was a lot more to this guy than meets the eye. And there is definitely a lot for the eye...What the fuck!

"Sorry." He took a deep breath. "I just thought it was odd that you would leave a place like that to come here. Not that this place is bad but..."

"Yeah I guess." Dean sat himself on his bed and stared at Sam. Stared at him with amazingly intense green eyes. "Just cause you asked me doesn't mean that I am gonna tell you anything."

Sam became instantly uncomfortable, which was strange really. He usually didn't care what people thought of him. "I didn't mean to-" Dean laughed.

"Just fuckin with ya Sammy! Relax" Dean swatted Sam on the arm in a common friendly gesture and leaned back onto his bed

Amazingly, Sam did just that. He was so relieved that he didn't even bother to correct Dean on his name. He didn't know why but there was something about Dean that made him feel at ease even though he had just met him. Sam started laughing with Dean. "Jerk." he said without even thinking about it.

"Bitch." Came a quick reply, but there was no heat in it. For some reason it just seemed natural, like the two of them had known each other for years. Dean found it strangely comforting. There was something about Sam that made him drop his guard. "You got any beer in this joint?" Dean got up and made his way to the small fridge in the corner of the room. He opened it and a look of obvious distain crossed his face. "Bottled water dude? You know you can get that shit out of the tap for free right?" He shut the fridge and turned to face Sam, mischievous grin creeping across his face. "Lucky for you I do." He walked across the room and opened the small closet next to his bed. He bent down and grabbed something in the corner behind a suitcase and a large stack of school books. When Dean stood up he was holding two bottles of beer.

"So you were already here?" Sam asked, somewhat confused.

Dean ignored the question and sat back on the bed, handing Sam one of the bottles of beer that Sam noticed was ice cold. They both opened their beverages and drank a fair amount of the contents before Dean leaned back on the bed, resting up against the headboard.

"My father is a general. A four star general. A fact that he is more than happy to share with everyone. My mother was killed in a car accident when I was six and dear old dad consoled me in the only way that is fit for a military hero." Dean spoke the last two words with obvious bitterness. "He shipped me off to military school." He took a long pull from the bottle in his hands and continued. "He put up with me as long as Mom was around, but when she was gone..." Dean's throat tightened. Why the fuck was he sharing this? He never talked about his family with anyone, especially someone who he just met. Dean glanced over at Sam. There was something in his eyes that urged Dean to continue. "After twelve years of drill sergeant bullshit, my father thought the obvious next step for the son of a general was four more years of drill sergeant bullshit. I got into West Point two years ago and now I'm here." He finished off his beer and looked around the room. "Where's the bathroom?"

"There are common facilities down the hall."

"You have got to be shitting me." After a final scan of the room Dean realised that Sam was in fact, not shitting him. He turned to go find the bathroom.

"So what happened to have you end up here?" Sam knew he was probably overstepping his bounds with his new roommate with the question. But hadn't it been Dean who had told him to just come out and say what was on his mind? That isn't all that's on your mind is it?

Dean tensed somewhat at the question. "Aaaahh, the heart of the matter so to speak. " Dean opened the door and just when Sam thought he was not going to answer him Dean turned his head toward Sam. "Don't ask don't tell there Sammy boy." And with a wink he disappeared into the hallway.

"It's Sam!" the younger man yelled back. Sam laughed to himself. This was definitely going to be an interesting year. Don't ask don't tell? What the fuck was that? Wasn't he the one who had just told him to come out and say-


Sam convinced himself that the fluttery feeling in his gut was just first day jitters.