
McAllen's Pub, that's the place where he heard her heartbeat. Clark stood up straight and entered the bar which was completely filled with people, he had a hard time getting through the crowd. With the music bumping loud, he tried to locate Lois and the rest of the girls. He turned to one direction and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Chloe and Dinah taking body shots off each other. His eyes widened at the sight, noticing Chloe had a lip piercing. He tried to approach them when he felt a hand on his arm, turning he saw Kara with a grin on her face, "You just couldn't keep away could you?" He heard her through all the music.

Clark shook his head, "Is everything alright?"

Kara furrowed her brows, "Yeah why wouldn't it be?"

Clark turned back to face Chloe, "Is that a lip piercing on Chloe?!" Kara shrugged innocently, while Clark shook his head at her, "I can't believe you let her do that! You realize she's gonna freak out when she's sober."

Kara shook her head, "Relax Kal-El I'm just making sure they don't get into trouble tonight. The rest is their fun whatever they do in their haze. I warned Chloe it was gonna be a bad idea and she was gonna regret it but she said she always wanted one and was going to get it no matter what I said... I couldn't stop her." Clark sighed, imagining Chloe's reaction when she wakes up tomorrow morning. Kara furrowed her brows and asked, "What are you even doing here in Metropolis Kal-El? I thought you'd be in Star City celebrating with the boys?"

"Lois called me from your phone. She said she needed to tell me something." He said while looking for her.

"So that's what happened to my phone..." Kara tried to hide her smile as her gaze shifted behind him, "Oh I think Lois is doing just fine by the way."

She nodded behind him to which Clark turned to see Lois up on a table singing to Whitesnakes, while screaming in between her lines, "I'M GONNA BE A BRIDE! LOISSSS LANE KENTT! THAT'S MAH NAME REMEMBER IT!" She said while dancing up on the table while holding a glass of champagne with guys circled around, howling and cheering at her.

Clark furrowed his brows at her, amused at how her night has gone and he had to laugh at the feather boa, and tiara veil she sported. She turned around and spotted Clark standing beside Kara, watching her with amusement. As soon as she spotted him, Lois' jaw dropped and screamed out, "HUBBY YOU CAME!" Grinning from ear to ear, she jumped off the table and as soon as she did so, Clark sped over and caught her just in time to which made Lois giggle as her face came closer to him, "I do love it when you catch me baby!" She whispered in his ear.

Clark chuckled as he put her down, while Lois stumbled a bit before her knees failed her and she was about to fall on the floor again, "Whoa Lois!" Clark said as he gripped her by the waist and held her up, supporting all her weight while Lois giggled, kissing his neck and then his cheek. Clark moved her hair behind her ear as he spoke, "So what was so important that I had to come all the way down here for?"

Lois ran her hands up his arms, "Weelllll I had to tell you something very important Clarrville" Clark laughed, while she continued, coming closer to him, "I wuvv you!" She cleared her throat and gripped his face, as she became serious, "I. Love. You. I do Clark. I love you so much! I mean like A LOT!" Her face broke into a smile again as she threw her hands in the air and fell backwards in his arms, "That's it!"

Clark chuckled as he brought her closer, kissing her forehead, "I love you too Lo... but next time try not to scare me when you need to tell me this. I thought something happened to you."

Lois shook her head, biting her lip, as she jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist, while she took off her feather boa, and wrapped it around his neck, pulling his face closer, "Nope. I knew that was the only way you'd come for me."

With a scoff, Clark replied, "You know I'll always come for you whenever you want." Lois grinned nodding, as she turned her face to the side.

"EVERYONE ATTENTION PLEASE!" Most of the people in the bar turned to look at her as she spoke, "This is the man of my dreams and I love him sssooo soo much and I think he's the best person ever... and if I wasn't drunk I wouldn't be saying this... BUT MAN IS HE AMAZING IN BED!"

Clark's jaw dropped as his cheeks turned bright red as everyone yelled out and cheered for them while holding their drinks up. Lois turned to him biting her lip, as one guy yelled out, "I thought you were engaged!"

Clark laughed as Lois looked pissed, rolling her eyes, "READ BETWEEN THE LINES DUMBASS!" She yelled out to whoever said that. Turning back to him, her face softened, "Now where were we?" She leaned down and captured his lips in hers as the kiss deepened while the crowd cheered around him.

As she pulled away for air, Clark smiled at her and kissed her again, "Not a dull day goes by with you."

Lois chuckled as she unwrapped her legs from around his waist as he put her down, but kept his grip on her, Lois couldn't keep her hands off of him as she tried to unbutton his shirt, "You should get naked with me baby. Show those strippers how much better your abs look!" She giggled as she fumbled with his buttons.

Clark tried to keep his fiancé from undressing him in the bar as he gripped her wrists, "Did you just say strippers?"

He could tell she was blushing, "Aww don't worry they got nothing on you!" She leaned in and bit his neck, sucking on the skin as Clark involuntarily closed his eyes, and tightened his grip on her, "Take me home babe." She whispered.

"We got to make sure the rest of your wedding party are okay. I just saw Chloe and Dinah taking body shots off each other." He said as he looked around.

Lois' eyes were half closed at this point, "Pshh they'll be fine. Now get me home so I can ride you like a bull!" Clark shook his head at her while smiling. He went to find Kara who was gathering up the rest of the girls to get them home. As they went inside the limo, most were passed out as Kara turned to Clark.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Kara asked while Lois was clinging on to Clark, trying to put her hands in his shirt while Clark tried to pry them off him while he tried to call Oliver's cell.

"Don't worry she'll be fine with me. Are the other girls gonna be okay?" He asked.

Kara nodded, "I'll make sure they get home safe."

Clark nodded as he waited for Oliver to pick up. Once he did, Clark assured Oliver that everything was alright and it was a false alarm. Oliver was relieved as he was ready to fly to Metropolis to see what was going on. Before Clark hung up, he thanked Oliver for the Bachelor Party, and to tell everyone they can keep their money while he went home with Lois. Oliver bid him goodnight as they hung up. Clark turned to his cousin Kara and thanked her for making sure everyone was safe tonight. As he was about to leave, Kara called out to him, "Don't forget your presents Clark." She handed him a bag of all of Lois' presents, "Do me a favor... Don't look inside of it tonight." Clark raised his brow at her as she laughed, "She's gonna hate us tomorrow... but you were a witness... she had a great time." She said with a smile.

Clark chuckled as he said goodbye and picked Lois up as she felt like a ragdoll and sped back to their Metropolis penthouse.

As soon as they entered the penthouse, Lois stumbled in, giggling. While Clark closed the door, and as soon as he turned around, Lois pinned him to the wall and kissed him feverishly. Clark grabbed her waist and lifted her up as the kiss deepened.

Lois pulled away and smiled at him, tapping his nose with her finger, "I missed you." She said softly.

Clark brushed a strand of hair away from her face as he smiled, "I missed you more." She stared back at him and he noticed her eyes were glossy, and her breath smelt like all kinds of alcohol, and she still looked beautiful. "Are you sure you're not tired? You've had a lot to drink maybe you should go to bed?"

Lois scoffed, "Please SmallvilleI'm not eventired... and Idin'tevendrank that much." She said with a slur.

Clark raised his brow, "Suuure." Lois giggled as she brought her finger to her lips, making shushing sounds as she leaned in for another kiss. As the kiss deepened, Clark picked her up, and brought her to their bedroom, laying her down as he crawled on top of her, kissing every piece of exposed skin, he raised his head up to face her, "So I take it you had a good night?"

Lois shrugged, tracing his lips with her finger, as she felt his breath on her face, "Single life's overrated... Can't wait to end that chapter." She grinned as he bent down to kiss her cleavage, running her hands up his back, "How was your night?" She said with a giggle.

Clark shrugged, "I won the poker game."

Lois chuckled, "Me taught you well."

"Mhmm" He said while lifting her dress up.

"No strippers tonight?"

"Nope. Well they were going to get me one, but I didn't want one so they called it off. Bart was the only one who took it badly though."

Lois bit her lip, "Well I can't say the same."

Clark lifted his head up to look at her with a smile, "I knew it."

Lois shrugged, "It was a surprise!" She moaned, "I can't help it... they handcuffed me I couldn't escape." She pouted.

Clark pursed his lips, "I really didn't wanna know that..." He grabbed the back of her head and pulled it back to expose her neck as he sucked on her skin, "Was he everything you dreamed of?" He teased.

Lois began to breathe heavily, "Hmmm definitely topped one of the wildest fantasies. I thought he was pretty cute... and the other one too."

Clark pulled back, "There were TWO strippers?" Lois bit her lip, giving him puppy dog eyes, "You were worried about me having one and you had TWO?"

She pouted as he lifted his weight off her, while still hovering over her to which Lois moaned in protest at the lack of contact and tried to pull him down, but he resisted, and she laid there pouting up at him, "I know! I'm a hypocrite..." She said softly, sniffling, "In my defense I didn't know they were going to surprise me with that."

"Lois..." He said with his brow raised.

The corner of her mouth curved up as she sat up on her elbows, her lips softly brushing against his, her glossy hazel eyes were leveled with his blue ones, "Would it help if I told you your penis was SO much bigger than theirs?"

Clark raised his eyebrow at her, trying to hide his smile, "Maybe..."

She threw her head back as she chuckled and gripped the back of his neck, "Then trust me... it was nothing compared to yours." And she pressed her lips against his, biting his bottom lip as Clark slipped his tongue in her mouth, battling with hers as he pushed her down on the bed, grinding his hips against hers which made Lois gasp.

Clark pulled away as his lips brushed along her jaw line, down to her neck, licking her skin, as Lois was left breathless, "Alright Kent, give me that amazing loving I've been waiting all night for."

Clark chuckled under her skin, "Yes ma'am." As he couldn't wait any longer, ripping her dress off as he brought her closer to him, thrusting his pelvis against her when he noticed something. He froze as his eyes widened, looking up at her, "Uhhh Lois?!"

Getting irritated, Lois wrapped her legs around his waist, "Shut up Smallville you talk too much" She bit his bottom lip, moaning as he moved to kiss her skin behind her ear, she ripped the buttons off his shirt, and fumbled with his belt buckle. Clark thought better of it, giving her what she wanted and knew that she'd find out sooner or later the next day... when she looks in a mirror. Soon their clothes were gone as they spent the night loving each other.

The Next Morning

Lois moaned as her head was hanging off the edge of the bed, with a trash can under her as she threw up again. Flipping her hair out of her face, she held her head, covering her eyes as the sun shone through the curtains, giving her a pounding headache. She groaned while hiding under the covers, as she heard footsteps and felt the bed sink beside her while his hand gently wrapped around her middle, "How you feeling baby?" he said in a soft tone.

Lois felt like if she talked, she'd throw up all over again; she groaned and said in a throaty whisper, "I feel like death..." She came out of the covers, as her hair was messy and tangled, her mascara was smudged all over her face, her lips looked dry. Clark smiled down at her and kissed her forehead, "What the hell happened last night Smallville?" She breathed out.

He furrowed his brows, "You don't remember?" Clark handed her a glass of the classic hangover cure to which Lois took a sip of and felt like she was going to hurl again as she handed it back to him. He sighed, speeding away and coming back with a glass of water instead which she accepted with gratitude.

She sighed, "All I remember is drinking in the limo, opening my presents... then everything else is hazy... and then I remember you showed up... somewhere... and you took me home? And we had some amazing sex" She gave a slight smile, but her smile faded, "Did you dress up as a cop Smallville?"

Clark chuckled, kissing her cheek, "No honey I definitely didn't dress up as a cop..."

Lois sighed, concentration hard on something with her brows furrowed, "I've seriously been having flashes of two cops getting naked for some reason...? Must've been a dream." She said looking down at herself, noticing she was only wearing Clark's dress shirt that he wore last night.

Clark shook his head as she moved her hair out of her face, as she looked up at him, "Well... two cops apparently did get naked in front of you... you told me that while I was getting you naked."

Her eyes widened, "When the hell did THAT happen?!" She hissed, holding her head as her own voice made the pounding harder, "Ow..." She whispered.

"I think that happened when you went to a strip club." Lois raised her brow at Clark who looked amused.

"Oh god..." She groaned, closing her eyes, "Strippers?" She sighed, "I'm sorry I feel like a hypocrite now, getting all worried over your bachelor party when mine was... well an excerpt from the next Hangover movie."

Clark chuckled, "Lois, it's fine, you more than made up for it last night... twice." He winked at her as she rolled her eyes.

Clark filled her in on the rest of the night, at least from the time when he came to get her and announced to the entire pub that he was the best man ever, Lois covered her eyes in embarrassment, "Oh god I did all those things?! Well I'm not going to THAT bar again. I can't believe I was pretty much groping you in front of everyone." She groaned, and felt herself getting nauseous again as she bent over to the trash can while Clark held her hair, stroking her back gently. Lois sighed, coming back up and leaning against his chest, as Clark wrapped his arm around her, and lifted her up on his lap.

"Don't be embarrassed, I love you for showing everyone how excited you are to be my wife."

Lois smirked at him as she closed her eyes, "Of course I'm excited. I can't wait to finally marry you Mr. Kent." She held his hand in hers, "One thing's for sure, I'm never drinking again! I wanna take out my eyeballs with a fork and just stick them in this glass of water. After hearing about your night I'd kill to have had a mellow bachelorette party like that... I'm gonna kill the girls!"

Clark laughed, "I think they're feeling the same way as you are so that's punishment enough."

She moaned in pain, burying her face in his neck, "Baby make it go away!" She mumbled, "I feel like crap on a stick!"

He sighed, "Let me draw you a bath, it'll make you feel better, and then we'll have lunch."

She furrowed her brows, looking up at him, "Lunch? It's noon already?"

"You've been out the entire day it's 3PM honey. And we have to go to the rehearsal dinner in a few hours, I wanted to give you as much shut eye as possible."

She closed her eyes again, "Oh boy I don't think I'm gonna make it." She lifted her head up, "Join me in the bath?"

He smiled, "Sure, give me two seconds." Gently laying her back down, as he went to the bathroom.

Lois used up all her energy to get out of bed as she stumbled, leaning against the wall for support, waiting till the world stopped spinning. She walked towards the mirror and noticed the hickey still on her neck. Shaking her head to herself with a smile on her face, Lois started unbuttoning her shirt and revealed the top her right breast... unable to believe what she saw her eyes widened and she screamed out, "SMALLVILLEEE!"

Clark rushed in with worry and astonishment, "What's wrong?!"

She turned to him to show her tattoo on the top of her breast, she was mortified, "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!"

He raised both his brows, and tried to hide his smile, "Uhmmm yeah I have no idea what you did last night to get that... but I had a sense of déjà vu when I saw it last night." He winked at her.

Her jaw dropped as she looked back at the mirror, staring back at her large red heart tattoo written, 'Lois & Clark Forever'. Her heart was pounding as she tried to rub it, "Oh my god please tell me it's fake! Please tell me it's fake!" She rubbed hard on it, with tears in her eyes, she turned to him, "Is it real?!"

Clark sighed as he used his micro-vision on it, and pulled at the corner of his lip, "Yeah... it's real."

She gasped, "HOLY CRAP! I can't get married with this! Oh god and it's gonna leave a scar when I get it removed! I'm gonna have to wear a turtle neck for the rest of my life!"

She was about to burst into tears, going frantic as Clark rushed towards, her, wrapping his arms around her waist, "Hey..." He said softly, trying to calm her down as she was freaking out, "I'm kidding don't worry it's not real" He laughed as she gasped and punched him in the chest, "The ink will wear off."

"Why the hell would you do that to me?! I was about to die of a stroke!"

Clark chuckled, "I don't know it just reminded me of the one you got when you were infected by red k and I couldn't resist... you got it just for me huh?" He winked at her to which she punched him again as he flinched away from her.

"I was clearly as drunk as being on red K last night that I did something stupid like this AGAIN." She groaned when Clark pulled her towards him.

"I'm just happy it was my name and not the name of one of those strippers who gave you a lap dance." Lois smirked and looked up at him, "If it makes you feel better Chloe got a lip piercing..."

Lois' eyes widened as she burst into hysterical laughter, "Oh boy I wish I could've seen her reaction when she woke up."

Smirking Clark replied, "Given by the reaction I just witnessed from you, I'd say it was pretty spot on. Oliver called and I heard Chloe freaking out in the background." He chuckled, "This is gonna be a fun rehearsal dinner. It's ironic you spent your last 'single' girl night getting a tattoo with my name on it. Goes to show Lois Lane is putting her single days behind her and is letting the world know she's chosen to spend her life with me and it's for the long run." He leaned in, noticing Lois staring intently at him, "What?"

She got lost in his gaze as she stroked his cheek, "Nothing you just... you just reminded me of what this was all about... just... celebrating the fact that I'm putting my single days behind me and moving forward to our future. Last night was just one last sha-bang before I started a new life." She looked down at her ring and back up at him, "We're really doing this aren't we?" He tilted his head at her, "Getting married tomorrow... starting our lives as Mr and Mrs Kent... being together forever." She said while looking down at her tattoo, "This is really happening right?"

A smile formed on his face as he leaned down to capture her lips in a gentle kiss, pulling away, he replied, "Hell yes."


Sooo what'd you guys think;P

I know it was a pretty silly story and I barely write happy stories anyways and I'm glad I gave this a go... alright alright Magic Mike was pretty imspirational;) (How BAD was that movie though xD! Only parts I loved was the stripping hahaa)

Anyways thanks everyone for reading and please leave me your comments on what you thought Loved it, hated it, you let me know:D!