A Fallen Angel

Chapter5: First Kiss
By: Akira006
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon! ( I own Serafin!)

Akira006: Hey, ppls! S^?! I hope you are still enjoying my story! Thankx for all the reviews! I don't think I should have
called this chapter first kiss because it gives away the chapter . . . I know it's taken me so freakin long to get out all
these chapters! Ahhh! Oh well . . . hope you like this chapter as well.

Hotaru woke up and looked around. 'Why is it he always wakes up before me?' Hotaru mentally asked herself. She got
out of bed and stretched lazily. Her dream rushed back to her head and she had to lean against the wall for support. God,
that dream . . .

Hotaru walked out into the living room, expecting to see Serafin. He wasn't there. She looked around nervously.
'That damn dream's making me freak out over nothing!' She thought to herself as she took a deep breath.

"Serafin?" She looked around. She noticed the shower running. 'Oh, he's in the shower.' Hotaru went and plopped down
on the couch. She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. She flipped through the channels until she came MTV. She watched
the music video. 'Some of these are so stupid.' She thought to herself.

Carson Daily came on and said, "Ok, now for our number one video, Crawling In The Dark by Hoobastank." Hotaru smiled
and jumped up upon hearing the song begin. She loved this song.

She laughed and started dancing and singing along with it, "Show me what it's for! Make me understand it! I've been
crawling in the dark looking for the answer! Is there something more than what I've been handed? I've been crawling in the
dark looking for the answer!" The song ended and Hotaru stopped. She heard a small chuckle and saw Serafin smiling as he
watched her. She blushed a very deep crimson. Serafin smiled bigger and clapped his hands causing Hotaru to blush even more.

"Thanks for the free performance." Serafin said.

Hotaru sat back down on the couch and looked at the ground. Serafin sat next to her. They both watched the TV.

"What do you want to do today?" Hotaru asked Serafin.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't care."

Hotaru thought for a while and looked at Serafin. "We could just hang out at the park or around town and look at the
shops or something." She suggested.

Serafin smiled. "I'd like that."

Hotaru smiled back and stood up. "I'm going to go take a shower." Serafin watched after her. Hotaru took a long
shower to wash away her worries and tensions, at least for a little while. She got out and wrapped a towel around herself.
She walked past the living room and glanced in. Serafin was out on the balcony again. She shrugged her shoulders and walked
into her room, locking the door behind her. She quickly changed into some comfortable clothes. Today would be nice to just
hang out with Serafin. Hotaru enjoyed his company. She could ask him anything and he would never make her feel stupid or
bad. Hotaru sighed wistfully and walked out the door over to the balcony and beside Serafin.

"We don't need the car because we're just going to be walking around, that is unless you mind." Hotaru commented.

Serafin shrugged his shoulders. "I don't mind at all."

"Well," Hotaru said as she turned to face him. "How about we get going?"

Serafin nodded in agreement and followed Hotaru. They both put on their shoes and Hotaru grabbed her keys and some
money. They walked out the door and Hotaru locked it after them. They began to walk down the stairs in silence as they were
both just thinking and neither of them had anything to say at the moment. They were finally on the bottom level.

"How about we go hang around the town and then we can go chill at the park?" Hotaru asked.

"Fine with me." Serafin replied. They began to walk side by side through the town, chatting about aimless things,
enjoying each others company. For lunch, they stopped at a small café and got some sandwiches and coffee as they talked.

"Serafin," Hotaru began with a sly smile. "In uh, . . . you know where," She pointed upwards, meaning Heaven. "Did
you have a girlfriend or lover or something?"

Serafin smiled. "I knew you'd bring something like this up some time."

Hotaru smiled. "So, did you?"

Serafin thought for a while and sighed wistfully. "No."

Hotaru looked at him sadly. He never had someone to love. She got up and sat next to him, grabbing his hands. "You
have this life." She whispered quietly.

"I . . . I have you . . ." He whispered back as they both looked up at each other. They slowly leaned in,

"Would you both like anything else?" The waiter asked. Hotaru and Serafin quickly recovered and looked up.

"No thanks." Hotaru said with a small blush. 'Damn waiters!' Hotaru felt Serafin give her hand a small squeeze. She
looked at him and he was smiling kindly. She smiled back. It was something about him that made you feel better no matter
what happened.

"Let's go to the park, shall we?" He asked. Hotaru nodded in agreement and they got up and left.

They walked through the park slowly, enjoying the blooming cherry blossoms. The wind blew and picked up some
blossoms, carrying them along with it. Serafin reached out and carefully grabbed one in the air. He looked down at Hotaru
and softly put her hair behind her ears and put the blossom in her hair. Hotaru was lost in his eyes.

"This is the way I want it to be . . . with you . . ." He said softly. Hotaru slightly blushed and looked down while
taking a step closer to him.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Me too." Serafin smiled back and they slowly leaned in, their lips meeting in the
middle. (A/N: YA! It's their first kiss together!) It didn't last long but was soft and sweet, allowing their feelings for
one another to be free in that one simple kiss. They both pulled back and continued to walk. Hotaru held onto to Serafin's
arm and they continued to talk and walk, enjoying this sweet, magical afternoon. The cherry blossoms slowly blew in the wind
around them. They were finally together by one simple kiss.

A/N: Ok, ya! Their first kiss as a couple! How cute, huh?! Finally! I know most of you have been waiting for this, right?
Please R+R! And I'll try to get the next chapter out a.s.a.p.!