Edit: Alright! If you clicked on this story and you think it sounds like hot trash, don't worry! I'm editing it with my now older and wiser writing knowledge. So it won't be hot trash anymore, it'll just be room-temperature trash. Hooray!

Alright, I got the idea for this story while, believe it or not, was in a car. Shocker! *sarcasm* This will certainly be... Interesting...

Btw, if you're reading this, and haven't read Raindrops, this may not make a lot of sense… Also, possible spoilers.

I was going to wait to post this until after I had a picture drawn, but with school, that's taking forever...So without further ado, Car Ride.

~Car Ride~

Holley's POV

Finn, Siddeley, Harry, Siddeley' sister, Cameron, and I have been trapped in this mini-van for days. At the moment, the reason we had agreed to drive across the United States had escaped my mind.

Finn was driving, as he usually was. I was in the passenger's seat, my brother Harry behind me. Sid was next to him, and Cameron had the very backseat to herself. She was lying sideways, taking up the entire seat. I don't blame her, those seats didn't recline and there wasn't a lot of room for your legs back there, anyway. If you ask me, being back there is a privilege when you want to sleep.

I looked at the clock. It was almost half past twelve in the morning. I redirected my gaze back out the window. Everyone was either asleep or just not talking. The radio was off, leaving complete silence except for the sound of the car on the highway.

"Is Cam asleep?" Harry asked drowsily.

"I dunno... Cammie?" Siddeley tried looking behind him, sounding tired himself. I was quite tired, as well. I briefly wondered why we all weren't asleep, then remembered that, of course, we were in an uncomfortable car.

Even from here I could hear the steady breathing that indicated she was asleep. I sighed and leaned my seat back a bit.

I glanced over at Finn. He never took his eyes off the road. He didn't even look tired.

"Maybe you three should try to sleep, as well?" Finn suggested.

"And let you fall asleep at the wheel?" Siddeley asked. "No way, man... I'm staying... Up..."

"Sid?" I turned around, wondering why his words suddenly trailed off.

"Amazing. Never seen someone fall asleep while talking." Harry informed us.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Alright, then... You two should get some sleep..." Finn was insisting now.

"It's a bit hard to get comfortable..." Harry spoke what I was thinking.

"That's sort of what happens when you're sharing a car with four other people." Finn replied dryly.

"Remind me again why we didn't just rent a RV?" I asked.

"Just be thankful we didn't take my Aston Martin." Finn snapped.

"Yeah, then you'd have to..." Harry yawned. "Sleep in the trunk, Holley..."

"Harry, that's not… That isn't… Finn, we couldn't…" I tried to protest again the two of them.

It was too late to argue with Harry. He was fast asleep by the time I was able to fit a full sentence together.

"Why haven't you fallen asleep, yet?" Finn asked me after a while.

"Trust me, I wish I have." I sighed.

Finn nodded in understanding. "Aren't you tired?" I asked him. Staring into his face, it amazed me how he barely looked drowsy at all. No bags under his eyes, his hands were firmly on the steering wheel… I supposed if you looked incredibly closely, his eyes had a tired look to them.

I leaned my head back, and closed my heavy eyelids. Eventually, like an answered prayer, drowsiness took over, and I drifted off to sleep.

I opened my eyes to gray light. All I saw where giant clock faces and gears. Finn and I were tied back-to-back to a gear in Big Ben. Oh no…

Mater and McQueen were about to die along with us. Finn and I moved closer and closer to our deaths as Grem and Acer aimed the camera at McQueen's car.

This was it. Finn, Mater, and I crushed, McQueen exploding in a fiery inferno. This was the end. I squeezed my eyes shut as we practically touching the giant gear that was to be our demise…

I was startled awake by a clap of thunder. I looked at the clock. A few minutes past four.

I looked at Finn, who assumed I was still asleep. He turned on the windshield wipers as raindrops began to appear on the windows.

"Finn?" spoke up.

"Awake so soon?" He asked me.

I ignored him. "Are you sure you wouldn't like me to drive? You've been driving for a while, now."

"Yes, I'm sure. Thank you, Holley."

"Finn, please. You're tired. Just let me drive for a few hours so you can rest?" I reasoned.

He thought about it and hesitantly replied, "Alright."

Finn drove off the nearest exit, pulled over on the side of the road, and we both unbuckled our seat belts. Hoping the light wouldn't wake anyone, we opened our doors and got out. As we walked around the front of the van, I shot him a victorious smile. He lightly rolled his eyes.

We both sat down. I adjusted the seat a bit, and we were on our way once again.

I knew Finn was too proud to admit it, but he was really tired. He was asleep within minutes. I smiled at the sound of his ever-so-quiet snores.

After a while, I heard a voice from the backseat.

"Sid?" Cammie quietly asked.

"I wouldn't wake him if I were you, Cammie." I told her.

"Holley? I thought Finn was driving?" She sat up to get a better look.

"I convinced him to get some sleep."

"Then you must be really good at convincing people to do stuff, because Sid's always said that Finn is the most stubborn person he's ever met."

I smiled. "Well, you're right about that... I'm just special, I guess." I smiled. "You should try to go back to sleep."

"But… I've gotta tell Sid something…"

"You can always tell me, you know, Cammie."

Cameron hesitated, then said, "I had a nightmare…"

"Wanna talk about it?"

"That's why I wanted to talk to Sid. It was about… Our parents…"

I knew that Siddeley and Cameron's parents shared the same fate as Finn's. I frowned sympathetically.

"Just try to go back to sleep." I spoke in the softest voice I could. She nodded and lied back down.

"Hey," I looked at her in mirror above me. She looked up. "Count yourself lucky to have the back all to yourself."

She smiled, and then soon fell back asleep.

I have decided to make this more than one chapter. It shouldn't be a long story, though…