After a long hiatus of life, work, and other various things getting in the way I'm back. I hope you'll like this chapter and stick with me on this story! Enjoy!

Chapter 10

JJ slowly opened her eyes and squinted at the sunlight that filtered in through the blinds on the window. She noticed the dull ache in her head right away. Her vision wasn't quite as blurry as it had been when she first woke up, but she found that she was still having trouble focusing. Turning her head slowly, she noticed a figure standing by the window. It was Morgan. She couldn't call out to him, as her throat seemed too dry for her voice to make a sound. She swallowed and cleared her throat some. He turned around instantly.

"JJ you're awake!" He said rushing over to her bedside.

"Derek…" She whispered.

He smiled down at the blonde and reached for her hand. He was happy to see her awake again. The look on her face told him that she was still in pain and maybe slightly disoriented. He hated seeing her this way, but he was thankful that she was alive.

"It's nice to see those blue eyes." He told her softly. "I should go get the doctor and tell the rest of the gang that you're awake."

"Derek wait…" She started. "What happened?"

He was just about to try and answer when the door to the room opened. Just then Garcia poked her head in. When she realized JJ was awake she rushed inside.

"She's up?"

"I'm up." JJ whispered, her voice raspy. She winced a little, but smiled as Garcia approached her.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" Penelope asked.

"Confused and sore."

"We should get the doctor." Derek said.

"Go ahead, and I'll stay with Jayje." Garcia said.

"I'll be right back." He said looking down at JJ before heading for the door.

Garcia reached for JJ's free hand and squeezed it. She was so happy that her friend made it through all of that, she couldn't help the tears that formed in the corner of her eye.

"Penelope don't cry." JJ said softly.

"I'm sorry Jayje, it's just that you scared me yesterday!"

"Do you know what happened to me?"

"I…" Garcia was about to respond when the doctor, followed by a nurse, then Derek and the rest of the team clambered into the room.

"Jennifer you're awake!" The doctor greeted. "You got some much needed rest these last twenty four hours."

"Let's just check you over and make sure nothing's changed."

The team held their breath as the doctor and nurse check JJ's vitals and checked the machines and IV's she was hooked up to. Once the doctor seemed satisfied he removed the stethoscope from his ears and the nurse put down her chart.

Rossi stepped forward. "He kid how are feeling?

"Pretty sore and confused."

"That's understandable." Emily said.

"You went through quite a bit." The doctor said. "You were in an accident and sustained a broken collar bone, hence the sling. You've also got a few cracked ribs."

"Nothing you can't come back from." Morgan said to her.

"What kind of accident? What happened?" she asked again.

"Jennifer what's the last thing you can recall?" asked the doctor.

JJ closed her eyes for a few seconds then opened them back up, looking down at herself and her injuries.

"I'm not sure…" She started. "I remember we had just come off a case."

"A case?" The doctor prodded.

"Right." JJ said slowly. "The Watson case, right Hotch? We flew back, and got debriefed, and then…"

She stopped and closed her eyes again, her head aching.

"It's okay Jennifer." Penelope soothed her friend.

Morgan caught the eye of his unit chief, and he nodded in understanding. The Watson case was out in California, and it had been almost a month since they worked it.

"I don't know what happened after that." JJ said.

"JJ it's okay. Your memory is going to be foggy for a little bit." Emily said.

"Yeah and you'll be back to your old self in no time." Reid chimed in. "The best thing a person can do for their brain is rest it after a trauma."

"Wonder boy is right JJ." Rossi agreed.

Morgan shifted uncomfortably, as Garcia and Prentiss fawned over a still confused JJ, trying to explain to her the events that landed her in the hospital. He was glad that she seemed to be okay physically, despite everything, but was worried that she didn't remember any of the last four weeks. He thought about the night they spent together just two days ago. It was one of the most memorable moments that he'd had in a long time, and he was lucky enough to have that moment with Jennifer Jareau. Now she didn't even remember it. Would she ever?

He was drawn back into the conversation when Hotch clapped him on the shoulder. The look in Hotch's eyes held a sense of understanding and sympathy. He knew that Morgan and JJ had made a deep connection during this case.

"So Morgan and I had been working on a case undercover?" JJ asked, trying to understand what happened.

She couldn't recall the last four weeks, but she certainly did remember that night she and Derek hooked up. Her mind briefly flashed to that time, and caught Derek's eyes as he stood near their unit chief.

"Jayje are you alright?" Garcia asked, laying a concerned hand on her friend's unslung arm.

"Yeah I think so. It's just a big blank right now."

"It'll come back to you with time JJ." Reid told his friend. "Maybe gradually, or maybe when you least expect it."

"I guess it could be worse right?" JJ quipped. "And if I understand, we kind of won?"

"Damn right we did." Rossi said.

"You guys we need to let JJ rest." Hotch said stepping up to the group. "Doctor's orders."

"We'll check in a little later with you." Emily said, before following the rest of the team out the door.

She turned around when she noticed Derek had hung back some. "I'll catch up to you guys in a minute Prentiss."

"Alright, we'll be right outside."

Morgan pulled a chair up to JJ's bed and took a seat. He could see that she was still in a weakened state, and no doubt confused about the events that had been explained to her. He didn't want to add to her confusion, but just wanted to make sure that before the team left her, before he left her, that she would be okay.

"All of this probably seems a little hard to believe huh?" He asked her.

"Yeah, if it weren't for my body being all banged up, and me not having any recollection of what happened over the last month, I wouldn't believe it."

"At least we won, and you're going to be fine."

"So you and I undercover as a couple, huh?" She asked with a smile. "How did that go for us?"

Morgan wanted to tell her how it had really gone for them, but he knew she had to get her memories back on her own. He was just happy to have her here.

"It went fine JJ. We won, remember?" He said. "So no worries."

"The only worry I have right now is getting out of here."

"Doc says it'll be a couple more days."

"Can't wait." She murmured closing her eyes. She was starting to feel her body succumb to exhaustion.

Morgan took that as a cue, and stood to go meet the team. They still had to make sure that Dan was processed properly. He had been like a cage animal since they caught him. Hearing about his wife's Chelsea's death in the river seemed to send the man over the edge.

"Get some rest Pennsylvania, and we'll be back to check on you later."

"Derek…" she called as he moved towards the door.

"What's up?"

"Thank you for what you did for me yesterday. It sounds like I owe you one."

"Don't worry, I'll collect when you're all better." He closed the door gently behind him as he left the room.

"Everything good?" Emily asked as they started down the hallway.

"It's fine Emily."

"Well we both know that's not true, so when you want to talk let me know."

"Thanks, I will."

Later that day…

JJ was growing restless being held up in the hospital, and apparently she still had a couple more days to go with staying. She had taken a long nap with little interruption from the staff after the team left. She had also spent some time trying to piece together the events that landed her here, but to no avail. She and Derek Morgan posing as a couple for a case. Considering what had happened between them last year, it was all a little hard to believe. Derek said that everything had been fine, and there was no weirdness or anything to worry about. She was glad for that, as they had worked hard to get the close friendship they'd had back.

She was certain things would get back to normal once she was home and had her memories back. Pushing her tray of food away with the arm not currently in a sling, she looked at the clock. She wasn't very hungry, and feeding herself given her current state of restraint had proven less than easy. Just as she was about to click on the tv, there was a soft knock and the door, and Garcia poked her head inside.

"Knock, knock sweetie." She said. "Are you decent?"

"No not really, but come in anyway."

She opened the door all the way and walked in, followed by Morgan and Emily. She was glad her friends had come to rescue her from inevitable boredom.

"Where are Spence, Hotch, and Rossi?" JJ asked.

"They're to wrap up all the reports that need done at Straus' request." Emily said as they all pulled up chairs around JJ's hospital bed.

"Don't you mean Straus' orders?" JJ and Derek said at the same time.

They all laughed, and JJ winced as a pain shot through her ribs, and Garcia grasped her friend's hand. "Are you okay Jayje!?"

"I can go get the doctor." Derek offered.

"I'll be fine guys." She assured them. "Really."

"Are you sure?" Emily was concerned.

"I'm sure. It's nice to have some company. I know you guys were just here this morning, but I'm already starting to go a little stir crazy."

"No worries, love." Garcia said with a twinkle in here eye. "We'll be here whenever you need us."

"And when you go home, we'll help out there too."

"Thanks guys. I appreciate that."

"It's all good JJ." Derek emphasized. "We've got your back, you know that."

"I know you do."

After a brief silence, Emily was the first to speak up. "So have you started to remember any of the last few weeks?"

"No. The doctor says it could come back at any time though."

Derek cleared his throat, starting to cough, and the ladies all turned their attention to him. Flashes of his night with JJ both last year and two days ago flashed through his mind, and he hoped they couldn't see the blush that he felt creep up into his cheeks.

"You okay there Derek?" Emily asked smiling at him.

"I'm fine, just need to grab some water." He reached for the pitcher of water and a cup from the nightstand beside JJ's bed. "You mind?"

"Help yourself." JJ said.

Derek poured himself a cup of water and took a long sip. He listened while the ladies went on about taking JJ to the spa when she was ready, and how they would never let her go undercover again. As if they had any control over that, he thought. He was brought out of his thoughts when they all heard a rather assertive knock at the door.

"Enter!" Garcia said, speaking for the room's resident.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I just came to check on a very special patient I heard was here."

JJ's head snapped up at the unmistakable southern drawl.

"Will what are you doing here?" JJ exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes, especially Derek's widened as the young detective made his way into the room and next to JJ's hospital bed. He carried a large vase full of flowers, and leaned in to kiss JJ on the cheek, and they all stood watching. Speechless.

"You guys remember Detective Will Lamontagne Jr. from the Ripper case in New Orleans, right?"

What in the hell in going on here? , Derek thought… As if things weren't complicated enough. Things were definitely about to get interesting. He just hoped that interesting didn't mean worse. I guess they would all find out soon enough.

Thanks for wanting more of this story guys. I officially have more time to write now, so it's on! Please don't forget to leave a review. xo