Wrapped tight in a bright blue scarf and coal colored pea coat, Clary made her way down the busy and bustling streets of New York. The air was cold, the snow was falling gracefully, and tourists were taking advantage of the snow dusted cityscape. Her hair, curly as can be, was by no means kept tame under her hat and her cheeks were pink from the New York chill.

Clary's eyes scanned the crowds searching for an all too familiar coffee shop: Java Jones. Why did she ask Alec to meet her here? Why, oh fucking why couldn't she leave the past in the past? After all, hadn't she moved to New York to get away from anything connecting her to the childhood she left behind?

Soon enough, Clary spotted the surprisingly quiet road that Java Jones was located. Veering away from the throngs of people, she found herself practically alone. Clary began to muse silently, losing herself in thoughts of Alec, Idris, and warm French Vanilla Coffee.

This, of course didn't last long. Clary felt a large person grabbing her by the neck and pushing her against a wall in the Alley...

This is just a preview of the upcoming chapter. I'm sorry I've been gone so long, I've just been busy with high school. I hope to update more often once summer comes. Until then, I'll be studying hard for finales, mainly my French II class. Hope y'all have a good day.