
I can't believe he asked me. I can't believe I have a boyfriend. I can't believe it's André! This whole situation seems to good to be true – but it is! Even my sister's piercing wails (which she prefers to refer to as singing) can't ruin my happiness. My lips are itching as I sit next to André, his warm hand resting on my thigh. I want to kiss him! I need to kiss him! Patience is a virtue, but at the moment I am struggling.

Technically this won't be our first kiss, but I want it to be special! Especially because of how badly I screwed up the first one. Ughh I cannot believe how happy I am! The change of emotions today has been incredible. Everything is looking up.

My stomach is turning over and over, though now from joy rather than nerves. I am positive my face must be glowing, as I can't help but smile like a lunatic. A peek across at André reveals that he is much the same.

André Harris is my boyfriend. I am André's girlfriend. No longer do I have to hide my feelings.

I'll be able to kiss him whenever I want! (though I may need to practise some self control, or there may never be a moment when we aren't kissing).

This class can't be over soon enough, yet the minutes drag by. Often performance classes are my favourite, however today's has been torture. I just cannot wait to get alone with my boyfriend – I'll never get sick of saying that!

Finally the bell rings to signify the end of the period and I spring to my feet before it has even happened. André is soon to follow. We hold hands as we leave the classroom, our fellow students congratulate us as we mill out of the classroom. I act polite and thank them, but I can't wait to get away from them and be with André!

Once we're out of the classroom, I turn to him, the smile still stretched across my face. I lean slowly in, maintaining eye contact for as long as possible. However instead of moving my lips to his, I veer left and whisper in his ear. "Race you to my car!" With that, I take off, giggling the entire way. I hear his footsteps behind mine and am determined to keep it that way. We run through the halls and out the front doors of Hollywood Arts, making a beeline for the car park. I am metres away with keys in my hand when his arms wrap around my waist. He lifts me and spins, placing me behind him as he continues to move towards my car. I yell and protest, yet inside cannot think of anything better than being locked in his embrace.

I continue in hot pursuit, not conceding victory quite so easily. He is almost at the door when I let out a battle cry and launch myself at him, latching onto his back. He yells out and we both crash to the ground. I struggle for breath between the laughter that is causing tears to roll down my face. "I. Win." I claim between breaths.

"Whatever you want cheekbones" he replies, rolling over to face me. Our legs are still entwined and I have no intention of untangling myself. If we weren't on the ground of our school parking lot I would say I never want to move. Even with that fact I find it a struggle to imagine leaving this place with him.

I'm not sure how long we lie, looking at the sky and listening to each other's breath. My legs go numb, I can no longer tell which are mine and which are his. Eventually he sits up and pulls me onto his lap, my legs wrap around his hips and my arms around his neck.

"You, Tori Vega, are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." He says it without a shadow of a doubt in his voice. I close my eyes, tip my head and lean in.

Our lips meet and everything melts away. Any question I may have had in my mind about us is gone. He is the one for me. I've kissed other boys before, but never like this. I never understood how magical it could be.

After some time, he pulled away. "We better get you home" a smile played on his lips. Those lips I never wanted to be without again. He stood with me still wrapped around his waist and placed me in the passenger seat. He lay a kiss gently on my forehead before proceeding to get in the drivers seat and drive me home.

I'm in love.

Tori Vega: I never knew what true love is until today.

Feeling: Joyous