Title: The Wooden Swan
Chapter Two: Storybrooke
Author: snarkysweetness
Rating: PG
Characters: Emma, August, & Snow; Emma/August & Snow/Charming
Summary: Emma finds the gift August made for her.
Warnings: So much fluff
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Author's Notes: I really loved the first part of this story so I had to like…write what happened in the present. This is so not as good as the first chapter because I like…am seriously in love with it, but I still love this, so hopefully I'm not the only one.

"August, what the Hell is this?"

Emma's voice broke August out of his daze of pleasant daydreams of waking up next to her, kissing her shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. Seeing the adorable, confused look on her face, he felt torn on which image he preferred.

Definitely this one, he decided after a moment, because at least this Emma was real.

"That? It's a wooden swan, Emma," he responded in a cheeky tone, amused with her 'smart questions'.

"I can see that, why do you have this?"

August moved around his father's work bench and reached out to take it from her, pretending to examine it carefully.

"Well, seeing as I made it, I guess it ended up here with my father, instead of back in your nursery where it belonged."

"You made that? What…for me?"

"That's usually what 'in your nursery' implies, Emma."

Emma glared at him, not amused.

"Okay, why did you make that for…" She seemed to realize something and watched him for a long moment. "Did you make that before we came here? I mean, obviously you did, but I mean…you made me a present before I was even born?"

Her voice went soft and she took the swan from his hands, running her fingers over the smooth wood delicately, happy to have something else from her childhood to hold onto.

Not able to help himself, August reached out to tuck a loose piece of her hair behind her ear.

"I made you a lot of things before you were born, Emma. But this is special."

Emma looked up at him, looking more beautiful and vulnerable than he'd ever seen her before.


"Because I made that the day we got engaged."

Sweet Emma suddenly became pissed off Emma.


"He's right, Emma, I remember that day."

Snow approached from the house and ruffled August's hair before placing a hand over her large stomach. She moved to run her hand over the crib August had generously offered to build for the new arrival, nodding in appreciation.


Snow winked at August before turning to Emma seriously.

"I thought my daughter would rather be married a brave, wonderful young woodcarver than to be sold off to some dull, pompous prince. Are you not happy with my choice of groom for you?"

"We really should start on planning that wedding…you're lucky I'll still have her, being as ruined as she-"

Emma hit August's arm hard and he caught her, laughing before leaning down to kiss her. She returned the kiss for a moment before pushing him off of her.

"That's not funny."

He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head.

"Are you planning to break our engagement, then, princess?"

Emma wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked him on the lips.

"Maybe…I mean, I think I deserve something better than a stupid wooden swan," she teased.

August leaned down so he could whisper without Snow hearing.

"Then you'll have it. You can have anything you want, Emma. Someone once told me that I could have anything I ever dreamed up and now I have you, so I guess it's your turn."

Emma frowned.

"That's really not fair, no girl can say 'no' to that."

"Then I guess you're just going to have to honor the arrangement I made with your mother."

"I guess so, then," Emma whispered, leaning up to capture his lips with hers, while clutching the small treasure that would forever mark the life they'd always been meant to share with one another.