AN: Welcome to the last chapter of 'The Girl Left Behind'. I can't believe its at an end, just shy of a year in the making. Fear not - Part 2 'The Girl that Lived' is only a minutes away!

I apologise now, Percy is going to face some challenges...but it will all work out in the end...right...

Come and say hello to Percy on Facebook - www. facebook persephoneholmes

Chapter 51 - The Day The Earth Stood Still

March 14th

Dear Angie,

You were there for the first half of one of the worst days of my life, but it got so much worse later on…

I finally had a day off work. It was deserved; I had worked everyday and most nights for the last three weeks. Things at home were a little off. Jim and I had argued about the whole affair fiasco, I had been upset, but work had taken over and I'd ignored it. I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, but it was just festering under the surface. I got back to Mycroft's and changed out of my suit and into my favourite skeleton jeans, a bleeding heart t-shirt with my aqua leather boots. I looked in the mirror, took down my hair and added some eyeliner; I was pleased with what I saw. I looked down at my left hand and saw my rings glinting in the light and I decided to go home. I really needed to talk to Jim. I grabbed my coat and decided to walk. The fresh air and crowds of people was oddly calming. My phone chirped, I took it out of my pocket and saw a text from Angie, it read:

Get to 221b quick. Emergency.

I broke out into a run; I was a few streets away, it wouldn't take me long to get there. I arrived on Baker Street quickly, and silently picked the lock and let my self in. I crept up the stairs the house appeared quiet. I slowly made my way to the door of Angie's flat, straining my ears for the tiniest sound. I nudged the door open and was met with a face of balloons.

"Happy late birthday!" Cried Angie pulling me into a hug. I stood frozen for a second, smile and hugged Angie back.

"Hey! Thank you."

"Happy Birthday trouble." Greet John warmly; he also pulled me into a hug.

"Ah my trusty doctor too!" I laughed.

"How have you both been?" I asked. I looked around the small living room of 221b, Angie had out done herself; there were balloons and streamers everywhere, it was so pretty and decked out in purple and green, may favourite colours.

"Uh, fine. Managing." Replied Angie, she game a small smile. I hugged her again.

"I'm sorry I've been so busy lately, I'm bribing my time off with cake." My comment had the desired effect of making Angie laugh. It wasn't a lie; I was bribing my time off with my culinary skills.

"It's fine."

"That is an incredibly good way to be bribed, can I place an order?" John asked cheekily.

"Of course, I'll cook you anything you want." I replied happily. "So Ang what's our plan?" I asked excitedly.

"Well, I suppose we could start with presents first...If you really want to?" Angie smiled.

"Okay!" I giggled excitedly. I may be twenty-six on the outside, inside I was still six. My reaction made both Watson's laugh.

"Do you want to go first John, or me?" Angie asked.

"I'll go. Here, you've not been smiling enough recently." I took the wrapped box from John and carefully opened it. Inside was a selection sheet music from my favourite Disney films. I let out a little scream of joy.

"Ah! Thank you. I can't wait to get playing them." I beamed and wrapping John in a tight hug, he kissed my cheek and seemed happy at my child-like excitement.

"My turn!" Grinned Angie. "If you get inspiration for your own songs and run out of room in your other one..." Angie handed me another beautiful book. It matched the blue once I had received at Christmas; this one was black with an ornate silver design on the front and reams of empty manuscript paper.

"Oh Wow! Thank you Ang, it's beautiful, and I have filled up the last book you gave me for Christmas, I write when I'm on my way to work. You guys are the best." I hugged Angie.

"Maybe I should just give you the number of my friend who makes these if you're gonna run out every couple of months." Angie smiled affectionately.

"That's a great idea." I could probably keep that person in business.

"You're both happy, and that's what's important, although you know this means your officially grown up Percy?!" Joked John.

"John, please don't say that, I'm not ready to grow up!" I said with mock fear, pulling out the puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, only because it's you." Relented John quickly. He never could resist the puppy dog eyes.

"Thank you!" I grinned.

"I'll get you her email later, Percy." Said Angie.

"Thanks Ang." I nodded. I looked around the room again and zeroed in on a selection of activities. "Do I spot party games?"

"Yes you do. Again, contradicting what John said about growing up...just for you. You choose first.

"Angie Watson, I adore you." I laughed and skipped over to the kitchen table.

"Alright, choose, Birthday Girl. And screw the rules, you get to go first on all of them."

"Can we start with Marshmallow Mountain?! I'm still undefeated, John, do you fancy a challenge?" I asked with a smirk.

"I'm game." Replied John, pretending to be serious.

"Oh, this is going to be interesting." Sighed Angie.

"No cheating John." I baited playfully.

"Like I would. It's you I'm watching out for." He smirked. I pouted.

"Alright, children, play nice." Joked Angie.

"But Angie...John said I was gonna cheat." I whined like a child. I'll admit my not so well hidden inner child was taking over.

"Well, prove him wrong then!" Angie encouraged. I grinned in return.

"Come on then Dr. Watson, I challenge you to burrow for a Marshmallow!" I declared.

"Game on!" Replied John. Angie tied our hands behind our backs and we dove in. If you didn't know, the aim of this game is to get the marshmallow, using only your mouth. You're not supposed to get covered in flour, but it can happen. It's like a less damp version of apple bobbing.

When playing this game with two people it's rather fun as you bump into each other, and try and distract each other and not swallow lots of flour! I was usually very good at this game, but John kept nudging me and making me laugh. So picture if you will two grown adults, one an ex-army doctor and the other a government worker and wife of a master criminal, covered in flour, nose to nose trying to get the marshmallow. Angie just laughed and took pictures of us.

I heard the living room door open and Jim's voice. He sounded annoyed.

"Well, isn't this interesting? Is he your new boy toy?" Frowned Jim. John and I stopped messing about and I looked up. I undid my hands and wiped the four from my face, coughing from the dust.

"No, we're playing a party game." I retorted. I didn't get his problem; I mean why was he being like this?

"How sweet." He replied patronisingly. "I thought you were 'Working', not running around playing games." He accused.

"Playing games? It's a party Jim. You can be so clueless." I said. I looked at him; he looked mad, something wasn't right.

"No, I know exactly what's going on. What was wrong with your little friend from the museum? Did he get too boring? Or do you just prefer doctors?" He snapped. I looked at him stunned.

"I have no idea where you are getting this? I was at work with Mycroft, he sent me home early, and I was invited over, nothing more, nothing less. Where the hell were you last night, I got home and you weren't there." I protested. Jim just shrugged, looking at the floor.

"Does it matter? You've barely been home, you don't tell me where you've been. Why should I tell you where I've been?" He replied petulantly.

"Please tell me we're not having this argument again. You know I can't tell you about anything I do at work. Not unless you want us both to get taken off in the night for treason?! Just what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked, starting to get irritated.

"What's wrong with me?" Jim asks chuckling. "What's wrong with me?! What's wrong is that it looks like you're using your big brother's little jobs for you as a cover up for what you're really doing!"

"Yes, because I broke my arm deliberately. I do so enjoy excruciating pain." I sniped coolly.

"Oh, like you couldn't have faked that, especially with Johnny boy helping you out. Even if you really did, this has been going on for longer than that." He accused again. I started at him for a minute.

"Have you actually gone insane?" I asked. Jim shrugged again; the lack of emotion scared me. He was like a void, the calm before the storm. I glanced at Angie and John, they both looked nervous, both uncertain of what might happen.

"Maybe. What's it to you?"

"Because you're my husband and you're accusing me of having multiple affairs. Oh and you're not exactly the most stable of people." I replied sarcastically. His changing moods and reactions were giving me whiplash.

"Funny, you haven't actually denied it yet." I stared at him incredulously.

"I have. How about the other day? When you went mental over nothing. Or are you unable to read body language or tell that I am utterly confused by your empty allegations?" I said angrily, my voice starting to rise.

"Well, you've lied to me so many times, how do I know when you're lying or when you're actually telling your truth. Your reputation precedes you, Princess." Jim sneered. I shuddered at the vile nickname.

"Don't call me that." I spat. "I have always been honest with you." I said pleadingly.

"How do I know that for sure? Your whole life has been filled with lying and sleeping around. How do I know anything about you for sure?" He shouted. Each question and doubt felt like a knife to my stomach.

"You've known me all of my adult life, you know everything about me. I stopped anything like that when I met you." I cried.

"I'm sure." Jim scoffed. I felt like he'd slapped me.

"Where is this coming from? You owe me that much, what made you snap like this?" I asked.

"I don't have to tell you anything." He shrugged. My sorrow melted into anger

"This is ridiculous, you don't even know? So what, you just want me to play the good little housewife?" I shouted.

"Now, I'm not cruel. I wouldn't ask that of little rebellious you, Princess. But I think I'm within my rights to ask that you don't sleep with other men." Jim smirked darkly.

"What is it going to take for you to believe I have not slept with any other men?" I yelled back.

"I don't know. You're so clever, you figure it out." Shrugged Jim, his nonchalance making my blood boil. How could he accuse me of such horrible things and berate me, but not answer my questions or listen to a word I said?

"Alright, enough!" Said Angie firmly she looked at Jim darkly. "I think you should leave now."

"Oh, on the defensive now, Angel?" Goaded Jim.

"Yes, well, I'm fed up with you accusing my best friend of something she hasn't even done." Glared Angie.

"Leave Angie out of this, unless your willing to admit your little obsession in front of her." I accused. I didn't want Angie dragged into this. She wouldn't do anything with my husband, would she? I knew she loved Sherlock. I had to believe it.

"I'd be careful if I were you, Angel, poking your pretty little nose into other people's business. Unless you want your big brother to find out about your recent sleeping habits." Jim threatened. Angie, he turned to me his expression darkening.

"Oh, obsession, that's one way of putting it. I prefer I...admire her." Jim purred. His voice made my skin crawl. Jim stepped closer to Angie looked startled and she took a large step back, closer to John.

"I'd prefer you to just leave me alone." Bit out Angie, her fear making her voice shake.

"Now where's the fun in that?" smirked Jim. John stopped Jim getting any closer to Angie.

"Right, I think we've taken this far enough. I think it's time you left Mr. Moriarty." John said firmly, yet politely.

"Oh, come on, Johnny Boy, you should know your sweet little angel sister can take care of herself." Taunted Jim.

"Don't you dare threaten Angie or John! I will stop you James." I scolded coolly.

"It's not..." Started John, but I interrupted him. I didn't want Jim to have anything more against them.

"John, no need for you rise to his baiting too." I wised.

"Oh, come on, John, it's more fun. What were you saying?" Jim chuckled darkly, goading John further.

"Will you just shut up already?!" Shouted Angie.

"What's wrong, John? Afraid I'm going to do to her what I did to Sherlock?" Baited Jim a maniacal glint in his eye. "Oh, I don't think it'd hurt her too much to take a little tumble, she is an Angel after all."

"Shut up! Leave him alone!" Shouted Angie, her panic evident. I had to stop this. He was my responsibility.

"You're fight isn't with them. It's with me, at least fight it like a man." I said firmly, stepping between Jim and the Watsons. Jim ignored me, pushing me out of the way so he could face Angie and John.

"It didn't take you too long to move on, though, did it, Angel? No, dear ol' Seb was there to comfort you." Jim laughed a little. "Well, more than that. Oh, wait; you don't want Johnny Boy to know that you slept with a hitman. Whoops!" Jim began laughing again. He laughed more when he saw John's shocked expression. Angie paled, her eyes opened in shock.

"You've had your fun, you can stop now." John shouted. He kept a protective arm around Angie.

"James, you think ignoring me will stop me fighting?" I asked, my voice dark and cold. "You poor lost little boy, trying to be loved and adored by killing and hurting everyone you see." I patronised nastily.

"It's true, you know. You know as well as I do that if it wasn't, she'd be arguing. But look at her. Not. One. Word. Such guilty eyes. Pretty, but guilty." Jim smiled evilly.

"Shut up." Hissed Angie her voice hoarse form crying. I stepped in front of John and Angie; I would be ignored no longer.

"Come on Moriarty, focus. Aren't the petty games boring you yet?" I sneered, I never used his surname, but it got his attention. His eyes snapped to mine, his face darkening.

"You want me to fight you? Alright, Princess. You know, Johnny Boy, these girls really do share everything. Even boyfriends. Little Percy here has slept with Moran, too.

"You think that's gonna scare me off, make me run away? I have to say Seb wasn't bad, he knows how to treat a woman." I chuckled darkly. I enjoyed the frown and flicker of pain my words caused Jim.

"You know, you are clever. You did say Seb was the one who made you miscarry. Maybe the more proper word was abortion. So you could keep playing around with your little friend." Jim said coolly. I suddenly understood the monster people were afraid of. I wanted to run away and hide, and cry. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing my pain. I kept my face hard and determined.

"Like you weren't pleased, it meant you didn't have to kill it. You've always been a bit squeamish about dead bodies." I retorted. Jim smirked at my words, he looked triumphant, what had I missed?

"And you cried so much over it, Princess. You should win an award for your acting. There I was feeling so sorry for you. It was all for naught. Of course, you've killed before, what difference was there in killing a fetus?" Jim's words were cold and acidic. I could feel my heart break with each syllable. I noticed Angie close her eyes and cover her ears, she couldn't stand to hear this, not so soon after…John wrapped her in his arms, keeping her together.

"You at least deserve the award for best supporting actor, who knew you could lie your way through eight years of an apparently pointless relationship." I sniped. I knew what would hurt him, so I played his game, mimicked his behaviour and smiled playfully.

"I'll let you into a secret; my biggest lie was falling in love with you..." Inside my head I was screaming it was a lie, I just wanted to cry and tell him how much I loved him, but I wouldn't let him force me into living and believing his lies. He was treating me like some game; I would fight to the death if I had to. Jim's expression darkened. His demeanor screamed danger and malice.

"Good. Glad we cleared the air of that. This means I can focus my attention elsewhere." Jim finished, a dirty smirk playing across his features as he eyed Angie.

"She is under my protection, touch her and I'll kill you." I threatened. I received another evil grin.

"You don't see everything that goes on, Princess."

"You have no idea what I can see or do." I told him coolly. I had had enough. My anger blinded me and I punched him, he fell to the floor. His cheek split.

"Never call me that again, am I clear?" He looked up shocked and dazed. His eyes were unfocused. Before he could recover I turned to John.

"John could you give me a hand, there is some unwanted rubbish." John helped me hoist Jim down the stairs and we threw him out into the street. His face smacked the dirty pavement again. I leaned against the main front door for a second before heading back upstairs. I walked back into the flat and flopped into Sherlock's chair. Angie stood leaning against the table, her eyes slightly unfocused, dazed by the nasty turn of events.

"You alright Ang?" I asked automatically.

"Fine. I should be asking you that." She replied. I didn't answer for a while, the words not penetrating my brain. My hands were shaking. The knuckles on my right hand were sore, I could feel them bruising already.

"Hmm…Oh yeah, fine." I eventually said, flexing my hand.

"Sorry your party got ruined." Apologised Angie. I just looked at her and shrugged.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. Thank you for thinking of me." I gave her a forced smile. I needed to get out of here.

"Of course." Nodded Angie. I stood up quickly it made me feel dizzy.

"So, I've got some stuff to sort out, I'll see you both around. Thanks again for the party." I rushed out before anyone could stop me. As the door slammed behind me, I stopped.

I had to hold on to the railings outside 221b so I didn't collapse as the tidal wave of anguish washed through me. I just wanted to be someone else for the night; I walked the short distance into Soho. The crowds of partygoers, hen parties, stag dos and tourists were the perfect distraction. In Soho if you knew where to go and had the money to pay you could lose yourself in minutes. So that's what I did.

The instant rush as the cool liquid entered my bloodstream was heaven. I kept the dose small; I needed some awareness of my surroundings. I dropped the used needle into a public bin and kept walking. I flashed a smile and got free entry into a club and looked for my prey. If he wanted me to have an affair, then I would. I danced and flirted my way through the club, never buying a drink. I had been trained well, seduction was like breathing, a smile here, a gentle touch there and the promise of something more, and men were like bees to a honey pot, I was even asked out by a few women.

Eventually I found some person to drag back with me, I couldn't remember his name, nor did I care. I didn't even want to sleep with him, but I did want to hurt Jim. If he wanted to believe the lie, he could at least witness it for himself.

We stumbled out of the taxi. I had difficulty unlocking the front door. As I eventually opened the door I felt the guy kissing my neck. The alcohol and cocaine in my system left any inhibitions by the wayside and I felt my pulse quicken. We kissed on the step outside the front door, every kiss growing fierier. Any doubts melted away as we pushed our way inside. We both laughed and giggled as the fumbled with coats, somehow my t-shirt ended up on the floor.

I didn't notice anyone enter the hallway until I heard a slightly slurred.

"What the hell?"

"I thought this is what you expected...Jim this is...Dave or Ed...I don't know, but he's hot." I laughed. I was doing as I was told; now he was angry with that, I just couldn't win. He pointed an accusatory finger at me.

"So I was right! Either way, I don't want your boy toys in my house!" Jim shouted.

"It's alright for you to flaunt it with her in let me see that." I screamed back. I was getting hysterical.

"Oh, did you enjoy that?" He laughed.

"Why would I enjoy that? Although the high I got afterwards was wonderful." I taunted. He could probably tell how wasted I was. I didn't care.

"I certainly enjoyed it. Sweet little Angel, she's much more manageable than you are." He replied icily.

"You do like it easy...shame I prefer the challenge." I retorted.

"No, that's not what I meant. She's still quite the little firecracker." He smirked.

"Sebastian is a very good teacher." I said in an innocent tone.

"Oh, whatever." He replied, looking hurt. He looked at the guy stood next to me. "You...whatever your name is, get the hell out of my house." Jim ordered. Before my conquest could leave, I pulled him to me and kissed him every bit of passion I could muster. I released him and the poor boy didn't really know what to do with himself. Jim pushed past me and forced the guy out of the house slamming the front door hard enough for the pictures to shake.

"I was hoping for some fun, you're such a spoil sport." I teased.

"This is my house, not your fun house." Shouted Jim, looming over me.

"I think you'll find my name is on the deeds too. I can do what I like." I replied defiantly.

"I think you'll find that that can be easily changed, my dear, and it was my money that bought it." He snapped bitterly.

"It's always about money with you...if it isn't money, it's's so dull!" I shouted. Jim just shrugged.

"Well, you would waste all your money on drugs, so...I put money to good use." Jim goaded.

"You drove me to the drugs, so it's still your fault." I blamed.

"Yeah, blame someone else. Your whole family has a bad habit of that; you guys all always blame me. 'Oh, you're the one who drove me to the drugs, Jim.' 'Oh, you're the one who foiled my top secret government plans.' 'Oh, you're the one who pushed me off the roof.' Jim shouted.

"Well you are push us all to the edge and enjoy watching us crash and're sick." I said my voice filled with disgust.

"I'm the sick one? I'm the sick one? I'm not the one who's sick! I don't act all nice and pretty and everything and get you to take me to bed so I can either kill you or get some big secret or move your allegiances."

"Bravo, you've finally worked out what I do for a living. I'm the government's prostitute! I love my life!" I laughed sardonically.

"Don't patronise me, Princess." Spat Jim.

"I'm not your Princess. Don't ever think you have ownership over me." I replied, my voice just as cold as his.

"Uh, you married me, so...or was that part of some government conspiracy plan too? Princess." Jim asked, he was beginning to circle me like a vulture.

"I had the misguided notion you cared about me. I was wrong. In fact I was ordered not to marry you." I replied honestly.

"Oh, so you were using me to rebel against your big brother, okay." Jim said casually, but the hurt was there, it was being masked by thinly veiled anger.

"You used me to keep clients happy and compliant. Same thing." I retorted.

"Well, you're such a natural at it." Jim fired back.

"I do hate to disappoint my audience." I smiled falsely. Jim shrugged again.

"Yeah, well, when you've seen the same show over and over and over again, you get bored. It doesn't help that that show's been playing elsewhere at the same time." His tone sounded bored, but I could hear his anger rising.

"I'm a free spirit. I hate to be cooped up and caged. I'm surprised you care enough to comment, or is it jealousy? You can play, but I have to behave, you've never liked sharing?" I sniped spitefully.

"You know how much I hate sharing. But fine, you want to be free, fine, go. Get out." Jim yelled. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Excuse me?" I asked shocked.

"I said get out. Get out of my house." He shouted.

"This is my house too and I will stay if I want to. You can't throw me out." I argued.

"This is my house. I invited you in, and I'll kick you out. You want to sleep with other men, fine, do what you want, but you are not going to do it in my house! Now get out!" He screamed. Hi anger fully unleashed. He came towards me.

"You didn't invite me in, it was your wedding present to me. You blew up our last home." I yelled back. I didn't feel fear only defiance.

"Will you just leave already before I have to make you?" He threatened. I sniggered, my face contorting into a sneer.

"Are you going to hurt me...then hurt me. Why don't you just kill me? We'd both be happier." I spat. I met his eyes on the word kill and was met with a maniacal grin.

"Oh, no, no, no, Princess. If I'm going to get rid of you, I want to have my fun. I can't play with your big brother Sherlock anymore." I shrank back at his words, he was no longer the angry man he had become the evil. Moriarty had taken over. I was a dead woman.

"Which building this time? Or perhaps, it'll be very public so everyone sees what happens when James Moriarty has a hissy fit." I asked, my voice shaking.

"I don't want to spoil the surprise for you, Princess. It'll take time. You want to mess with the fire; you're going to get burned." He threatened again. I couldn't show any more fear.

"Do you want me to scream and fight? What's the point, you've already won." I shrugged. I hoped by changing my tactic he'd give up. I was so wrong.

"Aww, well where's the fun in that if you're not gonna make it at least a little interesting?" He taunted.

"You don't get it do you? You've taken everything; I'm only just clinging in to my sanity. At the rate I'm going, I'll be dead in a gutter before you can have your fun with me." I said dryly. It wasn't far from the truth. I could easily kill myself in a night, two days tops; I would just go on a massive drug and alcohol binge.

"Not my problem." He replied coldly, his back to me. I changed my tactic again, I would agree to his game. I was beginning to panic, how could I stop him, make him believe it wasn't real, that this was all a horrible act.

"But, I'm spoiling your game already. I know how much you hate to lose. If we are going to play, will you make it more challenging than you did for Sherlock; you were too kind to him. I'd rather play with the psychopath."

"Oh, don't worry, I have some special treats in store for you, Princess. Sherlock was just the junior division, this is the pros. You already know the game." He smiled darkly.

"Is it cat and mouse?" I asked with faked interest. I was terrified.

"You're the genius, you figure it out. That's half the fun, watching you figure it out." Jim taunted again. I was truly scared of the man in front of me.

"I'm a genius now, I didn't know you gave compliments." I said sarcastically. It was all I had left.

"Of course, I'm not rude." Jim said almost calmly. I snorted with derision. Not rude? What did he think all our arguments were, witty banter?

"Oh, well, now that was rude. Very unbecoming for a Princess." Frowned Jim his anger showing in his face again.

"I've already told you, do NOT call me Princess." Apparently, realising I was going to die made me lose any vestiges of common sense.

"I'll call you whatever I want, Princess. Why?" He smirked. Jim stepped very close to me, so our bodies were only a hairs breadth apart and he asked quietly. "Does it bother you?" I couldn't surpass the shudder of fear and disgust that ran down my spine.

"Yes Jimmy it does." I spat back. Jim stepped away from me.

"Oh, don't start with that, I'm not a child." He frowned.

"No? My mistake. I'll add to the growing list." I said flippantly.

"Growing list of your mistakes? My, that is long." Jim said with mock surprise.

"Most of them revolve around you. A few are silly things I did as a teenager, but it's mostly you." I spat. If I was going to die at his hand, I would take as much of him with me as possible.

"I could say the same about you. Maybe Dad was right about you. And normally I wouldn't agree with him even if he said the sky was blue, so that saying something." Jim replied coolly. I couldn't hide my gasp of shock. The tears welled and started to fall.

"And what did he say about me?" I said thickly.

"Oh, you weren't listening? Typical. Well, where do I begin? Well, that was one." He paused, smirking at my falling tears. "Oh, then the whole fact that you can't have kids...Funny how that keeps coming up..." Jim smiled eerily.

"Suddenly it's your favourite topic. Is that why you like Angie, because at least she can get pregnant?" I shouted, my tears falling faster.

"Oh, well, that's not fair. That's only one reason." He goaded.

"If you wanted children so badly, you could've just said. Really what are the other reasons?!" I shouted.

"For liking sweet little Angie? Well, I might prefer her colouring to yours. You can only take the vampire look for so long. Then she has a certain innocence about her that you've never had." He relied casually, as though chatting about the weather.

"You never minded the vampire look when I was cinched into a corset or wore a tight lacy dress. Oh you wanted innocence, no, I lost that a long, long time ago." I sneered.

"Like I said, I get bored."

"Boredom. Wow. Thank you, so much. I do love being so appreciated. Oh well at least there is my string of imaginary lovers." I jeered, my tears still falling.

"Imaginary? That guy tonight didn't look imaginary. Or are you always drunk, so you don't think you really did anything?" Jim accused.

"Do you not get I'm trying to hurt you?!" I cried. "What will it take for you to get into your thick skull that I never slept around? Maybe I should? Seb offered enough times, maybe I should've gone back to him, he and I were happy together, if I hadn't met you we'd have had a life together. I loved him." I spat out venomously. Jim's frowned deepened again.

"Oh, please, don't give me that. I've heard how you talk about him. You hate him." Jim scoffed disbelievingly.

"Hate and Love are one and the same. I loved Sebastian; I wanted to spend my life with him. I hate him because he took my child." I defended quietly.

"Well, I don't know, you know who he has his attention on now..." I knew what he was alluding to.

"Yes all the men in my life have a strange fascination with Angela Sodding Watson." I sighed.

"Maybe you just have a warped perspective. Seb and I both met her first. I've heard how much you admired her when you were younger. Maybe you want everything she's had."

"Let's see, I've been married, I've miscarried, I've got a junkie brother, two older siblings...the only difference is my parents have been murdered and hers haven't. I've slept with both you and Sebastian." I reeled off without emotion.

"I'm sensing a pattern." Jim sneered.

"Do enlighten me." I replied dryly.

"You already just said it. Your life has almost been parallel to Angie's." Jim said nastily. I sighed, that was the game he was playing, compare me to Angie so I felt more worthless, well it had worked.

"That's it?!" I laughed dryly. "Are you done playing yet? I can feel my hangover kicking in and I want to go to bed, so if you'd be kind enough to move..." I tried to push past him, but Jim stopped me.

"I believe I told you to leave." I said darkly, his grip tightening on my arm.

"Let go of me." I ordered.

"Make me. You used to enjoy it." He smirked. I began to struggle as I felt his grip tighten further.

"You're hurting me." I cried.

"Oh? Since when are you so fragile, Princess?" Asked Jim, enjoying my struggle. I fought harder against him.

"Jim you're hurting me, please." I begged.

"Please? Now, that's a new one..." He sneered, his grip tightening further. I felt the bones in my nearly healed arm cracking under the strain.

"Please let me go, I'm begging you." I cried out.

"Good. That's just what I want, you begging." He jeered darkly.

"When did you start enjoying my pain?" I asked. I felt my arm break all over again and I screamed out in pain and knees buckled. "Please, please let me go, Jim...please..." I begged, crying again. Jim still had a firm grasp on my now broken arm; he twisted it sharply behind my back.

"Since I realised you've been fooling me for eight years, that I was just another play thing for you. Don't give me any excuses; I don't want any more excuses or lies." He spat his voice laced with hurt and fury. I couldn't stop the sobs.

"I'm sorry...please don't do this...I never..." Jim gave a sharp tug on my arm and I screamed out in agony. He released my arm, it flopped at on odd angle hitting the tiled floor with a thud, I groaned with pain. "P-p-please, I'm so-s-sorry..." I trialed off as my sobs broke up my speech. I looked up, my eyes begging for help, he sneered down at me and smacked me across the face. I fell against the edge of the table, my cheek splitting. I cried out again.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear your lies anymore!" He loomed over me. "You have until tomorrow at 3pm to get all your crap out. I'll be gone until then. Now get out." He screamed and stormed out of the house. I just lay on the tiles and whimpered.

End of Part 1

Part 2 - The Girl that Lived will begin posting on Sunday 1st September 2013, keep an eye out!