A Pot of Melting Metal

Summary: Edward Elric was the Fullmetal Alchemist, physically not really, but personality-wise quite literally. When his father decided to drop some extra "luggage" at his apartment, he certainly did not expect to have to take care of a little brother he never knew existed. The worst of all is denying his love towards the innocent 17 years old Alphonse. Damn him Hohenheim. Elricest

Warnings: The main pairing is Elricest, this means Edward Elric X Alphonse Elric, it is a boy X boy pairing with an incestuous relationship; if you do not like or consider it offensive I would like to suggest to not read any further.

Note: In further chapters there might be mature content, I will then make sure to change the rating to M and warn at the start of each M rated chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own FMA

1 Prologue

Edward Elric was the Fullmetal Alchemist, physically not really, but personality-wise quite literally. He was born in a healthy body and kept it that way throughout his growing phase… except, his height is often questioned (much to his disliking of course). Personality-wise he was as cold as metal; sure ice is cold, but it melts at 0° degrees while metal has never been that easy to melt.

It hasn't always been this way though; once upon a time, Edward was a kind soul. He was a merry child, with a stubborn personality. All changed with the death of her mother: Trisha Elric, when he was barely 6 years old. Since then he has changed into a dog of the military; at the age of 12 he gained the title of State Alchemist, making him the youngest in the field. All for the mother that he cared so much; all for his dead mother. He would find a way to bring her back to the living world.

Or that's what he thought could happen.

With the years he realized that it was impossible to bring back the dead. However he continued with his activities as a dog of the military, the death of his mother shook his kind personality off of him. Gentleness was a thing Edward had forgotten about, it never came back after all the years.

He was now known as Fullmetal Alchemist. A somewhat obedient, somewhat apathetic dog of the military. The merciless soldier that carried out his duty for the sake of filling his timetable; since he had nothing better to do in life; no dreams, no plans, Edward just decided to continue with his job for a while longer.

In the headquarters he was famous for never failing his missions and for carrying his merciless killer-like glare. Nobody has ever seen him work with a partner; or to be friendly or socialize with someone. He was, to say, a loner.

Right now that alchemist was holding in stiff hands a letter from his father: Hohenheim. It read:

Dear Edward,

Son, it's been long since we last met. I hope you're doing fine. I'd like it better to personally visit you but that will not be possible for some time.

I'm on a trip to explore the world.

That being said I have a confession to make; you have a little brother. His name is Alphonse Elric, a year younger than you.

Since I'll have the trip I cannot take care of him, you'll have to do.

I'm in a hurry right now so I bid you farewell. He'll explain the details.

Love, from your father:

